yeast: Toy data derived from three gene expression datasets and a...

yeastR Documentation

Toy data derived from three gene expression datasets and a mapping from transcription factors to genes.


This data is a list containing gene expression data from three separate yeast studies along with data mapping yeast transcription factors with genes based on the presence of a sequence binding motif for each transcription factor in the vicinity of each gene. The motif data.frame, yeast$motif, describes a set of pairwise connections where a specific known sequence motif of a transcription factor was found upstream of the corresponding gene. The expression data, yeast$exp.ko, yeast$, and yeast$, are three gene expression datasets measured in conditions of gene knockout, cell cycle, and stress response, respectively.




A list containing 4 data.frames


A list of length 4


Glass K, Huttenhower C, Quackenbush J, Yuan GC. Passing Messages Between Biological Networks to Refine Predicted Interactions. PLoS One. 2013 May 31;8(5):e64832.

netZoo/netZooR documentation built on Feb. 5, 2025, 4:34 a.m.