
Defines functions CaDrA

Documented in CaDrA

#' CaDrA Search
#' Perform permutation-based testings on a sample of permuted input scores 
#' using \code{candidate_search} as the main iterative function for each run.
#' @param FS a matrix of binary features or a SummarizedExperiment class object 
#' from SummarizedExperiment package where rows represent features of interest 
#' (e.g. genes, transcripts, exons, etc...) and columns represent the samples. 
#' The assay of FS contains binary (1/0) values indicating the presence/absence 
#' of omics features.
#' @param input_score a vector of continuous scores representing a phenotypic
#' readout of interest such as protein expression, pathway activity, etc.
#' NOTE: \code{input_score} object must have names or labels that match 
#' the column names of \code{FS} object.
#' @param method a character string specifies a scoring method that is
#' used in the search. There are 6 options: (\code{"ks_pval"} or \code{ks_score}
#' or \code{"wilcox_pval"} or \code{wilcox_score} or 
#' \code{"revealer"} (conditional mutual information from REVEALER) or
#' \code{"custom"} (a user-defined scoring method)). 
#' Default is \code{ks_pval}.
#' @param method_alternative a character string specifies an alternative 
#' hypothesis testing (\code{"two.sided"} or \code{"greater"} or \code{"less"}).
#' Default is \code{less} for left-skewed significance testing.
#' NOTE: This argument only applies to \code{ks_pval} and \code{wilcox_pval} 
#' method
#' @param custom_function If method is \code{"custom"}, specifies
#' a user-defined function here. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' NOTE: \code{custom_function} must take \code{FS} and \code{input_score} 
#' as its input arguments and its final result must return a vector of row-wise 
#' scores where its labels or names match the row names of \code{FS} object.
#' @param custom_parameters If method is \code{"custom"}, specifies a list of
#' additional arguments (excluding \code{FS} and \code{input_score}) to be 
#' passed to \code{custom_function}. For example:
#' custom_parameters = list(alternative = "less"). Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param weights If method is \code{ks_score} or \code{ks_pval}, specifying a 
#' vector of weights will perform a weighted-KS testing. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' NOTE: \code{weights} must have names or labels that match the labels of 
#' \code{input_score}.
#' @param search_start a vector of character strings (separated by commas)
#' specifies feature names in the FS object to start the search with. 
#' If \code{search_start} is provided, then \code{top_N} parameter will be 
#' ignored and vice versa. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param top_N an integer specifies the number of features to start the
#' search over. By default, it starts with the feature that has the highest 
#' best score (top_N = 1).
#' NOTE: If \code{top_N} is provided, then \code{search_start} parameter
#' will be ignored and vice versa. If top_N > 10, it may result in a longer 
#' search time.
#' @param search_method a character string specifies an algorithm to filter out
#' the best candidates (\code{"forward"} or \code{"both"}). Default is
#' \code{both} (i.e., backward and forward).
#' @param max_size an integer specifies a maximum size that a meta-feature can
#' extend to do for a given search. Default is \code{7}.
#' @param n_perm an integer specifies the number of permutations to perform.
#' Default is \code{1000}.
#' @param perm_alternative an alternative hypothesis type for calculating 
#' permutation-based p-value. Options: one.sided, two.sided. Default is 
#' \code{one.sided}.
#' @param obs_best_score a numeric value corresponding to the best observed
#' score. This value is used to compare against the \code{n_perm} calculated best 
#' scores. Default is \code{NULL}. If set to NULL, we will compute the observed
#' best score based on the given parameters.
#' @param smooth a logical value indicates whether or not to add a smoothing 
#' factor of 1 to the calculation of permutation-based p-value. This option is 
#' used to avoid a returned p-value of 0. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param plot a logical value indicates whether or not to plot the empirical
#' null distribution of the permuted best scores. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ncores an integer specifies the number of cores to perform
#' parallelization for permutation-based testing. Default is \code{1}.
#' @param cache a logical value determines whether or not to cache the 
#' permuted best scores. This helps to save time for future loading instead 
#' of re-computing the permutation-based testing every time. 
#' Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param cache_path a path to cache permuted best scores. Default is \code{NULL}. 
#' If NULL, the cache path is set to system home directory 
#' (e.g. \code{$HOME/.Rcache}) for future loading.
