## TODO(NunoA): add histogram in/above percentage of NAs per row to remove
## TODO(NunoA): logarithmic values
## TODO(NunoA): BoxCox transformation
#' Perform principal component analysis after processing missing values
#' @param ... Arguments passed on to \code{stats::prcomp}
#' @inheritParams stats::prcomp
#' @inheritParams reduceDimensionality
#' @family functions to analyse principal components
#' @return PCA result in a \code{prcomp} object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' performPCA(USArrests)
performPCA <- function(data, center=TRUE, scale.=FALSE,
missingValues=round(0.05 * nrow(data)), ...) {
reduceDimensionality(data, "pca", missingValues=missingValues,
center=center, scale.=scale., ...)
#' @rdname appUI
#' @importFrom highcharter highchartOutput
#' @importFrom shiny checkboxGroupInput tagList uiOutput hr downloadButton
#' sliderInput actionButton selectizeInput helpText textOutput
#' @importFrom shinyBS bsTooltip
#' @importFrom shinyjs hidden
#' @importFrom DT dataTableOutput
pcaUI <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
pcaOptions <- div(
selectizeInput(ns("dataForPCA"), "Dataset to perform PCA on",
width="100%", choices=NULL, options=list(
placeholder="No data available")),
checkboxGroupInput(ns("preprocess"), "Preprocessing",
c("Center values"="center", "Scale values"="scale"),
selected=c("center"), width="100%"),
selectGroupsUI(ns("dataGroups"), "Perform PCA on...", type="Samples",
noGroupsLabel="All samples",
groupsLabel="Samples from selected groups"),
numericInput(ns("missingValues"), div(
"Acceptable number of missing values per event",
icon("question-circle")), min=0, max=100, value=10, width="100%"),
bsTooltip(ns("missingValues"), placement="right", paste(
"For events containing the user-defined number of missing values,",
"missing values are replaced with the median value of that event",
"across all samples. Events with a higher number of missing values",
"are discarded."),
ns("dataGroups2"), "Perform PCA on...", type="ASevents",
noGroupsLabel="All genes and splicing events",
groupsLabel="Genes and splicing events from selected groups"),
processButton(ns("calculate"), "Calculate PCA")
performPcaCollapse <- bsCollapsePanel(
list(icon("cogs"), "Perform PCA"), value="Perform PCA", style="info",
errorDialog(paste("No alternative splicing quantification or gene",
"expression data are available."),
id=ns("pcaOptionsDialog"), buttonLabel="Load data",
buttonIcon="plus-circle", buttonId=ns("loadData")),
varsToPlot <- c("all", "top100")
names(varsToPlot) <- c("All variables",
paste("Top 100 variables that most contribute to",
"selected principal components"))
plotPcaCollapse <- bsCollapsePanel(
list(icon("binoculars"), "Plot PCA"),
value="Plot PCA", style="info",
errorDialog("PCA has not yet been performed.", id=ns("noPcaPlotUI")),
selectizeInput(ns("pcX"), choices=NULL, width="100%",
"Principal component for the X axis"),
selectizeInput(ns("pcY"), choices=NULL, width="100%",
"Principal component for the Y axis"),
ns("colourGroups"), "Sample colouring", type="Samples",
noGroupsLabel="Do not colour samples",
groupsLabel="Colour using selected groups"),
ns("plotVariables"), "Variables to plot in loading plot",
varsToPlot, selected="top100", width="100%"),
actionButton(ns("showVariancePlot"), "Show variance plot"),
actionButton(ns("plot"), "Plot PCA", class="btn-primary"))))
