#' findAneuploidCells
#' Find cells that are not aneuploid in the dataset.
#' @param scCNA The CopyKit object
#' @param assay String with the name of the assay to pull data from to find
#' normal cells.
#' @param resolution A numeric scalar used as threshold to detect normal cells.
#' @param remove_XY A boolean that removes chrX and chrY from the analysis.
#' @param simul A boolean that if TRUE adds a simulated normal dataset to boost
#' identifying normal cells in datasets with small proportions of normal cells.
#' @param seed Seed passed on to reproduce simulated CV of normal cells.
#' @details performs a sample-wise calculation of the segment means coefficient
#' of variation and fits a Gaussian mixture model to the observed distribution
#' from all cells. To increase the sensitivity of the model, the expected
#' distribution of the coefficient of variation for diploid cells is simulated
#' for a thousand cells (mean = 0, sd = 0.01). This way, CopyKit can adequately
#' detect diploid cells even in datasets with limited amounts of diploid cells
#' and guarantees that no aneuploid cell will be removed from datasets without
#' any diploid cells. The distribution with the smallest CV
#' is assumed originate from normal cells. Cells are classified as diploid
#' if they have a coefficient of variance smaller than the mean plus five times
#' the standard deviation of the normal cell distribution.
#' @return information is added to \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment]{colData}}
#' in a columns named 'is_aneuploid' being TRUE if a cell is detected as
#' aneuploid and FALSE if the cell is detected as euploid.
#' @export
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData
#' @importFrom dplyr filter bind_rows case_when
#' @importFrom mixtools normalmixEM
#' @importFrom stats rnorm sd
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1000)
#' copykit_obj <- copykit_example()[,sample(500)]
#' copykit_obj <- findAneuploidCells(copykit_obj)
findAneuploidCells <- function(scCNA,
assay = "segment_ratios",
resolution = "auto",
remove_XY = TRUE,
simul = TRUE,
seed = 17) {
# bindings for NSE (non-standard evaluation)
is_aneuploid <- NULL
if (remove_XY == FALSE & simul == TRUE) {
stop("Argument simul can't be used if remove_XY == FALSE.")
if (resolution != "auto" & !is.numeric(resolution)) {
stop("Resolution must be of class numeric")
# retrieving data
rg <- as.data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(scCNA))
seg <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(scCNA, assay)
ncells <- ncol(scCNA)
if (remove_XY == TRUE) {
rg <- rg %>%
!grepl("X", seqnames),
!grepl("Y", seqnames)
seg <- seg[1:nrow(rg), ]
# calculating the coefficient of variation
cv <- vapply(
seg, function(z) {
sd(z) / mean(z)
if (simul == TRUE) {
cv_simul <- rnorm(ncells,
mean = 0,
sd = 0.01
names(cv_simul) <- paste0("simul", 1:length(cv_simul))
cv <- c(cv_simul, cv)
if (resolution == "auto") {
fit <- tryCatch(
withr::with_seed(seed, mixtools::normalmixEM(cv)),
error = function(e) {
message("Could not identify aneuploid cells in the dataset.")
message("Marking all cells as diploid.")
message("Check colData(scCNA)$find_normal_cv.")
# determining resolution
if (length(fit) > 1) {
resolution <- fit$mu[1] + 5 * fit$sigma[1]
} else {
resolution <- 1
if (simul == TRUE) {
cv <- cv[!grepl("simul", names(cv))]
cv_df <- data.frame(sample = names(cv),
CV = cv)
cv_df_low_cv <- cv_df %>%
dplyr::mutate(is_aneuploid = case_when(
CV > resolution ~ TRUE,
"Copykit detected ",
nrow(cv_df_low_cv %>%
dplyr::filter(is_aneuploid == FALSE)),
" that are possibly diploid cells using a resolution of: ",
round(resolution, 3)
# reordering info to add to metadata
info <-
), ]
SummarizedExperiment::colData(scCNA)$is_aneuploid <- info$is_aneuploid
SummarizedExperiment::colData(scCNA)$find_normal_cv <-
round(info$CV, 2)
message("Added information to colData(CopyKit).")
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