#' @rdname parseMisoAnnotation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load sample files
#' folder <- "extdata/eventsAnnotSample/suppa_output/suppaEvents"
#' suppaOutput <- system.file(folder, package="psichomics")
#' suppa <- parseSuppaAnnotation(suppaOutput)
parseSuppaAnnotation <- function(
types=c("SE", "AF", "AL", "MX", "A5", "A3", "RI"),
genome="hg19") {
display("Retrieving SUPPA annotation...")
typesRegex <- paste(types, collapse="|")
typesFile <- list.files(folder, full.names=TRUE, pattern=paste0(
genome, ".*(", typesRegex, ").*\\.ioe"))
annot <- lapply(typesFile, read.delim, stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
comment.char="#", header=TRUE)
display("Parsing SUPPA annotation...")
eventsID <- lapply(annot, "[[", "event_id")
events <- lapply(eventsID, parseSuppaEvent)
events <- rbind.fill(events)
class(events) <- c("ASevents", class(events))
#' Parses splicing events of a specific event type from SUPPA
#' @details More information about SUPPA available at
#' \url{https://bitbucket.org/regulatorygenomicsupf/suppa}
#' @param event Character vector: Splicing event attributes and junction
#' positions
#' @details The following event types are available to be parsed:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\bold{SE} (skipped exon)}
#' \item{\bold{RI} (retained intron)}
#' \item{\bold{MX} (mutually exclusive exons)}
#' \item{\bold{A5} (alternative 5' splice site)}
#' \item{\bold{A3} (alternative 3' splice site)}
#' \item{\bold{AL} (alternative last exon)}
#' \item{\bold{AF} (alternative first exon)}
#' }
#' @note It only allows to parse one event type at once.
#' @return List with the event attributes (chromosome, strand, event type and
#' the position of the exon boundaries)
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' event <- "ENSG00000000419;A3:20:49557492-49557642:49557470-49557642:-"
#' psichomics:::parseSuppaEvent(event)
parseSuppaEvent <- function(event) {
# Split event ID by semicolon and colon symbols
id <- event
event <- stringr::str_split_fixed(event, pattern = ";|:|-", n = 12)
event <- data.frame(event, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Create list with event attributes
event_attrs <- data.frame("Program" = "SUPPA",
"Gene" = event[[1]],
"Event ID" = id,
"Chromosome" = event[[3]],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
event_type <- event[1, 2]
# Get index of strand (depends on event type)
strand <- switch(event_type,
"SE" = 8, "MX" = 12, "A5" = 8, "A3" = 8,
"AF" = 10, "AL" = 10, "RI" = 8)
event_attrs[["Event.type"]] <- switch(event_type,
"SE"="SE", "MX"="MXE",
"A5"="A5SS", "A3"="A3SS",
"AF"="AFE", "AL"="ALE",
event_attrs[["Strand"]] <- ifelse(event[[strand]] == "+", "+", "-")
# Get the junction positions for each exon and parse them
junctions <- event[4:(strand-1)]
event_type <- event_attrs[["Event.type"]][[1]]
# Parse junction positions according to event type
parseJunctions <- switch(event_type,
"A3SS" = parseSuppaA3SS,
"A5SS" = parseSuppaA5SS,
"SE" = parseSuppaSE,
"MXE" = parseSuppaMXE,
"RI" = parseSuppaRI,
"AFE" = parseSuppaAFE,
"ALE" = parseSuppaALE)
parsed <- parseJunctions(junctions, event[[strand]])
return(cbind(event_attrs, parsed))
#' Parse junctions of an event from SUPPA
#' @param junctions List of integers: exon-exon junctions of an event
#' @param strand Character: positive-sense (\code{+}) or negative-sense
#' (\code{-}) strand
#' @param coords Character: coordinate positions to fill
#' @param plus_pos Integer: index of the coordinates for a plus strand event
#' @param minus_pos Integer: index of the coordinates for a minus strand event
#' @details The following event types are available to be parsed:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\bold{SE} (exon skipping)}
#' \item{\bold{RI} (retained intron)}
