#' This function extracts GC sites in the genome
#' @title Extract GC
#' @param methylationData the methylation data stored as a \code{\link{GRanges}}
#' object with four metadata columns (see \code{\link{methylationDataList}}).
#' @param genome a BSgenome with the DNA sequence of the organism
#' @param contexts the context in which the DMRs are computed (\code{"ALL"},
#' \code{"CG"}, \code{"CHG"} or \code{"CHH"}).
#' @return the a subset of \code{methylationData} consisting of all GC sites.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # load the genome sequence
#' if(!require("BSgenome.Athaliana.TAIR.TAIR9", character.only = TRUE)){
#' if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
#' install.packages("BiocManager")
#' BiocManager::install("BSgenome.Athaliana.TAIR.TAIR9")
#' }
#' library(BSgenome.Athaliana.TAIR.TAIR9)
#' # load the methylation data
#' data(methylationDataList)
#' methylationDataWTGpCpG <- extractGC(methylationDataList[["WT"]],
#' BSgenome.Athaliana.TAIR.TAIR9,
#' "CG")
#' }
#' @author Ryan Merritt
extractGC <- function(methylationData,
# Splitting data according to the context specified
message("Splitting data according to context \n")
contexts <- match.arg(contexts)
"ALL" = metData <- methylationData,
"CG" = metData <- methylationData[which(methylationData$context=="CG")],
"CHH" = metData <- methylationData[which(methylationData$context=="CHH")],
"CHG" = metData <- methylationData[which(methylationData$context=="CHG")]
# Shifting strands to get the base before the cytosine
message("Shifting Strands \n")
start(metData[strand(metData)=="+"]) <- start(metData[strand(metData)=="+"])-1
end(metData[strand(metData)=="-"]) <- end(metData[strand(metData)=="-"])+1
# Removing cytosines that are at the ends of each chromosome
message("Removing data outside of chromosome length ranges \n")
chromlength <- width(getSeq(genome))
names(chromlength) <- seqlevels(metData)
chromlength <- chromlength[which(seqlevels(metData)%in%seqlevels(genome))]
for(i in 1:length(chromlength)){
metData <- metData[!(seqnames(metData)==names(chromlength)[i] &
for(i in 1:length(chromlength)){
metData <- metData[!(seqnames(metData)==names(chromlength)[i] &
message("Extracting GC \n")
metSeq <- getSeq(genome,metData)
metDataGC <- which(metSeq =="GC")
metDataGC <- metData[metDataGC]
message("Unshifting strands \n")
start(metDataGC[strand(metDataGC)=="+"]) <- start(metDataGC[strand(metDataGC)
end(metDataGC[strand(metDataGC)=="-"]) <- end(metDataGC[strand(metDataGC)
metDataGC <- split(metDataGC,metDataGC$context)
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