number_probes <- function(input, data.exp, Fixed=1000, Percent=NULL,
Poly=NULL, Adaptive=NULL) {
# Conditional to cause error if user chose multiple methods at once
if (is.null(Fixed) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(Percent) == FALSE) {
stop("Please choose one of the four options
(Fixed, Percent, Poly, Adaptive) only")
if (is.null(Fixed) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(Adaptive) == FALSE) {
stop("Please choose one of the four options
(Fixed, Percent, Poly, Adaptive) only")
if (is.null(Percent) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(Adaptive) == FALSE) {
stop("Please choose one of the four options
(Fixed, Percent, Poly, Adaptive) only")
if (is.null(Fixed) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(Poly) == FALSE) {
stop("Please choose one of the four options
(Fixed, Percent, Poly, Adaptive) only")
if (is.null(Percent) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(Poly) == FALSE) {
stop("Please choose one of the four options
(Fixed, Percent, Poly, Adaptive) only")
if (is.null(Adaptive) == FALSE) {
if (is.null(Poly) == FALSE) {
stop("Please choose one of the four options
(Fixed, Percent, Poly, Adaptive) only")
# For Fixed method
if (is.null(Fixed) == FALSE) {
# Conditional to make sure Fixed is numeric
if (is.numeric(Fixed) == FALSE) {
stop("Please input numeric for Fixed")
# Conditional to produce error if fixed gene number is
# greater than total genes in matrix
if (gene_num > dim(data.exp)[1]) {
stop("Gene number chosen is too large")
print(paste("The fixed gene probe number is: ", gene_num, sep=""))
# For percent method
if (is.null(Percent) == FALSE) {
# Conditional to produce error if Percent chosen is not greater
# than 0 or less/equal to 1
if (Percent < 0) {
stop("Please choose a positive number between 0 and 100")
if (Percent > 100) {
stop ("Please choose a positive number between 0 and 100")
gene_num2 <- round((Percent / 100) * dim(data.exp)[1])
print(paste("The percent gene probe number is: ", gene_num2, sep=""))
# For Poly method
if (is.null(Poly) == FALSE) {
# Make data matrix numeric
colname <- colnames(data.exp)
data.exp <- t(apply(data.exp, 1, as.numeric))
colnames(data.exp) <- colname
# Get mean and standard deviation of each gene
row.mean <- apply(data.exp, 1, mean) <- apply(data.exp, 1, stats::sd)
transinput <- data.exp
# Fit a second degree polynomial to data
fit <- stats::lm( ~ poly(row.mean, 2, raw=TRUE))
res <- fit$residuals
# Determine which genes are above the fitted polynomial
numgenesel <- length(which(res > 0))
selgenes <- names(which(res > 0))
# Obtain the selected gene matrix for genes above the polynomial
vec <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(selgenes)){
num <- which(rownames(transinput) == selgenes[i])
vec <- c(vec, num)
selmatrix <- transinput[vec,]
# Get mean and sd of new selected gene matrix
row.mean <- apply(selmatrix, 1, mean) <- apply(selmatrix, 1, stats::sd)
# Repeat steps and fit second polynomial to data
fit <- stats::lm( ~ poly(row.mean, 2, raw=TRUE))
res <- fit$residuals
numgenesel <- length(which(res > 0))
selgenes <- names(which(res > 0))
# Obtain selected gene matrix of genes above the second polynomial fit
vec <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(selgenes)) {
num <- which(rownames(selmatrix) == selgenes[i])
vec <- c(vec, num)
selmatrix2 <- selmatrix[vec,]
# Obtain mean and sd for new genes above the second polynomial fit
row.mean <- apply(selmatrix2, 1, mean) <- apply(selmatrix2, 1, stats::sd)
# Fit a third polynomial to the data
fit <- stats::lm( ~ poly(row.mean, 2, raw=TRUE))
res <- fit$residuals
numgenesel <- length(which(res > 0))
selgenes <- names(which(res>0))
# Obtain selected gene matrix of genes above the third polynomial fit
vec <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(selgenes)) {
