#' An S4 class to represent the ihw output.
#' @slot df A data.frame that collects the input data, including the vector of p values and the covariate, the group assignment, as well as outputs (weighted p-values, adjusted p-values)
#' @slot weights A (nbins X nfolds) matrix of the weight assigned to each stratum
#' @slot alpha Numeric, the nominal significance level at which the FDR is to be controlled
#' @slot nbins Integer, number of distinct levels into which the hypotheses were stratified
#' @slot nfolds Integer, number of folds for pre-validation procedure
#' @slot regularization_term Numeric vector, the final value of the regularization parameter within each fold
#' @slot m_groups Integer vector, number of hypotheses tested in each stratum
#' @slot penalty Character, "uniform deviation" or "total variation"
#' @slot covariate_type Character, "ordinal" or "nominal"
#' @slot adjustment_type Character, "BH" or "bonferroni"
#' @slot reg_path_information A data.frame, information about the whole regularization path. (Currently not used, thus empty)
#' @slot solver_information A list, solver specific output, e.g. were all subproblems solved to optimality? (Currently empty list)
#' @return The different methods applied to an ihwResult object can return the following:
#' @return 1) A vector
#' of length equal to the number of hypotheses tested (e.g. the adjusted p-value or the weight
#' of each hypothesis).
#' @return 2) A matrix of dimension equal to nfolds x nbins (e.g. the weight of
#' each stratum, fold combination, set by specifying levels_only=TRUE).
#' @return 3) A vector of length 1 (usually a parameter of the ihwResult object such as nfolds or
#' the total number of rejections).
#' @return 4) A data.frame (as.data.frame) or just console output (show) for the extended Base generics.
#' @return See section below for the individual methods.
#' @examples
#' save.seed <- .Random.seed; set.seed(1)
#' X <- runif(n = 20000, min = 0.5, max = 4.5) # Covariate
#' # Is the null hypothesis (mean=0) true or false ?
#' H <- rbinom(n = length(X), size = 1, prob = 0.1)
#' Z <- rnorm(n = length(X), mean = H * X) # Z-score
#' .Random.seed <- save.seed
#' pvalue <- 1 - pnorm(Z) # pvalue
#' ihw_res <- ihw(pvalue, covariates = X, alpha = 0.1)
#' rejections(ihw_res)
#' colnames(as.data.frame(ihw_res))
#' @seealso ihw, plot,ihwResult-method
#' @import methods
ihwResult <- setClass("ihwResult",
slots = list(
df = "data.frame",
weights = "matrix",
alpha = "numeric",
nbins = "integer",
nfolds = "integer",
regularization_term = "numeric",
m_groups = "integer",
penalty = "character",
covariate_type = "character",
adjustment_type = "character",
reg_path_information = "data.frame",
solver_information= "list"))
#-----------------------------adjusted p-values extraction---------------------------------------------------------#
adj_pvalues_ihwResult <- function(object){
#' @rdname ihwResult-class
setGeneric("adj_pvalues", function(object) standardGeneric("adj_pvalues"))
#' @describeIn ihwResult Extract adjusted pvalues
#' @export
setMethod("adj_pvalues", signature(object="ihwResult"),
#--------------------------- weights extraction --------------------------------------------------------------------#
weights_ihwResult <-function(object, levels_only = FALSE){
if (levels_only) {
} else {
object@df$weight #TODO: Storing redundant information right now
#' @param object,x A ihwResult object as returned by a call to ihw(...)
#' @param levels_only Logical, if FALSE, return a vector of weights (thresholds) with one weight
#' (threshold) for each hypothesis, otherwise return a nfolds x nbins matrix of weights (thresholds)
#' @param row.names,optional See ?base::as.data.frame for a description of these arguments.
