
Defines functions firebrowseServer setFirebrowseData checkFirebrowse firebrowseUI addTCGAdata loadTCGAdata loadFirebrowseFolders prepareFirebrowseArchives checkIntegrity downloadFiles queryFirebrowseData loadTCGAsampleMetadata isFirebrowseUp parseFirebrowseMetadata parseDateResponse getFirebrowseDateFormat parseUrlsFromFirebrowseResponse parseTCGAsampleInfo parseTCGAsampleTypes getTCGAcohorts getTCGAdates getTCGAdataTypes

Documented in addTCGAdata checkFirebrowse checkIntegrity downloadFiles firebrowseServer firebrowseUI getFirebrowseDateFormat getTCGAcohorts getTCGAdataTypes getTCGAdates isFirebrowseUp loadFirebrowseFolders loadTCGAdata loadTCGAsampleMetadata parseDateResponse parseFirebrowseMetadata parseTCGAsampleInfo parseTCGAsampleTypes parseUrlsFromFirebrowseResponse prepareFirebrowseArchives queryFirebrowseData setFirebrowseData

# Get FireBrowse parameters ----------------------------------------------------

#' Get available parameters for TCGA data
#' Parameters obtained via \href{http://firebrowse.org/api-docs/}{FireBrowse}
#' @family functions associated with TCGA data retrieval
#' @return Parsed response
#' @importFrom R.utils capitalize
#' @aliases getFirebrowseDataTypes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' getTCGAdataTypes()
getTCGAdataTypes <- function() {
    choices <- list("RNA sequencing"=c(
        "junction_quantification", "exon_quantification",
        "exon_expression", "junction_expression",
        "RSEM_genes", "RSEM_genes_normalized", "RSEM_isoforms", "Preprocess"))
    names(choices[[1]]) <- capitalize(gsub("_", " ", choices[[1]], fixed=TRUE))

#' @export
getFirebrowseDataTypes <- getTCGAdataTypes

#' @rdname getTCGAdataTypes
#' @aliases getFirebrowseDates
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (isFirebrowseUp()) getTCGAdates()
getTCGAdates <- function() {
    dates <- parseFirebrowseMetadata("Dates")$Dates
    format <- getFirebrowseDateFormat()
    dates <- as.Date(dates, format$query)

#' @export
getFirebrowseDates <- getTCGAdates

#' @rdname getTCGAdataTypes
#' @param cohort Character: filter results by cohorts (optional)
#' @aliases getFirebrowseCohorts
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (isFirebrowseUp()) getTCGAcohorts()
getTCGAcohorts <- function(cohort = NULL) {
    response <- parseFirebrowseMetadata("Cohorts", cohort=cohort)
    cohorts <- response$Cohorts[[2]]
    names(cohorts) <- response$Cohorts[[1]]

#' @export
getFirebrowseCohorts <- getTCGAcohorts

# Process and manipulate FireBrowse data ---------------------------------------

#' @rdname parseTCGAsampleInfo
#' @param filename Character: path to RDS file containing corresponding types
#' @aliases parseSampleGroups
#' @export
#' @examples
#' parseTCGAsampleTypes(c("TCGA-01A-Tumour", "TCGA-10B-Normal"))
parseTCGAsampleTypes <- function(samples, filename = system.file(
    "extdata", "TCGAsampleType.RDS", package="psichomics")) {
    typeList <- readRDS(filename)
    type <- gsub(".*?-([0-9]{2}).-.*", "\\1", samples, perl = TRUE)