#' @param verbose a logical value indicates whether or not to print the
#' diagnostic messages. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @return a list of 4 objects: \code{key}, \code{perm_best_scores}, 
#' \code{obs_best_score}, \code{perm_pval}
#' -\code{key}: a list of parameters that was used to cache the 
#' results of the permutation-based testing. This is useful as the
#' permuted best scores can be recycled to save time for future loading.
#' -\code{perm_best_scores}: a vector of permuted best scores obtained 
#' by performing \code{candidate_search} over \code{n_perm} iterations of 
#' permuted input scores.
#' -\code{obs_best_score}: a user-provided best score or an observed best score 
#' obtained by performing \code{candidate_search} on a given dataset and input 
#' parameters. This value is later used to compare against the permuted best 
#' scores (\code{perm_best_scores}).
#' \code{perm_pval}: a permutation-based p-value obtained by calculating
#' sum(perm_best_scores > obs_best_score)/n_perm 
#' NOTE: If smooth = TRUE, a smoothing factor of 1 will be added to the 
#' calculation of \code{perm_pval}. 
#' e.g. (sum(perm_best_scores > obs_best_score) + 1) / (n_perm + c)
#' This is just to not return a p-value of 0 
#' @examples
#' # Load pre-computed feature set
#' data(sim_FS)
#' # Load pre-computed input-score
#' data(sim_Scores)
#' # Set seed for permutation
#' set.seed(21)
#' # Define additional parameters and start the function
#' cadra_result <- CaDrA(
#'   FS = sim_FS, input_score = sim_Scores, method = "ks_pval", 
#'   weights = NULL, method_alternative = "less", top_N = 1,
#'   search_start = NULL, search_method = "both", max_size = 7, 
#'   n_perm = 10, perm_alternative = "one.sided", plot = FALSE, 
#'   smooth = TRUE, obs_best_score = NULL,
#'   ncores = 1, cache = FALSE, cache_path = NULL
#' )
#' @export
#' @import R.cache doParallel ggplot2 plyr methods SummarizedExperiment
CaDrA <- function(
    method = c("ks_pval", "ks_score", "wilcox_pval", "wilcox_score", 
               "revealer", "custom"),
    method_alternative = c("less", "greater", "two.sided"),
    custom_function = NULL,
    custom_parameters = NULL,
    weights = NULL,
    search_start = NULL,
    top_N = 1,
    search_method = c("both", "forward"),
    max_size = 7,
    n_perm = 1000,
    perm_alternative = c("one.sided", "two.sided"),
    obs_best_score = NULL,
    smooth = TRUE,
    plot = FALSE,
    ncores = 1,
    cache = FALSE,
    cache_path = NULL,
    verbose = FALSE
  # Set up verbose option
  options(verbose = verbose)
  # Match arguments
  method <- match.arg(method)
  method_alternative <- match.arg(method_alternative)
  search_method <- match.arg(search_method)
  perm_alternative <- match.arg(perm_alternative)
  # Check n_perm
  stopifnot("invalid number of permutations (nperm)"=
              (length(n_perm)==1 && !is.na(n_perm) &&
                 is.numeric(n_perm) && n_perm > 0) )
  # Check ncores
  stopifnot("invalid number of CPU cores (ncores)"=
              (length(ncores)==1 && !is.na(ncores) &&
                 is.numeric(ncores) && ncores > 0) )
  # Retrieve the original class object of feature set 
  # If FS is a SummarizedExperiment, convert it to a matrix object
  # used its matrix form as a default caching key
  if(is(FS, "SummarizedExperiment"))
    FS <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(FS)
  # Define the key for each cached result
  key <- list(FS = FS,
              input_score = if(method %in% c("revealer", "custom"))
              { input_score } else { NULL },
              method = method,
              method_alternative = method_alternative,
              custom_function = custom_function,
              custom_parameters = custom_parameters,
              weights = weights,
              top_N = top_N,
              search_start = search_start,
              search_method = search_method,
              max_size = max_size)
  ####### CACHE CHECKING #######
  # Set cache root path
    cache_path <- file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), ".Rcache")
    dir.create(cache_path, showWarnings = FALSE)
  if(cache == TRUE){
    message("Setting cache root path as: ", cache_path, "\n")
    # Load perm_best_scores with the given key parameters
    perm_best_scores <- R.cache::loadCache(key)
    perm_best_scores <- NULL
  # Start the 'clock' to see how long the process takes
  ptm <- proc.time()
  # Check if, given the dataset and search-specific parameters,
  # there is already a cached null distribution available
  n_perm <-  as.integer(n_perm)
  if(!is.null(perm_best_scores) & (length(perm_best_scores) >= n_perm)){
    if(length(perm_best_scores) == n_perm){
      verbose("Found ", length(perm_best_scores),
              " permutated scores for the specified dataset",
              " and search parameters in cache path\n")
      verbose("n_perm is set to ", n_perm, " but found ",
              " permutated scores for the specified dataset",
              " and search parameters in cache path\n")
      verbose("No permutated scores for the specified dataset and ",
              "search parameters were found in cache path\n")
    }else if (length(perm_best_scores) < n_perm) {
      verbose("n_perm is set to ", n_perm, " but found only ",
              " permutated scores for the specified dataset",
              " and search parameters in cache path\n")
    # Check ncores
    ncores <-  as.integer(ncores)
