context("Test sticky objects")
compareAttrs <- function(object1, object2, attrs=NULL) {
attrs1 <- attributes(object1)
attrs2 <- attributes(object2)
if (is.null(attrs)) attrs <- names(attrs1) # compare all attributes
expect_true(all(attrs %in% names(attrs1)))
expect_true(all(attrs %in% names(attrs2)))
expect_equal(attrs1[attrs], attrs2[attrs])
test_that("Sticky vectors preserve attributes", {
vec1 <- 1:5
attr(vec1, "colour") <- "orange"
attr(vec1, "animal") <- "fox"
vec2 <- vec1
vec2 <- vec2[1:3]
vec3 <- preserveAttributes(vec1)[1:3]
expect_is(vec3, "sticky")
expect_equivalent(as.vector(vec3), 1:3)
compareAttrs(vec1, vec3)
vec4 <- vec3[2]
expect_is(vec4, "sticky")
expect_equivalent(as.vector(vec4), 2)
compareAttrs(vec4, vec3)
vec5 <- preserveAttributes(vec1)
vec5 <- vec5 + 10
compareAttrs(vec5, vec4)
test_that("Sticky data frames preserve attributes", {
df1 <- data.frame(1:5, 5:9, 45:49, 54:58, 62:66)
attr(df1, "colour") <- "orange"
attr(df1, "animal") <- "fox"
df2 <- df1
df2 <- df2[1:3]
attrsdf2 <- attributes(df2)
expect_null(attr(df2, "colour"))
expect_null(attr(df2, "animal"))
expect_true(all(c("names", "row.names", "class") %in% names(attrsdf2)))
df3 <- preserveAttributes(df1)[1:3]
expect_is(df3, "sticky")
compareAttrs(df3, df2, c("names", "row.names"))
compareAttrs(df3, df1, c("colour", "animal"))
df4 <- preserveAttributes(df1)[ , 1:3]
expect_is(df4, "sticky")
compareAttrs(df4, df3)
expect_equal(df4, df3)
df5 <- preserveAttributes(df1)[1:3, ]
expect_is(df5, "sticky")
expect_identical(data.frame(df5), data.frame(df1[1:3, ]))
compareAttrs(df5, df1[1:3, ], c("names", "row.names", "colour", "animal"))
df6 <- preserveAttributes(df1)[1, ]
df7 <- preserveAttributes(df1)[1, , drop=FALSE]
df8 <- preserveAttributes(df1)[1, , drop=TRUE]
expect_identical(df6, df7)
compareAttrs(df6, df7)
compareAttrs(df6, df8, c("names", "animal", "colour"))
df9 <- preserveAttributes(df1)[ , 1]
df10 <- preserveAttributes(df1)[ , 1, drop=TRUE]
df11 <- preserveAttributes(df1)[ , 1, drop=FALSE]
expect_identical(df9, df10)
compareAttrs(df9, df10)
compareAttrs(df9, df11, c("colour", "animal"))
# df12 <- preserveAttributes(df1)
# df13 <- df12 + 10
# compareAttrs(df12, df13)
test_that("Sticky matrices preserve attributes", {
mat1 <- as.matrix(data.frame(1:5, 5:9, 45:49, 54:58, 62:66))
attr(mat1, "colour") <- "orange"
attr(mat1, "animal") <- "fox"
mat2 <- mat1
mat2 <- mat2[ , 1:3]
attrsmat2 <- attributes(mat2)
expect_null(attr(mat2, "colour"))
expect_null(attr(mat2, "animal"))
expect_true(all(c("dim", "dimnames") %in% names(attrsmat2)))
mat3 <- preserveAttributes(mat1)[ , 1:3]
expect_is(mat3, "sticky")
compareAttrs(mat3, mat2, c("dim", "dimnames"))
compareAttrs(mat3, mat1, c("colour", "animal"))
mat5 <- preserveAttributes(mat1)[1:3, ]
expect_is(mat5, "sticky")
expect_identical(data.frame(mat5), data.frame(mat1[1:3, ]))
compareAttrs(mat5, mat1[1:3, ], c("dim", "dimnames"))
