#' @title
#' Get TX CNV values
#' @description
#' Calculates CN values for given list of transcripts.
#' @param op median or mean
#' @param data input data
#' @param ctrl control data
#' @param ctrlAll CN data of all control samples
#' @param statistic statistics test to compare groups (controls
#' vs smp); "t.test" or "wilcoxon" (Mann-Whitney-U Test)
#' @param tx vector of list of transcripts#'
#' @param output "ratio" (Sample/Ctrl) or "diff" (Sample-Ctrl)
#' @param arrayType "auto","450k", "EPIC"; auto -> tries to automatically
#' determine the array type (450k, EPIC)
#' @return list with tx-names, p-values and used statistical test
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data <- data.frame(
#' smp1=c(-8.12, -5.225, -3.24, -3.62),
#' smp2=c(-5.0, -3.98, -4.06, -4.5),
#' smp3=c(NA, -2.48, -2.27, -2.1)
#' )
#' ctrlAll <- data.frame(
#' ctl1=c(1.0, -3.6, 0.7, -0.73),
#' ctl2=c(-0.4, -4.1, -4.2, -3.9),
#' ctl2=c(0.74, -1.12, -2.8, -1.67)
#' )
#' rownames(data) <- c(
#' "cg05132306", "cg15527168",
#' "cg17434257", "cg17592667"
#' )
#' rownames(ctrlAll) <- rownames(data)
#' ctrl <- c(0.74, -3.6, -2.8, -1.67)
#' #ctrl <- apply(ctrlAll, 1, "median")
#' names(ctrl) <- rownames(data)
#' getTxValues(data, ctrl, ctrlAll, "uc001aih.1", arrayType="450k")
getTxValues <-
output = "diff",
statistic = "wilcoxon",
op = "median",
arrayType="auto") {
print("Get CN values for transcripts ...")
##get annotation
if (arrayType=="auto") {
anno <- getAnnoData(determineArrayType(data))
} else {
anno <- getAnnoData(arrayType)
anno <- anno[which(rownames(anno) %in% rownames(ctrlAll)),]
# Get Tx position
txsel <-
txsel <- txsel[which(!is.na(txsel$CDSCHROM)),]
txsel <- txsel[which(!duplicated(txsel$TXNAME)),]
txVal <- NULL
p.val <- c()
for (i in 1:length(txsel[, 1])) {
cgs <-
anno$chr == txsel$CDSCHROM[i] &
anno$pos >= txsel$TXSTART[i] &
anno$pos <= txsel$TXEND[i]
if (length(cgs) == 0) {
ct <- ctrl[cgs]
ctAll <- ctrlAll[cgs,]
da <- data[cgs,]
if (length(ct) > 1) {
if (output == "ratio") {
vec <- data.frame(apply(da / ct, 2, op))
} else if (output == "diff") {
vec <- data.frame(apply(da - ct, 2, op))
} else {
if (output == "ratio") {
vec <- data.frame(da / ct)
} else if (output == "diff") {
vec <- data.frame(da - ct)
if (statistic == "t.test") {
#standard t-test
p.val <- c(p.val, t.test(unlist(da), unlist(ctAll))$p.value)
} else if (statistic == "wilcoxon") {
#mann-whitney-wilcoxon test
p.val <- c(p.val,
wilcox.test(unlist(da), unlist(ctAll))$p.value)
} else {
stop("Unknown statistic!")
if (length(txVal) == 0) {
txVal <- vec
} else {
txVal <- cbind(txVal, vec)
colnames(txVal)[length(txVal[1,])] <- txsel$TXNAME[i]
names(p.val) <- colnames(txVal)
ret <- list(data = t(txVal),
p.val = p.val,
statistic = statistic)
#' @title
#' Get TX CNV values
#' @description
#' Calculates CN values for given list of transcripts, uses standard
#' values to increase speed: median; wilcoxon; difference
#' @param data input data
#' @param ctrl control data
#' @param ctrlAll CN data of all control samples
#' @param tx vector of list of transcripts
#' @param arrayType "auto","450k", "EPIC"; auto -> tries to automatically
#' determine the array type (450k, EPIC)
#' @return list with tx-names, p-values and used statistical test
#' @import foreach
#' @import doParallel
#' @import parallel
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data <- data.frame(
#' smp1=c(-8.12, -5.225, -3.24, -3.61),
#' smp2=c(-5.0, -3.98, -4.06, -4.5),
#' smp3=c(NA, -2.48, -2.27, -2.1)
#' )
#' ctrlAll <- data.frame(
#' ctl1=c(1.0, -3.6, 0.7, -0.73),
#' ctl2=c(-0.4, -4.1, -4.2, -3.9),
#' ctl2=c(0.74, -1.12, -2.8, -1.67)
#' )
#' rownames(data) <- c(
#' "cg05132306", "cg15527168",
#' "cg17434257", "cg17592667"
#' )
#' rownames(ctrlAll) <- rownames(data)
#' ctrl <- apply(ctrlAll, 1, "median")
#' names(ctrl) <- rownames(data)
#' getTxValues(data, ctrl, ctrlAll, "uc001aih.1", arrayType="450k")
getTxValuesFast <- function(data, ctrl, ctrlAll, tx, arrayType="auto") {
no_cores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
no_cores <- ifelse(no_cores == 0, 1, no_cores)
##get annotation
if (arrayType=="auto") {
anno <- cnAnalysis450k::getAnnoData(
} else {
anno <- cnAnalysis450k::getAnnoData(arrayType)
# Get Tx position
txsel <-
txsel <- txsel[which(!is.na(txsel$CDSCHROM)),]
txsel <- txsel[which(!duplicated(txsel$TXNAME)),]
if (length(anno[, 1]) != length(ctrl) ||
length(ctrl) != length(ctrlAll[, 1]) ||
length(data[, 1] != length(ctrl))) {
warning("Incomplete data! Annotation dimensions
do not match the data dimensions -> missing values!")
anno <- anno[which(rownames(anno) %in% rownames(ctrlAll)),]
i <- NULL
outData <- foreach::foreach(i = 1:length(txsel[, 1])) %dopar% {
cgs <-
anno$chr == txsel$CDSCHROM[i] &
anno$pos >= txsel$TXSTART[i] &
anno$pos <= txsel$TXEND[i]
if (length(cgs) > 0) {
ct <- ctrl[cgs]
ctAll <- ctrlAll[cgs,]
da <- data[cgs,]
if (length(ct) > 1) {
vec <- data.frame(apply(da - ct, 2, "median"))
} else {
vec <- data.frame(da - ct)
p.val <- wilcox.test(unlist(da), unlist(ctAll))$p.value
list(data = vec,
pVal = p.val,
name = txsel$TXNAME[i])
txVal <- do.call(cbind, do.call(cbind, outData)["data",])
colnames(txVal) <- unlist(do.call(cbind, outData)["name",])
pValAll <- unlist(do.call(cbind, outData)["pVal",])
ret <- list(data = t(txVal),
p.val = pValAll,
statistic = "wilcoxon")
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