#' Find differentially expressed sRNA regions
#' This is the main wrapper for running several key functions from this
#' package. It is meant to be used after that a \code{\link{srnadiffExp}}
#' object has been created. \code{\link{srnadiff}} implement four methods to
#' produce potential DERs (see Details).
#' Once DERs are detected, the second step in \code{\link{srnadiff}} is to
#' quantify the statistic signification of these.
#' Implemented methods to produce potential differentially expressed
#' regions in \code{\link{srnadiff}} are:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{annotation:}}{This method simply provides the genomic regions
#' corresponding to the annotation file that is optionally given by the
#' user. It can be a set of known miRNAs, siRNAs, piRNAs, genes, or a
#' combination thereof.}
#' \item{\code{hmm:}}{This approach assumes that continuous regions of RNA
#' along the chromosome are either "differentially expressed" or "not".
#' This is captured with a hidden Markov model (HMM) with binary latent
#' state of each nucleotide: \emph{differentially expressed} or
#' \emph{not differentially expressed}. The observations of the HMM are
#' then the empirical p-values arising from the differential expression
#' analysis corresponding to each nucleotide position.
#' The HMM approach normally needs emission, transition, and starting
#' probabilities values (see \code{\link{parameters}}). They
#' can be tuned by the user. In order to finding the most likely sequence
#' of states from the HMM, the Viterbi algorithm is performed. This
#' essentially segments the genome into regions, where a region is
#' defined as a set of consecutive bases showing a common expression
#' signature.}
#' \item{\code{IR:}}{In this approach, for each base, the average from
#' the normalized coverage is calculated across all samples into each
#' condition. This generates a vector of (normalized) mean coverage
#' expression per condition. These two vectors
#' are then used to compute per-nucleotide log-ratios (in absolute value)
#' across the genome. For the computed log-ratio expression, the
#' method uses a sliding threshold \emph{h} that run across the log-ratio
#' levels identifying bases with log-ratio value above of \emph{h}.
#' Regions of contiguous bases passing this threshold are then analyzed
#' using an adaptation of Aumann and Lindell algorithm for irreducibility
#' property (Aumann and Lindell (2003)).}
#' \item{\code{naive:}}{This method is the simplest, gived a fixed threshold
#' \emph{h}, contiguous bases with log-ratio expression
#' (in absolute value) passing this threshold are then considered as
#' candidate differentially expressed regions.}
#' }
#' @references
#' Aumann Y. and, Lindell Y. (2003). A Statistical Theory for Quantitative
#' Association Rules. \emph{Journal of Intelligent Information Systems},
#' 20(3):255-283.
#' @param object An \code{\link{srnadiffExp}} object.
#' @param segMethod A character vector. The segmentation methods to use,
#' one of \code{'annotation'}, \code{'naive'},
#' \code{'hmm'}, \code{'IR'} or combinations thereof.
#' Default \code{'all'}, all methods are used. See
#' Details.
#' @param diffMethod A character. The differential expression testing
#' method to use, one of \code{'DESeq2'}, \code{'edgeR'},
#' or \code{'baySeq'}. See Details.
#' @param nThreads \code{integer(1)}. Number of workers.
#' Defaults to all cores available as determined by
#' \code{\link[BiocParallel]{multicoreWorkers}}.
#' @param useParameters A named list containing the methods parameters to use.
#' If missing, default parameter values are supplied.
#' See \code{\link{parameters}} for details.
#' @return An \code{srnadiffExp} object containing additional slots for:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{regions}
#' \item \code{parameters}
#' \item \code{countMatrix}
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{regions}}, \code{\link{parameters}}, \code{\link{countMatrix}}
#' and \code{\link{srnadiffExp}}
#' @examples
#' srnaExp <- srnadiffExample()
#' srnaExp <- srnadiff(srnaExp)
#' srnaExp
#' @export
srnadiff <- function(object,
segMethod=c("hmm", "IR"),
nThreads=1) {
##- checking general input arguments -------------------------------------#
##- object
if (!is(object, "srnadiffExp")) {
stop("'object' must be an object of class 'srnadiffExp'.", call.=FALSE)
##- segMethod
choices <- c("all", "annotation", "naive", "hmm", "IR")
segMethod <- choices[pmatch(segMethod, choices)]
if (any(is.na(segMethod))) {
stop("'segMethod' should be 'all' or one of 'annotation', 'naive'",
" 'hmm', 'IR' or combinations thereof.", call.=FALSE)
if ("all" %in% segMethod) {
segMethod <- c("annotation", "naive", "hmm", "IR")
##- diffMethod
if (is.null(diffMethod) || !is.character(diffMethod) ||
(length(diffMethod) != 1)) {
stop("Invalid declaration off 'diffMethod'. It must be a character",
" of size 1.", call.=FALSE)
choices <- c("deseq2", "edger", "bayseq")
if (!(tolower(diffMethod) %in% choices)) {
stop("'diffMethod' should be 'DESeq2', 'edgeR', or 'baySeq'. ",
"Got '", diffMethod, "'.", call.=FALSE)
diffMethod <- tolower(diffMethod)
##- nThreads
if (is.null(nThreads) || !is.numeric(nThreads) || (nThreads < 1) ||
!is.finite(nThreads)) {
stop("invalid number of threads, 'nThreads'. It must be a positive",
" integer.", call.=FALSE)
nThreads <- nThreads - trunc(nThreads)
if (nThreads > 0) {
stop("invalid number of threads, 'nThreads'. It must be a positive",
" integer.", call.=FALSE)
##- useParameters
defaultparnames <- names(srnadiffDefaultParameters)
if (is.null(object@parameters)) {
if (missing(useParameters)) {
parameters(object) <- srnadiffDefaultParameters
} else {
if (!is(useParameters, "list")) {
stop("'useParameters' must be a named list. See",
" help(parameters) for details.", call.=FALSE)
valueNames <- names(useParameters)
if (any(duplicated(valueNames))) {
stop("duplicate name parameters in 'useParameters'. See",
" help(parameters) for details.", call.=FALSE)
if (!all(valueNames %in% defaultparnames)) {
stop("'useParameters' must be a named list of valid",
" parameters. See help(parameters) for details.",
parameters(object) <- useParameters
##- end checking ---------------------------------------------------------#
object@diffMethod <- diffMethod
args = c(list(object = object,
segMethod = segMethod,
nThreads = nThreads),
do.call('srnadiffCore', args)
##- srnadiff core function ---------------------------------------------------#
srnadiffCore <- function(object,
segMethod=c("annotation", "naive", "hmm", "IR"),
minLogFC=0.5) {
if (nThreads > 1) {
allRegions <- list()
##- run annotation -------------------------------------------------------#
if (("annotation" %in% segMethod) & !is.null(object@annotReg)) {
allRegions <- do.call("c", list(allRegions, object@annotReg))
##- run naive -----------------------------------------------------------#
if ("naive" %in% segMethod) {
allRegions <- do.call("c", list(allRegions, runNaive(object)))
##- run IR ---------------------------------------------------------------#
if ("IR" %in% segMethod) {
allRegions <- do.call("c", list(allRegions, runIR(object)))
##- run hmm --------------------------------------------------------------#
if ("hmm" %in% segMethod) {
allRegions <- do.call("c", list(allRegions, runHmm(object, nThreads)))
allRegions <- unique(sort(do.call("c", allRegions)))
res <- reconcileRegions(object, allRegions, minOverlap)
object@regions <- res$regions
object@countMatrix <- res$countMatrix
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