#' @rdname parseMisoAnnotation
#' @param novelEvents Boolean: parse events detected due to novel splice sites
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load sample files
#' folder <- "extdata/eventsAnnotSample/mats_output/ASEvents"
#' matsOutput <- system.file(folder, package="psichomics")
#' mats <- parseMatsAnnotation(matsOutput)
#' # Do not parse novel events
#' mats <- parseMatsAnnotation(matsOutput, novelEvents=FALSE)
parseMatsAnnotation <- function(
types=c("SE", "AFE", "ALE", "MXE", "A5SS", "A3SS", "RI"),
novelEvents=TRUE) {
display("Retrieving rMATS annotation...")
typesRegex <- sprintf("(%s)", paste(types, collapse="|"))
typesFile <- list.files(folder, pattern=paste0(genome, ".*", typesRegex),
if (!novelEvents) {
typesFile <- grep("novel", typesFile, value=TRUE, invert=TRUE)
names(typesFile) <- gsub("^.*\\.([A-Za-z0-9]+)\\.[A-Za-z]+$", "\\1",
annot <- lapply(typesFile, read.delim, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
comment.char="#", header=TRUE)
display("Parsing rMATS annotation...")
types <- names(annot)
events <- lapply(seq_along(annot), function(i)
if (nrow(annot[[i]]) > 0)
return(parseMatsEvent(annot[[i]], types[[i]])))
events <- rbind.fill(events)
# Sum 1 position to the start/end of MATS events (depending on the strand)
matsNames <- names(events)
plus <- events$Strand == "+"
# Plus
start <- matsNames[grep(".start", matsNames)]
events[plus, start] <- events[plus, start] + 1
# Minus
end <- matsNames[grep(".end", matsNames)]
events[!plus, end] <- events[!plus, end] + 1
class(events) <- c("ASevents", class(events))
#' Parse alternative splicing events from MATS
#' @param event Data frame row: MATS splicing event
#' @param event_type Character: Type of event to parse (see details)
#' @details The following event types can be parsed:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\strong{SE}: Skipped exon}
#' \item{\strong{MXE}: Mutually exclusive exons}
#' \item{\strong{RI}:Retained intron}
#' \item{\strong{A3SS}: Alternative 3' splice site}
#' \item{\strong{A5SS}: Alternative 5' splice site}
#' }
#' @return List containing the event attributes and junctions
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' # MATS event (alternative 3' splice site)
#' event <- read.table(text = "
#' 2 ENSG00000166012 TAF1D chr11 - 93466515 93466671 93466515 93466563 93467790 93467826
#' 5 ENSG00000166012 TAF1D chr11 - 93466515 93466671 93466515 93466585 93467790 93467826
#' 6 ENSG00000166012 TAF1D chr11 - 93466515 93466585 93466515 93466563 93467790 93467826
#' ")
#' psichomics:::parseMatsEvent(event, "A3SS")
parseMatsEvent <- function(event, event_type) {
len <- ncol(event)
# Create list with event attributes
event_attrs <- data.frame("Program" = "MATS",
"Gene" = as.character(event[[3]]),
"Chromosome" = as.character(event[[4]]),
"Strand" = as.character(event[[5]]),
"Event type" = event_type,
"Event ID" = "unassigned_id",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Parse junction positions according to event type
strand <- as.character(event[[5]])
# Parse junction positions according to event type
parseJunctions <- switch(event_type,
"SE" = parseMatsSE,
"MXE" = parseMatsMXE,
"RI" = parseMatsRI,
"A3SS" = parseMatsA3SS,
"A5SS" = parseMatsA5SS,
"AFE" = parseMatsAFE,
"ALE" = parseMatsALE)
junctions <- event[6:length(event)]
parsed <- parseJunctions(junctions, strand)
# Add additional attributes if they exist
if (len > 13) {
more_attrs <- data.frame(
"P value" = as.numeric(event[[len - 4]]),
"FDR" = as.numeric(event[[len - 3]]),
"Inclusion level A" = as.numeric(event[[len - 2]]),
"Inclusion level B" = as.numeric(event[[len - 1]]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
return(cbind(event_attrs, parsed, more_attrs))
} else {
return(cbind(event_attrs, parsed))
#' Parse junctions of an alternative splicing event from MATS according to event
#' type
#' @param junctions Integer: event's junctions
#' @param strand Character: strand of the event
#' @param coords Character: names of the alternative splicing coordinates
#' @param plus_pos Integer: match of each junction in the respective coordinate
#' for the plus strand
#' @param minus_pos Integer: match of each junction in the respective coordinate
#' for the minus strand
#' @details The following event types are ready to be parsed:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\bold{SE} (skipped exon)}
#' \item{\bold{MXE} (mutually exclusive exon)}
#' \item{\bold{RI} (retained intron)}
#' \item{\bold{A5SS} (alternative 5' splice site)}
#' \item{\bold{A3SS} (alternative 3' splice site)}
#' \item{\bold{AFE} (alternative first exon)}
#' \item{\bold{ALE} (alternative last exon)}
#' }
#' You can use \code{parseMatsGeneric} to parse other event types.