num <- which(rownames(selmatrix) == selgenes[i])
vec <- c(vec, num)
# Return the number of genes
gene_poly <- length(vec)
print(paste("The poly gene probe number is: ", gene_poly, sep=""))
# For adaptive method
if (Adaptive == TRUE) {
## Code for Gaussian Mixture Modeling and Selection Process ##
# Function to normalize data to bring values into alignment
nor.min.max <- function(x) {
x.min <- min(x)
x.max <- max(x)
x <- (x - x.min) / (x.max - x.min)
return (x)
# Makes Expression Data Numeric
colname <- colnames(data.exp)
data.exp <- t(apply(data.exp, 1, as.numeric))
colnames(data.exp) <- colname
# Normalization of expression data
data.min.max <- t(apply(data.exp, 1, nor.min.max))
rownames(data.min.max) <- rownames(data.exp)
print("Your data has been normalized")
######## PART 2 Generate Simulated Data #########
# Make normalized data a numeric matrix
colname <- colnames(data.min.max)
data.min.max <- t(apply(data.min.max, 1, as.numeric))
colnames(data.min.max) <- colname
#Stores number of columns and rows of normalized data into variables
dsNoOfCol <- NCOL(data.min.max)
dsNoOfRow <- NROW(data.min.max)
#specify the names of columns in the data frame
colnames(data.min.max) <- c(1:dsNoOfCol)
data.min.max <- data.min.max[, 1:dsNoOfCol]
#apply function will apply sd and mean to each value in the object
tmp.mean <- apply(data.min.max, 1, mean) <- apply(data.min.max, 1, stats::sd)
# rnorm generates a random distribution of numbers
data.sim <- matrix(data=0, nrow=dsNoOfRow, ncol=dsNoOfCol)
rownames(data.sim) <- rownames(data.min.max)
for (i in 1:dsNoOfRow) {
currGeneExpLevel <- stats::rnorm(dsNoOfCol, tmp.mean[i],[i])
data.sim[i,] <- (currGeneExpLevel)
print("The simulated data file has been finished")
###### PART 3A Apply Gaussian Mixture Modeling to Real Data ######
# Define file prefix name and other parameters for GMM
filePrefix <- paste(input, "real_", sep=".")
expColStart <- 1
dsNoOfCol <- NCOL(data.min.max)
dsNoOfRow <- NROW(data.min.max)
#Set column names as "number 1" through value of dsNoOfCol
colnames(data.min.max) <- c(expColStart:dsNoOfCol)
#Stores column numbers into a data frame
data.min.max <- data.min.max[, expColStart:dsNoOfCol]
#paste combines the vectors into one string
#("number of samples: 234" for example)
print(paste("number of samples: ", dsNoOfCol, sep=""))
print(paste("number of genes: ", dsNoOfRow, sep=""))
# calculating the variances
print(paste("Begin applying Gaussian Mixture Modeling to real data",
"may take several minutes"))
for (i in 1:dsNoOfRow) {
currGeneExpLevel <- data.min.max[i, expColStart:dsNoOfCol]
# model the gene using Mclust
gClust <- mclust::Mclust(t(currGeneExpLevel), G=1:6)
output <- file(paste(filePrefix, "output_pro.txt", sep=""), "at")
cat(rownames(data.min.max)[i], format(gClust$parameters$pro,
digits=MAX_NO_OF_DIGITS), file=output, sep="\t")
cat("\n", file=output)
output <- file(paste(filePrefix, "output_mean.txt", sep=""), "at")
cat(rownames(data.min.max)[i], format(gClust$parameters$mean,
digits=MAX_NO_OF_DIGITS), file=output, sep="\t")
cat("\n", file=output)
output <- file(paste(filePrefix, "output_modelNameG.txt",
sep=""), "at")
cat(rownames(data.min.max)[i], gClust$G, gClust$modelName,
file=output, sep="\t")
cat("\n", file=output)
output <- file(paste(filePrefix, "output_sigmasq.txt",
sep=""), "at")
digits=MAX_NO_OF_DIGITS), file=output, sep="\t")
cat("\n", file=output)
output <- file(paste(filePrefix, "output_classification.txt",
sep=""), "at")
cat(rownames(data.min.max)[i], gClust$classification,
file=output, sep="\t")
cat("\n", file=output)
print("Gaussian mixture modeling has been applied to your real data")
########## PART 3B: Apply GMM to Simu Data ############
# Define prefix name for simu data and other parameters for GMM
expColStart <- 1
filePrefixsim <- paste(input, "Simu_", sep=".")