#' @export
parseSampleGroups <- parseTCGAsampleTypes

#' Parse sample information from TCGA sample identifiers
#' @param samples Character: sample identifiers
#' @param match Integer: match between samples and subjects (\code{NULL} by
#' default; performs the match)
#' @aliases parseTcgaSampleInfo
#' @family functions associated with TCGA data retrieval
#' @return Metadata associated with each TCGA sample
#' @export
#' @examples
#' samples <- c("TCGA-3C-AAAU-01A-11R-A41B-07", "TCGA-3C-AALI-01A-11R-A41B-07",
#'              "TCGA-3C-AALJ-01A-31R-A41B-07", "TCGA-3C-AALK-01A-11R-A41B-07",
#'              "TCGA-4H-AAAK-01A-12R-A41B-07", "TCGA-5L-AAT0-01A-12R-A41B-07")
#' parseTCGAsampleInfo(samples)
parseTCGAsampleInfo <- function(samples, match=NULL) {
    parsed <- parseTCGAsampleTypes(samples)
    if ( all(is.na(parsed)) ) return(NULL)

    info <- data.frame(parsed)
    colnames(info) <- "Sample types"
    rownames(info) <- samples

    if (is.null(match)) match <- getSubjectFromSample(samples)
    info <- cbind(info, "Patient ID"=match)

    # Metadata
    attr(info, "rowNames")    <- TRUE
    attr(info, "description") <- "Metadata for TCGA samples"
    attr(info, "dataType")    <- "Sample metadata"
    attr(info, "tablename")   <- "Sample metadata"
    attr(info, "rows")        <- "samples"
    attr(info, "columns")     <- "attributes"

#' @export
parseTcgaSampleInfo <- parseTCGAsampleInfo

#' Retrieve URLs from a response to a FireBrowse data query
#' @param res Response from \code{httr::GET} to a FireBrowse data query
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom httr content
#' @return Named character with URLs
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' res <- psichomics:::queryFirebrowseData(cohort = "ACC")
#' url <- psichomics:::parseUrlsFromFirebrowseResponse(res)
parseUrlsFromFirebrowseResponse <- function(res) {
    # Parse the query response
    parsed <- content(res, "text", encoding = "UTF8")
    parsed <- fromJSON(parsed)[[1]]
    parsed$date <- parseDateResponse(parsed$date)

    # Get cohort names
    cohort <- getTCGAcohorts()
    cohort <- cohort[parsed$cohort]

    ## TODO(NunoA): maybe this could be simplified?
    # Split URLs from response by cohort and datestamp
    url <- split(parsed$url, paste(cohort, format(parsed$date, "%Y-%m-%d")))
    url <- lapply(url, unlist)
    link <- unlist(url)
    names(link) <- rep(names(url), vapply(url, length, numeric(1)))

#' Returns the date format used by the FireBrowse API
#' @return Named list with date formats from FireBrowse API
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' format <- psichomics:::getFirebrowseDateFormat()
#' # date format to use in a query to FireBrowse API
#' format$query
#' # date format to parse a date in a response from FireBrowse API
#' format$response
getFirebrowseDateFormat <- function() {
    query <- "%Y_%m_%d"
    response <- "%d %b %Y"
    return(list(query=query, response=response))

#' Parse the date from a response
#' @param string Character: dates
#' @return Parsed date
#' @keywords internal
parseDateResponse <- function(string) {
    format <- getFirebrowseDateFormat()$response
    date <- strsplit(string, " ")
    date <- lapply(date, function(i) paste(i[2:4], collapse=" "))
    date <- as.Date(unlist(date), format=format)

#' Query the FireBrowse API for metadata
#' @param type Character: metadata to retrieve
#' @param ... Character: parameters to pass to query (optional)
#' @importFrom httr GET content
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @return List with parsed response
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' psichomics:::parseFirebrowseMetadata("Dates")
#' psichomics:::parseFirebrowseMetadata("Centers")
#' psichomics:::parseFirebrowseMetadata("HeartBeat")
#' # Get the abbreviation and description of all cohorts available
#' psichomics:::parseFirebrowseMetadata("Cohorts")
#' # Get the abbreviation and description of the selected cohorts
#' psichomics:::parseFirebrowseMetadata("Cohorts", cohort = c("ACC", "BRCA"))
parseFirebrowseMetadata <- function(type, ...) {
    # Remove NULL arguments
    args <- Filter(Negate(is.null), list(...))

