#' Reference profiles for CPA
#' Set up reference profiles for constrained proportional assignment
#' @param profile data frame of specified protein(row name) profiles
#' @param markerList list of reference proteins and their subcellular locations
#' @param numDataCols number of fractions in each profile
#' @return A data frame of profiles of
#' the subcellular locations
#' @import knitr
#' @import rmarkdown
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(protNSA_test)
#' data(markerListJadot)
#' refLocProfNSA_out <- locationProfileSetup(profile=protNSA_test,
#' markerList=markerListJadot, numDataCols=9)
#' round(head(refLocProfNSA_out), digits=4)
locationProfileSetup <- function(profile, markerList,
numDataCols) {
# Find the mean profiles of the subcellular
# locations
# 'profile' must be a data frame with
# proteins as row names and these columns:
# columns 1 - numDataCols: normalized
# specific amounts or specific amounts Last
# two columns: Nspectra (number of spectra)
# and Nseq (number of distince peptide
# sequences)
# 'markerList' must be a list of (1) the
# reference proteins and (2) the
# corresponding subcelluar locations
if (!is.data.frame(profile))
warning("profile must be a data frame")
if (!is.data.frame(markerList))
warning("markerList must be a data frame")
if (is.null(names(markerList)[1]))
warning("first markerList variable must be 'protName'")
if (is.null(names(markerList)[2]))
warning("second markerList variable must be 'referenceCompartment'")
if ({
names(markerList)[1] != "protName"
}) {
warning("first markerList variable must be 'protName'")
if ({
names(markerList)[2] != "referenceCompartment"
}) {
warning("second markerList variable must be 'referenceCompartment'")
# make names all upper case
protNamesUpper <- toupper(rownames(profile))
rownames(profile) <- protNamesUpper
profileWithProts <- data.frame(protNamesUpper,
# this has a column of protnames for merge:
names(profileWithProts)[1] <- "protName"
names(markerList)[1] <- "protName"
# all must by upper case:
markerList$protName <- toupper(markerList$protName)
if (nrow(markerList) >= 1) {
meanReferenceProts <- merge(x = markerList,
y = profileWithProts, by.x = "protName",
by.y = "protName", all.x = FALSE, sort = FALSE)
if (nrow(meanReferenceProts) == 0) {
warning("from locationProfileSetup; no protein found")
# Find mean profiles for each sub-cellular
# location, using reference proteins
location.list <-
n.loc <- length(location.list)
meanProfile <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(n.loc)) {
loc.i <- location.list[i]
profile.i <-
meanReferenceProts[meanReferenceProts$referenceCompartment ==
loc.i, 2 + seq_len(numDataCols)]
meanProfile.i <- apply(profile.i, 2, mean,
na.rm = TRUE)
meanProfile <- rbind(meanProfile, meanProfile.i)
row.names(meanProfile) <- location.list
# Change name to 'markerLoc' and its
# transpose 'refLocationProfiles' for
# compatibility with past Then plot the
# profiles
markerLoc <- t(meanProfile)
refLocationProfiles <- as.data.frame(t(markerLoc))
#' Goodness-of-fit internal function
#' An internal function used to assess the goodness-of-fit of a
#' weighted mixture of reference profiles to a specified profile
#' @param pvec vector of values between 0 and 1 summing to one
#' (length = number of compartments)
#' @param y specified profile
#' @param gmat matrix of reference profiles
#' @param methodQ either 'sumsquares' (default) or 'sumabsvalue'
#' @export
#' @return Value of goodness-of-fit function
#' @examples
#' # Suppose a profile consists of four fractions and there are three
#' # reference compartment, designated A, B, and C
#' A <-c(1, 0, 0, 0)
#' B <- c(0, .5, 0.5,0)
#' C <-c(0, 0, 0, 1)
#' gmat<-cbind(A, B,C)
#' # make vector for a specified profile to be evaluated
#' yy <- c(0.2, 0.15, 0.15, 0.5)
#' # make vector for candidate CPA value to be evaluated
#' pvec1 <- c(1, 0, 0) # 100% in compartment A, 0% in compartment B2,
#' # 0% in compartment C
#' pvec2<-c(0, 1, 0) # 0% in compartment A, 100% in compartment B2,
#' # 0% in compartment C
#' pvec3<-c(0,0,1) # 0% in compartment A, 0% in compartment B2,
#' # 100% in compartment C
#' pvec4<-c(0.2, 0.3, 0.5) #20% in compartment A, 30% in compartment B2,
#' # 50% in compartment C
#' Qfun4(pvec1, yy, gmat)
#' Qfun4(pvec2, yy, gmat)
#' Qfun4(pvec3, yy, gmat)
#' Qfun4(pvec4, yy, gmat)