dsNoOfCol <- NCOL(data.sim)
dsNoOfRow <- NROW(data.sim)
#Set column names as "number 1" through value of dsNoOfCol
colnames(data.sim) <- c(expColStart:dsNoOfCol)
#Stores column numbers into a data frame
data.sim <- data.sim[, expColStart:dsNoOfCol]
print(paste("number of samples: ", dsNoOfCol, sep=""))
print(paste("number of genes: ", dsNoOfRow, sep=""))
print(paste("Begin applying Gaussian Mixture Modeling to Simulated",
"Data, may take several minutes"))
for (i in 1:dsNoOfRow) {
currGeneExpLevel<- data.sim[i,expColStart:dsNoOfCol]
# model the gene using Mclust
gClust <- mclust::Mclust(t(currGeneExpLevel), G=1:6)
output <- file(paste(filePrefixsim, "output_pro.txt",
sep=""), "at")
cat(rownames(data.sim)[i], format(gClust$parameters$pro,
digits=MAX_NO_OF_DIGITS), file=output, sep="\t")
cat("\n", file=output)
output <- file(paste(filePrefixsim, "output_mean.txt",
sep=""), "at")
cat(rownames(data.sim)[i], format(gClust$parameters$mean,
digits=MAX_NO_OF_DIGITS), file=output, sep="\t")
cat("\n", file=output)
output <- file(paste(filePrefixsim, "output_modelNameG.txt",
sep=""), "at")
cat(rownames(data.sim)[i], gClust$G, gClust$modelName,
file=output, sep="\t")
cat("\n", file=output)
output <- file(paste(filePrefixsim, "output_sigmasq.txt",
sep=""), "at")
digits=MAX_NO_OF_DIGITS), file=output, sep="\t")
cat("\n", file = output)
output <- file(paste(filePrefixsim, "output_classification.txt",
sep=""), "at")
cat(rownames(data.sim)[i], gClust$classification,
file=output, sep="\t")
cat("\n", file = output)
print(paste("Gaussian Mixture Modeling has been applied to",
"your simulated data"))
####### PART 4: Determine GMM/TRank estimated number of Genes #######
# Function that sorts a matrix
mat.sort <- function(mat,n) {
ties.method="random"),] <- mat[c(1:nrow(mat)),]
# Function to compute the TRank value
compute.TRank <- function(fn.dataModelNameG,
fn.dataClassification, fn.dataSigmasq, fn.dataMean,
fn.dataPro,curr.Sigmasq) {
# Model Name and G
dataModelNameG <- utils::read.delim2(fn.dataModelNameG,
header=FALSE, row.names=1, sep="\t", quote="\"",
dec=".", fill=TRUE)
# discrete classification produced by mclust
dataClassification <- utils::read.delim2(fn.dataClassification,
header=FALSE, row.names=1, sep="\t", quote="\"",
dec=".", fill=TRUE)
# Extract Properties of the input file
# Number of genes
noOfGene <- NROW(dataModelNameG)
# Maximum number of gaussians
maxG <-max(dataModelNameG[, 1])
# Number of samples
noOfSample <- NCOL(dataClassification)
# sigma square produced by mclust
dataSigmasq <- utils::read.delim2(fn.dataSigmasq,
header=FALSE, row.names=1, col.names=c(1:(maxG + 1)),
sep="\t", quote="\"", dec=".", fill=TRUE)
# mean produced by mclust
dataMean <- utils::read.delim2(fn.dataMean,
header=FALSE, row.names=1, col.names=c(1:(maxG + 1)),
sep="\t", quote="\"", dec=".", fill=TRUE)
# pi-zero produced by mclust
dataPro <- utils::read.delim2(fn.dataPro,
header=FALSE, row.names=1, col.names=c(1:(maxG + 1)),
sep="\t", quote="\"", dec=".", fill=TRUE)
# discrete classification produced by mclust
dataClassification <- utils::read.delim2(fn.dataClassification,
header=FALSE, row.names=1, col.names=c(1:(noOfSample + 1)),
sep="\t", quote="\"", dec=".", fill=TRUE)
# This matrix stores the gene selection criteria
allCriteria <- matrix(nrow=noOfGene, ncol=8)
print("Begin computing TRank value")
# Calculating the gene selection criteria
for (i in 1:noOfGene) {
print(paste("Now processing Gene ", i))