#' @param ... Parameters passed in to individual methods
#' @describeIn ihwResult Extract weights
#' @export
setMethod("weights", signature(object="ihwResult"),
#--------------------------- threshold extraction -------------------------------------------------------------------#
thresholds_ihwResult <-function(object, levels_only = FALSE){
t <- get_bh_threshold(na.exclude(weighted_pvalues(object)), alpha(object),
mtests = sum(as.numeric(m_groups(object))))
t*weights(object, levels_only = levels_only)
#' @rdname ihwResult-class
setGeneric("thresholds", function(object,...) standardGeneric("thresholds"))
#' @describeIn ihwResult Calculate ihw thresholds
#' @export
setMethod("thresholds", signature(object="ihwResult"),
#--------------------------- p-value extraction ---------------------------------------------------------------------#
pvalues_ihwResult <- function(object){
#' @rdname ihwResult-class
setGeneric("pvalues", function(object) standardGeneric("pvalues"))
#' @describeIn ihwResult Extract pvalues
#' @export
setMethod("pvalues", signature(object="ihwResult"),
#--------------------------- weighted p-value extraction -------------------------------------------------------------#
weighted_pvalues_ihwResult <- function(object){
#' @rdname ihwResult-class
setGeneric("weighted_pvalues", function(object) standardGeneric("weighted_pvalues"))
#' @describeIn ihwResult Extract weighted pvalues
#' @export
setMethod("weighted_pvalues", signature(object="ihwResult"),
#--------------------------- covariate extraction ----------------------------------------------------------#
covariates_ihwResult <- function(object){
#' @rdname ihwResult-class
setGeneric("covariates", function(object) standardGeneric("covariates"))
#' @describeIn ihwResult Extract covariates
#' @export
setMethod("covariates", signature(object="ihwResult"),
#---------------------------- covariate type -----------------------------------------------------------------#
covariate_type_ihwResult <- function(object){
#' @rdname ihwResult-class
setGeneric("covariate_type", function(object) standardGeneric("covariate_type"))
#' @describeIn ihwResult Extract type of covariate ("ordinal" or "nominal")
#' @export
setMethod("covariate_type", signature(object="ihwResult"),
#----------------- extract stratification variable------------------------------------------------------------#
groups_factor_ihwResult <- function(object){
#' @rdname ihwResult-class
setGeneric("groups_factor", function(object) standardGeneric("groups_factor"))
#' @describeIn ihwResult Extract factor of stratification (grouping) variable
#' @export
setMethod("groups_factor", signature(object="ihwResult"),
#----------------- nfolds extraction ----------------------------------------------------------------------#
nfolds_ihwResult <- function(object) object@nfolds
#' @rdname ihwResult-class
setGeneric("nfolds", function(object) standardGeneric("nfolds"))
#' @describeIn ihwResult Extract number of folds
#' @export
setMethod("nfolds", signature(object="ihwResult"),
#----------------- nbins extraction ----------------------------------------------------------------------#
nbins_ihwResult <- function(object) object@nbins
#' @rdname ihwResult-class
setGeneric("nbins", function(object) standardGeneric("nbins"))
#' @describeIn ihwResult Extract number of bins
#' @export
setMethod("nbins", signature(object="ihwResult"),
#----------------- nominal alpha extraction ----------------------------------------------------------------------#
alpha_ihwResult <-function(object) object@alpha
#' @rdname ihwResult-class
setGeneric("alpha", function(object) standardGeneric("alpha"))
#' @describeIn ihwResult Extract nominal significance (alpha) level
#' @export
setMethod("alpha", signature(object="ihwResult"),
#----------------- adjustment type extraction ----------------------------------------------------------------------#
adjustment_type_ihwResult <-function(object) object@adjustment_type
setGeneric("adjustment_type", function(object) standardGeneric("adjustment_type"))
setMethod("adjustment_type", signature(object="ihwResult"),
#----------------- rejections ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# TODO: Extend this to groupwise calculation (i.e. rejections per stratum)