Qfun4 <- function(pvec, y, gmat, methodQ = "sumsquares") {
# Assign sub-cellular location probabilities
# to each protein. We use the 'spg' function
# in package 'BB'.
resultA <- y - pvec %*% t(gmat)
if (methodQ == "sumsquares")
result <- sum(resultA^2)
if (methodQ == "sumabsvalue")
result <- sum(abs(resultA))
#' Constrained goodness-of-fit internal function
#' An internal function used to assess the goodness-of-fit
#' of a weighted mixture of reference profiles to a specified
#' profile but with some proportions constrained to zero.
#' There is a subset of varying parameters while other parameters are
#' fixed at a particular value (typically zero).
#' @param pvec.vary Vector of values between 0 and 1 summing to one
#' (length = number of compartments)
#' @param yy Specified profile
#' @param gmat Matrix of reference profiles
#' @param methodQ either 'sumsquares' (default) or
#' 'sumabsvalue'
#' @param ind.vary if not NULL, indexes of varying parameters
#' @param ind.fixed indexes of fixed parameters; complement of ind.vary
#' @param par.fixed values of fixed parameters; typically 0
#' @export
#' @return Value of goodness-of-fit function
#' @examples
#' # Suppose a profile consists of four fractions and there are three
#' # reference compartment, designated A, B, and C
#' A <- c(1, 0, 0, 0)
#' B <- c(0, .5, 0.5,0)
#' C <- c(0, 0, 0, 1)
#' gmat<-cbind(A, B,C)
# make vector for a specified profile to be evaluated
#' yy <- c(0.2, 0.15, 0.15, 0.5)
# make vector for candidate CPA value to be evaluated
#' # Make vector for a candidate CPA value to be evaluated
#' pvec.vary <- c(0.3, 0.7) # 30% in compartment B, 70% in compartment C
#' ind.vary <- c(2,3) # compartments 2 and 3 may vary
#' ind.fixed <- 1 # fix value of compartment 1
#' par.fixed <- 0 # fix that value at 0
#' Qfun4subset(pvec.vary, yy, gmat, ind.vary=ind.vary,
#' ind.fixed=ind.fixed, par.fixed=par.fixed)
Qfun4subset <- function(pvec.vary, yy, gmat,
methodQ = "sumsquares",
ind.vary, ind.fixed, par.fixed) {
# Assign sub-cellular location probabilities
# to each protein. We use the 'spg' function
# in package 'BB'.
# reassemble
vals.order <- c(ind.vary, ind.fixed)
pvec.unorder <- c(pvec.vary, par.fixed)
n.vec <- length(pvec.unorder)
pvec.orig <- rep(NA, n.vec)
for (i in seq_len(n.vec)) {
pvec.orig[vals.order[i]] <- pvec.unorder[i]
y <- yy
pvec <- pvec.orig
resultA <- y - pvec %*% t(gmat)
if (methodQ == "sumsquares")
result <- sum(resultA^2)
if (methodQ == "sumabsvalue")
result <- sum(abs(resultA))
#' project to a simplex
#' internal function; project an n-dim vector y to
#' the simplex S_n with sum constrained to 1
#' @param y n-dim vector
#' @param c constraint; equals one by default
#' @return simplex S_n with sum constrained to 1
#' @export
#' @examples
#' y1 <- c(1,1)
#' p1 <- projSimplex(y1)
#' p1
#' y2 <- c(0.1, 0.3)
#' p2 <- projSimplex(y2)
#' p2
projSimplex <- function(y, c=1) {
# project an n-dim vector y to the
# simplex S_n S_n = { x | x \in R^n, 0 <=
# x <= 1, sum(x) = 1} Derived from:
# Ravi Varadhan, Johns Hopkins
# University August 8, 2012
## Original source:
# Projection onto a simplex
# Yunmei Chen, Xiaojing Ye -
# arXiv preprint arXiv:1101.6081, 2011 - arxiv.org
# Matlab code (Xiaojing Ye):
# https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/30332-projection-onto-simplex
# Distributed under MIT open source license.
# Copyright 2011 Xiaojing Ye
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
# (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
# including without limitation the rights to use,
# copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
# sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software
# is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
n <- length(y)
sy <- sort(y, decreasing = TRUE)
csy <- cumsum(sy)
rho <- max(which(sy > (csy - c)/seq_len(n)))
theta <- (csy[rho] - c)/rho
return(pmax(0, y - theta))
#' Index of protein name
#' Return index of a protein name and (if exactMatch=FALSE, the default)
#' indices of proteins starting with characters that match the string
#' given in 'protName'. If exactMatch=TRUE, return only the index of
#' a protein name that exactly matches 'protName'.
