#' Compute the similarity matrix
#' Computes low dim embedding, constructs KNN graph on the embedding -> unweighted adjacency
#' Calls manifold learning algorithm which uses the normalized sample vectors and the
#' unweighted adjacency matrix to compute a low rank approximation of the data.
#' @param data the expression data, where each column is treated as a normalized vector
#' @param lambda the balance term between the rank of Z and the error, default is 0.5
#' @param pre_embed_method how the initial non-linear embedding is performed, default is 'umap'
#' @param comps_knn number of components to use for knn, overrides eigengap-based inference
#' @param use_umap_indices use the knn indices computed during umap embedding to impose sparsity on L2R2, instead of recomputing based on the layout.
#' @param ... extra arguments passed to umap or Rtsne
#' @return a list containing
#' \item{W}{the similarity matrix}
#' \item{E}{the error of the ADMM step}
#' \item{nl_embedding}{the KNN sparsity constraint is based on this embedding}
#' @importFrom Rtsne Rtsne
#' @importFrom Matrix as.matrix norm
#' @importFrom FNN get.knnx
#' @importFrom stats prcomp
#' @import umap
#' @export
SimilarityM <- function(lambda = 0.5, data, comps_knn = NULL,
use_umap_indices = FALSE, pre_embed_method = 'umap', ...){
m = nrow(data)
n = ncol(data)
X <- data - min(data)
X <- X / max(X)
for(i in 1:n){
X[,i] <- X[,i] / norm(X[,i], "2")
if (m >= 60){
pca_data = prcomp(t(X))
pca_eigvalue1 <- pca_data$sdev^2
} else {
pca_data = prcomp(t(X))
pca_eigvalue1 <- pca_data$sdev^2
eigengaps = abs(pca_eigvalue1[2:(length(pca_eigvalue1)-1)] - pca_eigvalue1[-(1:2)])
No_Comps1 = which(max(eigengaps)==eigengaps)
if (No_Comps1>=1){
No_Comps1 = 1
No_Comps1 = No_Comps1 + 2
comps_knn = No_Comps1
cc = cumsum(pca_eigvalue1[-(1)])
dd = cc[-(1)]/sum(pca_eigvalue1[-(1)])
K1 = length(which(dd<=0.3))
if (K1 <= 10){
K = 10
} else if (K1 >=30){
K = 30
} else {
K = K1+1
if(pre_embed_method == 'tsne'){
X2 <- Rtsne(X = t(as.matrix(X)), ...)
D <- matrix(1, n, n)
knn_object = get.knnx(X2$Y[,1:(No_Comps1)], X2$Y[,1:(No_Comps1)], k = K)
IDX = knn_object$nn.index
} else if (pre_embed_method == 'umap'){
data.umap <- umap(d = t(as.matrix(data)), n_components = comps_knn, ...)
X2 <- data.umap$layout
D <- matrix(1, n, n)
knn_object = get.knnx(X2[,1:No_Comps1], X2[,1:No_Comps1], k = K)
IDX <- knn_object$nn.index
IDX <- data.umap$knn$indexes
for (jj in 1:n){
D[jj,IDX[jj,]] = 0
Z <- computeM(D,X,lambda)
Z$Z[Z$Z <= .Machine$double.eps] <- 0
W <- 0.5*(abs(Z$Z)+abs(t(Z$Z)))
return(list(W = W, E = Z$E, nl_embedding = X2))
#' Perform ADMM
#' Compute cell-to-cell similarity matrix by solving the following
#' optimization problem via ADMM
#' \deqn{
#' min_{Z,E} ||Z||_* + lambda ||E||_{2,1}\\
#' s.t. X = XZ + E\\
#' Z'1 = 1\\
#' Z_{i,j} = 0 for (i,j) \in Omega}
#' @param D the unweighted KNN adjacency matrix
#' @param X normalized sample vectors
#' @param lambda the balance term between the rank of Z and the error
#' @return a list containing the low rank approximation of X and manifold learning error
computeM <- function(D,X,lambda){
## ADMM iteration
maxiter = 100
Err <- matrix(0, maxiter, 2)
rho <- 5 # 5
mu <- 10^(-6) # 10^(-6)
mumax <- 10^(6)
epsilon <- 10^(-5)
m <- nrow(X)
n <- ncol(X)
Z <- matrix(0,n,n)
E <- matrix(0, m, n)
Y1 <- matrix(0, m, n)
Y2 <- matrix(0, 1, n)
Y3 <- matrix(0, n, n)
iter <- 0
XXZ <- X-X%*%Z
iter <- iter + 1
if (iter >= maxiter){
print("reached max iter")
return(list(Z = Z, E = norm(XXZ,"f")))
# step 1: Update J
mu <- min(rho*mu,mumax)
svd_data <- svd(Z-Y3/mu, nu = nrow(Z-Y3/mu), nv = ncol(Z-Y3/mu))
U <- svd_data$u
S <- diag(svd_data$d, nrow=nrow(Z), ncol=ncol(Z))
V <- svd_data$v
R <- length(diag(S))
Dmu <- matrix(0, R, R)
MM <- pmax(diag(S)-(1/mu)*matrix(1, R, 1), matrix(0, R,1))
for (i in 1:R){
Dmu[i,i] <- MM[i]
J <- U%*%Dmu%*%t(V)
if (iter >= 3){
if (Err[iter-1,1] >= Err[iter-2,1] || norm(as.matrix(XXZ),"2") <= epsilon){
print("convergence by error min")
return(list(Z = Z, E = norm(XXZ,"f")))
# Update E
QQ <- XXZ+Y1/mu
E <- apply(QQ, 2, function(x){
normX <- norm(as.matrix(x), type = '2')
as.vector(((normX - lambda/mu) / normX)) * as.matrix(x)
normsQQ <- apply(QQ, 2, function(x){
norm(x, type = '2')
for(j in 1:n){
if(normsQQ[j] <= lambda/mu){
E[,j] <- matrix(0,length(QQ[,j]))
eta <- norm(X, "2")^2 + norm(matrix(1,n,1),"2")^2+1
H <- -t(X)%*%(XXZ-E + (1/mu)*Y1) - matrix(1,n,1)%*%(matrix(1,1,n)- matrix(1,1,n)%*%Z + (1/mu)*Y2) + (Z - J + (1/mu)*Y3)
Z <- Z - (1/eta)*H
Z[D>0] <- 0
XXZ <- X-X%*%Z
# Update Dual variable
Y1 <- Y1 + mu*(XXZ-E)
Y2 <- Y2 + mu*(matrix(1,1,n) - matrix(1,1,n)%*%Z)
Y3 <- Y3 + mu*(Z - J)
Err[iter,] <- c(norm(XXZ-E,"2"), norm(Z-J,"2"))
print(paste0("Err = ", Err[iter,1]))
if (max(Err[iter,]) <= epsilon){
print("reached epsilon")
return(list(Z = Z, E = norm(XXZ,"f")))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.