#' Compute correlation matrix
#' Compute correlation matrix on all peak files.
#' @param genome_build The build of **all** peak and reference files to
#' calculate the correlation matrix on. If all peak and reference files are not
#' of the same build use
#' \link[EpiCompare]{liftover_grlist} to convert them all before running. Genome
#' build should be one of hg19, hg38, mm9, mm10.
#' @param bin_size Default of 100. Base-pair size of the bins created to measure
#' correlation. Use smaller value for higher resolution but longer run time and
#' larger memory usage.
#' @param drop_empty_chr Drop chromosomes that are not present in any of the
#' \code{peakfiles} (default: \code{FALSE}).
#' @param method Default spearman (i.e. non-parametric). A character string
#' indicating which correlation coefficient (or covariance) is to be computed.
#' One of "pearson", "kendall", or "spearman": can be abbreviated.
#' @param intensity_cols Depending on which columns are present, this
#' value will be used to get quantiles and ultimately calculate the
#' correlations:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{"total_signal" : }{Used by the peak calling software
#' \href{https://github.com/FredHutch/SEACR}{SEACR}.
#' \emph{NOTE}: Another SEACR column (e.g. "max_signal") can be used
#' together or instead of "total_signal".}
#' \item{"qValue"}{Used by the peak calling software
#' \href{https://github.com/macs3-project/MACS}{MACS2/3}.
#' Should contain the negative log of the p-values after multiple
#' testing correction.}
#' \item{"Peak Score" : }{
#' Used by the peak calling software
#' \href{http://homer.ucsd.edu/homer/ngs/peaks.html}{HOMER}.}
#' }
#' @param return_bins If \code{TRUE}, returns a named list
#' with both the rebinned
#' (standardised) peaks ("bin") and the correlation matrix ("cor").
#' If \code{FALSE} (default), returns only the correlation matrix (unlisted).
#' @param save_path Path to save a table of correlation results to.
#' @inheritParams EpiCompare
#' @inheritParams get_bpparam
#' @inheritParams check_workers
#' @inheritParams remove_nonstandard_chrom
#' @inheritParams precision_recall_matrix
#' @return correlation matrix
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @examples
#' data("CnR_H3K27ac")
#' data("CnT_H3K27ac")
#' data("encode_H3K27ac")
#' peakfiles <- list(CnR_H3K27ac=CnR_H3K27ac, CnT_H3K27ac=CnT_H3K27ac)
#' reference <- list("encode_H3K27ac"=encode_H3K27ac)
#' #increasing bin_size for speed but lower values will give more granular corr
#' corr_mat <- compute_corr(peakfiles = peakfiles,
#' reference = reference,
#' genome_build = "hg19",
#' bin_size = 200000,
#' workers = 1)
compute_corr <- function(peakfiles,
reference = NULL,
keep_chr = NULL,
drop_empty_chr = FALSE,
bin_size = 5000,
method = "spearman",
"Peak Score",
return_bins = FALSE,
fill_diag = NA,
workers = check_workers(),
save_path = tempfile(fileext = ".corr.csv.gz")){
# devoptera::args2vars(EpiCompare::compute_corr)
t1 <- Sys.time()
workers <- check_workers(workers = workers)
#### append all peak files since all to be compared ####
#make sure reference not already added to peakfiles
all_peaks <- append(reference[!names(reference) %in% names(peakfiles)],
} else {
all_peaks <- peakfiles
#sense check
stop("Need more than one peak file to create correlation matrix.")
#### Re-bin data so comparisons made same regions ####
gr_mat <- rebin_peaks(peakfiles = all_peaks,
genome_build = genome_build,
keep_chr = keep_chr,
drop_empty_chr = drop_empty_chr,
intensity_cols = intensity_cols,
bin_size = bin_size,
## stats::cor can only take dense matrices.
as_sparse = FALSE,
workers = workers)
#### Run all pairwise correlations #####
messager("Calculating correlation matrix.")
cor_mat <- stats::cor(gr_mat, method=method)
#### Fill diagonal ####
if(!is.null(fill_diag)) diag(cor_mat) <- fill_diag
#### Report time ####
t2 <- Sys.time()
messager("Done computing correlations in",
round(difftime(t2,t1,units = "s"),0),"seconds.")
#### Save ####
save_path <- save_results(
dat = data.table::data.table(cor_mat, keep.rownames = TRUE),
save_path = save_path,
type = "correlation")
#### Return ####
list(bins = gr_mat,
cor = cor_mat)
} else {
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