#' constructRawLayout
#' Constructor function for the rawLayout S3 class,
#' holding information on MSdata grouping and layout options in Metaboseek.
#' @param rawgrouptable a data.frame with columns File and Group ,
#' holding file paths and group names, respectively.
#' @param stem if the file paths in rawgrouptable are not full
#' (e.g. subdirectories of the working directory),
#' this should be the path of the working directory.
#' @param msnExp if not NULL, must be an \code{OnDiskMSnExp} object,
#' see \code{details}
#' @return a \code{rawLayout} object
#' @details
#' If \code{msnExp} is provided, will generate an element called
#' \code{MSnExp_summary} in the resulting \code{rawLayout} which is a data.frame
#' containing information that can be used for normalization. Columns in
#' \code{MSnExp_summary}:
#' \itemize{
#' \item\code{sampleNames}File names of raw files
#' \item\code{bpmeans} mean values of the basepeak intensity for each file
#' \item\code{ticmeans} mean values of the TIC intensity for each file
#' \item\code{normfactor_bp} normalization factor for each file based on base peak
#' \item\code{normfactor_tic} normalization factor for each file based on TIC intensity peak
#' }
#' Multiplying all intensity values for each file with their normfactors will
#' yield the same mean intensity for all files.
#' @export
constructRawLayout <- function(rawgrouptable, stem=NULL, msnExp = NULL){
MSD = list()
MSD$stem <- stem
MSD$rawgrouptable <- rawgrouptable
MSD$rawgrouptable$Group2 <- MSD$rawgrouptable$Group
MSD$filelist <- paste0(stem, rawgrouptable$File)
MSD$grouping = rawGrouping(data.frame(File = MSD$filelist,
Group = rawgrouptable$Group))
MSD$grouping2 = rawGrouping(data.frame(File = MSD$filelist,
Group = if(!is.null(rawgrouptable$Group2)){
}else{rawgrouptable$Group}) )
MSD$settings = list(rtw = 30,
ppm = 5,
cols = 1,
colr = 'Mseek.colors',
alpha = 0.8)
findex <- match(MSD$filelist,
MSD$MSnExp_summary <- data.frame(sampleNames = as.character(msnExp@phenoData@data$sampleNames[findex]),
stringsAsFactors = F)
MSD$MSnExp_summary$bpmeans <- sapply(findex,
function(n){mean(msnExp@featureData@data$basePeakIntensity[msnExp@featureData@data$fileIdx == n
& msnExp@featureData@data$msLevel == 1])})
MSD$MSnExp_summary$ticmeans <- sapply(findex,
function(n){mean(msnExp@featureData@data$totIonCurrent[msnExp@featureData@data$fileIdx == n
& msnExp@featureData@data$msLevel == 1])})
#calculate normalization factors for each file in this rawLayout
if(!any(MSD$MSnExp_summary$bpmeans ==0)){
MSD$MSnExp_summary$normfactor_bp <- mean( MSD$MSnExp_summary$bpmeans)/ MSD$MSnExp_summary$bpmeans
if(!any(MSD$MSnExp_summary$ticmeans ==0)){
MSD$MSnExp_summary$normfactor_tic <- mean( MSD$MSnExp_summary$ticmeans)/ MSD$MSnExp_summary$ticmeans
class(MSD) <- "rawLayout"
#' updateRawLayout
#' Updates the file path information in a \code{rawLayout} object
#' @param MSD a \code{rawLayout} object with a defined stem
#' @param new.stem if the file paths in rawgrouptable are not full
#' (e.g. subdirectories of the working directory), this should
#' be the path of the new working directory.