    # Query multiple items by collapsing them with a comma
    if (length(args) > 0)
        args <- lapply(args, paste, collapse = ",")

    # Query the given link and parse the response
    link <- paste0("http://firebrowse.org/api/v1/Metadata/", type)
    response <- GET(link, query = c(format = "json", args))
    response <- fromJSON(content(response, "text", encoding = "UTF8"))

# Download and load FireBrowse data --------------------------------------------

#' Check if \href{http://firebrowse.org/api-docs/}{FireBrowse API} is running
#' @importFrom httr GET warn_for_status http_error
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @family functions associated with TCGA data retrieval
#' @return Invisible \code{TRUE} if the
#' \href{http://firebrowse.org/api-docs/}{FireBrowse API} is working; otherwise,
#' raises a warning with the status code and a brief explanation.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' isFirebrowseUp()
isFirebrowseUp <- function() {
    link <- paste0("http://firebrowse.org/api/v1/Metadata/HeartBeat")
    heartbeat <- tryCatch(GET(link, query=list(format="json")), error=return)
    if (is(heartbeat, "error")) {
    } else if (http_error(heartbeat)) {
        warn_for_status(heartbeat, "reach FireBrowse")
    } else {

#' Prepare TCGA sample metadata from loaded datasets
#' If no TCGA datasets apply, the input is returned
#' @param data List of list of data frames
#' @return List of list of data frames
#' @keywords internal
loadTCGAsampleMetadata <- function(data) {
    for (i in seq(data)) {
        # Retrieve sample metadata from junction quantification
        match <- sapply(data[[i]], attr, "dataType") ==
            "Junction quantification"
        junctionQuantSamples <- NULL
        if (any(match)) {
            junctionQuant <- data[[i]][match]
            if (!is.null(junctionQuant)) {
                samples <- unique(unlist(lapply(junctionQuant, colnames)))
                if (any(grepl("^TCGA", samples))) {
                    junctionQuantSamples <- samples
                    data[[i]]$"Sample metadata" <- parseTCGAsampleInfo(samples)

        # Retrieve sample metadata from gene expression
        match <- sapply(data[[i]], attr, "dataType") == "Gene expression"
        if (any(match)) {
            geneExpr <- data[[i]][match]
            if (!is.null(geneExpr)) {
                samples <- unique(unlist(lapply(geneExpr, colnames)))
                samples <- samples[!samples %in% junctionQuantSamples]
                if (any(grepl("^TCGA", samples))) {
                    data[[i]]$"Sample metadata" <- parseTCGAsampleInfo(samples)

#' Query the FireBrowse API for TCGA data
#' @param format Character: response format as \code{JSON}, \code{CSV} or
#' \code{TSV}
#' @param date Character: dates of the data retrieval by FireBrowse (by default,
#' it uses the most recent data available)
#' @param cohort Character: abbreviation of the cohorts (by default, returns
#' data for all cohorts)
#' @param data_type Character: data types (optional)
#' @param tool Character: data produced by the selected FireBrowse tools
#' (optional)
#' @param platform Character: data generation platforms (optional)
#' @param center Character: data generation centres (optional)
#' @param level Integer: data levels (optional)
#' @param protocol Character: sample characterization protocols (optional)
#' @param page Integer: page of the results to return (optional)
#' @param page_size Integer: number of records per page of results (optional)
#' @param sort_by String: column used to sort the data (by default, sort by
#' cohort)
#' @importFrom httr GET
#' @return Response from the FireBrowse API (it needs to be parsed)
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' cohort <- getTCGAcohorts()[1]
#' psichomics:::queryFirebrowseData(cohort = names(cohort),
#'                                  data_type = "mRNASeq")
#' # Querying for data from a specific date
#' dates <- getTCGAdates()
#' dates <- format(dates, psichomics:::getFirebrowseDateFormat()$query)
#' psichomics:::queryFirebrowseData(date = dates[2], cohort = names(cohort))
queryFirebrowseData <- function(format = "json", date = NULL, cohort = NULL,
                                data_type = NULL, tool = NULL, platform = NULL,
                                center = NULL, level = NULL, protocol = NULL,
                                page = NULL, page_size = NULL, sort_by = NULL) {
    # Only allow these response formats
    format <- match.arg(format, c("json", "csv", "tsv"))

