#' Find mean and standard error of profile for a protein or peptide
#' Service function for profileSummarize. Find mean profiles using a
#' random effects model for nested data.
#' @param i protId or pepId (only one)
#' @param uniqueLabel vector of either
#' protId or pepId as specified by 'GroupBy' in
#' profileSummarize
#' @param protsCombineCnew data frame of profiles
#' (spectra or spectra and peptides) with outlier information
#' @param numRefCols
#' number of columns preceding the profile data
#' @param numDataCols number of fractions in each profile
#' @param GroupBy ‘protId’ if average peptides to give mean protein profile;
#' ‘pepId’ if average spectra to give mean peptide profiles
#' @param eps small value to add so that log
#' argument is greater than zero
#' @param outlierExclude none, spectra, or
#' spectraAndPeptide
#' @return estimated mean and standard error for a protein or peptide
#' profile
#' @param singularList If TRUE, list fractions associated with a given
#' protein or peptide with singular lmer fit results;
#' default is FALSE
#' @return Estimated mean and standard error (log2 scale) for a protein or
#' peptide profile, and Nspectra, Npep, protId, and pepId
#' @examples
#' set.seed(17356)
#' eps <- 0.029885209
#' data(spectraNSA_test)
#' flagSpectraBox <- outlierFind(protClass=spectraNSA_test,
#' outlierLevel='peptide', numRefCols=5,
#' numDataCols=9,
#' outlierMeth='boxplot', range=3, eps=eps,
#' randomError=TRUE)
#' uniqueLabel <- flagSpectraBox$pepId
#' pepProfile_i_out <- meansByProteins(i=uniqueLabel[1],
#' uniqueLabel=uniqueLabel,
#' protsCombineCnew=flagSpectraBox,
#' numRefCols=6, numDataCols=9, GroupBy="peptideId",eps=eps,
#' outlierExclude='spectra')
#' round(pepProfile_i_out, digits=3)
#' @importFrom stats var
#' @importFrom lme4 lmer
#' @importFrom lme4 fixef
#' @importFrom lme4 isSingular
#' @importFrom stats vcov
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
meansByProteins <- function(i, uniqueLabel, protsCombineCnew,
numRefCols, numDataCols, GroupBy, eps, outlierExclude,
singularList=FALSE) {
# outlierExclude: none: don't exclude any
# outliers spectra: exclude only spectra
# within peptides spectraAndPeptide: exclude
# spectra-within-peptide outliers and peptide
# outliers i=217 i=2
protData_i <- protsCombineCnew[uniqueLabel == i,
prot_i <- protData_i$prot[1]
protId_i <- protData_i$protId[1]
pep_i <- protData_i$peptide[1]
pepId_i <- protData_i$pepId[1]
pepId_vec_i <- protData_i$pepId
profileAll_i_x <- cbind(protData_i[, numRefCols +
c(seq_len(numDataCols))], protData_i$protId,
names(profileAll_i_x)[numDataCols + 1] <- "protId"
names(profileAll_i_x)[numDataCols + 2] <- "pepId"
profileAll_i <- profileAll_i_x
profileAll_i[, seq_len(numDataCols)] <- log2(profileAll_i_x[,
seq_len(numDataCols)] + eps) # transform to log2 scale
channelNames <- names(profileAll_i)
# identify and eliminate outliers use_i <-
# {protData_i$outCountBoxPlot == 0}
if (outlierExclude == "none") {
use_i <- rep(TRUE, nrow(protData_i))
if (outlierExclude == "spectra") {
use_i <- {
protData_i$outlier.num.spectra == 0
} & {
if (outlierExclude == "spectraAndPeptide") {
use_i <- {
