#' @title Assign class for test data based
#' based on correlation
#' @param ref Reference data (cols: samples)
#' @param refCl Class assignment for reference data
#' @param test Test dataset
#' @param testCl Class testset
#' @export
assignCl <- function(ref, refCl, test, testCl=NULL, alternative="two.sided") {
## match test data
test <- subValid[match(rownames(ref), rownames(subValid)),]
coll <- list()
for (corM in c("spearman", "pearson", "kendall")) {
## calc correlations
for (i in 1:length(ref[1,])) {
for (j in 1:length(test[1,])) {
cr <- cor(ref[,i], test[,j], method=corM)
coll[[length(coll)+1]] <- data.frame(REF=i, TEST=j, COR=cr, CORM=corM)
coll <- do.call(rbind, coll)
coll$CLUSTER <- refCl[coll$REF]
## get class assignments
out <- list()
for (corM in unique(coll$CORM)) {
for (i in unique(coll$TEST)) {
sub <- coll[which(coll$TEST == i & coll$CORM == corM),]
#pT <- t.test(coll$COR~coll$CLUSTER)$p.value
#pW <- wilcox.test(coll$COR~coll$CLUSTER)$p.value
sub$RANK <- rank(sub$COR)
aggRM <- aggregate(sub$RANK, by=list(CLUSTER=sub$CLUSTER), median)
out[[length(out)+1]] <- data.frame(SAMPLE=i,
aggCM <- aggregate(sub$COR, by=list(CLUSTER=sub$CLUSTER), median)
out[[length(out)+1]] <- data.frame(SAMPLE=i,
out <- data.frame(do.call(rbind,out))
mtch <- list()
if (!is.null(testCl)) {
## calculate matches
for (corM in unique(out$CORM)) {
for (type in unique(out$TYPE)) {
sub <- out[which(out$CORM == corM & out$TYPE == type),]
tbl <- table(sub$CLASS, testCl)
pF <- NA
pF <- fisher.test(tbl, alternative=alternative)$p.value
}, error=function(e) print(e) )
mtch[[length(mtch)+1]] <- data.frame(pF=pF, CORM=corM, TYPE=type)
mtch <- do.call(rbind, mtch)
mtch <- mtch[order(mtch[,1]),]
return(list(agg=mtch, class=out))
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