    # Use most recent date by default
    if (is.null(date)) date <- getTCGAdates()[[1]]
    date <- gsub("-", "_", date, fixed=TRUE)

    # Process the parameters of the query
    labels <- list("format", "date", "cohort", "data_type", "tool", "platform",
                   "center", "level", "protocol", "page", "page_size",
    query <- lapply(labels, dynGet)
    names(query) <- labels
    query <- Filter(Negate(is.null), query)

    # Collapse items with a comma to query for multiple items
    query <- lapply(query, paste, collapse = ",")

    # Query the API
    response <- GET("http://firebrowse.org", query = query,
                    path = "api/v1/Archives/StandardData")

#' Download files to a given directory
#' @param url Character: download links
#' @param folder Character: directory to store the downloaded archives
#' @param ... Extra parameters passed to the download function
#' @param download Function to use to download files
#' @importFrom utils download.file
#' @return Invisible TRUE if every file was successfully downloaded
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' url <- paste0("https://unsplash.it/400/300/?image=", 570:572)
#' psichomics:::downloadFiles(url, "~/Pictures")
#' # Download without printing to console
#' psichomics:::downloadFiles(url, "~/Pictures", quiet = TRUE)
#' }
downloadFiles <- function(url, folder, download = download.file, ...) {
    destination <- file.path(folder, basename(url))
    for (i in seq_along(url)) {
        updateProgress("Downloading file", detail = basename(url[i]), i,
        download(url[i], destination[i], ...)
    display("Downloading completed")

#' Compute the 32-byte \code{MD5} hashes of one or more files and check with
#' given \code{md5} file
#' @param filesToCheck Character: files to calculate and match \code{MD5} hashes
#' @param md5file Character: file containing correct \code{MD5} hashes
#' @importFrom digest digest
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @return Logical vector showing TRUE for files with matching \code{md5sums}
#' and \code{FALSE} for files with non-matching \code{md5sums}
#' @keywords internal
checkIntegrity <- function(filesToCheck, md5file) {
    if (is.na(md5file)) return(FALSE)
    md5sums <- digest(file = filesToCheck)
    md5table <- read.table(md5file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[[1]]
    return(md5sums %in% md5table)

#' Prepares FireBrowse archives in a given directory
#' Checks FireBrowse archives' integrity using the MD5 files, extracts the
#' content of the archives, moves the content to newly-created folders and
#' removes the original downloaded archives.
#' @param archive Character: path to downloaded archives
#' @param md5 Character: path to MD5 files of each archive
#' @param folder Character: master directory where every archive will be
#' extracted
#' @param outdir Character: subdirectories where to move the extracted content
#' @importFrom utils untar
#' @return Invisible TRUE if successful
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' file <- paste0(
#'     "~/Downloads",
#'     "ACC/20151101/gdac.broadinstitute.org_ACC.",
#'     "Merge_Clinical.Level_1.2015110100.0.0.tar.gz")
#' md5 <- paste0(file, ".md5")
#' \dontrun{
#' prepareFirebrowseArchives(archive = file, md5 = paste0(file, ".md5"))
#' }
prepareFirebrowseArchives <- function(archive, md5, folder, outdir) {
    # Check integrety of the downloaded archives with the MD5 files
    validFiles <- simplify2array(Map(checkIntegrity, archive, md5))

    # Extract the contents of the archives to the same folder
    invisible(lapply(archive, function(arc) untar(arc, exdir=dirname(arc))))