kmeansPanel <- conditionalPanel(
sprintf("input[id='%s'] == '%s'", ns("clusteringMethod"), "kmeans"),
"Maximum number of iterations",
min=10, max=100, value=20, width="100%"),
"Number of initial random sets",
min=50, max=1000, value=100, width="100%"),
selectizeInput(ns("kmeansMethod"), "K-means method",
width="100%", c("Hartigan-Wong",
"Lloyd-Forgy", "MacQueen")))
pamPanel <- conditionalPanel(
sprintf("input[id='%s'] == '%s'", ns("clusteringMethod"), "pam"),
selectizeInput(ns("pamMetric"), width="100%",
"Metric to be used when calculating dissimilarities",
c("Euclidean", "Manhattan")))
claraPanel <- conditionalPanel(
sprintf("input[id='%s'] == '%s'", ns("clusteringMethod"), "clara"),
selectizeInput(ns("claraMetric"), width="100%",
"Metric to be used when calculating dissimilarities",
c("Euclidean", "Manhattan")),
ns("claraSamples"), "Samples to be randomly drawn",
min=10, max=1000, value=50, step=10, width="100%"))
clusteringCollapse <- bsCollapsePanel(
list(icon("th-large"), "Clustering"),
value="Clustering", style="info",
errorDialog("PCA has not yet been plotted.",
"Clustering algorithm", width="100%", selected="clara",
"Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM)"="pam",
"Clustering Large Applications (CLARA)"="clara")),
sliderInput(ns("clusterNumber"), "Number of clusters",
min=1, max=20, value=2, width="100%"),
# bsCollapse(
# bsCollapsePanel(
# tagList(icon("plus-circle"),
# "Optimal number of clusters"),
# value="Optimal number of clusters",
# selectizeInput(
# ns("estimatationOptimalClusters"), width="100%",
# "Method to estimate optimal number of clusters",
# c("Within cluster sums of squares"="wss",
# "Average silhouette"="silhouette",
# "Gap statistics"="gap_stat")),
# highchartOutput(ns("optimalClusters")))),
kmeansPanel, pamPanel, claraPanel,
actionButton(ns("saveClusters"), "Create groups from clusters"),
processButton(ns("plotClusters"), "Plot clusters"))))
id=ns("pcaCollapse"), open="Perform PCA",
), mainPanel(
hidden(downloadButton(ns("saveVarContr"), "Save table", "btn-info"))
#' Create the explained variance plot from a PCA
#' @aliases plotVariance
#' @param pca \code{prcomp} object
#' @importFrom highcharter highchart hc_chart hc_title hc_add_series
#' hc_plotOptions hc_xAxis hc_yAxis hc_legend hc_tooltip hc_exporting
#' @importFrom shiny tags
#' @family functions to analyse principal components
#' @return Plot variance as an \code{highchart} object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pca <- prcomp(USArrests)
#' plotPCAvariance(pca)
plotPCAvariance <- function(pca) {
# Get a proportional value to eigenvalues based on standard deviation
eigenvalue <- unname( pca$sdev ^ 2 )
variance <- eigenvalue * 100 / sum(eigenvalue)
cumvar <- cumsum(variance)
# Prepare data
data <- lapply(seq(eigenvalue), function(i) {
return(list(y=variance[i], eigenvalue=eigenvalue[i], cumvar=cumvar[i]))
hc <- highchart() %>%
hc_chart(zoomType="xy", backgroundColor=NULL) %>%
hc_title(text=paste("Variance explained by each",
"Principal Component (PC)")) %>%
hc_add_series(data=data, type="waterfall", cumvar=cumvar) %>%
format=paste0("{point.eigenvalue:.2f}", tags$br(),
align="center", verticalAlign="top", enabled=TRUE))) %>%
hc_xAxis(title=list(text="Principal Components"),
categories=seq(length(data)), crosshair=TRUE) %>%
hc_yAxis(title=list(text="Percentage of variance"), min=0, max=100) %>%
hc_legend(enabled=FALSE) %>%
