#' A function to compute SNP-pair scores for network plots of results.
#' This function returns a data.table of graphical SNP-pair scores for use in
#' network plots of GADGETS results.
#' @param results.list A list of length d, where d is the number of
#' chromosome sizes to be included in the network plot. Each element of the list
#' should be a data.table from \code{combine.islands} for a given chromosome
#' size. Each data.table in the list should be subset to only include those
#' chromosomes whose fitness scores are high enough to contribute to the network
#' plot. The selection of the chromosomes that contribute to these plots
#' is at the analyst's discretion. We have found success in just using the
#' top 10 scoring chromosomes, and also by restricting attention to those
#' chromosomes that exceed the 95th percentile of the maxima observed after
#' running GADGETS on data-sets permuted under a global, no-association null.
#' For the latter, see also function \code{global.test}.
#' @param preprocessed.list The list output by \code{preprocess.genetic.data}
#' run on the observed data.
#' @param score.type A character string specifying the method for aggregating
#' SNP-pair scores across chromosome sizes. Options are 'max', 'sum', or
#' 'logsum', defaulting to 'logsum'. For a given SNP-pair, it's graphical score
#' will be the \code{score.type} of all graphical scores of chromosomes
#' containing that pair across chromosome sizes. The choice of 'logsum' rather
#' than 'sum' may be useful in cases where there are multiple risk-sets, and one
#' is found much more frequently. However, it may be of interest to examine
#' plots using both \code{score.type} approaches.
#' @param pval.thresh A numeric value between 0 and 1 specifying the epistasis
#' test p-value threshold for a chromosome to contribute to the network. Any
#' chromosomes with epistasis p-value greater than \code{pval.thresh}
#' will not contribute to network plots. The argument defaults to 0.05.
#' It must be <= 0.6.
#' @param n.permutes The number of permutations on which to base the epistasis
#' tests. Defaults to 10000.
#' @param n.different.snps.weight The number by which the number of different
#' SNPs between a case and complement/unaffected sibling
#' is multiplied in computing the family weights. Defaults to 2.
#' @param n.both.one.weight The number by which the number of SNPs equal to 1
#' in both the case and complement/unaffected sibling
#' is multiplied in computing the family weights. Defaults to 1.
#' @param weight.function.int An integer used to assign family weights.
#' Specifically, we use \code{weight.function.int} in a function that takes
#' the weighted sum of the number of different SNPs and SNPs both equal to one
#' as an argument, denoted as x, and
#' returns a family weight equal to \code{weight.function.int}^x. Defaults to 2.
#' @param recessive.ref.prop The proportion to which the observed proportion of
#' informative cases with the provisional risk genotype(s) will be compared
#' to determine whether to recode the SNP as recessive. Defaults to 0.75.
#' @param recode.test.stat For a given SNP, the minimum test statistic required
#' to recode and recompute the fitness score using recessive coding.
#' Defaults to 1.64.
#' @param bp.param The BPPARAM argument to be passed to bplapply.
#' See \code{BiocParallel::bplapply} for more details.
#' @param null.mean.vec.list (experimental) A list, equal in length to
#' \code{results.list}, where the i^th element of the list is the vector of null
#' means (stored in the 'null.mean.sd.info.rds') corresponding to the d
#' (chromosome size) used to generate the results stored in the i^th
#' element of \code{results.list}. This only needs to be specified if based on
#' the experimental E-GADGETS method, and otherwise can be left at its default.
#' @param null.sd.vec.list (experimental) A list, equal in length to
#' \code{results.list}, where the i^th element of the list is the vector of null
#' standard deviations (stored in the 'null.mean.sd.info.rds') corresponding to
#' the d (chromosome size) used to generate the results stored in the i^th
#' element of \code{results.list}. This only needs to be specified if based on
#' the experimental E-GADGETS method, and otherwise can be left at its default.