    # Remove the original downloaded files
    invisible(file.remove(archive, md5))

    # Create folders for these data
    directory <- file.path(folder, names(outdir))
    existing <- dir.exists(directory)
    lapply(directory[!existing], dir.create)

    # Move the files to the newly-created folders
    arc <- file_path_sans_ext(archive, compression=TRUE)
    basen <- basename(arc)

    ns <- sapply(basen, function(k) {
        m <- sapply(outdir, function(p) basename(p) == k)

    tmpNames <- file.path(dirname(arc),
                          paste0("PSIchomics_TMP", seq(length(arc))))
    # Rename folder name first and revert it afterwards to avoid reaching
    # the Windows' character limit (260 for paths)
    file.rename(arc, tmpNames)

    # Rename file names
    filenames <- list.files(tmpNames, full.names = TRUE)
    basenames <- basename(filenames)
    renamed <- gsub(".*?_.*?\\.(.*)\\.Level.*", "\\1", basenames)
    renamed <- gsub("rnaseqv2__|unc_edu__Level_.__", "", renamed)
    toRename <- filenames[basenames != renamed]
    renamed <- renamed[basenames != renamed]
    file.rename(toRename, file.path(dirname(toRename), renamed))
    file.rename(tmpNames, arc)

    # Organise downloaded folders
    file.rename(arc, file.path(dirname(arc), ns, basen))

#' Load FireBrowse folders
#' Loads the files present in each folder as a data.frame.
#' @note For faster execution, this function uses the \code{readr} library. This
#' function ignores subfolders of the given folder (which means that files
#' inside subfolders are NOT loaded).
#' @include formats.R
#' @param folder Character: folder(s) in which to look for FireBrowse files
#' @param exclude Character: files to exclude from the loading
#' @return List with loaded data.frames
#' @keywords internal
loadFirebrowseFolders <- function(folder, exclude="") {
    # Retrieve full path of the files inside the given folders
    files <- dir(folder, full.names=TRUE)

    # Exclude subdirectories and undesired files
    files <- files[!dir.exists(files)]
    exclude <- paste(exclude, collapse = "|")
    if (exclude != "") files <- files[!grepl(exclude, files)]

    # Try to load files and remove those with 0 rows
    loaded <- list()
    formats <- loadFileFormats()
    for (each in seq_along(files)) {
        updateProgress("Processing file", detail = basename(files[each]), each,
        loaded[[each]] <- loadFile(files[each], formats)
    names(loaded) <- sapply(loaded, attr, "tablename")
    loaded <- Filter(length, loaded)

#' Download and process TCGA data
#' TCGA data obtained via \href{http://firebrowse.org/api-docs/}{FireBrowse}
#' @param folder Character: directory to store the downloaded archives (by
#' default, saves to \code{\link{getDownloadsFolder}()})
#' @param data Character: data to load (see \code{\link{getTCGAdataTypes}()})
#' @param exclude Character: files and folders to exclude from downloading and
#' from loading into R (by default, exclude files containing \code{.aux.},
#' \code{.mage-tab.} and \code{MANIFEST.TXT})
#' @inheritDotParams queryFirebrowseData -format
#' @param download Boolean: download missing files
#' @include formats.R
#' @importFrom tools file_ext file_path_sans_ext
#' @importFrom httr stop_for_status
#' @importFrom utils download.file
#' @aliases loadFirebrowseData
#' @family functions associated with TCGA data retrieval
#' @family functions to load data
#' @return A list with the loaded data, unless required files are unavailable
#' and \code{download = FALSE} (if so, it returns the URL of files to download)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' getTCGAcohorts()
#' getTCGAdataTypes()
#' \dontrun{
#' loadTCGAdata(cohort = "ACC", data_type = "Clinical")
#' }
loadTCGAdata <- function(folder=getDownloadsFolder(),
                         data=c("clinical", "junction_quantification",
                         exclude=c(".aux.", ".mage-tab.", "MANIFEST.txt"),
                         ..., download=TRUE) {
    args <- list(...)

