
Defines functions get_data_check

get_data_check <- function(tmp){
    l <- readLines(tmp)
    if(any(grepl("Bad credentials",l, ignore.case = TRUE))){
        file.remove(tmp, showWarnings = FALSE)
        stp <- paste(
            "piggyback::pb_download() failed due to bad GitHub credentials.",
            "Please add a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT)",
            "to your ~/.Renviron file and restart R",
            "before retrying this function.\ne.g.:\n\n",
            "   GITHUB_TOKEN=<your_PAT_here>",
            "\n\nIf you do not yet have a GitHub PAT,",
            "please follow instructions here:\n\n   ",
neurogenomics/orthogene documentation built on Jan. 30, 2024, 4:44 a.m.