all_times <- list() # store the time for each chunk knitr::knit_hooks$set(time_it = local({ now <- NULL function(before, options) { if (before) { now <<- Sys.time() } else { res <- difftime(Sys.time(), now, units = "secs") all_times[[options$label]] <<- res } } })) knitr::opts_chunk$set( tidy = TRUE, tidy.opts = list(width.cutoff = 95), message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, time_it = TRUE ) suppressMessages(library(scRepertoire)) suppressMessages(library(Seurat)) data("contig_list") combined.TCR <- combineTCR(contig_list, samples = c("P17B", "P17L", "P18B", "P18L", "P19B","P19L", "P20B", "P20L")) scRep_example <- readRDS("scRep_example_full.rds") scRep_example <- combineExpression(combined.TCR, scRep_example, cloneCall="gene", = "sample") #Adding patient information scRep_example$Patient <- substr(scRep_example$orig.ident, 1,3) #Adding type information scRep_example$Type <- substr(scRep_example$orig.ident, 4,4) #Defining colors colorblind_vector <- hcl.colors(n=7, palette = "inferno", fixup = TRUE)
Using the dimensional reduction graphs as a reference, we can also generate an overlay of the position of clonally-expanded cells using clonalOverlay()
can be used to look across all cells or faceted by a meta data variable using The overall dimensional reduction will be maintained as we facet, while the contour plots will adjust based on the variable. The coloring of the dot plot is based on the active identity of the single-cell object.
This visualization was authored by Dr. Francesco Mazziotta and inspired by Drs. Carmona and Andreatta and their work with ProjectTIL, which is a great pipeline to annotated T cell subtypes.
clonalOverlay(scRep_example, reduction = "umap", cutpoint = 1, bins = 10, = "Patient") + guides(color = "none")
Similar to clonalOverlay()
, we can look at the network interaction of clones shared between clusters along the single-cell dimensional reduction using clonalNetwork()
. This function shows the relative proportion of clones from the starting node, with the ending node indicated by the arrow.
Filtering for clones can be accomplished using 3 methods:
#ggraph needs to be loaded due to issues with ggplot library(ggraph) #No Identity filter clonalNetwork(scRep_example, reduction = "umap", = "seurat_clusters", filter.clones = NULL, filter.identity = NULL, cloneCall = "aa")
We can look at the clonal relationships relative to a single cluster using the filter.identity parameter.
#Examining Cluster 3 only clonalNetwork(scRep_example, reduction = "umap", = "seurat_clusters", filter.identity = 3, cloneCall = "aa")
We can also use exportClones parameter to quickly get clones that are shared across multiple identity groups, along with the total number of clones in the data set.
shared.clones <- clonalNetwork(scRep_example, reduction = "umap", = "seurat_clusters", cloneCall = "aa", exportClones = TRUE) head(shared.clones)
We can also look at the clones by calling specific sequences in the highlightclones()
below. In order to highlight the clones, we first need to use the cloneCall, the type of sequence we will be using, and then the specific sequences themselves using sequence. Below, we can see the steps to highlight the most prominent sequences CAERGSGGSYIPTF_CASSDPSGRQGPRWDTQYF, and CARKVRDSSYKLIF_CASSDSGYNEQFF.
scRep_example <- highlightClones(scRep_example, cloneCall= "aa", sequence = c("CAERGSGGSYIPTF_CASSDPSGRQGPRWDTQYF", "CARKVRDSSYKLIF_CASSDSGYNEQFF")) Seurat::DimPlot(scRep_example, = "highlight") + ggplot2::theme(plot.title = element_blank())
We can also look at the count of cells by cluster assigned into specific frequency ranges by using the clonalOccupy()
function and selecting the x.axis to display cluster or other variables in the meta data of the single cell object.
clonalOccupy(scRep_example, x.axis = "seurat_clusters") clonalOccupy(scRep_example, x.axis = "ident", proportion = TRUE, label = FALSE)
After the metadata has been modified, we can look at clones across multiple categories using the alluvialClones()
function. We are able to use the plots to examine the interchange of categorical variables. Because this function will produce a graph with each clone arranged by called stratification, this will take some time depending on the size of the repertoire.
To understand the basic concepts of this graphing method and the ggalluvial R package, we recommend reading this post.
alluvialClones(scRep_example, cloneCall = "aa", y.axes = c("Patient", "ident", "Type"), color = c("CVVSDNTGGFKTIF_CASSVRRERANTGELFF", "NA_CASSVRRERANTGELFF")) + scale_fill_manual(values = c("grey", colorblind_vector[3])) alluvialClones(scRep_example, cloneCall = "gene", y.axes = c("Patient", "ident", "Type"), color = "ident")
Like alluvial graphs, we can also visualize the interconnection of clusters using the chord diagrams from the circlize R package.
The first step is getting the data frame output to feed into the chordDiagram()
function in circlize, which can be done using getCirclize()
This will calculate the relative number of clones shared based on the variable using the product of combineExpression()
. It is important to note getCirclize()
will create a matrix the size of the variable and then simplify into instructions to be read by the circlize R package. The output is the total number of unique and shared clones by the variable.
library(circlize) library(scales) circles <- getCirclize(scRep_example, = "seurat_clusters") #Just assigning the normal colors to each cluster grid.cols <- hue_pal()(length(unique(scRep_example$seurat_clusters))) names(grid.cols) <- unique(scRep_example$seurat_clusters) #Graphing the chord diagram chordDiagram(circles, = 1, grid.col = grid.cols)
This can also be used if we want to explore just the lung-specific T cells by just subsetting the single-cell object. For the sake of this vignette, we can also look at setting proportion = TRUE to get a scaled output.
subset <- subset(scRep_example, Type == "L") circles <- getCirclize(subset, = "ident", proportion = TRUE) grid.cols <- scales::hue_pal()(length(unique(subset@active.ident))) names(grid.cols) <- levels(subset@active.ident) chordDiagram(circles, = 1, grid.col = grid.cols, directional = 1, direction.type = "arrows", link.arr.type = "big.arrow")
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