protData_i$outlier.num.spectra == 0
} & {
} & {
protData_i$outlier.num.peptides ==
} & {
profileXX_i <- profileAll_i[use_i, ]
Nspectra <- nrow(profileXX_i)
if (Nspectra == 0) {
coef_est <- rep(NA, numDataCols)
secoef_est <- rep(NA, numDataCols)
Npep <- 0
result_i <- c(coef_est, secoef_est, Nspectra,
Npep, protId_i, pepId_i)
Npep <- length(unique(profileXX_i$pepId))
# need at least 4 spectra and 3 unique
# peptides
lmerSingular <- FALSE
lmerGood <- {
Nspectra >= 8
} & {
Npep >= 4
} & {
Nspectra/Npep > 4
if (Nspectra == Npep)
lmerGood <- FALSE # don't do if one seq per spectrum
if (GroupBy == "peptideId")
lmerGood <- FALSE # makes no sense if by peptide
if (lmerGood) {
coef_est <- rep(NA, numDataCols)
secoef_est <- rep(NA, numDataCols)
for (k in seq_len(numDataCols)) {
# do for each fraction k=1
y_k <- profileXX_i[, k] # k'th column (fraction)
varOK <- {
var(y_k) > 0.001
if (varOK) {
#result_k <- try(suppressMessages(lmer(y_k ~ 1 + (1 | pepId),
# data = profileXX_i)))
lmerSingular <- FALSE
result_k <- try(lmer(y_k ~ 1 + (1 | pepId),
data = profileXX_i))
# Check for singular lmer fit;
# if so, set lmerSingular to FALSE and recalculate ALL means below
if (isSingular(result_k)) {
lmerSingular <- TRUE
if (singularList) {
warning(c("protein",prot_i," channel", k, "\n" ))
## The following is for diagnostics only
## error handling is as planned
#warning("lmer matrix singular; recalculating average profile\n")
try(coef_est[k] <- fixef(result_k))
try(secoef_est[k] <- sqrt(as.numeric(vcov(result_k))))
# variance too small for lmer:
if (!varOK | is.na(coef_est[k])) {
coef_est[k] <- mean(y_k)
secoef_est[k] <- 0.001
if ({
!lmerGood | lmerSingular
} & {
Nspectra == 1
}) {
coef_est <- as.numeric(profileXX_i[1, seq_len(numDataCols)])
secoef_est <- rep(NA, numDataCols)
if ({
!lmerGood | lmerSingular
} & {
Nspectra == 2
}) {
coef_est <- as.numeric(apply(profileXX_i[,
seq_len(numDataCols)], 2, mean))
secoef_est <- rep(NA, numDataCols)
if ({
!lmerGood | lmerSingular
} & {
Nspectra >= 3
}) {
coef_est <- as.numeric(apply(profileXX_i[,
seq_len(numDataCols)], 2, mean))
secoef_est <- as.numeric(apply(profileXX_i[,
seq_len(numDataCols)], 2, sd))/sqrt(Nspectra)
coef_median_est <- as.numeric(apply(profileXX_i[,
seq_len(numDataCols)], 2, median))
# apply(profile99.i,2,mean) # test; should be
# similar to coef_est
raw_coef_orig <- 2^coef_est - eps
facAdj <- sum(raw_coef_orig) # adjustment factor to make things add to 1
raw_coef <- raw_coef_orig/facAdj
coef_est <- log2(raw_coef + eps)
# if GroupBy = 'protId', prot_i is the
# protein number, and i is the same if
# GroupBy = 'pepId', prot_i is the protein
# number, and i is the peptide number
result_i <- c(coef_est, secoef_est, Nspectra, Npep,
protId_i, pepId_i)
# ================================================================
#' Calculates a mean protein or peptide profiles and standard errors
#' ProfileSummarize calculates mean and SE for each channel in each
#' protein or peptide profile using a random effect model (proteins)
#' or arithmetic mean (peptides). A random effect model can avoid
#' dominance of a peptide with a large number spectra.
#' See Tutorial 6 for details.