# Get the model information.
# Extract the number of clusters and model name for each gene
tmpMMADBID <- as.character(rownames(dataModelNameG[i,]))
tmpG <- dataModelNameG[i, 1]
tmpModelName <- as.character(dataModelNameG[i, 2])
# Temporary MATRIX variables to store the statistical criteria
tmpPWT <- matrix(data=0, nrow=tmpG, ncol=tmpG)
# Calculate the MIN & MAX proportion (pi-zero)
if(tmpG > 1) {
tmpMinPro <- min(as.numeric(dataPro[tmpMMADBID, 1:tmpG]))
tmpMaxPro <- max(as.numeric(dataPro[tmpMMADBID, 1:tmpG]))
#Added to capture the min and max mean (15 July 2011)
tmpMinMean <- min(as.numeric(dataMean[tmpMMADBID, 1:tmpG]))
tmpMaxMean <- max(as.numeric(dataMean[tmpMMADBID, 1:tmpG]))
else {
tmpMinPro <- 0
tmpMaxPro <- 0
#Added to capture the min and max mean (15 July 2011)
tmpMinMean <- min(as.numeric(dataMean[tmpMMADBID, 1]))
tmpMaxMean <- max(as.numeric(dataMean[tmpMMADBID, 1]))
# Experiment (9) - sum(pair-wised)
for(j in 1:(tmpG - 1)) {
if(tmpModelName == "X") {
# do nothing here
else {
for(k in (j + 1):(tmpG - 1)) {
# added on 15 July 2011, otherwise wrong.
if(k > j) {
if(tmpModelName == "E") {
tmpPWT[j, k] <- (abs(dataMean[tmpMMADBID,j]
- dataMean[tmpMMADBID,k]) /
sqrt(2 * dataSigmasq[tmpMMADBID, 1] +
curr.Sigmasq)) * ((dataPro[tmpMMADBID, j] *
dataPro[tmpMMADBID, k]) /
((dataPro[tmpMMADBID, j] +
dataPro[tmpMMADBID, k]) ^ 2))
else if(tmpModelName == "V") {
tmpPWT[j, k] <- (abs
(dataMean[tmpMMADBID, j] -
dataMean[tmpMMADBID, k]) /
sqrt(dataSigmasq[tmpMMADBID, j] +
dataSigmasq[tmpMMADBID, k] +
curr.Sigmasq)) * ((dataPro[tmpMMADBID, j] *
dataPro[tmpMMADBID, k]) /
((dataPro[tmpMMADBID, j] +
dataPro[tmpMMADBID, k]) ^ 2))
# store all criteria
allCriteria[i, 1] <- tmpMMADBID
allCriteria[i, 2] <- tmpG
allCriteria[i, 3] <- tmpModelName
allCriteria[i, 4] <- tmpMinPro
allCriteria[i, 5] <- tmpMaxPro
#allCriteria[i, 6] = max(as.numeric(tmpPWT))# max
allCriteria[i, 6] <- sum(as.numeric(tmpPWT)) # sum
#Added to capture the min and max mean (15 July 2011)
allCriteria[i, 7] <- tmpMinMean
allCriteria[i, 8] <- tmpMaxMean
# sort the matrix by one of the allCriteria
sortedAllCriteria <- mat.sort(allCriteria, 6)
return (sortedAllCriteria)
# Global constants
# Read in simu data files for TRank calculation
tmp.fn.dataModelNameG <- paste(filePrefixsim,
"output_modelNameG.txt", sep="")
tmp.fn.dataClassification <- paste(filePrefixsim,
"output_classification.txt", sep="")
tmp.fn.dataSigmasq <- paste(filePrefixsim,
"output_sigmasq.txt", sep="")
tmp.fn.dataMean <- paste(filePrefixsim,
"output_mean.txt", sep="")
tmp.fn.dataPro <- paste(filePrefixsim,
"output_pro.txt", sep="")
# Calculate the fudge factor for the simu data
aS0 <- NULL
currData <- NULL
for(i in 1:NROW(data.sim)) {
currData <- as.numeric(data.sim[i,])
aS0 <- c(aS0,stats::var(currData))
tmp.Sigmasq <- stats::median(aS0)
print(paste("The simulated sigamasq is: ", tmp.Sigmasq, sep=""))
# Call TRank function to calculate simulated data TRank scores
x <- compute.TRank(tmp.fn.dataModelNameG, tmp.fn.dataClassification,
tmp.fn.dataSigmasq, tmp.fn.dataMean, tmp.fn.dataPro, tmp.Sigmasq)
