#' @title Find two differening groups in survival data
#' @description Tests different cutoffs on a continuous variable
#' and calculates log-rank tests / survival differences
#' @param data data.frame, with variables in cols
#' @param srv Surv object with the corresponding data
#' @param delta proportion in which group splitting should
#' be performed
#' @param minGrpSize minimum group size for cutoffs
#' @param subject subject IDs if multiple measurements per subjects
#' are to be tested
#' @import foreach
#' @import doParallel
#' @import parallel
#' @import survival
#' @export
#' @return data.frame with the calculated survival values
#' (p.value, median survival, group sizes, cutoffsize,
#' stepsize)
findOptCutoff_Model <- function(data,
delta=0.1, minGrpSize=1,
dist=NULL) {
## TODO: test from GRP var!
#### Environment problems i passed as formula!
### do we need a cluster term?
if (!is.null(subjVar)) {
frm0 <- as.formula(paste(format(frm0), "+cluster(", subjVar, ")"))
frm <- as.formula(paste(format(frm), "+cluster(", subjVar, ")"))
} else {
frm0 <- as.formula(frm0)
frm <- as.formula(frm)
## remove 0 srv data
if (any(as.numeric(srv)[1:length(srv)] <= 0)) {
warning("Found 0/neg srv time. Removing!")
w <- which(as.numeric(srv)[1:length(srv)] <= 0)
srv <- srv[-w]
data <- data[-w,,drop=F]
##remove NA SRV data
if (any(is.na(srv))) {
warning("Removing NA srv items!")
## romve additional rows with na in vars
tmp <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(frm), "~", fixed=T))
tmp <- unlist(strsplit(tmp, "+", fixed=T))
tmp <- trimws(unlist(strsplit(tmp, " ")))
tmp <- tmp[which(!tmp %in% c("srv", "", "1", "+"))]
identVar <- c(subjVar, tmp, stdVar)
if (!is.null(subjVar)) { identVar <- c(identVar, subjVar) }
identVar <- identVar[which(identVar != "GRP")]
if (any(grepl("cluster(", identVar, fixed=T))) {
identVar <- identVar[-which(grepl("cluster(", identVar,fixed=T))]
keep <- list()
keep[[length(keep)+1]] <- !is.na(srv)
for (var in identVar) {
rm <- which(is.na(data[,var]))
if(length(rm) > 0) {
warning(paste("Found NA in ", var))
keep[[length(keep)+1]] <- !is.na(data[,var])
keep <- do.call(cbind, keep)
keep <- which(apply(keep, 1, function(x) all(x == T)))
srv <- srv[keep]
data <- data[keep,,drop=F]
cutoff <- max(data[,stdVar])
step = abs(max(data[,stdVar], na.rm=T)-min(data[,stdVar], na.rm=T))*delta
if (is.infinite(step)) {
##calculate all cutoffs to test
sq <- seq(from=min(data[,stdVar],na.rm=T), to=max(data[,stdVar],na.rm=T), by=step)
sq <- sq[which(apply(data.frame(sq), 1, function(x) length(which(data[,stdVar] > x)) > minGrpSize & length(which(data[,stdVar] < x)) > minGrpSize ))]
if(length(sq) == 0) {
## min group size not reached
return (NULL)
##use parallel computing
no_cores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
no_cores <- ifelse(no_cores == 0, 1, no_cores)
if (is.na(no_cores)) { no_cores <- 4 }
#.env <- environment()
#frm0 <- as.formula(frm0, env=.env)
#frm <- as.formula(frm, env=.env)
out <- foreach(cutoff=sq) %dopar% {
grp <- ifelse(as.numeric(as.character(data[,stdVar])) > cutoff, "high", "low")
cutoff <- cutoff-step
if (length(levels(factor(grp))) == 2) {
##univariate coxph
grp <- factor(grp)
grp <- relevel(grp, "low")
### TODO: test if var already in data
data$GRP <- grp
### do we need a cluster term?
if (is.null(dist)) {
#### FIXME: there's a bug in stats, survival, base R, ....
#### "'termlabels' must be a character vector of length at least one"
fit0 <- coxph(frm0, data=data.frame(data))
fit <- coxph(frm, data=data.frame(data))
} else {
fit0 <- survreg(frm0, data.frame(data), dist=dist)
fit <- survreg(frm, data.frame(data), dist=dist)
a <- anova(fit0, fit)
p.val <- a[2,4]
if (!is.null(dist)) {
p.val <- a[2,7]
df <- NULL
cf <- summary(fit)$coefficients
if (!is.null(dist)) {
cf <- summary(fit)$table[-1,,drop=F]
cf <- cf[which(grepl("GRP", rownames(cf))),,drop=F]
df <- data.frame(cutoff=cutoff+step,
nHigh=length(grp[grp == "high"]),
nLow=length(grp[grp == "low"]),
}, error=function(e) { print(e) })
coll <- NULL
coll <- do.call(rbind, out)
coll <- coll[order(coll$p.val),]
}, error=function(e) { print(e) })
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