#' @title
#' Analyze data with conumee
#' @description
#' Analyzes the given 450k data with conumee, extracting
#' either segments, bins or transcripts.
#' @param data MethylSet: sample data
#' @param ctrl MethylSet: reference
#' @param what type of return data: segments, bins, transcripts
#' @param tx vector of transcripts of interests
#' @return list with $data and $what, containing the CNV.write conumee outputs
#' @import conumee
#' @import plyr
#' @import IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19
#' @import impute
#' @export
#' @examples
#' print("A runnable example is also shown in the
#' createConumeeMatrix examples")
#' #require(IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19)
#' #norm <- minfi::preprocessRaw(minfiData::RGsetEx)
#' #data <- norm[,1]
#' #ctrl <- norm[,4]
#' #runConumee(data,ctrl,"segments")
runConumee <- function(data,
what = "segments",
tx = NULL) {
if (what == "segments") {
print("## Extracting segments ...")
} else if (what == "bins") {
print("## Extracting bins ...")
} else if (what == "transcripts") {
print("## Extracting transcripts ...")
} else {
stop("Wrong call!")
## check if all datasets belong to the same array type
if (cnAnalysis450k::determineArrayType(data) !=
cnAnalysis450k::determineArrayType(ctrl)) {
warning(paste("Provided data probably not from the same array: ",
## test for methylset
if (class(data) == "MethylSet") {
data <- minfi::getCN(data)
if (class(ctrl) == "MethylSet") {
ctrl <- minfi::getCN(ctrl)
## check for matching ids
if (any(rownames(ctrl) != rownames(data))) {
stop("CpG probe IDs not in the same order in data and ctrl!")
if (what == "segments" | what == "bins") {
anno.cnv <- CNV.create_anno(
} else if (what == "transcripts") {
#build GRanges object with transcripts
anno.cnv <- CNV.create_anno(
detail_regions = createGRangesObj(tx))
## this is somehow broken in the conumee package
# Fehler in .local(input, ...) : unbenutztes Argument (NULL)
#data.cnv <- CNV.load(data)
#ctrl.cnv <- CNV.load(ctrl)
## Workaround:
ctrl.cnv <- new("CNV.data")
ctrl.cnv@intensity <- as.data.frame(ctrl)
##collect conumee data
conumeeData <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(data[1,])) {
print(paste("Run conumee analysis for ",colnames(data)[i], "..."))
### WARUM? vorher hat
### einfach alles mit CNV.load +
### CNV.fit funktioniert!
## This is an adaptes version of
## the original conumee CNV.fit
## function!
warning("This is NOT the original conumee CNV.fit function!")
warning("All infinite values are set to NA!")
warning("All NA values are substituted using impute.knn from
the impute package!")
warning("These values have been excluded in the original version!")
qry <- new("CNV.data")
qry@intensity <- as.data.frame(data[,i])
obj <- new("CNV.analysis")
obj@fit$args <- list(intercept = TRUE)
names(obj) <- colnames(data)[i]
obj@anno <- anno.cnv
tmpDat <- data.frame(y = qry@intensity[,1], X = ctrl.cnv@intensity)
#tmpDat <- apply(tmpDat, 2, "unlist")
tmpDat <- data.matrix(tmpDat)
tmpDat[is.infinite(tmpDat)] <- NA
tmpDat <- impute::impute.knn(tmpDat)
tmpDat <- data.frame(tmpDat$data)
ref.fit <- lm(y ~ ., data = tmpDat)
obj@fit$coef <- ref.fit$coefficients
ref.predict <- predict(ref.fit)
ref.predict[ref.predict < 1] <- 1
obj@fit$ratio <- log2(qry@intensity[,1]/ref.predict)
obj@fit$noise <- sqrt(mean((obj@fit$ratio[-1] -
na.rm = TRUE))
x <- obj
x <- CNV.bin(x)
if (what == "segments") {
x <- CNV.segment(x)
out <- CNV.write(x, what = "segments")
conumeeData <- rbind.fill(conumeeData, out)
} else if (what == "bins") {
out <- CNV.write(x, what = "bins")
if (length(conumeeData) == 0) {
conumeeData <- out
} else {
conumeeData <- cbind(conumeeData, out[, 5])
colnames(conumeeData)[length(conumeeData[1, ])] <-
} else if (what == "transcripts") {
x <- CNV.detail(x)
out <- CNV.write(x, what = "detail")
if (length(conumeeData) == 0) {
conumeeData <- out
} else {
conumeeData <- cbind(conumeeData, out[, 8])
colnames(conumeeData)[length(conumeeData[1, ])] <-
ret <- list(data = conumeeData, what = what)
createGRangesObj <- function(tx) {
txid <-
keys = tx,
columns = c("TXNAME", "TXSTART", "TXEND", "TXCHROM"),
keytype = "TXNAME"
txid <- txid[which(txid$TXCHROM %in% paste("chr", 1:22, sep = "")), ]
txid <-
txid$TXSTART, txid$TXEND, txid$TXCHROM
))), ]
##build granges object
gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(
IRanges::IRanges(txid$TXSTART, txid$TXEND),
names = txid$TXNAME,
genes = txid$TXNAME
gr$IRanges <- IRanges::ranges(gr)
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