
Defines functions mixtureAreaError

Documented in mixtureAreaError

#' Compute area-based error for mixture of two compartment profiles
#' @param mixProtiProtjCPA data frame of CPA estimated proportions for each mixture
#' @param NstartMaterialFractions  Number of fractions that comprise the starting material
#' @param Loc1  row number of subcellular location 1 of mixture
#' @param Loc2  row number of subcellular location 2 of mixture
#' @param increment.prop  increment for computation; default is 0.1
#' @return error, the area between predicted and observed curves
#' @examples
#' data(protNSA_test)
#' data(markerListJadot)
#' data(totProtAT5)
#' refLocationProfilesNSA <- locationProfileSetup(profile=protNSA_AT5tmtMS2,
#'                                                markerList=markerListJadot, numDataCols=9)
#' round(refLocationProfilesNSA, digits=3)
#' # Convert NSA reference profiles to Acup to prepare for forming mixtures
#' refLocationProfilesAcup <- AcupFromNSA(NSA=refLocationProfilesNSA, NstartMaterialFractions=6,
#'                                        totProt=totProtAT5)
#' round(refLocationProfilesAcup, digits=4)
#' # Compute mixtures
#' mixCytoLysoAcup <- proteinMix(AcupRef=refLocationProfilesAcup,
#'                               increment.prop=0.1,
#'                               Loc1=1, Loc2=4)
#' # Convert to relative specific amoounts
#' mixCytoLysoRSA <- RSAfromAcup(Acup=mixCytoLysoAcup,
#'                               NstartMaterialFractions=6, totProt=totProtAT5)
#' # Find RSA transformed reference profiles
#' refLocationProfilesRSA <- RSAfromNSA(refLocationProfilesNSA, NstartMaterialFractions=6,
#'                                      totProt=totProtAT5)
#' # Find constrained proportional values
#' mixCytoLysoCPAfromRSA <- fitCPA(profile=mixCytoLysoRSA,
#'                                 refLocationProfiles=refLocationProfilesRSA,
#'                                 numDataCols=9)
#' # calculate the mixture error
#' mixtureAreaError(mixProtiProtjCPA=mixCytoLysoCPAfromRSA,
#'             NstartMaterialFractions=6, Loc1=1, Loc2=4,
#'             increment.prop=0.1)
#' @importFrom pracma trapz
#' @export

mixtureAreaError <- function(mixProtiProtjCPA, NstartMaterialFractions=6, Loc1, Loc2,
                        increment.prop=0.1) {
  # mixtures must be a list of equally spaced proportions
  # this program assumes exactly eight subcellular compartments
  # set up color and point lists
  Loc1 <- as.integer(Loc1)
  Loc2 <- as.integer(Loc2)
  loc.list <- names(mixProtiProtjCPA)

  fracList <- seq(0,1,0.1)

  # make matrix input.prop listing mixtures
  prop.vec <- seq(0,1,increment.prop)
  qrop.vec <- 1 - prop.vec
  nrow.out <- length(prop.vec)
  #mixMat <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow.out, ncol=nrow(Acup))  # matrix of mixtures
  mixMat <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow.out, ncol=nrow.out)  # matrix of mixtures
  # each row is a "protein" with mixed residence
  # each column is a subcellular location, with the proportioal assignment
  mixMat[,Loc1] <- prop.vec
  mixMat[,Loc2] <- qrop.vec
  input.prop <- data.frame(mixMat)
  # each row of "input.prop" is a mixture of p of Loc1 1 and (1-p) of Loc2
  # Column Loc1 is incremental increases in p from 0 to 1
  # Column Loc2 is incremental decreases in p from 1 to 0
  # all other columns are 0
  # For example, for Loc 1 = 1 (Cyto) and Loc2 = 4 (Lyso), here
  #  is the matrix.
  # row names are not added here, since they are not needed.

  #                   Cyto Cyto1 Cyto2 Cyto3 Cyto4 Cyto5 Cyto6 Cyto7 Cyto8 Cyto9 Cyto10
  # 0_Cyto:1_Lyso      0.0     0     0   1.0     0     0     0     0     0     0      0
  # 0.1_Cyto:0.9_Lyso  0.1     0     0   0.9     0     0     0     0     0     0      0
  # 0.2_Cyto:0.8_Lyso  0.2     0     0   0.8     0     0     0     0     0     0      0
  # 0.3_Cyto:0.7_Lyso  0.3     0     0   0.7     0     0     0     0     0     0      0
  # 0.4_Cyto:0.6_Lyso  0.4     0     0   0.6     0     0     0     0     0     0      0
  # 0.5_Cyto:0.5_Lyso  0.5     0     0   0.5     0     0     0     0     0     0      0
  # 0.6_Cyto:0.4_Lyso  0.6     0     0   0.4     0     0     0     0     0     0      0
  # 0.7_Cyto:0.3_Lyso  0.7     0     0   0.3     0     0     0     0     0     0      0
  # 0.8_Cyto:0.2_Lyso  0.8     0     0   0.2     0     0     0     0     0     0      0
  # 0.9_Cyto:0.1_Lyso  0.9     0     0   0.1     0     0     0     0     0     0      0
  # 1_Cyto:0_Lyso      1.0     0     0   0.0     0     0     0     0     0     0      0

  areaErr <- 0
  for (kk in seq_len(ncol(mixProtiProtjCPA))) {
    # use trapezoidal rule (trapz from package pracma)
    areaErr <- areaErr +
      abs(trapz(fracList, as.numeric(input.prop[,kk]) ) -
            trapz(fracList, as.numeric(mixProtiProtjCPA[,kk])))


mooredf22/protlocassign0p1p1 documentation built on Feb. 7, 2022, 1:55 a.m.