    datasets <- unlist(getTCGAdataTypes())
    # Data types to load
    args$data_type <- c(data[!data %in% datasets], "mRNASeq")
    # Datasets to ignore
    exclude <- c(exclude, datasets[!datasets %in% data])

    # Ask for maximum number of records
    args$page_size <- 2000

    # Query FireBrowse and get URLs for archives
    res <- do.call(queryFirebrowseData, args)
    url <- parseUrlsFromFirebrowseResponse(res)

    # "RSEM_genes" would match both "RSEM_genes" and "RSEM_genes_normalized"
    exclude[exclude=="RSEM_genes"] <- "RSEM_genes__"

    # Do not download specific items
    exclude <- paste(escape(exclude), collapse = "|")
    url <- url[!grepl(exclude, url)]

    # Get the file names without extensions
    md5  <- file_ext(url) == "md5"
    base <- basename(url)
    base[!md5] <- file_path_sans_ext(base[!md5], compression = TRUE)

    # Check which files are missing from the given directory
    downloadedFiles <- list.files(folder, recursive=TRUE, full.names=TRUE,
    downloadedMD5   <- file_ext(downloadedFiles) == "md5"
    fullPath <- function(files)
        downloadedFiles[match(files, basename(downloadedFiles))]

    # Downloaded files may be archived
    possibleExtensions <- lapply(base[!md5], paste0, c("", ".tar", ".tar.gz"))

    missing <- logical(length(base))
    missing[md5]  <- !base[md5] %in% basename(downloadedFiles[downloadedMD5])
    missing[!md5] <- vapply(possibleExtensions, function (i)
        !any(i %in% basename(downloadedFiles[!downloadedMD5])),
        FUN.VALUE = logical(1))

    if (any(missing[!md5])) {
        missingFiles <- url[missing]
        class(missingFiles) <- c("missing", class(missingFiles))

        if (download) {
            # Download missing files
            updateProgress(divisions = 1)
            display("Downloading files...")

            if (identical(getOption("download.file.method"), "libcurl")) {
                dl <- download.file(missingFiles, destfile=file.path(
                    folder, basename(missingFiles)))
            } else {
                for (k in seq_along(missingFiles)) {
                    f <- missingFiles[k]
                    dl <- download.file(
                        f, destfile=file.path(folder, basename(f)))

            # Check again the files in the given directory
            downloadedFiles <- list.files(folder, recursive=TRUE,
                                          full.names=TRUE, include.dirs=TRUE)
            downloadedMD5   <- file_ext(downloadedFiles) == "md5"
        } else {

    # Split folders by the cohort type and date
    categories <- names(url[!md5])
    folders <- base[!md5]
    folders <- split(folders, categories)

    # Check for folders to unarchive
    archives <- unlist(lapply(possibleExtensions, function (item)
        item[item %in% basename(downloadedFiles[!downloadedMD5])]))
    tar <- grepl(".tar", archives, fixed = TRUE)

    if (length(archives[tar]) > 0) {
        # Extract the content, check intergrity, move archives to newly-created
        # folders and remove original archives
        updateProgress("Extracting archives...", divisions=1 + length(folders))
                                  fullPath(base[md5][tar]), folder, folders)
        updateProgress("Archives prepared")
    } else {
        # Set the progress bar to the number of folders to load
        updateProgress("Loading data...", divisions = length(folders))

    # Get the full path of the files
    downloadedFiles <- list.files(folder, recursive=TRUE, full.names=TRUE,
    folders <- fullPath(base[!md5])
    folders <- split(folders, categories)

    # Load the files (but discard empty files with no rows)
    loaded <- lapply(folders, loadFirebrowseFolders, exclude)
    loaded <- lapply(loaded, function(i) Filter(nrow, i))

    loaded <- loadTCGAsampleMetadata(loaded)
    loaded <- processDatasetNames(loaded)