rownames(x) <- as.character(t(x[, 1]))
# Begin reading in real data files for TRank calculation
tmp.fn.dataModelNameG <- paste(filePrefix,
"output_modelNameG.txt", sep="")
tmp.fn.dataClassification <- paste(filePrefix,
"output_classification.txt", sep="")
tmp.fn.dataSigmasq <- paste(filePrefix,
"output_sigmasq.txt", sep="")
tmp.fn.dataMean <- paste(filePrefix,
"output_mean.txt", sep="")
tmp.fn.dataPro <- paste(filePrefix,"output_pro.txt", sep = "")
#calculating the fuge factor s0 for real data
aS0 <- NULL
currData <- NULL
for(i in 1:NROW(data.min.max)) {
currData <- as.numeric(data.min.max[i,])
aS0 <- c(aS0,stats::var(currData))
tmp.Sigmasq <- stats::median(aS0)
print(paste("The real sigamasq is: ", tmp.Sigmasq, sep=""))
# Call TRank function to calculate TRank scores for real data
y <- compute.TRank(tmp.fn.dataModelNameG, tmp.fn.dataClassification,
tmp.fn.dataSigmasq, tmp.fn.dataMean, tmp.fn.dataPro, tmp.Sigmasq)
rownames(y) <- as.character(t(y[, 1]))
# Store TRank scores for simu (x.score) and real data (y.score)
x.score <- as.numeric(t(x[, 6]))
y.score <- as.numeric(t(y[, 6]))
#FDR calculations
maxScore <- max(c(x.score, y.score))
currCutoff <- min(c(x.score, y.score))
bin.size <- 0.001
while(currCutoff <= maxScore) {
a <- sum(x.score > currCutoff)
b <- sum(y.score > currCutoff)
currFDR <- a / b
FDR <- rbind(FDR, c(a, b, currCutoff, currFDR))
currCutoff <- currCutoff + bin.size
# Choose the TRank with a FDR value of 0.01 for the lowest number
# of selected genes a represents the index of the TRank
# value to be chosen
FDRvalue <- 0.01
index <- which(FDR[, 4] >= FDRvalue)
# Conditional if FDR value never reaches specified value
# Reduce the FDRvalue
if (length(index) == 0) {
index <- which(FDR[, 4] >= (FDRvalue / 10))
if (length(index) == 0) {
index <- which(FDR[, 4] >= (FDRvalue / 50))
if (length(index) == 0) {
index <- which(FDR[, 4] >= (FDRvalue / 100))
if (length(index) == 0) {
index <- which(FDR[, 4] >= (FDRvalue / 1000))
genenum <- max(index)
TRank <- FDR[genenum, 3]
# Conditionals to make sure only one TRank value is chosen
if (length(TRank) == 0) {
TRank <- 0.30
print("Arbitrary TRank value of 0.30 chosen")
print("The specified FDR cutoff did not occur in the data")
# Conditional if more than 1 TRank value exists with the FDR cutoff
if (length(TRank) > 1) {
TRank <- min(TRank)
# Save the TRank determined genes to object
sel.Probe <- as.character(y[as.numeric(y[, 6]) >= TRank, 1])
gene_num3 <- length(sel.Probe)
print(paste("The adaptive gene probe number is: ", gene_num3, sep=""))
# Make a test matrix
test_data <- c(1:8)
test_matrix <- matrix(data=test_data, nrow=2, ncol=4)
test_number_probes <- function() {
checkException(number_probes(input="test", data.exp="string", Fixed=1,
Percent=NULL, Poly=NULL, Adaptive=NULL),
msg="Unable to use string as data.exp")
checkException(number_probes(input="test", data.exp=test_matrix, Fixed=NULL,
Percent=TRUE, Poly=TRUE, Adaptive=NULL),
msg="Can't have multiple options as true")
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