#' @seealso \code{\link{parseMatsEvent}()}
#' @return Data frame with parsed junctions
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' # Parse generic event (in this case, an exon skipping event)
#' junctions <- read.table(text=
#' "79685787 79685910 79685796 79685910 79679566 79679751")
#' coords <- c("A1.start", "A1.end",
#' "C1.start", "C1.end",
#' "C2.start", "C2.end")
#' plus <- c(1:6)
#' minus <- c(2:1, 6:3)
#' psichomics:::parseMatsGeneric(junctions, strand = "+", coords, plus, minus)
parseMatsGeneric <- function(junctions, strand, coords, plus_pos, minus_pos) {
# Creates a data frame of parsed junctions filled with NAs
parsed <- createJunctionsTemplate(nrow(junctions))
plus <- strand == "+"
parsed[plus, coords] <- junctions[plus, plus_pos] # Plus strand
parsed[!plus, coords] <- junctions[!plus, minus_pos] # Minus strand
#' @rdname parseMatsGeneric
#' @examples
#' # Parse exon skipping event
#' junctions <- read.table(text=
#' "79685787 79685910 79685796 79685910 79679566 79679751")
#' psichomics:::parseMatsSE(junctions, strand = "+")
parseMatsSE <- function(junctions, strand) {
coords <- c("A1.start", "A1.end",
"C1.start", "C1.end",
"C2.start", "C2.end")
plus <- seq(6)
minus <- c(2:1, 6:3)
parseMatsGeneric(junctions, strand, coords, plus, minus)
#' @rdname parseMatsGeneric
#' @examples
#' # Parse mutually exclusive exon event
#' junctions <- read.table(text=
#' "158282161 158282276 158282689 158282804 158281047 158281295 158283950 158284199")
#' psichomics:::parseMatsMXE(junctions, strand = "+")
parseMatsMXE <- function(junctions, strand) {
coords <- c("A1.start", "A1.end",
"A2.start", "A2.end",
"C1.start", "C1.end",
"C2.start", "C2.end")
plus <- seq(8)
minus <- c(2:1, 4:3, 8:5)
parseMatsGeneric(junctions, strand, coords, plus, minus)
#' @rdname parseMatsGeneric
#' @examples
#' # Parse retained intron event
#' junctions <- read.table(text=
#' "15929853 15932100 15929853 15930016 15930687 15932100")
#' psichomics:::parseMatsRI(junctions, strand = "+")
parseMatsRI <- function(junctions, strand) {
coords <- c("C1.start", "C1.end",
"C2.start", "C2.end")
plus <- c(3:6)
minus <- c(6:3)
parseMatsGeneric(junctions, strand, coords, plus, minus)
#' @rdname parseMatsGeneric
#' @examples
#' # Parse alternative 3' splicing site event
#' junctions <- read.table(text=
#' "79685787 79685910 79685796 79685910 79679566 79679751")
#' psichomics:::parseMatsA3SS(junctions, strand = "+")
parseMatsA3SS <- function(junctions, strand) {
coords <- c("C1.start", "C1.end",
"A2.start", "A2.end")
plus <- c(5:6, 1, 3, 2)
minus <- c(6:5, 2, 4, 1)
parseMatsGeneric(junctions, strand, coords, plus, minus)
#' @rdname parseMatsGeneric
#' @examples
#' # Parse alternative 5' splicing site event
#' junctions <- read.table(text=
#' "102884421 102884501 102884421 102884489 102884812 102885881")
#' psichomics:::parseMatsA5SS(junctions, strand = "+")
parseMatsA5SS <- function(junctions, strand) {
coords <- c("A2.start", "A2.end",
"C2.start", "C2.end")
plus <- c(1, 4, 2, 5:6)
minus <- c(2, 3, 1, 6, 5)
parseMatsGeneric(junctions, strand, coords, plus, minus)
#' @rdname parseMatsGeneric
#' @examples
#' # Parse alternative first exon event
#' junctions <- read.table(text=
#' "16308723 16308879 16308967 16309119 16314269 16314426")
#' psichomics:::parseMatsAFE(junctions, strand = "+")
parseMatsAFE <- function(junctions, strand) {
coords <- c("A2.start", "A2.end",
"A1.start", "A1.end",
"C2.start", "C2.end")
plus <- c(3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 6)
minus <- c(4, 3, 2, 1, 6, 5)
parseMatsGeneric(junctions, strand, coords, plus, minus)
#' @rdname parseMatsGeneric
#' @examples
#' # Parse alternative last exon event
#' junctions <- read.table(text=
#' "111858645 111858828 111851063 111851921 111850441 111850543")
#' psichomics:::parseMatsAFE(junctions, strand = "+")
parseMatsALE <- function(junctions, strand) {
coords <- c("C1.start", "C1.end",
"A1.start", "A1.end",
"A2.start", "A2.end")
plus <- c(5, 6, 3, 4, 1, 2)
minus <- c(6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
parseMatsGeneric(junctions, strand, coords, plus, minus)
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