#' Perform Normalization on Enrichment Data
#' This function allows users to normalize the enrichment calculations
#' by accounting for single-cell dropout and producing positive
#' values for downstream differential enrichment analyses. Default calculation
#' uses will scale the enrichment values by the number of genes present from
#' the gene set and then use a natural log transformation. A positive range
#' values is useful for several downstream analyses, like differential
#' evaluation for log2-fold change, but will alter the original
#' enrichment values.
#' @param sc.data Single-cell object or matrix used in the gene set enrichment calculation in
#' \code{\link{escape.matrix}} or \code{\link{runEscape}}.
#' @param enrichment.data The enrichment results from \code{\link{escape.matrix}}
#' or \code{\link{runEscape}} (optional)
#' @param assay Name of the assay to normalize if using a single-cell object
#' @param gene.sets The gene set library to use to extract
#' the individual gene set information from
#' @param scale.factor A vector to use for normalizing enrichment scores per cell.
#' @param make.positive Shift enrichment values to a positive range \strong{TRUE}
#' for downstream analysis or not \strong{TRUE} (default).
#' @param groups the number of cells to calculate normalization on at once.
#' chunks matrix into groups sized chunks. Useful in case of memory issues.
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all
#' @importFrom SeuratObject Assays
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assays
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
#' @examples
#' GS <- list(Bcells = c("MS4A1", "CD79B", "CD79A", "IGH1", "IGH2"),
#' Tcells = c("CD3E", "CD3D", "CD3G", "CD7","CD8A"))
#' pbmc_small <- SeuratObject::pbmc_small
#' pbmc_small <- runEscape(pbmc_small,
#' gene.sets = GS,
#' min.size = NULL)
#' pbmc_small <- performNormalization(pbmc_small,
#' assay = "escape",
#' gene.sets = GS)
#' @export
#' @return Single-cell object or matrix of normalized enrichment scores
performNormalization <- function(sc.data,
enrichment.data = NULL,
assay = "escape",
gene.sets = NULL,
make.positive = FALSE,
scale.factor = NULL,
groups = NULL) {
if(!is.null(assay)) {
if(is_seurat_object(sc.data)) {
assay.present <- assay %in% Assays(sc.data)
} else if (is_se_object(sc.data)) {
assay.present <- assay %in% assays(sc.data)
} else {
assay.present <- FALSE
if(is_seurat_or_se_object(sc.data) & !is.null(assay) & assay.present) {
enriched <- .pull.Enrich(sc.data, assay)
} else {
enriched <- enrichment.data
if(!is.null(scale.factor) & length(scale.factor) != dim(sc.data)[2]) {
stop("If using a vector as a scale factor, please ensure the length matches the number of cells.")
#Getting the gene sets that passed filters
egc <- .GS.check(gene.sets)
names(egc) <- str_replace_all(names(egc), "_", "-")
egc <- egc[names(egc) %in% colnames(enriched)]
#Isolating the number of genes per cell expressed
chunks <- dim(enriched)[[1]]
} else{
chunks <- min(groups, dim(enriched)[[1]])
if (is.null(scale.factor)) {
cnts <- .cntEval(sc.data, assay = "RNA", type = "counts")
print("Calculating features per cell...")
egc.sizes <- lapply(egc, function(x){
scales<-unname(Matrix::colSums(cnts[which(rownames(cnts) %in% x),]!=0))
scales[scales==0] <- 1
egc.sizes <- split_rows(do.call(cbind,egc.sizes), chunk.size=chunks)
} else{
egc.sizes <- split_vector(scale.factor, chunk.size=chunks)
enriched <- split_rows(enriched, chunk.size=chunks)
print("Normalizing enrichment scores per cell...")
#Dividing the enrichment score by number of genes expressed
enriched<-mapply(function(scores, scales){
}, enriched, egc.sizes, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
enriched <- do.call(rbind, enriched)
enriched <- apply(enriched, 2, function(x){
x+max(0, -min(x))
#Default Scaling using natural log
if(is.null(scale.factor)) {
enriched <- suppressWarnings(ifelse(enriched >= 0,
log1p(enriched + 1e-6),
-log1p(abs(enriched) + 1e-6)))
if(is_seurat_or_se_object(sc.data)) {
if(is.null(assay)) {
assay <- "escape"
sc.data <- .adding.Enrich(sc.data, enriched, paste0(assay, "_normalized"))
} else {
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