#' transcript_quantifier_valid
#' Checks that a \code{transcript_quantifier} object is valid
#' @param object a \code{transcript_quantifier} object
#' @return TRUE if valid, else errors
transcript_quantifier_valid <- function(object) {
errors <- c()
# Check that lists contain only matricies
if (!is_matrix_list(object@models)) {
errors <- c(errors, "All elements of models must be matricies")
if (!is_vector_list(object@masks)) {
errors <- c(errors, "All elements of masks must be vectors")
# If counts are specified
if (length(object@counts) != 0) {
# Check that it is a list of matricies
if (!is_vector_list(object@counts)) {
errors <- c(errors, "All elements of counts must be matricies")
# Check that counts has the same number of rows per element as models has
# columns if counts exist
data_mod_dim_equal <- mapply(function(counts, models) {
length(counts) == nrow(models)
}, counts = object@counts, models = object@models)
if (!all(data_mod_dim_equal)) {
errors <- c(errors, "Number of model and count bins differ")
if (length(errors) == 0) TRUE else errors
#' Class transcript_quantifier
#' Class \code{transcript_quantifier} holds encodings for each transcript and
#' can be augmented to include data and transcript abundance estimates using the
#' \code{fit()} function
#' @slot transcripts a \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class}} that holds
#' all the transcript coordinates
#' @slot column_identifiers a two element character vector that holds the column
#' names in \code{transcripts} for the trancript and gene identifiers
#' respectively. Only a column for the transcript identifier is required,
#' missing gene identifiers are set to NA.
#' @slot bins a \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRangesList-class}} object that
#' records the bins for each group of transcripts
#' @slot bin_size width of bins used to create transcript models
#' @slot models a list of matrices with numeric values between 0 and 1
#' representing the fractional overlap of per transcript per bin where the rows
#' are the transcripts and the columns are the bins. Rownames are the
#' corresponding transcripts
#' @slot masks a list of matrices with numeric values between 0 and 1
#' that are used to modify the models
#' @slot transcript_model_key A three column \code{data.frame} that maps
#' transcripts to their group and model
#' @slot counts a list of vectors containing the read counts per bin.
#' Initialized empty.
#' @slot upstream_polymerase_ratios the log2 ratio of mean counts for each transcript
#' from the region immediately upstream and downstream of each TSS;
#' log2([500bp, 5.5kb] / [-5.5kb, -500bp])
#' @slot count_metadata holds information about the files the count data came from
#' including names and total counts
#' @slot model_abundance A list of vectors corresponding to \code{models}
#' of transcript abundances. Initialized at 0.
#' @name transcript_quantifier-class
#' @rdname transcript_quantifier-class
#' @importClassesFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @importClassesFrom GenomicRanges CompressedGRangesList
#' @exportClass transcript_quantifier
slots = c(transcripts = "GRanges",
column_identifiers = "character",
bins = "CompressedGRangesList",
bin_size = "integer",
models = "list",
masks = "list",
transcript_model_key = "data.frame",
counts = "list",
upstream_polymerase_ratios = "numeric",
count_metadata = "list",
model_abundance = "list"),
validity = transcript_quantifier_valid
#' transcript_quantifier
#' Contructs an object that holds the transcript models
#' @param transcripts a \link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class} object that must
#' contain a metadata column with a transcript id and may contain an additional
#' column with a gene id
#' @param gene_name_column a string that indicates which column in the
#' GRanges object contains the gene names (not required)
#' @param distance the distance within which two transcripts are
#' considered connected (must be at least bin size, defaults to bin size). The
#' smaller this value is the more efficiently the model can be fit. Only
#' increase this if you are masking large regions at the starts and ends of
#' genes.