rejections_ihwResult <- function(object){
sum(rejected_hypotheses(object), na.rm=TRUE)
#' @rdname ihwResult-class
setGeneric("rejections", function(object,...) standardGeneric("rejections"))
#' @describeIn ihwResult Total number of rejected hypotheses by ihw procedure
#' @export
setMethod("rejections", signature(object="ihwResult"),
rejected_hypotheses_ihwResult <- function(object){
adj_pvalues(object) <= alpha(object)
#' @rdname ihwResult-class
setGeneric("rejected_hypotheses", function(object,...) standardGeneric("rejected_hypotheses"))
#' @describeIn ihwResult Get a boolean vector of the rejected hypotheses
#' @export
setMethod("rejected_hypotheses", signature(object="ihwResult"),
#---------------- regularization terms ---------------------------
regularization_term_ihwResult <-function(object) object@regularization_term
#' @rdname ihwResult-class
setGeneric("regularization_term", function(object) standardGeneric("regularization_term"))
#' @describeIn ihwResult Extract vector of regularization parameters used for each stratum
#' @export
setMethod("regularization_term", signature(object="ihwResult"),
#---------------- m_groups --------------------------------------------------
m_groups_ihwResult <-function(object) object@m_groups
#' @rdname ihwResult-class
setGeneric("m_groups", function(object) standardGeneric("m_groups"))
#' @describeIn ihwResult Extract total number of hypotheses within each stratum
#' @export
setMethod("m_groups", signature(object="ihwResult"),
#--------------- convenience methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#' @rdname ihwResult-class
as.data.frame_ihwResult <-function(x,row.names=NULL, optional=FALSE, ...){
as.data.frame(x@df, row.names=row.names, optional=optional)
#' @describeIn ihwResult Coerce ihwResult to data frame
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics as.data.frame
#' @export
setMethod("as.data.frame", "ihwResult",as.data.frame_ihwResult)
#' @describeIn ihwResult Return number of p-values
#' @export
setMethod("nrow", "ihwResult", function(x) nrow(x@df))
#' @describeIn ihwResult Convenience method to show ihwResult object
#' @importFrom methods show
#' @export
setMethod("show", signature(object="ihwResult"), function(object) {
adj_type <- adjustment_type(object)
if (adj_type == "BH"){
typeI_error <- "FDR"
} else if (adj_type == "bonferroni"){
typeI_error <- "FWER"
} else {
stop("Adjustment method appears to be invalid, corrupted IHW object.")
cat("ihwResult object with", nrow(object),"hypothesis tests \n")
cat("Nominal", typeI_error, "control level:", alpha(object),"\n")
cat("Split into", nbins(object),"bins, based on an", covariate_type(object), "covariate\n")
#------------------ not exported stuff ----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
##### FDR estimate #############################################################
plugin_fdr.ihwResult <- function(object) {
ts <- thresholds(object)
m_groups <- table(groups_factor(object))
sum(ts*m_groups)/rejections(object, method="thresholds")
setGeneric("plugin_fdr", function(object,...) standardGeneric("plugin_fdr"))
setMethod("plugin_fdr", signature(object="ihwResult"),
##### #############################################################
stratification_breaks.ihwResult <- function(object) {
ts <- thresholds(object)
groups <- groups_factor(object)
filterstat_list <- split(covariates(object), groups)
filterstats <- sapply(filterstat_list, max)
setGeneric("stratification_breaks", function(object,...) standardGeneric("stratification_breaks"))
setMethod("stratification_breaks", signature(object="ihwResult"),
######## temporary: number of pvals in each stratum #############################
stratum_sizes <- function(object) table(groups_factor(object))
############# validity ##########################################################
setValidity( "ihwResult", function( object ) {
} )
per_bin_fdrs <- function(obj) {
ts <- thresholds(obj)
groups <- groups_factor(obj)
pvals <- pvalues(obj)
pv_list <- split(pvals, groups)
fdrs <- mapply(function(t,pvec) length(pvec)*t/max(1, sum(pvec <= t)), ts, pv_list)
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