#' Aligns the reads from the BAM file to the variable binning pipeline.
#' runCountReads performs the variable binning (VarBin) algorithm to a series of
#' BAM files resulting from short-read sequencing.
#' @author Darlan Conterno Minussi
#' @param dir A path for the directory containing BAM files from short-read
#' sequencing.
#' @param genome Name of the genome assembly. Default: 'hg38'.
#' @param resolution The resolution of the VarBin method. Default: '220kb'.
#' @param remove_Y (default == FALSE) If set to TRUE, removes information from
#' the chrY from the dataset.
#' @param min_bincount A numerical indicating the minimum mean bin counts a
#' cell should have to remain in the dataset.
#' @param is_paired_end A boolean indicating if bam files are from single-read
#' or pair end sequencing.
#' @param BPPARAM A \linkS4class{BiocParallelParam} specifying how the function
#' should be parallelized.
#' @details \code{runCountReads} takes as input duplicate marked BAM files from
#' whole genome sequencing and runs the variable binning pipeline algorithm.
#' It is important that BAM files are duplicate marked. Briefly, the genome is
#' split into pre-determined bins. The bin size is controlled by the argument
#' \code{resolution}. By using VarBin, for a diploid cell, each bin will
#' receive equal amount of reads, controlling for mappability.
#' A lowess function is applied to perform GC correction across the bins.
#' The argument \code{genome} can be set to 'hg38' or 'hg19' to select the
#' scaffolds genome assembly. The scaffolds are GenomicRanges objects
#' Information regarding the alignment of the reads to the bins and from the bam
#' files are stored in the #' \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment]{colData}}.
#' \code{min_bincount} Indicates the minimum mean bincount a cell must present
#' to be kept in the dataset. Cells with low bincounts generally present bin
#' dropouts due to low read count that will be poorly segmented.
#' @return A matrix of bin counts within the scCNA object that can be accessed
#' with \code{bincounts}
#' #' @references
#' Navin, N., Kendall, J., Troge, J. et al. Tumour evolution inferred by
#' single-cell sequencing. Nature 472, 90–94 (2011).
#' https://doi.org/10.1038/nature09807
#' Baslan, T., Kendall, J., Ward, B., et al (2015). Optimizing sparse sequencing
#' of single cells for highly multiplex copy number profiling.
#' Genome research, 25(5), 714–724. https://doi.org/10.1101/gr.188060.114
#' @importFrom Rsubread featureCounts
#' @importFrom dplyr rename mutate relocate
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges makeGRangesFromDataFrame
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame metadata
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' copykit_obj <- runCountReads("/PATH/TO/BAM/FILES")
#' }
runCountReads <- function(dir,
genome = c("hg38", "hg19"),
resolution = c(
remove_Y = FALSE,
min_bincount = 10,
is_paired_end = FALSE,
BPPARAM = bpparam()) {
genome <- match.arg(genome)
resolution <- match.arg(resolution)
# bindings for NSE and data
Chr <- chr <- strand <- GeneID <- NULL
reads_assigned_bins <- reads_duplicates <- reads_total <- NULL
files <-
pattern = "*.bam",
full.names = TRUE,
ignore.case = TRUE
if (!any(grepl(".bam", files, ignore.case = TRUE))) {
stop("Directory does not contain .bam files.")
# managing .bai files
if (any(grepl(".bai", files, ignore.case = TRUE))) {
files <- files[!grepl(".bai", files)]
files_names <- basename(gsub(pattern = ".bam", "", files))
# stop if files variable length is 0
if (length(files) == 0) {
stop("No .bam files detected.")