headerFormat=paste(tags$b("Principal component {point.x}"),
"Eigenvalue: {point.eigenvalue:.2f}", tags$br(),
"Variance: {point.y:.2f}%", tags$br(),
"Cumulative variance: {point.cumvar:.2f}%")) %>%
#' @export
plotVariance <- plotPCAvariance
#' Calculate the contribution of PCA loadings to the selected principal
#' components
#' Total contribution of a variable is calculated as per
#' \code{((Cx * Ex) + (Cy * Ey))/(Ex + Ey)}, where:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{Cx} and \code{Cy} are the contributions of a variable to
#' principal components \code{x} and \code{y}}
#' \item{\code{Ex} and \code{Ey} are the eigenvalues of principal components
#' \code{x} and \code{y}}
#' }
#' @inheritParams plotPCA
#' @source
#' \url{http://www.sthda.com/english/articles/31-principal-component-methods-in-r-practical-guide/112-pca-principal-component-analysis-essentials/}
#' @family functions to analyse principal components
#' @return Data frame containing the correlation between variables and selected
#' principal components and the contribution of variables to the selected
#' principal components (both individual and total contribution)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pca <- performPCA(USArrests)
#' calculateLoadingsContribution(pca)
calculateLoadingsContribution <- function(pca, pcX=1, pcY=2) {
loadings <- data.frame(pca$rotation)[, c(pcX, pcY)]
sdev <- pca$sdev[c(pcX, pcY)]
# Get a proportional value to eigenvalues based on standard deviation
eigenvalue <- sdev ^ 2
# Correlation between variables and principal components
varCorr <- t(loadings) * sdev
quality <- varCorr ^ 2
# Total contribution of the variables for the selected PCs
contr <- quality * 100 / rowSums(quality)
totalContr <- colSums(contr * eigenvalue) / sum(eigenvalue)
table <- cbind(loadings, t(contr)/colSums(t(contr))*100,
values <- sprintf("PC%s loading", c(pcX, pcY))
colnames(table) <- c(
sprintf("Contribution to PC%s (%%)", c(pcX, pcY)),
sprintf("Contribution to PC%s and PC%s (%%)", pcX, pcY))
# Parse alternative splicing events or genes
if ( areSplicingEvents(rownames(table), data=pca) ) {
extra <- parseSplicingEvent(rownames(table), pretty=TRUE, data=pca)
if (!is.null(extra)) {
id <- extra$id
extra$gene <- sapply(extra$gene, paste0, collapse=", ")
if (!is.null(extra$pos)) {
extra$pos <- sapply(extra$pos, paste0, collapse=", ")
} else {
extra$pos <- paste(extra$start, extra$end, sep=", ")
extra <- extra[ , c("type", "chrom", "strand", "gene", "pos")]
colnames(extra) <- c("Event type", "Chromosome", "Strand", "Gene",
"Event position")
table <- cbind(extra, table)
if (!is.null(id)) table <- cbind("Event ID"=id, table)
} else {
table <- cbind("AS event"=rownames(table), table)
} else {
table <- cbind("Gene"=rownames(table), table)
# Sort by total contribution to principal components
table <- table[order(table[ , ncol(table)], decreasing=TRUE), ]
table <- cbind("Rank"=seq(nrow(table)), table)
attr(table, "xValues") <- values[1]
attr(table, "yValues") <- values[2]
eventData <- getSplicingEventData(pca)
if (!is.null(eventData)) {
eventData <- eventData[rownames(table), ]
attr(table, "rowData") <- eventData
table <- preserveAttributes(table)
#' Create a scatterplot from a PCA object
#' @param pca \code{prcomp} object
#' @param pcX Character: name of the X axis of interest from the PCA
#' @param pcY Character: name of the Y axis of interest from the PCA
