#' Carry out constrained proportional assignment for protein number i in profile
#' with constraint being the number of compartments that are allowed to
#' vary freely; other compartment proportions are fixed at zero
#' @param profile one-row data frame of a protein name (in the row name) and relative abundance levels.
#' Nspectra and Npep, if present, will be removed
#' @param refLocationProfiles A matrix giving the abundance level profiles of the subcellular locations
#' @param numDataCols Number of channels of abundance levels
#' @param startProps starting valuese for proportional assignements; set equal if this is null (default)
#' @param showProgress default is T
#' @param maxit maximum number of iterations (default is 10000)
#' @param nCPAcomparts number of compartments to fit restricted CPA;
#' remaining proportions are fixed at zero
#' @examples
#' data(protNSA_test)
#' data(markerListJadot)
#' nTestProts <- nrow(protNSA_test)
#' refLocationProfilesNSA <- locationProfileSetup(profile=protNSA_test,
#' markerList=markerListJadot, numDataCols=9)
#' protCPAfromNSA_test <- fCPAsubsets(profile=protNSA_markTLN1[1,],
#' refLocationProfiles=refLocationProfilesNSA,
#' numDataCols=9, startProps=NULL, nCPAcomparts=2)
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @export
#' @return list with components:
#' resultAll: Data frame of CPA estimates of
#' each protein to compartments.
#' resultMin: CPA estimates of minimum (best) fit
#' resultAvg: mean of "quint" of the best fitting CPA estimates;
#' default is the best 0.25 of estimates
#protLocAssignMulti <- function(i, profile, refLocationProfiles, numDataCols,
fCPAsubsets <- function(profile, refLocationProfiles, numDataCols,
startProps=NULL, showProgress=TRUE,
maxit=10000, nCPAcomparts=2) {
# maxit and assignPRobsStart must be specified
# assignProbsStart must be NULL or have a column "protName" and assignment probabilities to use as starting values
# use the spg function (in package BB) to assign proportionate assignments to compartments
if (nrow(profile) != 1) {
cat("profile must have one row\n")
#profile <- profile[1:numDataCols]
profile <- profile[seq_len(numDataCols)]
n.locs <- nrow(refLocationProfiles) # number of subcellular compartments
combins.mat <- combn(x=n.locs, m=nCPAcomparts)
result.mat <- matrix(NA, nrow=ncol(combins.mat), ncol=n.locs+1)
locs.vec <- rep(NA, ncol(combins.mat))
names.locs <- rownames(refLocationProfiles)
#for (ii in 1:ncol(combins.mat)) {
for (ii in seq_len(ncol(combins.mat))) {
# ii=2
result.mat[ii,] <- fCPAone(profile, refLocationProfiles, numDataCols,
maxit=maxit, ind.vary=combins.mat[,ii], minVal=TRUE)
locs.vec[ii] <- paste(names.locs[combins.mat[,ii]], collapse="")
resultAll <- data.frame(result.mat)
names(resultAll) <- c(rownames(refLocationProfiles), "value")
row.names(resultAll) <- locs.vec
#result.df <- data.frame(result.df, locs.vec)
ind.min <- which.min(resultAll$value)
resultMin <- resultAll[ind.min,]
rOrder <- order(resultAll$value)
resultOrder <- resultAll[rOrder,]
#n.result <- nrow(resultOrder)
#n.use <- ceiling(n.result*quint)
#resultAvg <- apply(resultOrder[1:n.use,], 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
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