
Defines functions parseMisoALE parseMisoAFE parseMisoTandemUTR parseMisoA3SS parseMisoA5SS parseMisoRI parseMisoMXE parseMisoSE parseMisoId parseMisoGeneric parseMisoEvent getValidEvents parseMisoEventID getDataRows parseMisoAnnotation

Documented in getDataRows getValidEvents parseMisoA3SS parseMisoA5SS parseMisoAFE parseMisoALE parseMisoAnnotation parseMisoEvent parseMisoEventID parseMisoGeneric parseMisoId parseMisoMXE parseMisoRI parseMisoSE parseMisoTandemUTR

#' Parse events from alternative splicing annotation
#' @param folder Character: path to folder
#' @param types Character: type of events to retrieve (depends on the program of
#' origin; see details)
#' @param genome Character: genome of interest (for instance, \code{hg19};
#' depends on the program of origin)
#' @importFrom utils read.delim
#' @importFrom plyr rbind.fill
#' @details Type of parsable events:
#' \itemize{
#'      \item Alternative 3' splice site
#'      \item Alternative 5' splice site
#'      \item Alternative first exon
#'      \item Alternative last exon
#'      \item Skipped exon (may include skipped micro-exons)
#'      \item Mutually exclusive exon
#'      \item Retained intron
#'      \item Tandem UTR
#' }
#' @family functions to prepare alternative splicing annotations
#' @return Retrieve data frame with events based on a given alternative splicing
#' annotation
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' # Load sample files
#' folder <- "extdata/eventsAnnotSample/miso_annotation"
#' misoOutput <- system.file(folder, package="psichomics")
#' miso <- parseMisoAnnotation(misoOutput)
parseMisoAnnotation <- function(
    types=c("SE", "AFE", "ALE", "MXE", "A5SS", "A3SS", "RI", "TandemUTR"),
    genome="hg19") {
    display("Retrieving MISO annotation...")
    typesFile <- file.path(folder, paste0(types, ".", genome, ".gff3"))
    annot <- lapply(typesFile, read.delim, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                    comment.char="#", header=FALSE)
    ## TODO: ALE events are baldy formatted, they have two consecutive gene
    ## lines... remove them for now
    annot[[3]] <- annot[[3]][-c(49507, 49508), ]
    display("Parsing MISO annotation...")
    events <- lapply(annot, parseMisoEvent)
    events <- rbind.fill(events)
    class(events) <- c("ASevents", class(events))

#' Get rows of a data frame between two row indexes
#' @details For a given iteration i, returns data from \code{firstRow[i]} to
#' \code{lastRow[i]}
#' @param i Integer: current iteration
#' @param data Data.frame: contains the data of interest
#' @param firstRow Vector of integers: First row index of interest; value must
#' be less than the respective last row index and less than the number of rows
#' in the data frame
#' @param lastRow Vector of integers: Last row index of interest; value must be 
#' higher than the respective first row index and less than the number of rows
#' in the data frame
#' @return Data frame subset from two row indexes (returns NA if the first row 
#' index is NA)
#' @keywords internal
getDataRows <- function(i, data, firstRow, lastRow) {
    first <- firstRow[i]
    last  <- lastRow[i]
    if (is.na(first)) {
        # if there is no first position, there is no item match
    } else if (is.na(last)) {
        # if there's no last position, use the last row of the data frame
        last <- nrow(data)
    seq <- seq(first, last)
    return(data[seq, seq(8)])

#' Match MISO's splicing event IDs with the IDs present in the alternative
#' splicing annotation file and get events in a data frame
#' @details For faster execution times, provide a vector of event IDs.
#' For more information about MISO, see \url{http://miso.readthedocs.org}.
#' @param eventID Character: alternative event IDs
#' @param annotation Data.frame: alternative event annotation file
#' @param IDcolumn Integer: index of the column with the event ID's in the
#' alternative event annotation file
#' @note If possible, it's recommend to use smaller subsets of the alternative
#' events' annotation instead of all data for faster runs. For example, when
#' trying to match only skipped exons event IDs, only use the annotation of
#' skipped exons instead of using a mega annotation with all event types.
#' @importFrom fastmatch fmatch
#' @return Data frame of the matching events (or \code{NA} when nothing matches)
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' eventID <- c("114785@uc001sok.1@uc001soj.1", "114784@uc001bxm.1@uc001bxn.1")
#' # the annotation is one of the GFF3 files needed to run MISO
#' gff3 <- system.file("extdata", "miso_AS_annot_example.gff3", 
#'                     package="psichomics")
#' annotation <- read.delim(gff3, header=FALSE, comment.char="#")
#' IDcolumn <- 9
#' psichomics:::parseMisoEventID(eventID, annotation, IDcolumn)
parseMisoEventID <- function(eventID, annotation, IDcolumn) {
    # Get first row from annotation matching a given splicing event ID
    index <- fmatch(paste0("ID=", eventID,
                           ";Name=", eventID,
                           ";gid=", eventID),
    # Get every index of splicing events present in the annotation
    events <- which(annotation[["V3"]] == "gene")
    # Get the index of the next gene
    nextIndex <- events[fmatch(index, events) + 1]
    # Get the rows relative to each event
    rows <- lapply(seq(length(index)), getDataRows, annotation, index,
                   nextIndex - 1)