#' @param protName name of protein to search for
#' @param profile data frame of specified protein(row name) profiles
#' @param exactMatch default is FALSE
#' @export
#' @return The protein name and its index (row in profile)
#' @examples
#' data(protNSA_test)
#' protIndex('TLN1', profile=protNSA_test)
#' protIndex('TLN', profile=protNSA_test)
protIndex <- function(protName, profile, exactMatch = FALSE) {
# return index of a protein name, or (if
# exactMatch=TRUE) indices of proteins
# starting with the string given in
# 'protName'
n.prot <- nrow(profile)
prot.list <- toupper(as.character(rownames(profile)))
# prot.list must be in column 1
if (exactMatch)
inx <- (seq_len(n.prot))[protName == prot.list]
if (!exactMatch)
inx <- grep(paste("^", protName, sep = ""),
prot.list, ignore.case = TRUE)
if (length(inx) == 0)
inx <- NA
if (!is.na(inx[1])) {
result <- data.frame(inx, prot.list[inx])
names(result) <- c("Prot index number", "Prot name")
if (is.na(inx[1])) {
result <- NA
message("protein not found\n")
#' CPA for protein i
#' Carry out constrained proportional assignment for protein i;
#' service function for fitCPA
#' @param profile vector of a specified protein (row name) profile
#' @param refLocationProfiles data frame of profiles for the
#' reference compartments
#' @param numDataCols number of fractions in each profile
#' @param startProps starting values for proportional assignments;
#' set equal if this is null (default)
#' @param maxit maximum number of iterations (default is 10000)
#' @param ind.vary if not NULL, indexes of proportions allowed to vary with
#' others constrained to zero
#' @param minVal default is FALSE. If TRUE, return minimum value of
#' goodness of fit
#' @examples
#' data(protRSA_test)
#' data(refLocProfRSA)
#' protCPAfromRSA_i_out1 <- fCPAone(profile=protRSA_test[1,],
#' refLocationProfiles=refLocProfRSA,
#' numDataCols=9, startProps=NULL,
#' maxit=10000,
#' ind.vary=NULL, minVal=FALSE)
#' round(protCPAfromRSA_i_out1, digits=4)
#' protCPAfromRSA_i_out1b <- fCPAone(profile=protRSA_test[1,],
#' refLocationProfiles=refLocProfRSA,
#' numDataCols=9, startProps=NULL,
#' maxit=10000,
#' ind.vary=c(2,4), minVal=FALSE)
#' round(protCPAfromRSA_i_out1b, digits=4)
#' @export
#' @return Vector of proportional assignments of
#' each protein to compartments. Also returns variables
#' 'nspectra' and 'npeptides' if they are included in the profile input.
#' If 'ind.vary' is specified, only the
#' referenced CPA estimates are returned.
fCPAone <- function(profile, refLocationProfiles, numDataCols,
startProps = NULL, maxit = 10000,
ind.vary = NULL, minVal = FALSE) {
# maxit and assignPRobsStart must be
# specified assignProbsStart must be NULL or
# have a column 'protName' and assignment
# probabilities to use as starting values use
# the spg function (in package BB) to assign
# proportionate assignments to compartments
# extra columns for numbers of spectra and sequences:
SpectraSeqInd <- TRUE
if (numDataCols == ncol(profile))
SpectraSeqInd <- FALSE # no extra columns
n.compartments <- nrow(refLocationProfiles)
# just the data, and only row 1:
allPeptideProfilesMat <- profile[1, seq_len(numDataCols)]
# (there should only be one row)
yyT <- allPeptideProfilesMat
yy <- as.numeric(yyT) # leave them alone
if (SpectraSeqInd) {
# if these variables are present
Nspectra.i <- profile$Nspectra[1] # this is the number
# of spectra for a protein
Npep.i <- profile$Npep[1] # number of unique sequences
if (!SpectraSeqInd) {
Nspectra.i <- NULL
Nseq.i <- NULL
channelsMeanProb.i <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = length(yy))
parEstTemp <- channelsMeanProb.i
# start with uniform
# probabilities:
startProps <- rep(1/n.compartments, n.compartments)
if (!is.null(startProps)) {
if (length(startProps) != n.compartments) {
warning("invalid startProps\n")
