#' Cluster the Cells
#' Use NMF to cluster the cells. Currently, the Lee and Seung algorithm is implemented via a call to renozao/NMF. If cluster-number is inferred then output relevent diagnostics (eg the eigenvalue spaceing of the ensemble method).
#' @param similarityMatrix a symmetric nonnegative similarity matrix
#' @param n_clusters default is NULL, ensemble method will be called
#' @param n_comp the number of similarity components to use for ensemble clustering
#' @param ... additional parameters for NMF
#' @return a list containing
#' \item{H}{the cluster weight matrix, the factorization of the similarity matrix}
#' \item{labels}{the cluster labels}
#' \item{ensemble}{results of model selection}
#' @importFrom NMF basis nmf seed
#' @importFrom Matrix as.matrix
#' @export
ClusterCells <- function(similarityMatrix = NULL,
n_clusters = NULL,
n_comp = 3,
clusters <- CountClusters(data = similarityMatrix, n_comp = n_comp)
n_clusters <- clusters$upper_bound
output_NMF <- nmf(x = as.matrix(similarityMatrix),
rank = n_clusters,
method = 'lee',
seed = 'nndsvd',
H <- basis(output_NMF)
labels <- apply(H, 1, function(x){
which(x == max(x))})
return(list(H = H,
labels = labels,
ensemble = clusters))
#' Use clustering consensus to infer cluster number
#' Use clustering consensus to infer cluster number.
#' @param data a symmetric nonnegative similarity matrix
#' @param tol cutoff for lambda zero
#' @param n_comp the number of similarity components to use for ensemble clustering
#' @param range a vector specifying the min and max
#' number of clusters to iteratively test when building the
#' consensus matrix
#' @param eigengap whether or not to use the max
#' eigengap (upper bound) cluster count
#' @return the number of clusters and the vector of eigenvalues
#' @export
CountClusters <- function(data, tol = 0.01, range = 2:20, eigengap = TRUE, n_comp){
# compute the drop tolerance, enforcing parsimony of components
solo_count <- GetComponents(data, tol = tol)$n_eigs # without consensus get a pre-estimate
if(solo_count <= 5){
tau = 0.3
} else if(solo_count <= 10){
tau = 0.4
} else {
tau = 0.5
cmatrix <- GetEnsemble(data, tol, tau, n_comp = n_comp, range = range)
eigs <- GetComponents(cmatrix, tol = tol)
# compute the largest eigengap
gaps <- eigs$val[2:length(eigs$val)] - eigs$val[1:(length(eigs$val)-1)]
upper_bound <- which(gaps == max(gaps))
# compute the number of zero eigenvalues
lower_bound <- length(eigs$val[which(eigs$val <= tol)])
return(list(upper_bound = upper_bound,
lower_bound = lower_bound,
eigs = eigs))
#' Get graph components
#' Use the graph laplacian to get the number of graph components.
#' @param data a symmetric nonnegative similarity matrix
#' @param tol cutoff for lambda zero
#' @importFrom expm sqrtm
#' @return the number of components
GetComponents <- function(data,
tol = 0.01){
n = nrow(data) # number of data points
D = diag(as.vector(data %*% matrix(1, n, 1))) # degree matrix, diagonal with i,i = sum of w_i,j for all j
DD <- solve(sqrtm(D))
Lsym = diag(1, n) - DD %*% data %*% DD # the symmetric normalized laplacian of the similarity matrix
eigs <- abs(Re(eigen(Lsym, only.values = TRUE)$values))
n_zeros <- length(eigs[which(eigs <= tol)])
return(list(val = sort(eigs), n_eigs = n_zeros))
#' Produce consensus matrix
#' Produce a truncated ensemble consensus matrix.
#' @param data a symmetric nonnegative similarity matrix
#' @param tol cutoff for lambda zero
#' @param n_comp the number of similarity components to use for ensemble clustering
#' @param tau the drop tolerance, controlling the sparsification
#' (uncoupling) of the consensus matrix
#' @param range a vector specifying the min and max
#' number of clusters to iteratively test when building the
#' consensus matrix
#' @importFrom cluster pam
#' @importFrom stats prcomp
#' @return a truncated ensemble consensus matrix
GetEnsemble <- function(data,
n_comp = 3,
range = 2:20){
n_samples <- dim(data)[2]
# reduce dimensionality
prcs <- prcomp(t(data), center = TRUE)
# perform kmeans clustering over the range specified
cluster_assign <- sapply(range, function(x){
pam(prcs$x[,1:n_comp], k = x )$clustering
# generate consensus matrices
consen <- matrix(0, n_samples, n_samples)
for(i in 1:ncol(cluster_assign)){
cons <- GetConsensus(cluster_assign[,i])
consen <- consen + cons
# truncate the ensemble consensus matrix
consen[which(consen <= length(range) * tau)] <- 0
# normalize and make symmetric
consen <- (consen + t(consen))/2
#' Produce a consensus matrix
#' Produce a consensus matrix for ensemble analysis.
#' @param clusters the cluster assignment of each cell
#' @return a consensus matrix
GetConsensus <- function(clusters){
n_samples <- length(clusters)
consen <- matrix(0, n_samples, n_samples)
for(i in 1:n_samples){
for(ii in 1:n_samples){
if(clusters[i] == clusters[ii]){
consen[i, ii] <- 1
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