#' Filters the events with valid elements according to the given validator
#' @inheritParams parseMisoEvent
#' @param validator Character: valid elements for each event
#' @param areMultipleExonsValid Boolean: consider runs of exons as valid when
#' comparing with the validator? Default is \code{FALSE} (see details)
#' @details \code{areMultipleExonsValid} allows to consider runs of exons (i.e. 
#' sequences where \code{exon} occurs consecutively) as valid when comparing
#' based on the \code{validator}. For example, if \code{validator = c("gene",
#' "mRNA", "exon")} and \code{areMultipleExonsValid = FALSE}, the event 
#' \code{c("gene", "mRNA", "exon", "exon")} is not valid as it has one 
#' additional exon. If \code{areMultipleExonsValid = TRUE}, the same event would
#' be valid.
#' @return Data.frame with valid events
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' event <- read.table(text = "
#'  chr1 SE gene 17233 18061  .  -  .
#'  chr1 SE dkfd 00000 30000  .  -  .
#'  chr1 SE mRNA 17233 18061  .  -  .
#'  chr1 SE exon 17233 17368  .  -  .
#'  chr1 SE exon 17526 17742  .  -  .
#'  chr1 SE exon 17915 18061  .  -  .
#'  chr1 SE mRNA 17233 18061  .  -  .
#'  chr1 SE exon 17233 17368  .  -  .
#'  chr1 SE exon 17915 18061  .  -  .
#'  chr1 SE gene 17233 18061  .  -  .
#'  chr1 SE mRNA 17233 18061  .  -  .
#'  chr1 SE exon 17233 17368  .  -  .
#'  chr1 SE exon 17606 17742  .  -  .
#'  chr1 SE exon 17915 18061  .  -  .
#'  chr1 SE mRNA 17233 18061  .  -  .
#'  chr1 SE exon 17233 17368  .  -  .
#'  chr1 SE exon 17915 18061  .  -  .
#' ")
#' validator <- c("gene", "mRNA", rep("exon", 3), "mRNA", rep("exon", 2))
#' psichomics:::getValidEvents(event, validator)
getValidEvents <- function(event, validator, areMultipleExonsValid = FALSE) {
    elem <- event[[3]]
    # If run length is valid, consider runs of equal elements as one element
    if (areMultipleExonsValid)
        # TODO(NunoA): rle should only consider exons (there are problems when
        # finding two consecutive "gene" or "mRNA")
        elem <- rle(as.character(elem))$values
    # Get starting position of each event
    index <- which(elem == "gene")
    # Get starting position of the next event
    nextIndex <- length(elem) + 1
    if (length(index) > 1)
        nextIndex <- c(index[2:length(index)], nextIndex)
    # Get the elements composing each event as elements of a list
    diff <- nextIndex - index
    groups <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(diff), function(i, diff)
        rep.int(i, times = diff[i]), diff))
    splitElems <- split(elem, groups)
    # Check if those elements are valid
    valid <- vapply(splitElems, function(e)
        identical(as.character(e), validator), logical(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    if (sum(!valid) == 0) {
        # If all events are valid, return all events
    } else if (sum(valid) > 0) {
        # If there are invalid events, return only valid events
        if (areMultipleExonsValid) {
            # If run length is valid, consider runs of equal elements as one
            # Get starting position of each event
            index <- which(event[[3]] == "gene")
            # Get starting position of the next event
            nextIndex <- nrow(event) + 1
            if (length(index) > 1)
                nextIndex <- c(index[2:length(index)], nextIndex)
        invalidIndex <- unlist(
                   function(i) index[!valid][i]:(nextIndex[!valid][i]-1)
        return(event[-invalidIndex, ])

