#' A function to combine GADGETS results for individual islands into a single
#' dataset.
#' This function combines GADGETS results for individual islands into a single
#' dataset.
#' @param results.dir The directory in which individual island results from
#' \code{run.gadgets} are saved.
#' @param annotation.data A data frame containing columns 'RSID', 'REF' and
#' 'ALT'. Column 'RSID' gives the RSIDs for the input SNPs, with the rows
#' ordered such that the first RSID entry corresponds to the first SNP
#' column in the data passed to function \code{preprocess.genetic.data}, the
#' second RSID corresponds to the second SNP column, etc.
#' @param preprocessed.list The initial list produced by function
#' \code{preprocess.genetic.data}.
#' @param n.top.chroms.per.island The number of top chromosomes per island to
#' save in the final combined list. Defaults to the single top chromosome.
#' @return A data.table containing the results aggregated across islands. Note
#' these results be written to \code{results.dir} as
#' combined.island.unique.chromosome.results.rds'. See the package vignette for
#' more detailed descriptions of the content of each output column. Secondarily,
#' this will concatenate all individual island results files and store them
#' in a single file, called "all.island.results.concatenated.rds".
#' @examples
#' data(case)
#' data(dad)
#' data(mom)
#' data(snp.annotations)
#' pp.list <- preprocess.genetic.data(as.matrix(case[, 1:10]),
#' father.genetic.data = as.matrix(dad[ , 1:10]),
#' mother.genetic.data = as.matrix(mom[ , 1:10]),
#' ld.block.vec = c(10))
#' run.gadgets(pp.list, n.chromosomes = 4, chromosome.size = 3,
#' results.dir = 'tmp',
#' cluster.type = 'interactive',
#' registryargs = list(file.dir = 'tmp_reg', seed = 1500),
#' generations = 2, n.islands = 2, island.cluster.size = 1,
#' n.migrations = 0)
#' combined.res <- combine.islands('tmp', snp.annotations[ 1:10, ], pp.list)
#' unlink("tmp", recursive = TRUE)
#' unlink("tmp_reg", recursive = TRUE)
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist setkey setorder `:=` setDT
#' @export
combine.islands <- function(results.dir, annotation.data, preprocessed.list,
n.top.chroms.per.island = 1) {
# list all islands in the results data
island.names <- list.files(results.dir, pattern = "cluster",
full.names = TRUE)
# note if we've already run this function
out.file.name <- "combined.island.unique.chromosome.results.rds"
out.file <- file.path(dirname(island.names[1]), out.file.name)
if (file.exists(out.file)) {
message("combine.islands has already been run for this directory")
# stop if the annotation data is not formatted correctly
if (any(!c("RSID", "REF", "ALT") %in% colnames(annotation.data))) {
stop("annotation.data must contain columns RSID, REF, and ALT.")
n.candidate.snps <- ncol(preprocessed.list$case.genetic.data)
if (nrow(annotation.data) != n.candidate.snps){
stop("annotation.data does not contain the same number of SNPs as the input data")
# then combine into a single data frame
island.list <- lapply(island.names, function(island.file) {
island <- gsub(".rds", "", basename(island.file))
island.data <- readRDS(island.file)
n.generations <- island.data$n.generations
if (nrow(island.data$top.chromosome.results) < n.top.chroms.per.island)
stop("n.top.chroms.per.island must be <= the total chromosomes")
chrom.results <- island.data$top.chromosome.results
# subset to unique results
chromosome.size <- sum(grepl("snp[0-9]$", colnames(chrom.results)))
chrom.results[, `:=`(chromosome, paste(.SD, collapse = ".")),
by = seq_len(nrow(chrom.results)),
.SDcols = seq_len(chromosome.size)]
# also saving the full results for combined file
all.results <- chrom.results
all.results$island <- island
all.results$n.generations <- n.generations
chrom.results <- chrom.results[!duplicated(chrom.results), ]
# take top scorers
chrom.results <- chrom.results[seq_len(n.top.chroms.per.island), ]
return(list(chrom.results, all.results))
combined.result <- rbindlist(lapply(island.list, function(x) x[[1]]))
setorder(combined.result, -fitness.score)
all.island.res <- rbindlist(lapply(island.list, function(x) x[[2]]))
# rename the exposure level betas based on the input data
if (preprocessed.list$E_GADGETS){
in.exp.cols <- paste0(colnames(preprocessed.list$exposure.mat),
these.cols <- grepl("risk.exp.beta", colnames(combined.result),
fixed = TRUE)
new.names <- c("intercept_p_disease_coef", in.exp.cols)
colnames(combined.result)[these.cols] <- new.names
colnames(all.island.res)[these.cols] <- new.names
#remove all the individual island files
lapply(island.names, unlink)
# save concatenated file instead
all.islands.out.file <- file.path(dirname(island.names[1]),
saveRDS(all.island.res, all.islands.out.file)
chromosome.size <- sum(grepl("snp[0-9]$", colnames(combined.result)))
# subset to unique results
unique.result <- combined.result[!duplicated(combined.result$chromosome), ]
n.islands.found <- combined.result[, list(n.islands.found =
by = chromosome]
setkey(unique.result, chromosome)
setkey(n.islands.found, chromosome)
unique.result <- unique.result[n.islands.found]
setorder(unique.result, -fitness.score)
## add in annotations for the SNPs and risk alleles
# starting with the rsids
choose.these <- seq_len(chromosome.size)
snp.cols <- unique.result[, ..choose.these]
snp.numbers <- unlist(snp.cols)
rsids <- annotation.data$RSID
rsid.dt <- data.table(matrix(rsids[snp.numbers],
ncol = chromosome.size,
byrow = FALSE
colnames(rsid.dt) <- paste(colnames(snp.cols), "rsid", sep = ".")
#now the risk allele
alt.alleles <- annotation.data$ALT
ref.alleles <- annotation.data$REF
risk.sign.cols <- seq_len(chromosome.size) + chromosome.size
diff.cols <- unique.result[ , ..risk.sign.cols]
diff.vecs <- unlist(diff.cols)
risk.alleles <- rep(NA, length(diff.vecs))
risk.alleles[diff.vecs >= 0 ] <- alt.alleles[
snp.numbers[diff.vecs >= 0]]
risk.alleles[diff.vecs < 0 ] <- ref.alleles[snp.numbers[diff.vecs < 0]]
risk.allele.dt <- data.table(matrix(risk.alleles,
ncol = chromosome.size,
byrow = FALSE))
colnames(risk.allele.dt) <- gsub("diff.vec", "risk.allele",
not.these <- -seq_len(chromosome.size)
final.result <- cbind(snp.cols, rsid.dt, risk.allele.dt,
unique.result[ , ..not.these])
# save
saveRDS(final.result, file = out.file)
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