#' @title Model based analysis with random effects
#' @import parallel
#' @import doParallel
#' @import foreach
#' @import lme4
#' @import glmmTMB
#' @import lmtest
#' @param data data.frame containg a sample per column and
#' one gene per row
#' @param pheno Pheno data.frame with columns representing variables
#' and rows patients. Must be matched.
#' @param frm0 Null-model formula
#' @param frm Full-model formula
#' @param type type of analysis, can be "lm" (lmer),
#' "nb" (glmer.nb), "p" (glmer, family=poisson(link=log)),
#' "l" (glmer, family=binomial(link=logit)), "b" (glmmTMB, family=beta)
#' @param rand random formula required in nlme, if provided,
#' lmer will be used for "lm"
#' @param nCores number of cores to use
#' @param complete.cases automatically remove incomplete data (NA, Inf)
#' @export
randEffAnalysis <- function(data, pheno,
frm0=as.formula(VAL~1 + (1|ID)),
frm=as.formula(VAL~GRP + (1|ID)),
rand=NULL, nCores=NULL,
reCalcREML=T, complete.cases=T,
transf=F) {
## Check for missing data
#if (!complete.cases && any(is.na(data))) {
# stop("NAs or Inf values found!. Set complete.cases to T")
# } else {
# data <- data[complete.cases(data*0),,drop=F]
# }
if (is.null(nCores)) {
nCores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
nCores <- ifelse(nCores == 0, 1, nCores)
out <- NULL
if (!is.null(rand)) {
stop("currently DEFUNCT!")
} else {
out <- foreach(i=1:length(data[,1])) %dopar% {
cat(paste("\r ", round(i/length(data[,1])*100), "% ", sep=""))
## Obtain Model p-value
ret <- NULL
df <- data.frame(VAL=unlist(data[i,]), pheno)
if (type == "lm") {
##normal distribution
fit0 <- lmer(frm0, data=df, REML=F)
fit <- lmer(frm, data=df, REML=F)
aP <- anova(fit, fit0)[2,8]
if (reCalcREML) {
fit <- lmer(frm, data=df, REML=T)
ret <- data.frame(summary(fit)$coef[-1,,drop=F], anovaP=aP, i=i, ID=rownames(data)[i], warn=F)
}, error=function(e) { print(e) },
warning=function(w) {
#### FIXME!
fit0 <- lmer(frm0, data=df, REML=F)
fit <- lmer(frm, data=df, REML=F)
aP <- anova(fit, fit0)[2,8]
if (reCalcREML) {
fit <- lmer(frm, data=df, REML=T)
ret <- data.frame(summary(fit)$coef[-1,,drop=F], anovaP=aP, i=i, ID=rownames(data)[i], warn=T)
}, error=function(e) { })
} else if (type == "nb") {
##negative binomial
fit0 <- glmer.nb(frm0, data=df)
fit <- glmer.nb(frm, data=df)
a <- anova(fit0, fit, test="LRT")
aP <- a[2,8]
ret <- data.frame(summary(fit)$coef[-1,,drop=F], i=i, aP=aP)
}, error=function(e) { })
} else if (type == "p") {
fit0 <- glmer(frm0, family=poisson(link=log), data=df)
fit <- glmer(frm, family=poisson(link=log), data=df)
a <- anova(fit0, fit, test="LRT")
aP <- a[2,8]
ret <- data.frame(summary(fit)$coef[-1,,drop=F], i=i, aP=aP)
}, error=function(e) { })
} else if (type == "l") {
##binomial / logisitc regression
fit0 <- glmer(frm0, family=binomial(link=logit), data=df)
fit <- glmer(frm, family=binomial(link=logit), data=df)
a <- anova(fit0, fit, test="LRT")
aP <- a[2,8]
ret <- data.frame(summary(fit)$coef[-1,,drop=F], i=i, aP=aP, warn=F)
}, error=function(e) { },
warning=function(w) {
fit0 <- glmer(frm0, family=binomial(link=logit), data=df)
fit <- glmer(frm, family=binomial(link=logit), data=df)
a <- anova(fit0, fit, test="LRT")
aP <- a[2,8]
ret <- data.frame(summary(fit)$coef[-1,,drop=F], i=i, aP=aP, warn=T)
}, error=function(e) {})
} )
} else if (type == "b") {
## beta regression
df <- df[which(!is.na(df$VAL)),]
if (transf) {
df$VAL <- (df$VAL*(length(df$VAL)-1)+0.5)/length(df$VAL)
fit0 <- glmmTMB(frm0, data=df, family=list(family="beta", link="logit"))
fit <- glmmTMB(frm, data=df, family=list(family="beta", link="logit"))
pLRT <- lrtest(fit, fit0)[2,5]
ret <- data.frame(summary(fit)$coef$cond[-1,,drop=F], i=i, ap=pLRT)
}, error=function(e) { print(e) })
if (!"p.value" %in% colnames(out) && "t.value" %in% colnames(out)) {
out$p.value <- 2*pnorm(-abs(out$t.value))
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