
Defines functions scatterEnrichment

Documented in scatterEnrichment

#' Generate a density-based scatter plot
#' This function allows to the user to examine the distribution of 
#' 2 gene sets along the x.axis and y.axis. The color gradient
#' is generated using the a density estimate. See 
#' \href{https://github.com/LKremer/ggpointdensity}{ggpointdensity})
#' for more information.
#' @param input.data Enrichment output from \code{\link{escape.matrix}} or
#' \code{\link{runEscape}}.
#' @param assay Name of the assay to plot if data is a single-cell object.
#' @param x.axis Gene set to plot on the x.axis.
#' @param y.axis Gene set to plot on the y.axis.
#' \strong{group.by} parameter or use the \strong{gene.set} name if wanting to 
#' apply a gradient palette.
#' @param facet.by Variable to facet the plot into n distinct graphs.
#' @param scale Visualize raw values \strong{FALSE} or Z-transform 
#' enrichment values \strong{TRUE}.
#' @param style Return a \strong{"hex"} bin plot or a \strong{"point"}-based plot.
#' @param palette Colors to use in visualization - input any 
#' \link[grDevices]{hcl.pals}.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom ggpointdensity geom_pointdensity
#' @examples
#' GS <- list(Bcells = c("MS4A1", "CD79B", "CD79A", "IGH1", "IGH2"),
#'            Tcells = c("CD3E", "CD3D", "CD3G", "CD7","CD8A"))
#' pbmc_small <- SeuratObject::pbmc_small
#' pbmc_small <- runEscape(pbmc_small, 
#'                         gene.sets = GS, 
#'                         min.size = NULL)
#' scatterEnrichment(pbmc_small, 
#'                   assay = "escape",
#'                   x.axis = "Tcells",
#'                   y.axis = "Bcells")
#' @export
#' @return ggplot2 object with a scatter plot of selected gene.sets
scatterEnrichment <- function(input.data, 
                              assay = NULL,
                              x.axis = NULL, 
                              y.axis = NULL,
                              scale = FALSE, 
                              facet.by = NULL, 
                              style = "point",
                              palette = "inferno") {
  gene.set <- c(x.axis, y.axis)
  if(style %!in% c("point", "hex")) {
    stop("Please select either 'point' or 'hex' for the style parameter.")
  enriched <- .prepData(input.data, assay, gene.set, NULL, NULL, facet.by) 
  if(scale) {
    enriched[,gene.set] <- apply(enriched[,gene.set], 2, scale)
  plot <- ggplot(data = enriched, 
                 aes(x = enriched[,x.axis], 
                     y = enriched[,y.axis]))
  if(style == "point") {
    plot <- plot + 
            geom_pointdensity() + 
            scale_color_gradientn(colors = .colorizer(palette, 11)) + 
            labs(color = "Relative Density")
  } else if (style == "hex") {
    plot <- plot + 
            stat_binhex() +
            scale_fill_gradientn(colors = .colorizer(palette, 11))
            labs(fill = "Relative Density")
    plot <- plot + 
            ylab(paste0(y.axis, "\n Enrichment Score")) +
            xlab(paste0(x.axis, "\n Enrichment Score")) +
  if (!is.null(facet.by)) {
    plot <- plot + 
      facet_grid(as.formula(paste('. ~', facet.by))) 

#TODO Add color.by option
ncborcherding/escape documentation built on Dec. 1, 2024, 8:12 a.m.