#' @param groups Matrix: groups to plot indicating the index of interest of the
#' samples (use clinical or sample groups)
#' @param individuals Boolean: plot PCA individuals
#' @param loadings Boolean: plot PCA loadings/rotations
#' @param nLoadings Integer: Number of variables to plot, ordered by those that
#' most contribute to selected principal components (this allows for faster
#' performance as only the most contributing variables are rendered); if
#' \code{NULL}, all variables are plotted
#' @importFrom highcharter highchart hc_chart hc_xAxis hc_yAxis hc_tooltip %>%
#' tooltip_table
#' @family functions to analyse principal components
#' @return Scatterplot as an \code{highchart} object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pca <- prcomp(USArrests, scale=TRUE)
#' plotPCA(pca)
#' plotPCA(pca, pcX=2, pcY=3)
#' # Plot both individuals and loadings
#' plotPCA(pca, pcX=2, pcY=3, loadings=TRUE)
#' # Only plot loadings
#' plotPCA(pca, pcX=2, pcY=3, loadings=TRUE, individuals=FALSE)
plotPCA <- function(pca, pcX=1, pcY=2, groups=NULL, individuals=TRUE,
loadings=FALSE, nLoadings=NULL) {
if (is.character(pcX)) pcX <- as.numeric(gsub("[A-Za-z]", "", pcX))
if (is.character(pcY)) pcY <- as.numeric(gsub("[A-Za-z]", "", pcY))
imp <- summary(pca)$importance[2, ]
perc <- as.numeric(imp)
label <- sprintf("%s (%s%% explained variance)",
names(imp[c(pcX, pcY)]),
roundDigits(perc[c(pcX, pcY)]*100))
hc <- highchart() %>%
hc_chart(zoomType="xy") %>%
hc_xAxis(title=list(text=label[1]), crosshair=TRUE) %>%
hc_yAxis(title=list(text=label[2]), gridLineWidth=0,
minorGridLineWidth=0, crosshair=TRUE) %>%
hc_tooltip(pointFormat="{point.sample}") %>%
if (individuals) {
df <- data.frame(pca$x)
if (is.null(groups)) {
hc <- hc_scatter(hc, df[[pcX]], df[[pcY]], sample=rownames(df))
} else {
# Colour data based on the selected groups
for (group in names(groups)) {
rows <- groups[[group]]
colour <- attr(groups, "Colour")
if (group %in% names(colour)) {
colour <- colour[[group]]
} else {
colour <- NA
values <- df[rows, ]
if (!all(is.na(values))) {
hc <- hc_scatter(
hc, values[[pcX]], values[[pcY]], name=group,
sample=rownames(values), showInLegend=TRUE,
if (loadings) {
contr <- calculateLoadingsContribution(pca, pcX, pcY)
if (!is.null(nLoadings)) contr <- head(contr, nLoadings)
xValues <- contr[ , attr(contr, "xValues")]
yValues <- contr[ , attr(contr, "yValues")]
contrPCx <- contr[ , ncol(contr) - 2]
contrPCy <- contr[ , ncol(contr) - 1]
contrTotal <- contr[ , ncol(contr)]
names <- rownames(contr)
dfX <- c(paste0("PC", pcX, " loading"),
paste0("PC", pcY, " loading"),
paste0("Contribution to PC", pcX),
paste0("Contribution to PC", pcY),
paste0("Contribution to PC", pcX, " and PC", pcY) )
dfY <- c(sprintf(" {point.x:.%sf}", getPrecision()),
sprintf(" {point.y:.%sf}", getPrecision()),
sprintf(" {point.contrPCx:.%sf}%%", getPrecision()),
sprintf(" {point.contrPCy:.%sf}%%", getPrecision()),
sprintf(" {point.contr:.%sf}%%", getPrecision()))
gene <- NULL
subtype <- NULL
coord <- NULL
if (areSplicingEvents(rownames(contr), data=pca)) {
res <- prepareEventInfoTooltip(rownames(contr), data=pca)
if (!is.null(res)) {
gene <- res$gene
subtype <- res$subtype
coord <- res$coord
dfX <- c("Gene", "Event type", "Position", dfX)
dfY <- c(" {point.gene}", " {point.subtype}", " {point.coord}",