#' Parse an alternative splicing event from MISO
#' @details More information about MISO available at
#' \url{http://miso.readthedocs.org}
#' @param event Data.frame containing only one event with at least 7 columns as 
#' retrieved from the alternative splicing annotation files from MISO (GFF3
#' files)
#' @return List with event attributes and junction positions for the exons
#' (depends on the events)
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' # example of alternative splicing event: skipped exon (SE)
#' event <- read.table(text = "
#'   chr1 SE gene 16854 18061 . - .
#'   chr1 SE mRNA 16854 18061 . - .
#'   chr1 SE exon 16854 17055 . - .
#'   chr1 SE exon 17233 17742 . - .
#'   chr1 SE exon 17915 18061 . - .
#'   chr1 SE mRNA 16854 18061 . - .
#'   chr1 SE exon 16854 17955 . - .
#'   chr1 SE exon 17915 18061 . - .")
#' psichomics:::parseMisoEvent(event)
parseMisoEvent <- function(event) {
    eventType <- as.character(event[1, 2])
    parseEvent <- switch(eventType,
                         "SE"   = parseMisoSE,
                         "MXE"  = parseMisoMXE,
                         "RI"   = parseMisoRI,
                         "A5SS" = parseMisoA5SS,
                         "A3SS" = parseMisoA3SS,
                         "AFE"  = parseMisoAFE,
                         "ALE"  = parseMisoALE,
                         "TandemUTR" = parseMisoTandemUTR)
    parsed <- parseEvent(event)

#' Parse junctions of an event from MISO according to event type
#' @inheritParams getValidEvents
#' @param eventType Character: event type (see details for available events)
#' @param coord Character: coordinate positions to fill
#' @param plusIndex Integer: index of the coordinates for a plus strand event
#' @param minusIndex Integer: index of the coordinates for a minus strand event
#' @details The following event types are available to be parsed:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{\bold{SE} (exon skipping)}
#'  \item{\bold{MXE} (mutually exclusive exon)}
#'  \item{\bold{RI} (retained intron)}
#'  \item{\bold{A5SS} (alternative 5' splice site)}
#'  \item{\bold{A3SS} (alternative 3' splice site)}
#'  \item{\bold{AFE} (alternative first exon)}
#'  \item{\bold{ALE} (alternative last exon)}
#'  \item{\bold{Tandem UTR}}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{parseMisoEvent}()}
#' @return List of parsed junctions
#' @keywords internal
parseMisoGeneric <- function(event, validator, eventType, coord, plusIndex, 
                             minusIndex) {
    # Filter out events that aren't valid
    event <- getValidEvents(event, validator)
    # If there are valid events
    if (!is.null(event)) {
        # Get first index, chromosome, strand and ID of valids events
        index <- which(event[[3]] == "gene")
        chr <- as.character(event[index, 1])
        strand <- as.character(event[index, 7])
        id <- NULL
        if (ncol(event) >= 9)
            id <- parseMisoId(event[index, 9])
        # Creates a data frame of parsed junctions filled with NAs
        parsed <- createJunctionsTemplate(length(index),
                                          program = "MISO",
                                          event.type = eventType,
                                          chromosome = chr,
                                          strand = strand,
                                          id = id)
        plus <- strand == "+"
        # Plus strand
        iplus <- index[plus]
        plusIndex <- sort(rep(iplus, length(plusIndex))) + rep(plusIndex, 
        if (nrow(event[plus, ]) > 0) {
            parsed[plus, coord] <- matrix(unlist(
                c(t(event[plusIndex, 4:5]))), ncol = length(coord), 
                byrow = TRUE)
        # Minus strand
        minus <- !plus
        iminus <- index[minus]
        minusIndex <- sort(rep(iminus, length(minusIndex))) + rep(minusIndex, length(iminus))
        if (nrow(event[minus, ]) > 0) {
            parsed[minus, rev(coord)] <- matrix(unlist(
                c(t(event[minusIndex, 4:5]))), ncol=length(coord), byrow=TRUE)