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# genomic ranges (varbin scaffolds)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Reading hg38 VarBin ranges
if (genome == "hg38") {
hg38_grangeslist <- hg38_grangeslist
hg38_rg <- switch(resolution,
"55kb" = hg38_grangeslist[["hg38_50kb"]],
"110kb" = hg38_grangeslist[["hg38_100kb"]],
"195kb" = hg38_grangeslist[["hg38_175kb"]],
"220kb" = hg38_grangeslist[["hg38_200kb"]],
"280kb" = hg38_grangeslist[["hg38_250kb"]],
"500kb" = hg38_grangeslist[["hg38_500kb"]],
"1Mb" = hg38_grangeslist[["hg38_1Mb"]],
"2.8Mb" = hg38_grangeslist[["hg38_2Mb"]]
hg38_rg <- as.data.frame(hg38_rg)
rg <- hg38_rg %>%
dplyr::rename(chr = "seqnames") %>%
dplyr::mutate(GeneID = 1:nrow(hg38_rg))
if (remove_Y == TRUE) {
rg <- dplyr::filter(
chr != "chrY"
# reading hg19 varbin ranges
if (genome == "hg19") {
rg <- hg19_rg %>%
dplyr::mutate(GeneID = 1:nrow(hg19_rg))
if (remove_Y == TRUE) {
rg <- dplyr::filter(
chr != "chrY"
"Counting reads for genome ",
" and resolution: ",
varbin_counts_list_all_fields <-
ignoreDup = TRUE,
countMultiMappingReads = FALSE,
annot.ext = rg,
useMetaFeatures = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
isPairedEnd = is_paired_end,
names(varbin_counts_list_all_fields) <- files_names
varbin_counts_list <- lapply(
varbin_counts_list <- lapply(
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# filtering for minimal mean bin count
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# obtaining the index of the ones that FAIL to meet the min_bincount arg
min_bc <- which(vapply(varbin_counts_list, mean, numeric(1)) < min_bincount)
# subsetting counts list and main counts list
if (length(min_bc) > 0) {
varbin_counts_list <- varbin_counts_list[-min_bc]
varbin_counts_list_all_fields <- varbin_counts_list_all_fields[-min_bc]
length(min_bc), " bam files had less than ", min_bincount,
" mean bincounts and were removed."
# LOWESS GC normalization
message("Performing GC correction.")
varbin_counts_list_gccor <-
BiocParallel::bplapply(varbin_counts_list, function(x) {
gc_cor <- lowess(rg$gc_content, log(x + 1e-3), f = 0.05)
gc_cor_z <- approx(gc_cor$x, gc_cor$y, rg$gc_content)
exp(log(x) - gc_cor_z$y) * median(x)
varbin_counts_df <- round(dplyr::bind_cols(varbin_counts_list_gccor), 2)
# filtering low read counts where the sum of bins does not reach more than 0
good_cells <- names(varbin_counts_df[which(colSums(varbin_counts_df) != 0)])
varbin_counts_df <- varbin_counts_df[good_cells]
rg <- rg %>%
dplyr::select(-strand, -GeneID)
rg_gr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(rg,
ignore.strand = TRUE,
keep.extra.columns = TRUE
cna_obj <- CopyKit(
assays = list(bincounts = varbin_counts_df),
rowRanges = rg_gr
# Adding genome and resolution information to metadata
S4Vectors::metadata(cna_obj)$genome <- genome
S4Vectors::metadata(cna_obj)$resolution <- resolution
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sun Feb 14 20:55:01 2021
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sun Feb 14 20:55:24 2021
varbin_reads_list <- lapply(
# saving info and removing columns from list elements
metadata_info_names <- varbin_reads_list[[1]][c(1, 2, 8, 9, 12, 14), 1]
metadata_info_names <-
varbin_reads_info <-
lapply(seq_along(varbin_reads_list), function(x) {
# RSubread seems to change underlines to dot on some cases
# Have to make more complicated lapply to extract the name of the list
# and guarantee that the cell is properly named
name <- names(varbin_reads_list)[[x]]
df <- varbin_reads_list[[x]][c(1, 2, 8, 9, 12, 14), -1, drop = FALSE]
names(df) <- name
names(varbin_reads_list) <- names(varbin_counts_list_all_fields)
bam_metrics <- dplyr::bind_cols(varbin_reads_info)
# making sure metrics match varbin_counts_df
bam_metrics <- bam_metrics[good_cells]
rownames(bam_metrics) <- metadata_info_names
bam_metrics <- as.data.frame(t(bam_metrics))
# adding total
reads_tot <- rowSums(bam_metrics)
bam_metrics$sample <- rownames(bam_metrics)
bam_metrics <-
dplyr::relocate(bam_metrics, sample, .before = reads_assigned_bins)
bam_metrics <- bam_metrics %>%
reads_total = reads_tot,
percentage_duplicates = round(reads_duplicates / reads_total, 3)
if (sum(bam_metrics$reads_duplicates) == 0) {
"runCountReads did not detect any duplicate reads.
Make sure your input bam files have duplicates marked.",
call. = FALSE,
noBreaks. = TRUE
# adding to metadata
SummarizedExperiment::colData(cna_obj) <-
colnames(cna_obj) <- names(varbin_counts_df)
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