## TODO(NunoA): color points with a gradient; see colorRampPalette()
# For loadings, add series (but don't add to legend)
hc <- hc_scatter(hc, xValues, yValues, unname(contrTotal),
name="Loadings", sample=names, contr=contrTotal,
contrPCx=contrPCx, contrPCy=contrPCy,
gene=gene, subtype=subtype, coord=coord) %>%
"Bubble size ~ relative contribution to PC%s and PC%s",
pcX, pcY)) %>%
hc_tooltip(useHTML=TRUE, headerFormat="", pointFormat=paste0(
tags$b(style="text-align: center; white-space:pre-wrap;",
"{point.sample}"), tags$br(), "<small>",
tooltip_table(dfX, dfY), "</small>"))
#' Server logic for clustering PCA data
#' @inheritParams appServer
#' @importFrom stats kmeans
#' @importFrom cluster pam clara silhouette
#' @importFrom shiny renderTable tableOutput
#' @inherit psichomics return
#' @keywords internal
clusterSet <- function(session, input, output) {
clusterPCA <- reactive({
algorithm <- input$clusteringMethod
clusters <- input$clusterNumber
pca <- getPCA()
pcX <- input$pcX
pcY <- input$pcY
if ( !is.null(pca$x) )
groups <- getSelectedGroups(input, "colourGroups", "Samples",
groups <- NULL
if (is.null(pca) || is.null(pcX) || is.null(pcY)) return(NULL)
pcaScores <- pca$x[ , c(pcX, pcY)]
clustering <- NULL
if (algorithm == "kmeans") {
iterations <- input$kmeansIterations
nstart <- input$kmeansNstart
method <- input$kmeansMethod
if (method == "Lloyd-Forgy") method <- "Lloyd"
clustering <- kmeans(pcaScores, clusters, iter.max=iterations,
nstart=nstart, algorithm=method)
clustering <- clustering$cluster
} else if (algorithm == "pam") {
metric <- tolower(isolate(input$pamMetric))
clustering <- pam(pcaScores, clusters, metric=metric,
} else if (algorithm == "clara") {
metric <- tolower(input$claraMetric)
samples <- input$claraSamples
clustering <- clara(pcaScores, clusters, metric=metric,
samples=samples, medoids.x=FALSE,
keep.data=FALSE, pamLike=TRUE)
clustering <- clustering$clustering
observeEvent(input$plotClusters, {
pca <- getPCA()
pcX <- input$pcX
pcY <- input$pcY
if ( !is.null(pca$x) )
groups <- getSelectedGroups(input, "colourGroups", "Samples",
groups <- NULL
if (is.null(pca) || is.null(pcX) || is.null(pcY)) return(NULL)
clustering <- clusterPCA()
hc <- plotPCA(pca, pcX, pcY, groups) %>%
plotClusters(pca$x[ , c(pcX, pcY)], clustering) %>%
hc_title(text="Samples (PCA scores)") %>%
hc_legend(symbolHeight=8, symbolWidth=8)
output$scatterplot <- renderHighchart(hc)
# # Render optimal clusters
# output$optimalClusters <- renderHighchart({
# algorithm <- input$clusteringMethod
# pca <- getPCA()
# pcX <- input$pcX
# pcY <- input$pcY
# if ( !is.null(pca$x) )
# groups <- getSelectedGroups(input, "colourGroups", "Samples",
# filter=rownames(pca$x))
# else
# groups <- NULL
# if (is.null(pca) || is.null(pcX) || is.null(pcY)) return(NULL)
# pcaScores <- pca$x[ , c(pcX, pcY)]
# clusters <- 1:20
# estimation <- input$estimatationOptimalClusters
# if (algorithm == "kmeans") {
# iterations <- input$kmeansIterations
# nstart <- input$kmeansNstart
# method <- input$kmeansMethod
# if (method == "Lloyd-Forgy") method <- "Lloyd"
# res <- lapply(clusters, function(n) {
# kmeans(pcaScores, n, iter.max=iterations, nstart=nstart,
# algorithm=method)
# })
# } else if (algorithm == "pam") {
# metric <- tolower(input$pamMetric)
# res <- lapply(clusters, function(n) {
# pam(pcaScores, n, metric=metric, cluster.only=TRUE)
# })
# } else if (algorithm == "clara") {
# metric <- tolower(input$claraMetric)
# samples <- input$claraSamples