#' Parse MISO's alternative splicing event identifier
#' @param id Character: MISO alternative splicing event identifier
#' @return Character with the parsed ID
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples 
#' id <- paste0(
#'     "ID=ENSMUSG00000026150.chr1:82723803:82723911:+@chr1:82724642:82724813:",
#'     "+@chr1:82725791:82726011:+.B;Parent=ENSMUSG00000026150.chr1:82723803:",
#'     "82723911:+@chr1:82724642:82724813:+@chr1:82725791:82726011:+")
#' psichomics:::parseMisoId(id)
parseMisoId <- function(id) {
    id <- as.character(id)
    semicolon <- gregexpr(";", id, fixed = TRUE)
    semicolon <- vapply(semicolon, "[[", 1, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
    id <- substr(id, 4, semicolon - 1)

#' @rdname parseMisoGeneric
#' @examples
#' # skipped exon event (SE)
#' event <- read.table(text = "
#'   chr1 SE gene 16854 18061 . - .
#'   chr1 SE mRNA 16854 18061 . - .
#'   chr1 SE exon 16854 17055 . - .
#'   chr1 SE exon 17233 17742 . - .
#'   chr1 SE exon 17915 18061 . - .
#'   chr1 SE mRNA 16854 18061 . - .
#'   chr1 SE exon 16854 17955 . - .
#'   chr1 SE exon 17915 18061 . - .")
#' psichomics:::parseMisoSE(event)
parseMisoSE <- function(event) {
    validator <- c("gene", "mRNA", rep("exon", 3), "mRNA", rep("exon", 2))
    coord <- c("C1.start", "C1.end",
               "A1.start", "A1.end",
               "C2.start", "C2.end")
    plusIndex <- 2:4
    minusIndex <- 2:4
    parsed <- parseMisoGeneric(event, validator, eventType="SE", coord, 
                               plusIndex, minusIndex)

#' @rdname parseMisoGeneric
#' @examples
#' # mutually exclusive exon (MXE) event
#' event <- read.table(text = "
#'  chr1 MXE gene 764383 788090 . + .
#'  chr1 MXE mRNA 764383 788090 . + .
#'  chr1 MXE exon 764383 764484 . + .
#'  chr1 MXE exon 776580 776753 . + .
#'  chr1 MXE exon 787307 788090 . + .
#'  chr1 MXE mRNA 764383 788090 . + .
#'  chr1 MXE exon 764383 764484 . + .
#'  chr1 MXE exon 783034 783186 . + .
#'  chr1 MXE exon 787307 788090 . + .")
#' psichomics:::parseMisoMXE(event)
parseMisoMXE <- function(event) {
    validator <- c("gene", "mRNA", rep("exon", 3), "mRNA", rep("exon", 3))
    coord <- c("C1.start", "C1.end",
               "A1.start", "A1.end",
               "A2.start", "A2.end",
               "C2.start", "C2.end")
    plusIndex <- c(2:3, 7, 4)
    minusIndex <- c(2, 7, 3:4)
    parsed <- parseMisoGeneric(event, validator, eventType="MXE", coord, 
                               plusIndex, minusIndex)

#' @rdname parseMisoGeneric
#' @param strand Character: positive-sense (\code{+}) or negative-sense \code{-}
#' strand
#' @examples
#' # retained intron (RI) event
#' event <- read.table(text = "
#'  chr1 RI gene 17233 17742 . - .
#'  chr1 RI mRNA 17233 17742 . - .
#'  chr1 RI exon 17233 17742 . - .
#'  chr1 RI mRNA 17233 17742 . - .
#'  chr1 RI exon 17233 17364 . - .
#'  chr1 RI exon 17601 17742 . - .")
#' psichomics:::parseMisoRI(event)
parseMisoRI <- function(event, strand) {
    validator <- c("gene", "mRNA", "exon", "mRNA", rep("exon", 2))
    coord <- c("C1.start", "C1.end", 
               "C2.start", "C2.end")
    plusIndex <- 4:5
    minusIndex <- 4:5
    parsed <- parseMisoGeneric(event, validator, eventType="RI", coord, 
                               plusIndex, minusIndex)