#' @inheritParams create_bins
#' @inheritParams group_transcripts
#' @inheritParams create_model_masks
#' @inheritParams reduce_transcript_models
#' @inheritParams create_transcript_models
#' @return an \code{\link{transcript_quantifier-class}} object
#' @export
transcript_quantifier <- function(transcripts, transcript_name_column,
gene_name_column = NULL,
bin_size = 250, distance = NULL,
mask_start_bins = NULL, mask_end_bins = NULL,
bin_operation = c("round", "floor", "ceiling")) {
# **Some checks prior to beginning construction**
# Check for correct GRanges object metadata
if (!transcript_name_column %in%
colnames(S4Vectors::elementMetadata(transcripts))) {
stop(paste("transcripts does not have a column matching",
if (!is.character(
S4Vectors::elementMetadata(transcripts)[, transcript_name_column])) {
stop(paste("transcripts column", transcript_name_column,
"must be of class 'character'"))
duplicated_transcript_names <-
any(duplicated(S4Vectors::elementMetadata(transcripts)[, transcript_name_column]))
if (duplicated_transcript_names) {
stop("One or more transcript names is duplicated, transcript names must be unique")
# Checks on gene names
if (!is.null(gene_name_column)) {
# Alias for easier use
gnc <- gene_name_column
if (!gnc %in%
colnames(S4Vectors::elementMetadata(transcripts))) {
stop("transcripts does not have a column matching ", gnc)
if (!is.character(
S4Vectors::elementMetadata(transcripts)[, gnc])) {
stop(paste("transcripts column", gnc, "is class", paste0("'",
class(S4Vectors::elementMetadata(transcripts)[, gnc]), "'"),
"must be of class 'character'"))
# Set default distance
if (is.null(distance)) {
message("Setting distance to default of ", bin_size)
distance <- bin_size
# This is important to ensure no spurious overlaps in all vs. all overlap
# during transcript model construction
if (distance < bin_size) {
stop("distance must be equal to or greater than bin size")
# Check binsize
if (bin_size < 1) {
stop("Binsize must be >= 1")
# Check distance
if (distance < 0) {
stop("Distance cannot be less than 0")
# **End checks**
# Force copy of object underlying GRanges to prevent any weird side effects if
# GRanges is using a data.table or something else that can modify in place
transcripts <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(
keep.extra.columns = T)
# Group transcripts
message("Grouping transcripts...")
tx_grps <- group_transcripts(transcripts, distance = distance)
# Ensure is sorted
tx_grps <- GenomeInfoDb::sortSeqlevels(tx_grps)
tx_grps <- GenomicRanges::sort(tx_grps)
# Get group strands
grp_strand <- stringr::str_extract(names(tx_grps), "[+-]")
# Bin transcripts regions
message("Binning loci...")
grp_bins <- create_bins(transcript_groups = tx_grps,
bin_size = bin_size)
# Create transcript models
message("Creating transcript models ...")
tx_models <- create_transcript_models(transcripts = transcripts,
bins = grp_bins,
bin_size = bin_size,
# Create masks
message("Creating masks ...")
model_masks <- create_model_masks(transcript_models = tx_models,
strand = grp_strand,
mask_start_bins = mask_start_bins,
mask_end_bins = mask_end_bins)
# Reduce transcript models and generate transcript_model_key
message("Merging redundant models ...")
reduced_models <- reduce_transcript_models(
transcript_models_ls = mask_transcripts(tx_models, model_masks),
bin_operation = bin_operation)
if (is.null(gene_name_column)) {
gene_name_column <- NA
# Initialize model_abundances
abundance <- lapply(reduced_models[[1]], function(x) return(numeric(ncol(x))))
# Return transcript model object
return(methods::new(Class = "transcript_quantifier",
transcripts = transcripts,
column_identifiers = c(transcript_id = transcript_name_column,
gene_id = gene_name_column),
bins = grp_bins,
bin_size = as.integer(bin_size),
models = reduced_models[[1]],
masks = model_masks,
transcript_model_key = reduced_models[[2]],
counts = list(),
upstream_polymerase_ratios = numeric(0),
count_metadata = list(bigwig_plus = NA_character_,
bigwig_minus = NA_character_,
library_size = NA_real_),
model_abundance = abundance
#' get_tx_id
#' Convenience function for getting transcript names from a
#' \code{\link{transcript_quantifier-class}} object
#' @param tq \code{\link{transcript_quantifier-class}} object
#' @return a character vector of transcript ids in the same order as they are in the
#' \code{tq@transcripts} slot
get_tx_id <- function(tq) {
return(GenomicRanges::mcols(tq@transcripts)[, tq@column_identifiers[1]])
#' @inherit methods::show
methods::setMethod("show", signature = "transcript_quantifier", function(object) {
num_transcripts <- length(object@transcripts)
num_models <- sum(unlist(lapply(object@models, ncol)))
num_loci <- length(object@models)
bin_size <- object@bin_size
bwp <- object@count_metadata$bigwig_plus
bwm <- object@count_metadata$bigwig_minus
if (!is.na(object@column_identifiers["gene_id"])) {
num_genes <- length(unique(
gene_string <- paste("Number of Genes:", num_genes)
} else {
gene_string <- "No gene id present"
write("A transcript_quantifier object with:", file = stdout())
write(paste(num_transcripts, "transcripts converted to", num_models, "models",
"grouped into", num_loci, "loci"), file = stdout())
write(gene_string, file = stdout())
write(paste("bin size:", bin_size), file = stdout())
write(paste("Bigwig data (plus):", bwp), file = stdout())
write(paste("Bigwig data (minus):", bwm), file = stdout())
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