# res <- lapply(clusters, function(n) {
# clara(pcaScores, n, metric=metric, samples=samples,
# medoids.x=FALSE, keep.data=FALSE, pamLike=TRUE)
# })
# }
# if (estimation == "wss") {
# withinss <- sapply(res, "[[", "tot.withinss")
# hc <- highchart() %>% hc_add_series(withinss) %>%
# hc_xAxis(categories=clusters) %>% hc_legend(enabled=FALSE)
# return(hc)
# } else if (estimation == "silhouette") {
# sil <- silhouette(res)
# cluster <- sil[ , 2]
# width <- sil[ , 3]
# names(width) <- cluster
# hc <- highchart()
# for (i in sort(unique(cluster))) {
# hc <- hc %>%
# hc_add_series(unname(width[names(width) == i]),
# type="bar") %>%
# hc_xAxis(categories=clusters) %>%
# hc_legend(enabled=FALSE)
# }
# return(hc)
# }
# })
# Create data groups from clusters
observeEvent(input$saveClusters, {
clustering <- clusterPCA()
if (!is.null(clustering)) {
new <- split(names(clustering), clustering)
names <- paste("Cluster", names(new))
groups <- cbind("Names"=names,
"Subset"="PCA clustering", "Input"="PCA clustering",
rownames(groups) <- names
# Match samples with subjects (if loaded)
subjects <- isolate(getSubjectId())
if (!is.null(subjects)) {
indiv <- lapply(new, function(i)
unname(getSubjectFromSample(i, patientId=subjects)))
groups <- cbind(groups[ , seq(3), drop=FALSE], "Patients"=indiv,
groups[ , 4, drop=FALSE])
if (!is.null(groups)) appendNewGroups("Samples", groups)
session, "Groups successfully created",
"The following groups were created based on the selected",
"clustering options.", hr(),
footer=actionButton(session$ns("goToGroups"), "Show groups",
class="btn-info", "data-dismiss"="modal"))
# Render as table for user
colnames(groups)[1] <- "Group"
groups[ , "Samples"] <- sapply(groups[ , "Samples"], length)
cols <- c(1, 4)
if (!is.null(subjects)) {
groups[ , "Patients"] <- sapply(groups[ , "Patients"], length)
cols <- c(cols, 5)
output$clusteringTable <- renderTable(groups[ , cols], digits=0,
observeEvent(input$goToGroups, runjs("showGroups('Samples');"))
#' @rdname appServer
#' @importFrom shiny downloadHandler
#' @importFrom shinyjs runjs hide show
#' @importFrom highcharter %>% hc_chart hc_xAxis hc_yAxis hc_tooltip
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom DT renderDataTable
pcaServer <- function(input, output, session) {
ns <- session$ns
selectGroupsServer(session, "dataGroups", "Samples")
selectGroupsServer(session, "dataGroups2", "ASevents")
selectGroupsServer(session, "colourGroups", "Samples")
dataForPCA <- NULL
selectedDataForPCA <- input$dataForPCA
if (selectedDataForPCA == "Inclusion levels")
dataForPCA <- isolate(getInclusionLevels())
else if (grepl("^Gene expression", selectedDataForPCA))
dataForPCA <- isolate(getGeneExpression(selectedDataForPCA))
if (is.null(dataForPCA)) NULL
groups <- getSelectedGroups(input, "dataGroups", "Samples",
if ( !is.null(groups) )
dataForPCA <- dataForPCA[ , unlist(groups), drop=FALSE]
samples <- ncol(dataForPCA)
defaultVal <- round(samples * 0.05) # default: 5% of samples
updateNumericInput(session, "missingValues", max=samples,
selected <- input$missingValues
perc <- round(selected / samples * 100)
text <- sprintf(
"The selected number (%s) represents %s%% of %s total samples",
selected, perc, samples)
output$maxSamples <- renderText(text)
incLevels <- getInclusionLevels()
geneExpr <- getGeneExpression()
if (is.null(incLevels) && is.null(geneExpr)) {
} else {
if (!is.null(getPCA())) {