compareAttrs(mat5, mat1, c("colour", "animal"))
mat6 <- preserveAttributes(mat1)[1, ]
mat7 <- preserveAttributes(mat1)[1, , drop=TRUE]
mat8 <- preserveAttributes(mat1)[1, , drop=FALSE]
expect_identical(mat6, mat7)
compareAttrs(mat6, mat7)
compareAttrs(mat6, mat8, c("animal", "colour"))
mat9 <- preserveAttributes(mat1)[ , 1]
mat10 <- preserveAttributes(mat1)[ , 1, drop=TRUE]
mat11 <- preserveAttributes(mat1)[ , 1, drop=FALSE]
expect_identical(mat9, mat10)
compareAttrs(mat9, mat10)
compareAttrs(mat9, mat11, c("colour", "animal"))
test_that("Subset rowData and colData based on extracted sticky data", {
df1 <- data.frame(1:5, 5:9, 45:49, 54:58, 62:66)
colnames(df1) <- paste0("sample", 1:5)
rownames(df1) <- paste0("event", 6:10)
colData <- data.frame(
type=c("cancer", "normal", "cancer", "cancer", "normal"),
sex=c("male", "female", "male", "female", "male"))
rownames(colData) <- colData[[1]]
attr(df1, "colData") <- colData
rowData <- data.frame(
type=c("SE", "RI", "RI", "SE", "SE"),
gene=c("AAA", "BBB", "CCC", "DDD", "EEE")
rownames(rowData) <- rowData[[1]]
attr(df1, "rowData") <- rowData
attr(df1, "colour") <- "orange"
attr(df1, "animal") <- "fox"
df1 <- preserveAttributes(df1)
rows <- 2:4
cols <- 3:5
df2 <- df1[rows, cols]
expect_identical(data.frame(df2), data.frame(df1[rows, cols]))
expect_identical(rownames(df2), rownames(df1)[rows])
expect_identical(rownames(df2), rownames(attr(df2, "rowData")))
expect_identical(colnames(df2), colnames(df1)[cols])
expect_identical(colnames(df2), rownames(attr(df2, "colData")))
df3 <- df1[1, 5]
test_that("Transposing a sticky object preserves their attributes", {
df <- data.frame(1:5, 5:9, 45:49, 54:58, 62:66)
attr(df, "colour") <- "orange"
attr(df, "animal") <- "fox"
df1 <- t(df)
attrsdf1 <- attributes(df1)
expect_null(attr(df1, "colour"))
expect_null(attr(df1, "animal"))
expect_equal(attr(df1, "dimnames")[[1]], colnames(df))
df2 <- t(preserveAttributes(df))
expect_is(df2, "sticky")
compareAttrs(df2, df, c("colour", "animal"))
expect_equal(attr(df2, "dimnames")[[1]], colnames(df))
# Transpose rowData and colData
colnames(df) <- paste0("sample", 1:5)
rownames(df) <- paste0("event", 6:10)
colData <- data.frame(
type=c("cancer", "normal", "cancer", "cancer", "normal"),
sex=c("male", "female", "male", "female", "male"))
rownames(colData) <- colData[[1]]
attr(df, "colData") <- colData
rowData <- data.frame(
type=c("SE", "RI", "RI", "SE", "SE"),
gene=c("AAA", "BBB", "CCC", "DDD", "EEE")
rownames(rowData) <- rowData[[1]]
attr(df, "rowData") <- rowData
attr(df, "colour") <- "orange"
attr(df, "animal") <- "fox"
df3 <- t(df)
expect_null(attr(df3, "rowData"))
expect_null(attr(df3, "colData"))
df4 <- t(preserveAttributes(df))
expect_is(df4, "sticky")
expect_equal(attr(df4, "rowData"), attr(df, "colData"))
expect_equal(attr(df4, "colData"), attr(df, "rowData"))
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