if (length(startProps) == n.compartments)
startVals <- startProps/sum(startProps)
# start with uniform probabilities
# first attempt at minimization: use uniform
# starting values ordinary procedure; find
# optimum over all parameters
if (is.null(ind.vary)) {
temp <- try(BB::spg(startVals, fn = Qfun4,
project = projSimplex, y = yy, gmat = t(refLocationProfiles),
methodQ = "sumsquares", quiet = TRUE, method = 3,
control = list(maxit = maxit, trace = FALSE,
ftol = 1e-12, gtol = 1e-07, eps = 1e-09)), silent=TRUE)
if (!is.null(ind.vary)) {
# only find optimum over varying
# parameters
ind.vary <- sort(ind.vary) # parameters that may vary
# here are the parameters that are fixed
# (complement of ind.vary)
ind.fixed <-
(seq_len(length(startVals)))[!((seq_len(length(startVals))) %in%
startVals.vary <- rep(1/length(ind.vary), length(ind.vary))
if (length(ind.fixed) > 0)
startVals.fixed <- rep(0, length(ind.fixed))
if (length(ind.fixed) == 0)
startVals.fixed <- NULL
temp <- try(BB::spg(par = startVals.vary, fn = Qfun4subset,
project = projSimplex, yy = yy, gmat = t(refLocationProfiles),
methodQ = "sumsquares", ind.vary = ind.vary,
ind.fixed = ind.fixed, par.fixed = startVals.fixed,
quiet = TRUE, alertConvergence = FALSE,
method = 3, control = list(maxit = maxit,
trace = FALSE, ftol = 1e-12, gtol = 1e-07,
eps = 1e-09)), silent=TRUE)
if (!is.atomic(temp))
convergeInd <- as.numeric((temp$message ==
"Successful convergence"))
convergeInd <- as.numeric(!inherits(temp, "try-error"))
if (is.null(ind.vary))
channelsMeanProb.i <- rep(NA, n.compartments)
if (!is.null(ind.vary))
channelsMeanProb.i <- rep(NA, length(ind.vary))
convCrit.i <- NA
feval.i <- NA
value <- NA
if (!is.atomic(temp)) {
channelsMeanProb.i <- temp$par
convCrit.i <- temp$gradient
feval.i <- temp$feval
value <- temp$value
convergeInd <- as.numeric((temp$message ==
"Successful convergence"))
if (convergeInd != 1) {
cpaError <- paste("cpa does not converge for a protein",
"\n", "returning missing values for cpa estimates for that protein",
if (!is.null(ind.vary)) {
vals.order <- c(ind.vary, ind.fixed)
pvec.vary <- channelsMeanProb.i
par.fixed <- rep(0, n.compartments - length(ind.vary))
pvec.unorder <- c(pvec.vary, par.fixed)
n.vec <- length(pvec.unorder)
pvec.orig <- rep(NA, n.vec)
for (i in seq_len(n.vec)) {
pvec.orig[vals.order[i]] <- pvec.unorder[i]
parEstTemp <- pvec.orig
if (is.null(ind.vary))
parEstTemp <- channelsMeanProb.i
# }
if (SpectraSeqInd)
parEst <- c(parEstTemp, Nspectra.i, Npep.i)
if (!SpectraSeqInd)
parEst <- parEstTemp
if (minVal)
parEst <- c(parEst, value)
#' CPA for a set of proteins
#' Carry out constrained proportional assignment on profiles
#' of a set of proteins
#' @param profile data frame of specified protein(row name) profiles
#' @param refLocationProfiles data frame of profiles for
#' the reference compartments
#' @param numDataCols number of fractions in each profile
#' @param startProps starting values for proportional assignments;
#' set equal if this is null (default)
#' @param maxit maximum number of iterations (default is 10000)
#' @param showProgress print out progress if TRUE, the default
#' @param ind.vary if not NULL, indexes of parameters to allow to vary;
#' remaining parameters are fixed at zero
#' @param minVal default is FALSE. If TRUE, return minimum value of
#' goodness of fit
#' @export
#' @return Data frame of CPA estimates for each protein
#' @examples
#' data(protRSA_test)
#' data(refLocProfRSA)
#' protCPAfromRSA_out <- fitCPA(profile=protRSA_test,
#' refLocationProfiles=refLocProfRSA,
#' numDataCols=9)
#' # Note that the profile of one protein, AIF1, contains missing values
#' # which causes the cpa routine to generate a nonconvergence message
#' round(head(protCPAfromRSA_out), digits=4)
fitCPA <- function(profile, refLocationProfiles, numDataCols,