#' @rdname parseMisoGeneric
#' @examples
#' # alternative 5' splice site (A5SS) event
#' event <- read.table(text = "
#'  chr1 A5SS gene 17233 17742 . - .
#'  chr1 A5SS mRNA 17233 17742 . - .
#'  chr1 A5SS exon 17233 17368 . - .
#'  chr1 A5SS exon 17526 17742 . - .
#'  chr1 A5SS mRNA 17233 17742 . - .
#'  chr1 A5SS exon 17233 17368 . - .
#'  chr1 A5SS exon 17606 17742 . - .")
#' psichomics:::parseMisoA5SS(event)
parseMisoA5SS <- function(event) {
    validator <- c("gene", "mRNA", rep("exon", 2), "mRNA", rep("exon", 2))
    coord <- c("A2.start", "A2.end",
               "A1.start", "A1.end",
               "C2.start", "C2.end")
    plusIndex <- c(5, 2, 3)
    minusIndex <- c(2, 3, 6)
    parsed <- parseMisoGeneric(event, validator, eventType="A5SS", coord, 
                               plusIndex, minusIndex)

#' @rdname parseMisoGeneric
#' @examples
#' # alternative 3' splice site (A3SS) event
#' event <- read.table(text = "
#'  chr1 A3SS gene 15796 16765 . - .
#'  chr1 A3SS mRNA 15796 16765 . - .
#'  chr1 A3SS exon 15796 15947 . - .
#'  chr1 A3SS exon 16607 16765 . - .
#'  chr1 A3SS mRNA 15796 16765 . - .
#'  chr1 A3SS exon 15796 15942 . - .
#'  chr1 A3SS exon 16607 16765 . - .")
#' psichomics:::parseMisoA3SS(event)
parseMisoA3SS <- function(event, plusIndex, minusIndex) {
    validator <- c("gene", "mRNA", rep("exon", 2), "mRNA", rep("exon", 2))
    coord <- c("C1.start", "C1.end",
               "A1.start", "A1.end",
               "A2.start", "A2.end")
    plusIndex <- c(2, 3, 6)
    minusIndex <- c(5, 2, 3)
    parsed <- parseMisoGeneric(event, validator, eventType="A3SS", coord, 
                               plusIndex, minusIndex)

#' @rdname parseMisoGeneric
#' @examples
#' # Tandem UTR event
#' event <- read.table(text = "
#'  chr19 TandemUTR gene  10663759  10664625  .  -  .
#'  chr19 TandemUTR mRNA  10663759  10664625  .  -  .
#'  chr19 TandemUTR exon  10663759  10664625  .  -  .
#'  chr19 TandemUTR mRNA  10664223  10664625  .  -  .
#'  chr19 TandemUTR exon  10664223  10664625  .  -  .")
#' psichomics:::parseMisoTandemUTR(event)
parseMisoTandemUTR <- function(event, minusIndex) {
    validator <- c("gene", "mRNA", "exon", "mRNA", rep("exon", 1))
    coord <- c("A2.start", "A2.end",
               "A1.start", "A1.end")
    plusIndex <- c(2, 4)
    minusIndex <- c(4, 2)
    parsed <- parseMisoGeneric(event, validator, eventType="TandemUTR", coord, 
                               plusIndex, minusIndex)