hide("noPcaPlotUI", animType="fade")
show("pcaPlotUI", animType="fade")
} else {
show("noPcaPlotUI", animType="fade")
hide("pcaPlotUI", animType="fade")
show("noClusteringUI", animType="fade")
hide("clusteringUI", animType="fade")
# Update available data input
geneExpr <- getGeneExpression()
incLevels <- getInclusionLevels()
if (!is.null(incLevels) || !is.null(geneExpr)) {
choices <- c(attr(incLevels, "dataType"), rev(names(geneExpr)))
updateSelectizeInput(session, "dataForPCA", choices=choices)
observeEvent(input$loadData, missingDataGuide("Inclusion levels"))
observeEvent(input$takeMeThere, missingDataGuide("Inclusion levels"))
showPCAinterface <- function(ns, output, dataForPCA, pca, pcX, pcY,
plotVariables, groups) {
output$scatterplot <- renderHighchart({
if (!is.null(pcX) && !is.null(pcY)) {
plotPCA(pca, pcX, pcY, groups) %>%
hc_title(text="Samples (PCA scores)")
output$scatterplotLoadings <- renderHighchart({
if (!is.null(pcX) && !is.null(pcY)) {
dataType <- attr(pca, "dataType")
groupsJS <- toJSarray(isolate(names(groups)))
if (is.null(groups)) groupsJS <- "null"
if (dataType == "Inclusion levels") {
title <- "Alternative splicing events (PCA loadings)"
onClick <- sprintf(
"function() {
var id = '%s',
event = this.options.sample.replace(/ /g, '_'),
param = {event: event, groups: %s};
Shiny.setInputValue(id, param, {priority: 'event'});
ns("pca_last_clicked"), groupsJS)
} else if (dataType == "Gene expression") {
title <- "Genes (PCA loadings)"
onClick <- sprintf(
"function() {
var id = '%s',
gene = this.options.sample,
param = {gene: gene, groups: %s,
geneExpr: '%s'};
Shiny.setInputValue(id, param, {priority: 'event'});
ns("pca_last_clicked"), groupsJS, dataForPCA)
if (plotVariables == "all") nLoadings <- NULL
else if (plotVariables == "top100") nLoadings <- 100
plotPCA(pca, pcX, pcY, individuals=FALSE, loadings=TRUE,
nLoadings=nLoadings) %>%
hc_title(text=unname(title)) %>%
if (is.character(pcX)) pcX <- as.numeric(gsub("[A-Z]", "", pcX))
if (is.character(pcY)) pcY <- as.numeric(gsub("[A-Z]", "", pcY))
data <- calculateLoadingsContribution(pca, pcX, pcY)
output$varContrTable <- renderDataTable(
data, style="bootstrap", server=TRUE, rownames=FALSE,
selection="none", options=list(scrollX=TRUE))
output$saveVarContr <- downloadHandler(
filename=function() {
paste(getCategory(), "PCA variable contribution")
}, content=function(con) {
write.table(data, con, quote=FALSE, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE)
hide("noClusteringUI", animType="fade")
show("clusteringUI", animType="fade")
updateSliderInput(session, "kmeansNstart", max=nrow(pca$x), value=100)
updateSliderInput(session, "claraSamples", max=nrow(pca$x), value=50)
# Perform principal component analysis (PCA)
observeEvent(input$calculate, {
selectedDataForPCA <- input$dataForPCA
if (selectedDataForPCA == "Inclusion levels") {
dataForPCA <- isolate(getInclusionLevels())
dataType <- "Inclusion levels"
groups2Type <- "ASevents"
} else if (grepl("^Gene expression", selectedDataForPCA)) {
dataForPCA <- isolate(getGeneExpression(selectedDataForPCA))
dataType <- "Gene expression"
groups2Type <- "Genes"
} else {
missingDataModal(session, "Inclusion levels", ns("takeMeThere"))
if (is.null(dataForPCA)) {
missingDataModal(session, "Inclusion levels", ns("takeMeThere"))
} else {
time <- startProcess("calculate")
groups <- getSelectedGroups(input, "dataGroups", "Samples",