#' @return An updated \code{rawLayout} object
#' @export
updateRawLayout <- function(MSD, new.stem=NULL){
MSD$filelist <- gsub(MSD$stem,new.stem,MSD$filelist)
MSD$grouping = rawGrouping(data.frame(File = MSD$filelist,
Group = MSD$rawgrouptable$Group))
MSD$grouping2 = rawGrouping(data.frame(File = MSD$filelist,
Group = if(!is.null(MSD$rawgrouptable$Group2)){MSD$rawgrouptable$Group2}else{MSD$rawgrouptable$Group}))
MSD$stem <- new.stem
#' loadRawM
#' TIME CONSUMING. This step does not need to be repeated when adjusting
#' other parameters (e.g. feature list, EIC ppm or RT) Generates an R-readable
#' data structure (a list of xcmsRaw objects) in memory from MS data files
#' defined in the file list.
#' This is a wrapper for \code{xcms::\link[xcms]{loadRaw}} that can process
#' multiple filenames at a time and supports parallel processing
#' @return a list of \code{xcmsRaw} objects
#' @param filelist a list of mzXML or mzML files (character vector)
#' @param MSn should MSn data be read in? defaults to TRUE
#' @param workers How many cores to use (cf. BiocParallel and SnowParam,
#' argument only used if more than 10 files are loaded). NOTE:
#' this argument is now ignored (calls bpparam() internally)
#' @param rnames names of the xcmsRaw objects in the list returned,
#' defaults to the filepaths of the source files.
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SnowParam bplapply
#' @importFrom xcms xcmsRaw
#' @export
loadRawM <- function (filelist, MSn = T, workers=1, rnames = filelist){
# if (length(filelist)<=10){workers<-1}
# param <- SnowParam(workers = workers)
setProgress(value = 0, message = 'Loading MS data files...')
rawcoll <- bplapply(filelist, function(rfile, MSnSetting){
res <- xcms::xcmsRaw(rfile, profstep=0,
includeMSn = MSnSetting)
message("Raw file loaded") #this is necessary because xcmsRaw warnings are also caught as messages
}, MSnSetting = MSn,
BPPARAM = if(isRunning()){SnowParam(workers = 1)}else{bpparam()} )# avoiding performance issues in shiny app #TODO maybe related to sending large amounts of data to workers (performance good outside shiny)
message = function(m){ if(isRunning()){incProgress(amount = sum(unlist(strsplit(as.character(m$message), split = "\n")) == "Raw file loaded")/length(filelist))} })
names(rawcoll)<- rnames
#' rawGrouping
#' Groups a rawgrouptable into a named list.
#' @param rawgrouptable a data.frame with columns File and Group,
#' holding file paths and group names, respectively.
#' @return a named list
rawGrouping <- function(rawgrouptable){
## Make list object of grouped column names
colme <- list()
for (l in unique(rawgrouptable$Group)){
colme[[l]] <- as.character(rawgrouptable$File[which(rawgrouptable$Group==l)])
#' makeColorscheme
#' Use two grouping lists to generate a color scheme
#' that can be passed as an argument for \code{\link{groupPlot}()}
#' and \code{\link{EICgeneral}()}.
#' @param maingroup a named list defining the main plot grouping scheme
#' (e.g. grouping in rawlayouts)
#' @param colorgroup a named list defining the grouping to be used for coloring
#' (e.g. grouping2 in rawlayouts)
#' @param colrange name of the function to use to make color range
#' @param transparency setting for transparent coloring
#' @return a named list of data.frames with color values and labels
#' @export
makeColorscheme <- function(maingroup,
colrange = "Mseek.colors",
transparency = 0.8){
colvec <- do.call(colrange,
list(n=length(colorgroup), alpha = transparency))
labs <- unlist(sapply(seq(length(colorgroup)),function(n){
colvec <- unlist(sapply(seq(length(colorgroup)),function(n){
srch <- unlist(colorgroup)
colrs <- list()
for(i in 1:length(maingroup)){
sel <- sapply(maingroup[[i]],function(s){match(s, srch)})
colrs[[i]] <- data.frame(color = colvec[sel],
label = labs[sel],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
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