#' @rdname parseMisoGeneric
#' @examples
#' # alternative first exon (AFE) event
#' event <- read.table(text = "
#'  chr12 AFE gene 57916659 57920171  .  +  .
#'  chr12 AFE mRNA 57919131 57920171  .  +  .
#'  chr12 AFE exon 57919131 57920171  .  +  .
#'  chr12 AFE mRNA 57916659 57918199  .  +  .
#'  chr12 AFE exon 57916659 57916794  .  +  .
#'  chr12 AFE exon 57917812 57917875  .  +  .
#'  chr12 AFE exon 57918063 57918199  .  +  .")
#' psichomics:::parseMisoAFE(event)
parseMisoAFE <- function(event) {
    # Filter out events that aren't valid
    validator <- c("gene", "mRNA", "exon", "mRNA", "exon")
    event <- getValidEvents(event, validator, areMultipleExonsValid = TRUE)
    eventType <- "AFE"
    # If there are valid events
    if (!is.null(event)) {
        # Get the first index, chromosome and strand of valids events
        index <- which(event[[3]] == "gene")
        nextIndex <- nrow(event) + 1
        if (length(index) > 1)
            nextIndex <- c(index[2:length(index)], nextIndex)
        chr <- as.character(event[index, 1])
        strand <- as.character(event[index, 7])
        id <- NULL
        if (ncol(event) >= 9) 
            id <- parseMisoId(event[index, 9])
        # Get mRNAs index
        mRNA <- which(event[[3]] == "mRNA")
        splitting <- split(mRNA, c(TRUE, FALSE))
        mRNA1 <- splitting$`TRUE`
        mRNA2 <- splitting$`FALSE`
        # Creates a data frame of parsed junctions filled with NAs
        parsed <- createJunctionsTemplate(length(index),
                                          program = "MISO",
                                          event.type = eventType,
                                          chromosome = chr,
                                          strand = strand,
                                          id = id)
        plus <- strand == "+"
        # Plus strand
        if (nrow(event[plus, ]) > 0) {
            parsed[plus, ][c("A1.start", 
                             "A1.end")] <- event[mRNA2-1, 4:5][plus, ]
            parsed[plus, ][c("A2.start",
                             "A2.end")] <- event[nextIndex-1, 4:5][plus, ]
        # Minus strand
        minus <- !plus
        if (nrow(event[minus, ]) > 0) {
            parsed[minus, ][c("A1.start",
                              "A1.end")] <- event[mRNA1+1, 5:4][minus, ]
            parsed[minus, ][c("A2.start", 
                              "A2.end")] <- event[mRNA2+1, 5:4][minus, ]
    #     # Remove mRNAs from different chromosomes and mark event
    #     len <- nrow(event)
    #     event <- removeWrongRNA(event)
    #     if (len < nrow(event))
    #         parsed[["comment"]] <- "wrong mRNAs"
    #     # Get a list of each mRNA and respective exons
    #     mRNA <- listRNA(event)
    #     # Remove mRNAs with the same exons and mark event
    #     len <- length(mRNA)
    #     mRNA <- removeDuplicatedRNA(mRNA)
    #     if (len < length(mRNA))
    #         parsed[["comment"]] <- "duplicated mRNAs"
    #     if (length(mRNA) != 2) {
    #         # Don't parse events with more than two mRNAs or only one mRNA
    #     } else if (strand == "+") {
    #         mRNA1 <- mRNA[[1]]
    #         exon1 <- mRNA1[nrow(mRNA1), 4:5]
    #         mRNA2 <- mRNA[[2]]
    #         exon2 <- mRNA2[nrow(mRNA2), 4:5]
    #         # Check if the most downstream exons are equal in both mRNAs
    #         if (all(exon1 == exon2)) {
    #             # Save positions of shared (constitutive) exon and alternative
    #             # first exons
    #             parsed[c("C1.start", "C1.end")] <- mRNA1[nrow(mRNA2) - 1, 4:5]
    #             parsed[c("A1.start", "A1.end")] <- mRNA1[nrow(mRNA2) - 1, 4:5]
    #             parsed[c("C2.start", "C2.end")] <- exon1
    #         } else {
    #             # Save the positions of the downstream exons
    #             parsed[c("C1.start", "C1.end")] <- exon1
    #             parsed[c("A1.start", "A1.end")] <- exon2
    #         }
    #     } else if (strand == "-") {
    #         mRNA1 <- mRNA[[1]]
    #         exon1 <- mRNA1[2, 5:4]
    #         mRNA2 <- mRNA[[2]]
    #         exon2 <- mRNA2[2, 5:4]
    #         # Check if the most downstream exons are equal in both mRNAs
    #         if (all(exon1 == exon2)) {
    #             # Save positions of shared (constitutive) exon and alternative
    #             # first exons
    #             parsed[c("C1.start", "C1.end")] <- mRNA1[3, 5:4]
    #             parsed[c("A1.start", "A1.end")] <- mRNA2[3, 5:4]
    #             parsed[c("C2.start", "C2.end")] <- exon1
    #         } else {
    #             # Save the positions of the downstream exons
    #             parsed[c("C1.start", "C1.end")] <- exon1
    #             parsed[c("A1.start", "A1.end")] <- exon2
    #         }
    #     }
    #     return(parsed)

