
Defines functions sum_squares_grad sum_squares_lasso predict_locus mask_data

Documented in mask_data predict_locus sum_squares_grad sum_squares_lasso

#' @title Mask data
#' @description masks positions in data vector at indices specified in masks
#' vector by replacing them with zeros.
#' @param data a data vector
#' @param masks a vector of masked indicies
#' @name mask_data
#' @rdname mask_data
mask_data <- function(data, masks) {
  data[masks] <- 0

#' @title Predicts signal at locus level
#' @description outputs prediction for read counts across entire locus
#' @param models the matrix of transcript models
#' @param abundance the transcript model abundances (can be either a vector or
#' a matrix where each column is a vecotor of abundances)
#' @name predict_locus
#' @rdname predict_locus
predict_locus <- function(models, abundance) {
  return(models %*% abundance)

#' @title Sum of squares
#' @description Computes sum-of-squares for a
#' @param x the transcript model abundances
#' @param models the matrix of transcript models
#' @param data a vector of the observed data
#' @param lambda the weight of the lasso penalty (not implemented at this time)
#' @param transform how to transform the data (either "identity" or "log")
#' @name sum_squares_lasso
#' @rdname sum_squares_lasso
sum_squares_lasso <- function(x, models, data, lambda = 0,
                              transform) {
  # Normalize the sum-of-squares by the length of the region so the
  # lasso penalty is comparable across regions of different length
  locus_pred <- predict_locus(models, x)
  if (transform == "identity") {
      sum_sq <- sum((data - locus_pred)^2)
  } else if (transform == "log") {
      sum_sq <- sum((log(data + 1e-3) - log(locus_pred + 1e-3))^2)
  } else {
    stop("Invalid transform specified")

#' @title Sum of squares gradient
#' @description Computes gradient for sum-of-squares
#' @inheritParams sum_squares_lasso
#' @name sum_squares_grad
#' @rdname sum_squares_grad
sum_squares_grad <- function(x, models, data, transform, lambda = 0) {
  if (transform == "identity") {
    gr <- as.vector(-2 * crossprod(models, data - predict_locus(models, x)))
  } else if (transform == "log") {
    gr <-
      as.vector(-2 * crossprod(models / as.vector(predict_locus(models, x) + 1e-3),
                               log(data + 1e-3) - log(predict_locus(models, x) + 1e-3)))
  } else {
    stop("Invalid transform option")

#' @title Fit model
#' @description Estimates trancript abundances for a given
#' \code{\link{transcript_quantifier-class}} object under a lasso penalty
#' @param verbose if TRUE shows progress bar for fitting (default: FALSE)
#' @param inactive_transcripts a character vector listing transcripts for which abundance
#' values should be fixed to 0. IMPORTANT: In the case where multiple transcripts are
#' assigned to a single model (due to identical models at the specified bin scale) this
#' will be overridden if one or more transcripts assigned to the same model are active.
#' This will also be overidden for specific transcripts if they have 10x or more
#' polymerase density downstream from their TSS as they do upstream and there are no
#' other active transcripts in their loci.
#' @inheritParams add_data
#' @inheritParams sum_squares_lasso
#' @include transcript_quantifier-class.R
#' @name fit
#' @rdname fit
#' @export
                    function(tq, lambda = 0,
                             transform = "log", inactive_transcripts = NA,
                             verbose = FALSE) {

#' @rdname fit
  signature(tq = "transcript_quantifier"),
  function(tq, lambda = 0, transform = "log", inactive_transcripts = NULL,
           verbose = FALSE) {
    if (lambda != 0) {
      stop("lambda feature not supported at this time")

    if (length(tq@counts) == 0) {
      stop("No count data has been entered for this model")

    if (length(tq@counts) != length(tq@models)) {
      stop("There is data for a different number of loci than there are models")

    if (!is.logical(verbose)) {
      stop("verbose most be either TRUE or FALSE")

    if (is.null(inactive_transcripts)) {
      inactive_transcripts <- NA_character_
    if (class(inactive_transcripts) != "character") {
      stop("inactive_transcripts must be either NULL or a character vector")

    # Handle transform option
    transform_opts <- c("identity", "log")
    if (length(transform) > 1) {
      warning("Multiple transform options specified, using the first")
      transform <- transform[1]
    if (!transform %in% transform_opts) {
      stop(paste("transform must be one of these:",
           paste(transform_opts, collapse = ", ")))

    # Zip together models, counts, and abundances
    sufficient_values <- mapply(function(x, y, z, za) {
      list(abundance = x, models = y, counts = z, masks = za)
    }, tq@model_abundance, tq@models, tq@counts, tq@masks, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

    estim <- list()
    if (verbose) {
      message("Estimating abundance ...")
      pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = length(sufficient_values), style = 3)

    # Fast lookup version of index built from specified inactive transcripts and
    # overridden by polymerase ratios
    min_polymerase_ratio <- log2(10)
    tq_inactive_ind <- data.table::data.table(tq@transcript_model_key, inactive = FALSE,
                                              key = c("tx_name"))
    tq_inactive_ind[.(inactive_transcripts), inactive := TRUE]

    # Get transcripts that are marked active but pass upr threshold
    inact_upr <- names(which(tq@upstream_polymerase_ratios >= min_polymerase_ratio))

    # Get transcripts that are in the inact_upr list and whose TSS are not within
    # 10kb of an active transcript
    if (length(inact_upr) > 0) {
      upstream_check_radius <- 5e3
      downstream_check_radius <- 6e3
      active_tx_gr <- tq@transcripts[!get_tx_id(tq) %in% inactive_transcripts]
      inactive_tx_tss_checkzone <- GenomicRanges::promoters(
        tq@transcripts[get_tx_id(tq) %in% inact_upr],
        upstream = upstream_check_radius,
        downstream = downstream_check_radius)
      over <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(inactive_tx_tss_checkzone, active_tx_gr,
                                          ignore.strand = FALSE)
      override <- GenomicRanges::mcols(
                      inactive := FALSE]

    # Set key for efficient lookup by group
    data.table::setkey(tq_inactive_ind, "group")

    # Iterate over transcript groups
    for (i in seq_along(sufficient_values)) {
      sv <- sufficient_values[[i]]
      # Initialize upper bounds to infinity
      ub <- rep(1e9, length(sv$abundance))
      # Set values of elements that are designated as inactive to 0 and set upper bounds
      # to 0 as well (all transcripts in model must be inactive for model to be
      # considered inactive)
      inactive_models <- tq_inactive_ind[.(i), ][which(inactive)]$model
      active_models <- tq_inactive_ind[.(i), ][which(!inactive)]$model
      final_inactive_models <- setdiff(inactive_models, active_models)
      ub[final_inactive_models] <- 1e-100 # using this for now as using 0 throws error
      sv$abundance[final_inactive_models] <- 0

      opt_result <- stats::optim(sv$abundance, fn = sum_squares_lasso,
                                 gr = sum_squares_grad,
                                 models = sv$models,
                                 data = mask_data(sv$counts, sv$masks),
                                 lambda = lambda,
                                 transform = transform,
                                 lower = rep(0, length(sv$abundance)),
                                 upper = ub,
                                 method = "L-BFGS-B")
      estim[[i]] <- opt_result$par
      ## Force set inactive transcripts to 0 even if they were slightly perturbed
      estim[[i]][final_inactive_models] <- 0
      names(estim[[i]]) <- colnames(sv$models)
      if (verbose) {
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)

    tq@model_abundance <- estim

## Appease R CMD check
if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1") {
ndukler/tuSelecter2 documentation built on Aug. 4, 2020, 1 p.m.