groups2 <- getSelectedGroups(input, "dataGroups2", groups2Type,
preprocess <- input$preprocess
missingValues <- input$missingValues
# Subset data based on the selected groups
if ( !is.null(groups) ) {
dataForPCA <- dataForPCA[ , unlist(groups), drop=FALSE]
if ( !is.null(groups2) ) {
dataForPCA <- dataForPCA[unlist(groups2), , drop=FALSE]
# Raise error if data has no rows
if (nrow(dataForPCA) == 0) {
errorModal(session, "No data returned by PCA",
"PCA returned nothing. Check if everything is as",
"expected and try again.",
caller="Principal component analysis")
endProcess("calculate", closeProgressBar=FALSE)
# Transpose the data to have individuals as rows
dataForPCA <- t(dataForPCA)
# Perform principal component analysis (PCA) on the subset data
pca <- tryCatch(
performPCA(dataForPCA, missingValues=missingValues,
center="center" %in% preprocess,
scale.="scale" %in% preprocess), error=return)
if (is.null(pca)) {
errorModal(session, "No individuals to plot PCA",
"Try increasing the tolerance of missing values",
"per event.", caller="Principal component analysis")
} else if (is(pca, "error")) {
## TODO(NunoA): what to do in this case?
session, "PCA calculation error",
"Constant/zero columns cannot be resized to unit variance",
caller="Principal component analysis")
} else {
attr(pca, "dataType") <- dataType
attr(pca, "firstPCA") <- is.null(getPCA())
# Clear previously plotted charts
output$scatterplot <- renderHighchart(NULL)
output$scatterplotLoadings <- renderHighchart(NULL)
updateCollapse(session, "pcaCollapse", "Plot PCA")
endProcess("calculate", closeProgressBar=FALSE)
# Update select inputs of the principal components
pca <- getPCA()
if (is.null(pca)) {
choices <- c("PCA has not yet been performed"="")
updateSelectizeInput(session, "pcX", choices=choices)
updateSelectizeInput(session, "pcY", choices=choices)
imp <- summary(pca)$importance[2, ]
perc <- as.numeric(imp)
names(perc) <- names(imp)
# Update inputs to select principal components
label <- sprintf("%s (%s%% explained variance)",
names(perc), roundDigits(perc * 100))
choices <- setNames(names(perc), label)
choices <- c(choices, "Select a principal component"="")
updateSelectizeInput(session, "pcX", choices=choices)
updateSelectizeInput(session, "pcY", choices=choices,
showPCAinterface(ns, output, isolate(input$dataForPCA),
pca, pcX=1, pcY=2, plotVariables="top100", NULL)
# Show variance plot
infoModal(session, size="large", "Variance plot",
# Plot the explained variance plot
output$variancePlot <- renderHighchart({
pca <- getPCA()
if (is.null(pca)) {
if (input$plot > 0) {
errorModal(session, "PCA has not yet been performed",
"Perform a PCA and plot it afterwards.",
caller="Principal component analysis")
# Plot the principal component analysis
observeEvent(input$plot, {
pca <- getPCA()
pcX <- input$pcX
pcY <- input$pcY
plotVariables <- input$plotVariables
if ( !is.null(pca$x) ) {
groups <- getSelectedGroups(input, "colourGroups", "Samples",
} else {
groups <- NULL
dataForPCA <- input$dataForPCA
showPCAinterface(ns, output, dataForPCA,
pca, pcX, pcY, plotVariables, groups)
# Show differential analysis when clicking on PCA loadings
clusterSet(session, input, output)
attr(pcaUI, "loader") <- "dimReduction"
attr(pcaUI, "name") <- "Principal Component Analysis (PCA)"
attr(pcaServer, "loader") <- "dimReduction"
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