#' @return A list of two elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{pair.scores}{A data.table containing SNP-pair graphical scores,
#' where the first four columns represent SNPs and the fifth column (pair.score)
#' is the graphical SNP-pair score.}
#' \item{snp.scores}{A data.table containing individual SNP graphical scores,
#' where the first two columns represent SNPs and the third column (snp.score)
#' is the graphical SNP score.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' data(case)
#' data(dad)
#' data(mom)
#' data(snp.annotations)
#' set.seed(1400)
#' # preprocess data
#' target.snps <- c(1:3, 30:32, 60:62, 85)
#' preprocessed.list <- preprocess.genetic.data(as.matrix(case[, target.snps]),
#' father.genetic.data = as.matrix(dad[ , target.snps]),
#' mother.genetic.data = as.matrix(mom[ , target.snps]),
#' ld.block.vec = c(3, 3, 3, 1))
#' ## run GA for observed data
#' #observed data chromosome size 2
#' run.gadgets(preprocessed.list, n.chromosomes = 5, chromosome.size = 2,
#' results.dir = 'tmp_2',
#' cluster.type = 'interactive',
#' registryargs = list(file.dir = 'tmp_reg', seed = 1500),
#' generations = 2, n.islands = 2, island.cluster.size = 1,
#' n.migrations = 0)
#' combined.res2 <- combine.islands('tmp_2',
#' snp.annotations[ target.snps, ], preprocessed.list, 2)
#' unlink('tmp_reg', recursive = TRUE)
#' #observed data chromosome size 3
#' run.gadgets(preprocessed.list, n.chromosomes = 5,
#' chromosome.size = 3, results.dir = 'tmp_3',
#' cluster.type = 'interactive',
#' registryargs = list(file.dir = 'tmp_reg', seed = 1500),
#' generations = 2, n.islands = 2, island.cluster.size = 1,
#' n.migrations = 0)
#' combined.res3 <- combine.islands('tmp_3', snp.annotations[ target.snps, ],
#' preprocessed.list, 2)
#' unlink('tmp_reg', recursive = TRUE)
#' ## create list of results
#' final.results <- list(combined.res2[1:3, ], combined.res3[1:3, ])
#' ## compute edge scores
#' edge.dt <- compute.graphical.scores(final.results,
#' preprocessed.list,
#' pval.thresh = 0.5)
#' lapply(c("tmp_2", "tmp_3"), unlink, recursive = TRUE)
#' @importFrom data.table data.table rbindlist setorder
#' @importFrom matrixStats colSds
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply bpparam
#' @importFrom data.table melt
#' @export compute.graphical.scores
compute.graphical.scores <- function(results.list, preprocessed.list,
score.type = "logsum", pval.thresh = 0.05,
n.permutes = 10000,
n.different.snps.weight = 2,
n.both.one.weight = 1,
weight.function.int = 2,
recessive.ref.prop = 0.75,
recode.test.stat = 1.64,
bp.param = bpparam(),
null.mean.vec.list = NULL,
null.sd.vec.list = NULL) {
if (pval.thresh > 0.6){
stop("pval.thresh must be <= 0.6")
#need to specify both or neither of null mean and sd vec
if (is.null(null.mean.vec.list) & !is.null(null.sd.vec.list) |
!is.null(null.mean.vec.list) & is.null(null.sd.vec.list)){
stop("null.mean.vec.list and null.sd.vec.list must both be NULL or both not NULL")
#make sure mean and sd vec lists are the same length as results list
if (!is.null(null.mean.vec.list)){
if (length(null.mean.vec.list) != length(results.list) |
length(null.sd.vec.list) != length(results.list)){
stop("null.mean.vec.list and null.sd.vec.list must have the same length as results list.")
## divide up results into list of chromosome lists
chrom.list <- lapply(results.list, function(chrom.size.data){
n.obs.chroms <- sum(!is.na(chrom.size.data$fitness.score))
chrom.size <- sum(grepl("snp", colnames(chrom.size.data)))/5
these.cols <- seq_len(chrom.size)
chrom.mat <- as.matrix(chrom.size.data[, ..these.cols])
chrom.list <- split(chrom.mat, seq_len(nrow(chrom.mat)))
## compute graphical scores based on epistasis/GxE test
n2log.epi.pvals <- bplapply(seq_along(chrom.list),
function(i, chrom.list,
chrom.size.list <- chrom.list[[i]]
if (!is.null(null.mean.vec.list)){
null.mean.vec <- null.mean.vec.list[[i]]
null.sd.vec <- null.sd.vec.list[[i]]
} else {
null.mean.vec <- NULL
null.sd.vec <- NULL
n2log_epistasis_pvals(chrom.size.list, preprocessed.list, n.permutes,
n.different.snps.weight, n.both.one.weight,
weight.function.int, recessive.ref.prop,