#' @export
loadFirebrowseData <- loadTCGAdata

# Shiny-specific FireBrowse functions ------------------------------------------

#' Creates a UI set with options to add data from TCGA/FireBrowse
#' @param ns Namespace function
#' @importFrom shiny tagList uiOutput selectizeInput actionButton textAreaInput
#' @return A UI set that can be added to a UI definition
#' @keywords internal
addTCGAdata <- function(ns) {
    cohorts <- getTCGAcohorts()
    acronyms <- names(cohorts)
    names(acronyms) <- sprintf("%s (%s)", cohorts, names(cohorts))

    dates <- as.character(getTCGAdates())
    names(dates) <- dates
    names(dates)[1] <- paste(names(dates)[1], "(most recent)")

    dataTypes <- getTCGAdataTypes()
    dataList <- dataTypes[[1]]
    names(dataList)[dataList == "RSEM_genes"] <- "Gene expression (RSEM)"
    names(dataList)[dataList == "RSEM_genes_normalized"] <-
        "Gene expression (normalised by RSEM)"
    dataList <- dataList[dataList %in% c("junction_quantification",
                                         "RSEM_genes", "RSEM_genes_normalized")]
    dataTypes[[1]] <- dataList
    dataTypes <- c("Clinical data"="Clinical", dataTypes)

        selectizeInput(ns("firebrowseCohort"), "Tumour type", acronyms,
                       width = "100%", multiple = TRUE, options = list(
                           placeholder = "Select cohort(s)",
        selectizeInput(ns("firebrowseDate"), "Date", dates, multiple = TRUE,
                       width = "100%", selected = dates[1], options = list(
                           placeholder = "Select sample date",
        selectizeInput(ns("firebrowseData"), "Data type", multiple = TRUE,
                       width = "100%", dataTypes,
                       selected=c("Clinical", "junction_quantification",
                       options = list(
                           placeholder = "Select data types",
        processButton(ns("getFirebrowseData"), "Load data"))

#' @rdname appUI
#' @param panel Function to enclose interface
#' @importFrom shiny NS helpText icon a
firebrowseUI <- function(id, panel) {
    ns <- NS(id)

          title=list(icon("plus-circle"), "TCGA data loading"),
          value="Load TCGA/FireBrowse data",
          helpText("TCGA data downloaded from",
                   a(href="http://firebrowse.org", target="_blank",
          div(id=ns("firebrowseLoading"), class="progress",
              div(class="progress-bar progress-bar-striped active",
                  role="progressbar", style="width: 100%", "Loading...")),

#' Return an user interface depending on the status of the FireBrowse API
#' If the API is working, it'll be loaded. Else, a message will appear warning
#' the user that the API is down and that will let check again if the API is
#' back online.
#' @param ns Namespace function
#' @importFrom shiny br icon tagList actionButton
#' @importFrom shinyjs hide
#' @return HTML elements
#' @keywords internal
checkFirebrowse <- function(ns) {
    # startProgress("Checking FireBrowse API to retrieve TCGA data...", 1)
    if (isFirebrowseUp()) {
        # updateProgress("Loading FireBrowse interface...")
        ui <- addTCGAdata(ns)
    } else {
        ui <- errorDialog("FireBrowse API appears to be offline at the moment.",
                          buttonLabel="Check FireBrowse again",
    # closeProgress("FireBrowse interface loaded")

#' Set data from FireBrowse
#' @inheritParams appServer
#' @param replace Boolean: replace loaded data?
#' @importFrom shinyjs disable enable
#' @importFrom shiny div fluidRow column icon tags
#' @importFrom shinyBS bsTooltip
#' @inherit psichomics return
#' @keywords internal
setFirebrowseData <- function(input, output, session, replace=TRUE) {
    ns <- session$ns
    time <- startProcess("getFirebrowseData")

