##' @slot chains `list()` containing the individual full MCMC chain
##' results in an `bandleChains` instance. Each element must be a
##' valid `bandleChain` instance.
##' @md
##' @rdname bandleParams
.bandleChains <- setClass("bandleChains",
slots = c(chains = "list"),
validity = function(object) {
msg <- validMsg(NULL, NULL)
cls <- vapply(object@chains,
function(x) inherits(x, "bandleChain"),
if (!all(cls))
msg <- validMsg(msg, "Not all items are bandleChains.")
if (is.null(msg)) TRUE
else msg
##' @slot posteriorEstimates A `DataFrame` documenting the posteriors
##' in an `bandleSummary` instance
##' @slot diagnostics A `matrix` of dimensions 1 by 2 containing the
##' `bandleSummary` diagnostics.
##' @slot bandle.joint A `matrix` of dimensions N by K storing the joint
##' probability in an `bandleSummary` instance for each of the first condition
##' @md
##' @rdname bandleParams
.bandleSummary <- setClass("bandleSummary",
slots = c(posteriorEstimates = "DataFrame",
diagnostics = "matrix",
bandle.joint = "matrix"))
##' @slot chains `list()` containing the individual bandle Summaries for
##' different conditions results in an `bandleSummaries` instance. Each element must be a
##' valid `bandleSummary` instance.
##' @md
##' @rdname bandleParams
.bandleSummaries <- setClass("bandleSummaries",
slots = c(summaries = "list"),
validity = function(object) {
msg <- validMsg(NULL, NULL)
cls <- vapply(object@summaries,
function(x) inherits(x, "bandleSummary"),
if (!all(cls))
msg <- validMsg(msg, "Not all items are bandleSummary(s).")
if (is.null(msg)) TRUE
else msg
##' The `bandleParams` infrastructure is used to store and process MCMC results for
##' bandle model from Crook et al 2021
##' Objects of the `bandleParams` class are created with the `bandle()` function
##' These objects store the *priors* for the model and the results of the MCMC
##' chains, which themselves are stored as an instance of class `bandleChains` and
##' can be accessed with the `chains()` function. A summary of the `bandleChains`
##' (or class `bandleSummary`) can be further computed with the `bandleProcess`
##' function.
##' see the *bandle* vignette for examples
##' @title Infrastructure to to store and process MCMC results
##' @slot method A `character()` storing the bandle method name
##' @slot priors A `list()` with the priors for the parameters
##' @slot seed An `integer()` with the random number generation seed.
##' @slot summary Object of class `bandleSummary` the summarised MCMC results
##' available in the `bandleParams` instance.
##' @slot chains Object of class `bandleChains` containing the full MCMC results
##' in the `bandleParams` instance
##' @return An object of class `bandleParams` which stores the main results
##' for the analysis when using bandle
##' @md
##' @rdname bandleParams
.bandleParams <- setClass("bandleParams",
slots = c(method = "character",
priors = "list",
seed = "integer",
summary = "bandleSummaries",
chains = "bandleChains"))
##' @slot datset `character` indicating which dataset i.e control or treatment
##' @slot replicate `integer` an integer indicating which replicate
##' @slot K `integer(1)` indicating the number of components.
##' @slot D `integer(1)` indicating the number of samples.
##' @slot method `character(1)` defining the method used. Currently
##' `bandle`
##' @slot mk `matrix(K, D)`
##' @slot lambdak `numeric(K)`
##' @slot nuk `numeric(K)`
##' @slot sk `array(K, D, D)`
##' @md
##' @rdname bandleParams
.nicheParam <- setClass("nicheParam",
slots = c(dataset = "character",
replicate = "integer",
K = "integer",
D = "integer",
method = "character",
params = "list"),
prototype = prototype(
method = "bandle"
validity = function(object) {
msg <- validMsg(NULL, NULL)
K <- object@K
D <- object@D
if (object@method != "bandle")
msg <- validMsg(msg, "Wrong method")
if (is.null(msg)) TRUE
else msg
##' @slot params `list()` containing the individual `nicheParam` objects
##' results in an `bandleParams` instance. Each element must be a
##' valid `bandleParam` instance.