recode.test.stat, null.mean.vec, null.sd.vec)
}, chrom.list = chrom.list, preprocessed.list = preprocessed.list,
null.mean.vec.list = null.mean.vec.list,
null.sd.vec.list = null.sd.vec.list, n.permutes = n.permutes,
n.different.snps.weight = n.different.snps.weight,
n.both.one.weight = n.both.one.weight,
weight.function.int = weight.function.int,
recessive.ref.prop = recessive.ref.prop,
recode.test.stat = recode.test.stat, BPPARAM = bp.param)
## add those scores to the obs data
for (i in seq_along(n2log.epi.pvals)){
results.list[[i]]$graphical.score <- n2log.epi.pvals[[i]]
results.list[[i]] <- results.list[[i]][
results.list[[i]]$graphical.score >= -2*log(pval.thresh), ]
# make sure we have some edges
n.edges <- vapply(results.list, nrow, 1)
if (sum(n.edges) == 0) {
stop("No SNP pairs meet p-value threshold")
# get rid of d where we have no edges
results.list <- results.list[n.edges > 0]
# edge weights
edge.weights <- rbindlist(bplapply(seq_along(results.list),
function(d, results.list){
chrom.size.res <- results.list[[d]]
n.top.chroms <- nrow(chrom.size.res)
chrom.size <- sum(grepl("snp", colnames(chrom.size.res)))/5
chrom.size.pairs <- rbindlist(lapply(seq_len(n.top.chroms),
function(res.row) {
chrom.res <- chrom.size.res[res.row, ]
score <- chrom.res$graphical.score
these.cols <- seq_len(chrom.size)
chrom <- as.vector(t(chrom.res[, ..these.cols]))
chrom.pairs <- data.table(t(combn(chrom, 2)))
colnames(chrom.pairs) <- c("SNP1", "SNP2")
rsid.cols <- seq(chrom.size + 1, 2*chrom.size)
rsids <- as.vector(t(chrom.res[, ..rsid.cols]))
if (chrom.size == 2){
rsid.dt <- data.table(t(apply(chrom.pairs, 2, function(x)
rsids[match(x, chrom)])))
} else {
rsid.dt <- data.table(apply(chrom.pairs, 2, function(x)
rsids[match(x, chrom)]))
colnames(rsid.dt) <- c("SNP1.rsid", "SNP2.rsid")
chrom.pairs <- cbind(chrom.pairs, rsid.dt)
chrom.pairs[ , `:=`(raw.score = score)]
}, results.list = results.list, BPPARAM = bp.param))
# node weights
node.weights <- rbindlist(bplapply(seq_along(results.list),
function(d, results.list){
# chromosome specific results
chrom.size.res <- results.list[[d]]
n.top.chroms <- nrow(chrom.size.res)
chrom.size <- sum(grepl("snp", colnames(chrom.size.res)))/5
these.cols <- seq_len(chrom.size)
scores <- chrom.size.res$graphical.score
# snp number data.table
snp.dt <- chrom.size.res[ , ..these.cols]
snp.dt$raw.score <- scores
# snp number data.table
snp.dt <- chrom.size.res[, ..these.cols]
snp.dt$raw.score <- scores
# rsid data.table
rsid.cols <- seq(chrom.size + 1, 2 * chrom.size)
rsid.dt <- chrom.size.res[, ..rsid.cols]
rsid.dt$raw.score <- scores
# melt
snp.cols <- seq_len(chrom.size)
snp.dt.long <- melt(snp.dt, "raw.score", snp.cols)
snp.dt.long$variable <- NULL
colnames(snp.dt.long) <- c("raw.score", "SNP")
rsid.dt.long <- melt(rsid.dt, "raw.score", snp.cols)
# combine into data.table of SNPs and graphical score
snp.dt.long$rsid <- rsid.dt.long$value
# return result
results.list = results.list, BPPARAM = bp.param
# remove the NA's
edge.weights <- edge.weights[!is.na(edge.weights$raw.score), ]
node.weights <- node.weights[!is.na(node.weights$raw.score), ]
# compute score based on score.type
if (score.type == "max"){
snp.pair.scores <- edge.weights[ , list(pair.score =
list(SNP1, SNP2, SNP1.rsid, SNP2.rsid)]
snp.scores <- node.weights[ , list(snp.score =
max(raw.score)), list(SNP, rsid)]
setorder(snp.pair.scores, -pair.score)
setorder(snp.scores, -snp.score)
} else if (score.type == "sum"){
snp.pair.scores <- edge.weights[ , list(pair.score =
list(SNP1, SNP2, SNP1.rsid, SNP2.rsid)]
snp.scores <- node.weights[ , list(snp.score = sum(raw.score)),
list(SNP, rsid)]
setorder(snp.pair.scores, -pair.score)
setorder(snp.scores, -snp.score)
} else if (score.type == "logsum"){
snp.pair.scores <- edge.weights[ , list(pair.score =
list(SNP1, SNP2, SNP1.rsid, SNP2.rsid)]
snp.scores <- node.weights[ , list(snp.score = log(sum(raw.score))),
list(SNP, rsid)]
setorder(snp.pair.scores, -pair.score)
setorder(snp.scores, -snp.score)
return(list(pair.scores = snp.pair.scores, snp.scores = snp.scores))
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