    # Sets up the parallel backend which will be utilized by Plyr.
    parallel <- FALSE
    progress <- "text"
    if(ncores > 1){
      doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores = ncores)
      parallel <- TRUE
      progress <- "none"
      verbose("Running tests in parallel...")
    # Generate matrix of permuted input_score
    perm_labels_matrix <- generate_permutations(
      input_score = input_score, 
      n_perm = n_perm
    # Run permutation-based testing
    perm_best_scores_l <- plyr::alply(
        perm_input_score <- x
        names(perm_input_score) <- colnames(perm_labels_matrix)
        best_score <- candidate_search(
          FS = FS,
          input_score = perm_input_score,
          method = method,
          custom_function = custom_function,
          custom_parameters = custom_parameters,
          method_alternative = method_alternative,
          weights = weights,
          top_N = top_N,
          search_start = search_start,
          search_method = search_method,
          max_size = max_size,
          best_score_only = TRUE,
          do_plot = FALSE,
          verbose = FALSE
      .parallel = parallel,
      .progress = progress)
    # Set up verbose option
    options(verbose = verbose)
    # Extract the permuted best scores
    perm_best_scores <- lapply(
      function(l){ perm_best_scores_l[[l]] }) |> unlist()
    # Save computed scores to cache
    verbose("Saving to cache...\n")
    R.cache::saveCache(perm_best_scores, key=key)

  } # end caching else statement block
  # Return to using just a single core
  doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores = 1)
  verbose("Time elapsed: ", round((proc.time()-ptm)[3]/60, 2), " mins \n\n")
    verbose("Computing observed best score...\n\n")
    obs_best_score <- candidate_search(
      FS = FS,
      input_score = input_score,
      method = method,
      custom_function = custom_function,
      custom_parameters = custom_parameters,
      method_alternative = method_alternative,
      weights = weights,
      top_N = top_N,
      search_start = search_start,
      search_method = search_method,
      max_size = max_size,
      best_score_only = TRUE,
      do_plot = FALSE,
      verbose = FALSE
    ) |> unlist()
    # Check obs_best_score
    stopifnot("Invalid observed best score (obs_best_score)"=
                (length(obs_best_score)==1 && !is.na(obs_best_score) &&
    verbose("Using provided value of observed best score...\n")
    obs_best_score <- as.numeric(obs_best_score)
  # Set up verbose option
  options(verbose = verbose)
  verbose("Observed score: ", obs_best_score, "\n")
  ########### PERMUTATION P-VALUE COMPUTATION ############
  #Add a smoothing factor of 1 if smooth is specified
  #This is just to not return a p-value of 0
  c <- 0
  if(smooth) c <- 1
  onesided_perm_pval <- (sum(perm_best_scores > obs_best_score) + c)/
    (length(perm_best_scores) + c)
  if(perm_alternative == "two.sided"){
    perm_pval <- 2*min(onesided_perm_pval, 1-onesided_perm_pval)
    perm_pval <- onesided_perm_pval
  verbose("Permutation p-value: ", perm_pval, "\n")
  verbose("Number of permutations: ", length(perm_best_scores), "\n")
  ########### END PERMUTATION P-VALUE COMPUTATION ############
  perm_res <- list(
    key = key,
    perm_best_scores = perm_best_scores,
    obs_best_score = obs_best_score,
    perm_pval = perm_pval
  # If plot = TRUE, produce the permutation plot
  if(plot == TRUE){
    permutation_plot(perm_res = perm_res)
montilab/CaDrA documentation built on Aug. 22, 2024, 11:55 p.m.