#' @rdname parseMisoGeneric
#' @examples
#' # alternative last exon (ALE) event
#' event <- read.table(text = "
#'  chr6 ALE gene 30620579 30822593  .  +  .
#'  chr6 ALE mRNA 30822190 30822593  .  +  .
#'  chr6 ALE exon 30822190 30822593  .  +  .
#'  chr6 ALE mRNA 30620579 30620982  .  +  .
#'  chr6 ALE exon 30620579 30620982  .  +  .")
#' psichomics:::parseMisoALE(event)
parseMisoALE <- function(event) {
    # Filter out events that aren't valid
    validator <- c("gene", "mRNA", "exon", "mRNA", "exon")
    event <- getValidEvents(event, validator, areMultipleExonsValid = TRUE)
    eventType <- "ALE"
    # If there are valid events
    if (!is.null(event)) {
        # Get the first index, chromosome and strand of valids events
        index <- which(event[[3]] == "gene")
        nextIndex <- nrow(event) + 1
        if (length(index) > 1)
            nextIndex <- c(index[2:length(index)], nextIndex)
        chr <- as.character(event[index, 1])
        strand <- as.character(event[index, 7])
        id <- NULL
        if (ncol(event) >= 9)
            id <- parseMisoId(event[index, 9])
        # Get mRNAs index
        mRNA <- which(event[[3]] == "mRNA")
        splitting <- split(mRNA, c(TRUE, FALSE))
        mRNA1 <- splitting$`TRUE`
        mRNA2 <- splitting$`FALSE`
        # Creates a data frame of parsed junctions filled with NAs
        parsed <- createJunctionsTemplate(length(index),
                                          program = "MISO",
                                          event.type = eventType,
                                          chromosome = chr,
                                          strand = strand,
                                          id = id)
        plus <- strand == "+"
        # Plus strand
        if (nrow(event[plus, ]) > 0) {
            parsed[plus, ][c("A1.start",
                             "A1.end")] <- event[mRNA1 + 1, 4:5][plus, ]
            parsed[plus, ][c("A2.start",
                             "A2.end")] <- event[mRNA2 + 1, 4:5][plus, ]
        # Minus strand
        minus <- !plus
        if (nrow(event[minus, ]) > 0) {
            parsed[minus, ][c("A1.start", 
                              "A1.end")] <- event[mRNA2 - 1, 5:4][minus, ]
            parsed[minus, ][c("A2.start", 
                              "A2.end")] <- event[nextIndex - 1, 5:4][minus, ]
    #     len <- nrow(event)
    #     if (len < 5) {
    #         # A GFF3 valid event needs at least 5 lines to be described
    #     } else {
    #         event <- removeWrongRNA(event)
    #         if (len < nrow(event))
    #             parsed[["comment"]] <- "wrong mRNAs"
    #         # Get a list of each mRNA and respective exons
    #         mRNA <- listRNA(event)
    #         # Remove mRNAs with the same exons and mark event
    #         len <- length(mRNA)
    #         mRNA <- removeDuplicatedRNA(mRNA)
    #         if (len < length(mRNA))
    #             parsed[["comment"]] <- "duplicated mRNAs"
    #         if (length(mRNA) != 2) {
    #             # Don't parse events with more than two mRNAs or only one mRNA
    #             # parsed[["comment"]] <- "unrecognized event"
    #         } else if (strand == "+") {
    #             mRNA1 <- mRNA[[1]]
    #             exon1 <- mRNA1[2, 4:5]
    #             mRNA2 <- mRNA[[2]]
    #             exon2 <- mRNA2[2, 4:5]
    #             # Check if the most downstream exons are equal in both mRNAs
    #             if (all(exon1 == exon2)) {
    #                 parsed[c("C1.start", "C1.end")] <- exon1
    #                 parsed[c("A1.start", "A1.end")] <- mRNA1[3, 4:5]
    #                 parsed[c("C2.start", "C2.end")] <- mRNA2[3, 4:5]
    #             } else {
    #                 parsed[c("A1.start", "A1.end")] <- exon1
    #                 parsed[c("C2.start", "C2.end")] <- exon2
    #             }
    #         } else if (strand == "-") {
    #             mRNA1 <- mRNA[[1]]
    #             exon1 <- mRNA1[nrow(mRNA1), 5:4]
    #             mRNA2 <- mRNA[[2]]
    #             exon2 <- mRNA2[nrow(mRNA2), 5:4]
    #             # Check if the most downstream exons are equal in both mRNAs
    #             if (all(exon1 == exon2)) {
    #                 parsed[c("C1.start", "C1.end")] <- exon1
    #                 parsed[c("A1.start", "A1.end")] <- mRNA1[nrow(mRNA2) - 1, 5:4]
    #                 parsed[c("C2.start", "C2.end")] <- mRNA2[nrow(mRNA2) - 1, 5:4]
    #             } else {
    #                 parsed[c("A1.start", "A1.end")] <- exon1
    #                 parsed[c("C2.start", "C2.end")] <- exon2
    #             }
    #         }
    #     }
    #     return(parsed)
nuno-agostinho/psichomics documentation built on Jan. 2, 2025, 4:10 a.m.