
Defines functions make_network_object

Documented in make_network_object

#' @describeIn make_ make_
#' Make a \link[ggnetwork]{ggnetwork} object
#' This uses the network package to coerce the adjacency matrix into a
#' network object. It also adds the fold change, label,
#' and relative ontology level parameters to each node in the network.
#' It expects there to be a column of HPO IDs in the phenos dataframe called
#' hpo_id.
#' @param colour_var The column from phenos that you wish
#' to map to node colour.
#' @param cols Columns to add to metadata of \link[ggnetwork]{ggnetwork} object.
#' @returns A \link[ggnetwork]{ggnetwork} object.
#' @export
#' @import data.table
#' @examples
#' phenos <- make_phenos_dataframe(ancestor = "Neurodevelopmental delay")
#' phenoNet <- make_network_object(phenos = phenos,
#'                                 colour_var = "ontLvl_geneCount_ratio")
make_network_object <- function(phenos,
                                hpo = get_hpo(),
                                colour_var = "fold_change",
                                add_ont_lvl_absolute = FALSE,
                                cols = list_columns(
                                  extra_cols = c(
                                         value = TRUE)
                                ...) {
  as <- match.arg(as)
  messager("Making phenotype network object.")
  if(!"ontLvl" %in% names(phenos) &&
    phenos <- add_ont_lvl(phenos = phenos,
                          hpo = hpo,
                          absolute = TRUE)
  #### Create phenoNet obj ####
  g <- make_igraph_object(phenos,
                          hpo = hpo,
                          colour_var = colour_var,
                          cols = cols)
  #### Return tbl_graph object if requested ####
  if(as == "tbl_graph")  return(g)
  #### Proceed to convert to ggnetwork object ####
  phenoNet <- KGExplorer::graph_to_ggnetwork(g,
  cols <- cols[cols %in% names(phenos)]
  phenoNet <- unique(phenoNet)
neurogenomics/HPOExplorer documentation built on Jan. 11, 2025, 8:40 a.m.