#' Differential rhythmicity analysis for RNA-Seq datasets
#' This function performs a rhythmicity analysis based on linear models with a subsequent models selection. The function accepts a time series assuming normally distributed noise of two or more groups. The function outputs the parameters mean, phase and amplitude are for each group.
#' @param data matrix or vector containing data; if a matrix is provided each column represents a sample, each row represents a feature.
#' @param group vector containing the name of each group (e.g. wildtype, knock-out).
#' @param time vector containing numeric values of the zeiteber/circadian time for each sample.
#' @param period numeric value to indicate period length of the oscillation. Default: period = 24 h.
#' @param sample_name vector containing sample names. Default: colnames are sample names.
#' @param batch vector containing potential batch effects between samples. Default: no batch effect.
#' @param nthreads vector numeric value to indicate the threads for parallel computing .Default: 60 \% of detected cores.
#' @return a list that contains the following data.frames: results (summary of results), parameters (rhythmic parameters), ncounts (normalized counts), counts (raw counts), cook (cook's distance)
#' @examples data = log(simData[["countData"]]+1)
#' group = simData[["group"]]
#' time = simData[["time"]]
#' dryList = drylm(data,group,time)
#' head(dryList[["results"]]) # data frame summarizing results
#' head(dryList[["parameters"]]) # coefficients: phase, amplitude and mean for each group
#' head(dryList[["ncounts"]]) # normalized counts
#' @details DryR assesses rhythmicity and mean differences of gene expression in normal data.
#' When necessary, a batch specific mean (m) can be given to the drylm function to account for technical batch effects.
#' A technical batch effect is not allowed to be confounding so the resulting model matrix is fully ranked.
#' To select an optimal gene-specific model, drylm first assesses rhythmicity across the different conditions. To this end, dryR defines different models across all groups.
#' Models refined to have either zero (non-rhythmic pattern) or non-zero (rhythmic pattern) α and β coefficients for each analyzed group. Moreover, for some models the values of α and β can be also shared within any combination of all groups
#' The coefficients α and β were used to calculate the phase (arctan(α/β)) and amplitude (log2-fold change peak-to-trough; 2sqrt(α^2+β^2) ) of a gene.
#' Bayesian information criterion (BIC) based model selection was employed to account for model complexity using the following formula:
#' \cr \cr BIC_j = n ln(RSS_j/n)+ k ln(n) \cr \cr
#' with RSS the sum of residuals square of the multilinear regression, n the number of time points, and k the number of parameters.
#' To assess the confidence of the selected model j we calculated the Schwarz weight (BICW):
#' \cr \cr BICW_j = e^(0.5ΔBIC_j)\ sum(e^0.5 ΔBIC_m), with ΔBIC_j - BIC_j - BIC_m*\cr \cr
#' m* is the minimum BIC value in the entire model set. drylm consideres the BICW_j as the confidence level for model j. The model with the highest BICW is selected as the optimal model within the set of all defined models.
#' In a second iteration step, drylm set the coefficient α and β to the values of the selected model in the first regression.
#' drylm then defined different models for the mean coefficient with differing or shared means between groups. Each model is solved using linear regression and each gene was assigned to a preferred model based on the BICW as described above for the first iteration.
drylm=function(data,group,time,period=24,sample_name=colnames(data),batch=rep("A",length(sample_name)),n.cores=1 ){
vec = F
if(is.vector(data)){data = rbind(data,data)
rownames(data) = c("X1","X2")
vec = T}
sel = order(group,time)
time = time[sel]
group = group[sel]
data = data[,sel]
batch = batch[sel]
sample_name = as.character(sample_name[sel])
s1 <- sin(2*pi*time/period)
c1 <- cos(2*pi*time/period)
conds = cbind(group,s1,c1,batch)
colnames(conds) = c("group","s1","c1","batch")
colData <- data.frame(row.names=colnames(data), conds)
message("fitting rhythmic models")
models = create_matrix_list(time, group, N,period)
#Reorder u, a, b
models = lapply(models, function(l) l[,c(grep("u",colnames(l)),grep("a|b",colnames(l)))])
for (i in 1:length(models)){
rownames(models[[i]]) = rownames(colData)}
if (length(unique(batch))>1) {
# add the batch effect
model_b = as.matrix(model.matrix(~ batch),contrasts.arg=NULL)[,2:length(unique(batch)),drop=F]
models = lapply(models, function(l) cbind(model_b,l))
models = lapply(models, function(l) l[,c(grep("^u",colnames(l)),grep("^BATCH",colnames(l)),grep("^a|^b",colnames(l)))] )
fit = parallel::mclapply(split(data, rownames(data)),
my_mat= models,
# calculate the BIC
BIC = unlist(fit)[grep('BIC$',names(unlist(fit)))]
BIC= matrix(BIC,nrow=nrow(data),byrow=T)
#calculate the BICW
BICW = t(apply(BIC,1,compute_BICW))
chosen_model = apply(BIC,1,which.min)
chosen_model_BICW = apply(BICW,1,max)
message("fitting mean models")
for (i in 1:length(model_mean_cond)){
rownames(model_mean_cond[[i]]) = rownames(colData)}
fit = parallel::mclapply(gene.list,
my_mat_r = models,
my_mat_m = model_mean_cond,
chosen_model = chosen_model,
#extract BIC
BIC_mean = unlist(fit)[grep('BIC$',names(unlist(fit)))]
BIC_mean = matrix(BIC_mean,nrow=nrow(data),byrow=T)
#calculate the BICW
BICW_mean = t(apply(BIC_mean,1,compute_BICW))
chosen_model_mean = apply(BIC_mean,1,which.min)
chosen_model_mean_BICW = apply(BICW_mean,1,max)
# coefficients / mean, amplitude and phase
message("extracting rhythmic parameters")
parameters = foreach (i = 1:nrow(data)) %dopar% {
gene = rownames(data)[i]
dds= fit[[i]][[chosen_model_mean[i]]]$param
out = compute_param_l(dds,period, N)
parameters = data.frame(t(do.call(cbind, parameters)))
colnames(parameters) = c(paste(c('mean','a','b','amp','relamp','phase'),rep(unique(group),each =6), sep = "_"))
rownames(parameters) = rownames(data)
#normalized counts
ncounts_RF = data
# generate a table summarizing the analysis
complete_parameters = cbind(parameters,chosen_model,chosen_model_BICW, chosen_model_mean, chosen_model_mean_BICW)
global_table_df = merge(ncounts_RF,complete_parameters, by="row.names")
rownames(global_table_df) = global_table_df[,1]
global_table_df = global_table_df[,-1]
out = list()
out[["time"]] = time
out[["group"]] = group
out[["results"]] = global_table_df
out[["BICW_rhythm"]] = BICW
out[["BICW_mean"]] = BICW_mean
out[["values"]] = ncounts_RF
out[["parameters"]] = complete_parameters
#if(vec == TRUE){
# out[["results"]] = global_table_df[1,]
# out[["BICW_rhythm"]] = BICW[1,]
# out[["BICW_mean"]] = BICW_mean[1,]
# out[["values"]] = ncounts_RF[1,]
# out[["parameters"]] = complete_parameters[1,]
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