Man pages for ncborcherding/scRepertoire
A toolkit for single-cell immune receptor profiling

addVariableAdding variables after combineTCR() or combineBCR()
alluvialClonesAlluvial plotting for single-cell object meta data
clonalAbundanceDemonstrate the relative abundance of clones by group or...
clonalBiasExamine skew of clones towards a cluster or compartment
clonalClusterClustering adaptive receptor sequences by edit distance
clonalCompareDemonstrate the difference in clonal proportions / counts...
clonalDiversityCalculate the clonal diversity for samples or groupings
clonalHomeostasisExamining the clonal homeostasis of the repertoire
clonalLengthDemonstrate the distribution of clonal length
clonalNetworkVisualize clonal network along reduced dimensions
clonalOccupyVisualize the number of single cells with cloneSizes by...
clonalOverlapExamining the clonal overlap between groups or samples
clonalOverlayVisualize distribution of clonal frequency overlaid on...
clonalProportionExamining the clonal space occupied by specific clones
clonalQuantQuantify the unique clones by group or sample
clonalRarefactionCalculate rarefaction based on the abundance of clones
clonalScatterScatter plot comparing the clonal expansion of two samples
clonalSizeDistributionHierarchical clustering of clones using Gamma-GPD spliced...
combineBCRCombining the list of B cell receptor contigs into clones
combineExpressionAdding clone information to a single-cell object
combineTCRCombining the list of T cell receptor contigs into clones
contig_listA list of 8 single-cell T cell receptor sequences runs.
createHTOContigListGenerate a contig list from a multiplexed experiment
exportClonesExporting clones
expression2List_*DEPRECATED*_ Take the meta data in seurat/SCE and place it...
getCirclizeGenerate data frame to be used with circlize R package to...
getContigDoubletsGet Contig Doublets
getHumanIgPseudoGenesGet Human Immunoglobulin pseudogenes
highlightClonesHighlighting specific clones in Seurat
loadContigsLoading the contigs derived from single-cell sequencing
mini_contig_listProcessed subset of 'contig_list'
percentAAExamining the relative amino acid composition by position
percentGenesExamining the VDJ gene usage across clones
percentKmerExamining the relative composition of kmer motifs in clones.
percentVJQuantifying the V and J gene usage across clones
positionalEntropyExamining the diversity of amino acids by position
positionalPropertyExamining the mean property of amino acids by position
quietVDJgenesRemove TCR and BCR genes from variable gene results
scRepertoire-packagescRepertoire: A toolkit for single-cell immune receptor...
scRep_exampleA Seurat object of 500 single T cells,
StartracDiversityStartrac-based diversity indices for single-cell RNA-seq
subsetClonesSubset the product of combineTCR() or combineBCR()
vizGenesVisualizing the distribution of gene usage
ncborcherding/scRepertoire documentation built on Feb. 14, 2025, 10:43 a.m.