#' @param protsCombineCnew data frame of profiles (spectra or spectra
#' and peptides) with outlier information
#' @param numRefCols number of columns preceding the profile data
#' @param numDataCols number of fractions in each profile
#' @param refColsKeep which reference columns to keep
#' (requires columns 1 and 2 for protein and peptide name)
#' @param eps small value to add so that log argument is greater than zero
#' @param GroupBy ‘protId’ if average peptides to give mean protein profile;
#' ‘peptideId’ if average spectra to give mean peptide profiles
#' @param outlierExclude 'none', 'spectra', or
#' 'spectraAndpeptide' (default)
#' according to exclusion level
#' @param setSeed NULL (default) deprecated; see note for "cpus"
#' @param set.seed NULL (default) deprecated; see note for "cpus"
#' @param cpus NULL (default); deprecated
#' Use BiocParallel with SnowParm or other
#' multiprocessor method to set number of processors
#' See examples for how to specify the number of processors
#' @param multiprocess FALSE by default
#' @param singularList if TRUE, list fractions associated with a given
#' protein or peptide with singular fit from the random effects
#' function lmer; default is FALSE
#' @importFrom lme4 lmer
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
#' @export
#' @return Mean or weighted mean NSA profiles
#' @examples
#' set.seed(17356) # this works if multiprocess is set to FALSE
#' eps <- 0.029885209
#' data(spectraNSA_test)
#' flagSpectraBox <- outlierFind(protClass=spectraNSA_test,
#' outlierLevel='peptide', numRefCols=5, numDataCols=9,
#' outlierMeth='boxplot', range=3, eps=eps,
#' randomError=TRUE, multiprocess=FALSE)
#' pepProfiles <- profileSummarize(protsCombineCnew=flagSpectraBox,
#' numRefCols=6, numDataCols=9, refColsKeep=c(1,2,4),eps=eps,
#' GroupBy='peptideId', outlierExclude='spectra',
#' multiprocess=FALSE)
#' str(pepProfiles, strict.width='cut', width=65)
#' # Now use multiple processors with specified random number seed
#' snowParam <- BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = 2, RNGseed=92883)
#' #
#' # now modifiy the existing BiocParallelParam
#' BiocParallel::register(snowParam, default=FALSE)
#' pepProfilesM <- profileSummarize(protsCombineCnew=flagSpectraBox,
#' numRefCols=6, numDataCols=9, refColsKeep=c(1,2,4),eps=eps,
#' GroupBy='peptideId', outlierExclude='spectra',
#' multiprocess=TRUE)
#' str(pepProfilesM, strict.width='cut', width=65)
# ================================================================
profileSummarize <- function(protsCombineCnew, numRefCols,
numDataCols, refColsKeep = c(1, 2), eps, GroupBy = "protId",
outlierExclude = "spectraAndPeptide",
setSeed=NULL, set.seed=NULL, cpus=NULL,
multiprocess=FALSE, singularList=FALSE) {
# outlierExclude: none: don't exclude any
# outlers spectra: (default) exclude only
# spectra within peptides spectraAndPeptide:
# exclude spectra-within-peptide outliers and
# peptide outliers
if (!is.null(setSeed)) message("setSeed is deprecated")
if (!is.null(set.seed)) message("set.seed is deprecated")
if (!is.null(cpus)) message("cpus is deprecated; use multiprocess")
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # #
if (GroupBy == "protId")
uniqueLabel <- protsCombineCnew$protId
if (GroupBy == "peptideId")
uniqueLabel <- protsCombineCnew$pepId
# if (GroupBy == 'protId') indList <-
# unique(protsCombineCnew$protId) if (GroupBy
# == 'peptideId') indList <-
# unique(protsCombineCnew$pepId)
indList <- unique(uniqueLabel) # 28 Jan 2022
if (!(outlierExclude %in% c("none", "spectra",