##' @md
##' @rdname bandleParams
.nicheParams <- setClass("nicheParams",
slots = c(params = "list"),
validity = function(object) {
msg <- validMsg(NULL, NULL)
cls <- vapply(object@params,
function(x) inherits(x, "nicheParam"),
if (!all(cls))
msg <- validMsg(msg, "Not all items are nicheParams.")
if (is.null(msg)) TRUE
else msg
##' @title Container for a single bandle chain results
##' @slot dataset `character` indicating the dataset usaully control or treatment
##' @slot replicate `integer` indicating the number of dataset replicate
##' @slot n `integer(1)` indicating the number of MCMC interactions.
##' Stored in an `bandleChain` instance.
##' @slot K `integer(1)` indicating the number of components. Stored
##' in an `bandleChain` instance.
##' @slot N `integer(1)` indicating the number of proteins. Stored in
##' an `bandleChain` instance.
##' @slot niche `matrix(N, n)` component allocation results of an
##' `bandleChain` instance.
##' @slot nicheProb `matrix(N, n, K)` component allocation
##' probabilities of an `bandleChain` instance.
##' @slot outlier `matrix(N, n)` outlier allocation results.
##' @slot outlierProb `matrix(N, n, 2)` outlier allocation
##' probabilities of an `bandleChain` instance.
##' @md
##' @rdname bandleParams
.bandleChain <- setClass("bandleChain",
slots = c(dataset = "character",
replicates = "integer",
n = "integer",
K = "integer",
N = "integer",
weights = "array",
epsilons = "matrix",
niche = "list",
nicheProb = "list",
outlier = "list",
nicheParams = "nicheParams"),
validity = function(object) {
msg <- validMsg(NULL, NULL)
N <- object@N
n <- object@n
K <- object@K
if (!identical(nrow(object@niche[[1]]), N))
msg <- validMsg(msg, "Wrong number of proteins in niche")
if (!identical(nrow(object@outlier[[1]]), N))
msg <- validMsg(msg, "Wrong number of proteins in outlier")
if (!identical(ncol(object@niche[[1]]), n))
msg <- validMsg(msg, "Wrong number of iterations in niche")
if (!identical(ncol(object@outlier[[1]]), n))
msg <- validMsg(msg, "Wrong number of iterations in outlier")
if (!identical(rownames(object@niche), rownames(object@nicheProb)))
msg <- validMsg(msg, "Component rownames don't match")
if (!identical(rownames(object@niche), rownames(object@nicheProb)))
msg <- validMsg(msg, "Outlier rownames don't match")
if (!identical(rownames(object@outlier), rownames(object@niche)))
msg <- validMsg(msg, "Proteins don't match between niche and outlier")
if (!identical(dim(object@nicheProb[[1]])[3], K))
msg <- validMsg(msg, "Wrong number of components in niche probability")
if (is.null(msg)) TRUE
else msg
##' The `gpParams` infrastructure is used to store and process the GP results for
##' output from using the `fitGP` functions in `bandle`
##' Objects of the `gpParams` class are created with the `fitGP`, `fitGPmaternPC` or
##' `fitGPmatern` functions
##' These objects a list of posterior predictive means and standard deviations.
##' As well as maximum marginal likelihood for the GP
##' @title Container for GP results
##' @slot method `character` indicating the GP method used
##' @slot M A `list` of the posterior predictive means for each `K`
##' components of GPs fitted to the data
##' @slot sigma A `numeric` of length `K` standard deviations fitted
##' to the data
##' @slot V A `list` of the variance fitted to the data
##' @slot params A `matrix` `array` of the MAP hyperparameters for the
##' GP
##' @md
##' @rdname gpParams
.gpParams <- setClass("gpParams",
slots = c(method = "character",
M = "list",
V = "list",
sigma = "numeric",
params = "matrix"
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