
Defines functions SuperTree

Documented in SuperTree

SuperTree <- function(myDendList, NAMEFUN=NULL, Verbose=TRUE, Processors=1){
  # error checking
  if (!is(myDendList, 'list') ||
      !all(vapply(myDendList, \(x) is(x, 'dendrogram') || is.null(x), FUN.VALUE=TRUE))){
    stop("SuperTree requires input to be a list of dendrograms")
    Processors <- detectCores()
  stopifnot("'Processors' must be a positive integer"=
              (Processors >=1 && Processors == as.integer(Processors)))
  if (!is(Processors, 'integer')) Processors <- as.integer(Processors)

  useNFUN <- is(NAMEFUN, 'function')

  if (useNFUN){
    #l1 <- flatdendrapply(myDendList[[1]], LEAFFUN=attr, which='label')
    l1 <- labels(myDendList[[1L]])
    l2 <- NAMEFUN(l1)
    if(length(l1)!=length(l2) || !all(is.atomic(l2))){
      stop("NAMEFUN should operate on a character vector and return a character
           vector of the same size as input.")

  # Get list of species
  allspecies <- character(0)
  if (Verbose){
    cat("  Compiling species...\n")
    pb <- txtProgressBar(max=length(myDendList), style=3)
    start <- Sys.time()
  ctr <- 0
  for ( i in seq_along(myDendList) ){
    if (Verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    lst <- myDendList[[i]]
    if (is.null(lst)) next
    specs <- labels(lst)

    if (useNFUN)
      specs <- NAMEFUN(specs)

    allspecies <- unique(c(allspecies, specs))
    ctr <- ctr + 1

  # Initialize distance matrix and counts matrix
  #dmat <- countmat <- matrix(0, nrow=length(allspecies), ncol=length(allspecies))
  #rownames(dmat) <- colnames(dmat) <- allspecies
  #rownames(countmat) <- colnames(countmat) <- allspecies
  asl <- length(allspecies)
  dholder <- numeric(asl*(asl-1)/2)
  class(dholder) <- "dist"
  attr(dholder, "Size") <- asl
  attr(dholder, "Diag") <- TRUE
  attr(dholder, "Upper") <- TRUE
  attr(dholder, "Labels") <- allspecies
  dmat <- countmat <- dholder

  if (Verbose){
    cat("\n  Done.\n\n  Constructing species-level distance matrix...\n")
    pb <- txtProgressBar(max = ctr, style=3)
  ctr <- 0
  for ( dend in myDendList ){
    if (is.null(dend)) next
    # Calculate Cophenetic
    cp <- Cophenetic(dend)
      attr(cp, 'Labels') <- NAMEFUN(attr(cp, 'Labels'))
    dmat <- combineDist(dmat, cp)
    cp[] <- 1
    countmat <- combineDist(countmat, cp)

    # d <- as.matrix(Cophenetic(dend))
    # # Get rownames
    # if (useNFUN)
    #   rownames(d) <- colnames(d) <- NAMEFUN(rownames(d))
    # rn <- rownames(d)
    # cn <- colnames(d)
    # lu <- length(unique(rn))
    # lr <- length(rn)
    # # Paralogs (currently averaging all rows corresponding to same genome)
    # while (lu != lr){
    #   firsttocom <- names(which.max(table(rownames(d)) > 1))
    #   pos <- which(rownames(d) == firsttocom)
    #   newrow <- colSums(d[pos,]) / length(pos)
    #   d[pos[1], ] <- d[,pos[1]] <- newrow
    #   d <- d[-pos[2], -pos[2]]
    #   lr <- lr - 1
    #   rn <- rn[-pos[2]]
    # }
    # cn <- rn
    # dmat[rn, cn] <- dmat[rn, cn] + d
    # countmat[rn, cn] <- countmat[rn, cn] + 1
    ctr <- ctr + 1
    if (Verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, ctr)

  # Impute missing entries
  if(Verbose) cat("\n  Done.\n")
  posmissing <- which(countmat==0)
  if(length(posmissing) > 0){
    countmat[posmissing] <- 1
    dmat <- dmat / countmat
    dmat[posmissing] <- NA_real_
    if(Verbose) cat('\n')
    # At some point we'll need to refactor dineof to work with dist obj
    dmat <- as.dist(dineof(as.matrix(dmat), verbose=Verbose)$X)
  } else {
    dmat <- dmat / countmat

  # Build species tree with NJ
    cat("\n\n  Building species tree...\n")
  newTree <- TreeLine(myDistMatrix=dmat, method="NJ",
                      verbose=Verbose, processors = Processors)

  if (Verbose){
    dt <- difftime(start, Sys.time())
    cat("  Done.\n  Time difference of", round(abs(dt), 2), attr(dt, "units"), '\n', sep=' ')
npcooley/SynExtend documentation built on Jan. 30, 2025, 11:37 a.m.