#' Gather files
#' Recursively find peak/picard files stored within subdirectories and import
#' them as a list of \link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges} objects.
#' For "peaks.stringent" files called with
#' \href{https://github.com/FredHutch/SEACR}{SEACR}, column names will be
#' automatically added:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{total_signal : }{Total signal contained within denoted coordinates.}
#' \item{max_signal}{Maximum bedgraph signal attained at any base pair
#' within denoted coordinates.}
#' \item{max_signal_region}{ Region representing the farthest upstream
#' and farthest downstream bases within the denoted coordinates
#' that are represented by the maximum bedgraph signal.}
#' }
#' @param dir Directory to search within.
#' @param type File type to search for. Options include:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{"<pattern>"}{Finds files matching an arbitrary regex pattern
#' specified by user.}
#' \item{"peaks.stringent"}{Finds files ending in "*.stringent.bed$"}
#' \item{"peaks.consensus"}{Finds files ending in "*.consensus.peaks.bed$"}
#' \item{"peaks.consensus.filtered"}{
#' Finds files ending in"*.consensus.peaks.filtered.awk.bed$"}
#' \item{"picard"}{Finds files ending in
#' "*.target.markdup.MarkDuplicates.metrics.txt$"}
#' }
#' @param nfcore_cutandrun Whether the files were generated by the
#' \href{https://nf-co.re/cutandrun}{nf-core/cutandrun} Nextflow pipeline.
#' If \code{TRUE}, can use the standardised folder structure to
#' automatically generate more descriptive file names with sample IDs.
#' @param return_paths Return only the file paths without actually reading them
#' in as \link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}.
#' @param rbind_list Bind all objects into one.
#' @param verbose Print messages.
#' @inheritParams check_workers
#' @inheritParams BiocParallel::MulticoreParam
#' @returns A named list of \link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges} objects.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
#' @importFrom data.table fread := rbindlist
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRangesList
#' @examples
#' #### Make example files ####
#' save_paths <- EpiCompare::write_example_peaks()
#' dir <- unique(dirname(save_paths))
#' #### Gather/import files ####
#' peaks <- EpiCompare::gather_files(dir=dir,
#' type="peaks.narrow",
#' workers = 1)
gather_files <- function(dir,
type = "peaks.stringent",
nfcore_cutandrun = FALSE,
return_paths = FALSE,
rbind_list = FALSE,
workers = check_workers(),
verbose = TRUE){
#### Parse type arg ####
workers <- check_workers(workers = workers)
type_key <- c(
## peak files
## picard files
# "picard"= "*.target.markdup.MarkDuplicates.metrics.txt$",
"picard"= "^multiqc_picard*",
## multiQC files
# "multiqc"=c("^meta_table"),
## trimgalore files
## bowtie files
## bam files
#### Check for known file types ####
pattern <- if(all(type %in% names(type_key))) {
} else {
stop("type must be at least one of:\n",
paste("-",c(names(type_key),"<regex query>"), collapse = "\n"))
#### Search for files recursively ####
messager("Searching for",type,"files...",v=verbose)
paths <- list.files(path = dir,
pattern = paste(unname(pattern), collapse = "|"),
recursive = TRUE,
full.names = TRUE,
ignore.case = TRUE)
#### Remove any R scripts ####
paths <- grep("\\.R", paths, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
#### Omit duplicate files ####
## nfcore creates duplicates of same peak files
## in different subfolders: "04_reporting" and "04_called_peaks".
## Omit one of these subfolders.
if(isTRUE(nfcore_cutandrun) &&
paths <- paths[!grepl("04_reporting",paths)]
#### Report files found ####
if(length(paths)==0) {
msg <- "0 matching files identified. Returning NULL."
messager(formatC(length(paths),big.mark = ","),
"matching files identified.",v=verbose)
#### Construct names ####
paths <- gather_files_names(paths=paths,
messager("Returning paths.",v=verbose)
#### Import files ####
messager("Importing files.",v=verbose)
files <- bpplapply(X = paths,
workers = workers,
FUN = function(x){
dat <- read_picard(path = x,
verbose = verbose)
} else if(type=="multiqc"){
dat <- read_multiqc(path = x,
verbose = verbose)
} else if(startsWith(type,"bowtie")){
dat <- read_bowtie(path = x,
verbose = verbose)
} else if(type=="trimgalore"){
dat <- read_trimgalore(path = x,
verbose = verbose)
} else if(startsWith(type,"bam")){
dat <- read_bam(path = x,
verbose = verbose)
} else {
dat <- read_peaks(path = x,
type = type,
verbose = verbose)
#### rbind into one object ####
messager("Binding all files into one.",v=verbose)
files <- unlist(GenomicRanges::GRangesList(files))
} else {
files <- data.table::rbindlist(files,
use.names = TRUE,
idcol = "batch",
fill = TRUE)
#### Report ####
messager(formatC(length(files),big.mark = ","),"files retrieved.",v=verbose)
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