    # Load data from FireBrowse
    data <- loadFirebrowseData(folder = input$dataFolder,
                               cohort = input$firebrowseCohort,
                               date = gsub("-", "_", input$firebrowseDate),
                               data = input$firebrowseData, download = FALSE)

    areDataMissing <- any(is(data, "missing"))
    if (areDataMissing) {
        updateProgress(divisions = 1)

            session, "Confirm data download",
            "Do you wish to download the selected TCGA data? When the",
            "downloads finish, click", tags$b("Load data"), "with the exact",
            "same options to automatically load the data into",
            tags$i("psichomics."), tags$br(), tags$br(), tags$div(
                class="alert", class="alert-warning", role="alert",
                tags$i("psichomics"), "will check for downloaded files in",
                tags$br(), tags$kbd(prepareWordBreak(input$dataFolder)),
                if (isRStudioServer())
                        tags$br(), tags$br(), icon("exclamation-circle"),
                        "Running", tags$i("psichomics"), "in a remote server?",
                        "Please make sure to move the files from your computer",
                        "to the aforementioned server's folder.")),
            modalId="firebrowseDataModal", caller="Load TCGA data",
            footer=actionButton(ns("acceptDownload"), "Download data",
                                class="btn-primary", "data-dismiss"="modal"))
    } else if (!is.null(data)) {
        if(replace) {
        } else {
            data <- processDatasetNames(c(getData(), data))
    endProcess("getFirebrowseData", if (!areDataMissing) time)

#' @rdname appServer
firebrowseServer <- function(input, output, session) {
    ns <- session$ns

    prepareFileBrowser(session, input, "dataFolder", directory=TRUE)

    # If FireBrowse is unaccessible, allow user to try again
    output$checkFirebrowse <- renderUI(isolate(checkFirebrowse(ns)))
                 output$checkFirebrowse <- renderUI(checkFirebrowse(ns)))

    # # The button is only enabled if it meets the conditions that follow
    # observe(toggleState("acceptFile", input$species != ""))

    # Check if data is already loaded and ask the user if it should be replaced
    observeEvent(input$getFirebrowseData, {
        if (length(isolate(input$firebrowseCohort)) == 0) {
            errorModal(session, "No tumour type selected",
                       "Please, input a tumour type.",
                       caller="Load TCGA data", modalId="firebrowseDataModal")
        } else if (length(isolate(input$firebrowseDate)) == 0) {
            errorModal(session, "No date selected",
                       "Please, input date of samples of interest.",
                       caller="Load TCGA data", modalId="firebrowseDataModal")
        } else if (length(isolate(input$firebrowseData)) == 0) {
            errorModal(session, "No data types select",
                       "Please, input data types of interest.",
                       caller="Load TCGA data", modalId="firebrowseDataModal")
        } else if (!dir.exists(input$dataFolder)) {
                session, "Folder not found", "The selected folder",
                tags$kbd(prepareWordBreak(input$dataFolder)), "was not found.",
                caller="Load TCGA data", modalId="firebrowseDataModal")
        } else if (!is.null(getData())) {
            loadedDataModal(session, "firebrowseDataModal", "firebrowseReplace",
        } else {
            setFirebrowseData(input, output, session)

    # Load data when the user presses to replace data
                 setFirebrowseData(input, output, session, replace=TRUE))

    # Load data when the user presses to load new data (keep previously loaded)
                 setFirebrowseData(input, output, session, replace=FALSE))

    # Download data through the browser
    observeEvent(input$acceptDownload, {
        url <- getURLtoDownload()
        if (!is.null(url)) {
            display("Triggered file downloads")
            # Download missing files through the browser
            iframe <- function(url)
                tags$iframe(width=1, height=1, frameborder=0, src=url)
            output$iframeDownload <- renderUI(lapply(url, iframe))

attr(firebrowseUI, "loader") <- "data"
attr(firebrowseServer, "loader") <- "data"
nuno-agostinho/psichomics documentation built on Jan. 2, 2025, 4:10 a.m.