startProps = NULL, maxit = 10000, showProgress = TRUE,
ind.vary = NULL, minVal = FALSE) {
# # # # # # # # # # # #
n.prot <- nrow(profile)
indList <- seq_len(n.prot)
SpectraSeqInd <- TRUE # extra columns for numbers of spectra and sequences
if (numDataCols == ncol(profile))
SpectraSeqInd <- FALSE # no extra columns
assignProbs <- NULL
# for (i in 1:n.prot) {
for (i in seq_len(n.prot)) {
assignProbsI <- fCPAone(profile = profile[i,
], refLocationProfiles = refLocationProfiles,
numDataCols = numDataCols, startProps = startProps,
maxit = maxit, ind.vary = ind.vary, minVal = minVal)
assignProbs <- rbind(assignProbs, assignProbsI)
if (showProgress) {
mess500 <- paste(i, "profiles fit")
if (i == 500) {
if ((i%%1000) == 0) {
mess1000 <- paste(i, "profiles fit")
assignProbs <- data.frame(assignProbs)
if (is.null(ind.vary))
ind.vary <- seq_len(nrow(refLocationProfiles))
if (SpectraSeqInd) {
names(assignProbs)[seq_len(nrow(refLocationProfiles) +
2)] <- c(row.names(refLocationProfiles),
"Nspectra", "Npeptides")
protNames <- rownames(profile) # make sure it is character
assignProbsOut <- data.frame(assignProbs)
rownames(assignProbsOut) <- protNames[indList]
# name minVal column if present
if (minVal)
names(assignProbsOut)[ncol(assignProbs)] <- "value"
# name of last column
if (!SpectraSeqInd) {
names(assignProbs)[seq_len(nrow(refLocationProfiles))] <-
protNames <- rownames(profile)
assignProbsOut <- data.frame(assignProbs)
rownames(assignProbsOut) <- protNames[indList]
# name minVal column if present
if (minVal)
names(assignProbsOut)[ncol(assignProbs)] <- "value"
#' Assign to single subcellular location
#' Assign proteins to the most prevalent subcellular location
#' (meeting a specific cutoff) using CPA estimates,
#' with minimum value being 0.5.
#' @param assignLocProps matrix of CPA estimates for each protein
#' @param cutoff cutoff for assigning a protein to a location
#' @param Locations list of subcellular locations
#' @return Single compartment where most of protein resides,
#' undefined if largest CPA value is <0.5
#' @examples
#' data(protNSA_test)
#' data(markerListJadot)
#' data(refLocProfNSA)
#' protCPAfromNSA_test <- fitCPA(profile=protNSA_test,
#' refLocationProfiles=refLocProfNSA,
#' numDataCols=9)
#' Locations <- unique(markerListJadot$referenceCompartment)
#' # write table listing predominant CPA assignment of each protein in data set
#' table(apply(protCPAfromNSA_test[,1:8],1,assignCPAloc,
#' cutoff=0.5, Locations=Locations))
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases
#' @export
assignCPAloc <- function(assignLocProps, cutoff = 0.5,
Locations) {
if (anyNA(assignLocProps)) {
protLoc <- "unclassified"
if (!anyNA(assignLocProps)) {
if (cutoff <= 0.5)
cutoff <- 0.5001
exceedCutoff <- {
assignLocProps > cutoff
if (sum(exceedCutoff) > 0) {
indLoc <- which(exceedCutoff)
protLoc <- Locations[indLoc]
if (sum(exceedCutoff) == 0)
protLoc <- "unclassified"
#' Unitize vector
#' Normalize a vector to have unit length
#' @param xx vector
#' @return normalized vector of unit length
#' @examples
#' xx <- c(0.5, 0.1, 0.6, 0.9)
#' vecUnitize(xx)
#' @export
vecUnitize <- function(xx) {
if (anyNA(xx))
xx.norm <- rep(NA, length(xx)) else {
xxsq <- xx^2
xx.norm <- sqrt(sum(xxsq))
xx.norm <- xx/xx.norm
#' Unitize series of vectors
#' Normalize all rows of a matrix to have unit length
#' @param protMatOrig matrix of profiles
#' @return Matrix with all rows having unit length
#' @examples
#' data(protNSA_test)
#' round(head(vectorizeAll(protNSA_test[,1:9])), digits=4)
#' @export
vectorizeAll <- function(protMatOrig) {
protUnitMat <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(nrow(protMatOrig))) {
# i=1
temp <- vecUnitize(protMatOrig[i, ])
protUnitMat <- rbind(protUnitMat, temp)
row.names(protUnitMat) <- row.names(protMatOrig)
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