"spectraAndPeptide"))) {
stop("outlierExclude must be one of none, spectra, or peptide\n")
if ((GroupBy == "peptideId") & (outlierExclude ==
"spectraAndPeptide")) {
stop("if GroupBy == 'peptideId' then outlierExclude
cannot equal 'spectraAndPeptide' \n")
# indList <- unique(uniqueLabel)
n_prots <- length(indList) # either proteins or proteins/peptides
#if (cpus == 1) {
if (multiprocess) {
result <- lapply(indList, meansByProteins,
uniqueLabel = uniqueLabel, protsCombineCnew = protsCombineCnew,
numRefCols = numRefCols, numDataCols = numDataCols,
GroupBy = GroupBy, eps = eps, outlierExclude = outlierExclude,
#if (cpus > 1) {
if (!multiprocess) {
result <- bplapply(indList, meansByProteins,
uniqueLabel = uniqueLabel, protsCombineCnew = protsCombineCnew,
numRefCols = numRefCols, numDataCols = numDataCols,
GroupBy = GroupBy, eps = eps, outlierExclude = outlierExclude,
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::bpparam(), singularList=singularList)
# convert list of matrices to one matrix
temp <- do.call(what = "rbind", result)
temp_df <- data.frame(temp)
names_channels <- names(protsCombineCnew)[numRefCols +
names(temp_df)[seq_len(numDataCols)] <- names_channels
names(temp_df)[(numDataCols + 1):(numDataCols +
numDataCols)] <- paste(names_channels, ".se",
sep = "")
names(temp_df)[2 * numDataCols + seq_len(4)] <- c("Nspectra",
"Npep", "protId", "pepId")
if (GroupBy == "protId")
refColsKeep <- 2 # only keep the 'prot' column
# indices of second data set:
index <- match(temp_df$pepId, protsCombineCnew$pepId)
protsMini <- protsCombineCnew[index, refColsKeep]
if (GroupBy == "protId") {
ncolTemp <- ncol(temp_df)
# remove protId and pepId (last two columns):
temp_df <- temp_df[, -c(ncolTemp - 1, ncolTemp)]
protProfileSummaryRes <- data.frame(protsMini,
temp_df) # 'protsMini' is protein names
names(protProfileSummaryRes)[1] <- "prot"
if (GroupBy == "peptideId") {
protProfileSummaryRes <- data.frame(protsMini,
# for 'Identity' (untransformed) results,
# drop the standard error terms, which don't
# apply
if (GroupBy == "protId") {
# note that first two columns are protein
# and peptide names
protProfileSummaryIdentity <- protProfileSummaryRes[,
-((2 + numDataCols):(1 + 2 * numDataCols))]
# now reverse the log2 transformation
protProfileSummaryIdentity[, 2:(1 + numDataCols)] <-
c(2:(1 + numDataCols))] - eps
# now eliminate negative values due to
# roundoff error
negVals <- {
protProfileSummaryIdentity[, 2:(1 +
numDataCols)] < 0
} & {
protProfileSummaryIdentity[, 2:(1 +
numDataCols)] > -1e-10
protProfileSummaryIdentity[, 2:(1 + numDataCols)][negVals] <- 0
if (GroupBy == "peptideId") {
nKeep <- length(refColsKeep)
# note that first column is protein name.
# (There is no peptide name here)
# protProfileSummaryIdentity <-
# protProfileSummaryRes[,-((2 +
# numDataCols):(1 + 2*numDataCols))]
# drop the standard errors of the mean
# profiles (9 columns)
protProfileSummaryIdentity <- protProfileSummaryRes[,
-((nKeep + 1 + numDataCols):(nKeep + 2 *
# now reverse the log2 transformation
protProfileSummaryIdentity[, (nKeep + 1):(nKeep +
numDataCols)] <- 2^protProfileSummaryRes[,
(nKeep + 1):(nKeep + numDataCols)] - eps
# now eliminate negative values due to
# roundoff error
negVals <- {
protProfileSummaryIdentity[, (nKeep +
1):(nKeep + numDataCols)] < 0
} & {
protProfileSummaryIdentity[, (nKeep +
1):(nKeep + numDataCols)] > -1e-10
protProfileSummaryIdentity[, (nKeep + 1):(nKeep +
numDataCols)][negVals] <- 0
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