#' \item{\bold{MXE} (mutually exclusive exons)}
#' \item{\bold{A5SS} (alternative 5' splice site)}
#' \item{\bold{A3SS} (alternative 3' splice site)}
#' \item{\bold{ALE} (alternative last exon)}
#' \item{\bold{AFE} (alternative first exon)}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{parseSuppaEvent}()}
#' @return Data frame of parsed junctions
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' # Parse generic event (in this case, an exon skipping event)
#' junctions <- read.table(text = "169768099 169770024 169770112 169771762")
#' coords <- c("C1.end", "A1.start", "A1.end", "C2.start")
#' plus <- 1:4
#' minus <- 1:4
#' psichomics:::parseSuppaGeneric(junctions, strand = "+", coords, plus, minus)
parseSuppaGeneric <- function(junctions, strand, coords, plus_pos, minus_pos) {
# Creates a data frame of parsed junctions filled with NAs
parsed <- createJunctionsTemplate(nrow(junctions))
plus <- strand == "+"
parsed[plus, coords] <- junctions[plus, plus_pos]
parsed[!plus, coords] <- junctions[!plus, minus_pos]
#' @rdname parseSuppaGeneric
#' @examples
#' junctions <- read.table(text = "169768099 169770024 169770112 169771762")
#' psichomics:::parseSuppaSE(junctions, "+")
parseSuppaSE <- function (junctions, strand) {
coords <- c("C1.end",
"A1.start", "A1.end",
plus_pos <- seq(4)
minus_pos <- 4:1
parseSuppaGeneric(junctions, strand, coords, plus_pos, minus_pos)
#' @rdname parseSuppaGeneric
#' @examples
#' junctions <- read.table(text = "196709749 196709922 196711005 196711181")
#' psichomics:::parseSuppaRI(junctions, "+")
parseSuppaRI <- function (junctions, strand) {
coords <- c("C1.start", "C1.end",
"C2.start", "C2.end")
plus_pos <- seq(4)
minus_pos <- 4:1
parseSuppaGeneric(junctions, strand, coords, plus_pos, minus_pos)
#' @rdname parseSuppaGeneric
#' @examples
#' junctions <- read.table(
#' text = "24790610 24792494 24792800 24790610 24795476 24795797")
#' psichomics:::parseSuppaALE(junctions, "+")
parseSuppaALE <- function (junctions, strand) {
coords <- c("C1.end",
"A1.start", "A1.end",
"A2.start", "A2.end")
plus_pos <- c(seq(3), 5:6)
minus_pos <- c(6:4, 2:1)
parseSuppaGeneric(junctions, strand, coords, plus_pos, minus_pos)
#' @rdname parseSuppaGeneric
#' @examples
#' junctions <- read.table(
#' text = "169763871 169764046 169767998 169764550 169765124 169767998")
#' psichomics:::parseSuppaAFE(junctions, "+")
parseSuppaAFE <- function (junctions, strand) {
coords <- c("A2.start", "A2.end",
"A1.start", "A1.end",
plus_pos <- c(4:5, seq(3))
minus_pos <- c(3:2, 6:4)
parseSuppaGeneric(junctions, strand, coords, plus_pos, minus_pos)
#' @rdname parseSuppaGeneric
#' @examples
#' junctions <- read.table(
#' text = "202060671 202068453 202068489 202073793 202060671 202072798 202072906 202073793")
#' psichomics:::parseSuppaMXE(junctions, "+")
parseSuppaMXE <- function (junctions, strand) {
coords <- c("C1.end",
"A1.start", "A1.end",
"A2.start", "A2.end",
plus_pos <- c(seq(3), 6:8)
minus_pos <- c(8:6, 3:1)
parseSuppaGeneric(junctions, strand, coords, plus_pos, minus_pos)
#' @rdname parseSuppaGeneric
#' @examples
#' junctions <- read.table(text = "169772450 169773216 169772450 169773253")
#' psichomics:::parseSuppaA3SS(junctions, "+")
parseSuppaA3SS <- function (junctions, strand) {
coords <- c("C1.end", "A1.start", "A2.start")
plus_pos <- c(1, 2, 4)
minus_pos <- c(4, 3, 1)
parseSuppaGeneric(junctions, strand, coords, plus_pos, minus_pos)
#' @rdname parseSuppaGeneric
#' @examples
#' junctions <- read.table(text = "50193276 50197008 50192997 50197008")
#' psichomics:::parseSuppaA5SS(junctions, "+")
parseSuppaA5SS <- function (junctions, strand) {
coords <- c("A2.end", "A1.end", "C2.start")
plus_pos <- c(3, 1, 4)
minus_pos <- c(2, 4, 1)
parseSuppaGeneric(junctions, strand, coords, plus_pos, minus_pos)
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