#' getSpectra
#' get a list of spectra using indices from the OnDiskMSnExp object
#' @param data an OnDiskMSnExp or MseekValues (reactivevalues) object
#' @param index a numeric vector of scan indices
#' @param xcmsRawobject list of xcmsRaw objects
#' @param SpectrumClass if TRUE, will return a list of Spectum class objects,
#' otherwise will return a list of matrices with mz and intensity values
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{getSpectra.OnDiskMSnExp}
#' @return a list of Spectrum1 or Spectrum2 objects
#' @rdname getSpectra
#' @export
getSpectra <- function(data, ...){
UseMethod('getSpectra', data)
#' @rdname getSpectra
#' @export
getSpectra.reactivevalues <- function(data, ...){
getSpectra(data = data$MSData$MSnExp, xcmsRawobject = data$MSData$data, ...)
#' @rdname getSpectra
#' @export
getSpectra.OnDiskMSnExp <- function(data, index,
xcmsRawobject = NULL, SpectrumClass = F){
if(!is(data, "OnDiskMSnExp")){
simpleError("No valid OnDiskMSnExp object provided")
# return( spectra(data)[index])
res <- lapply(index, function(i){data[[i]]} )
res <- lapply(res,function(x){matrix(c(x@mz, x@intensity),ncol = 2, dimnames = list(NULL, c("mz", "intensity")))})
res <- lapply(index,function(i){
meta <- data@featureData@data[i,]
spec <- xcms::getScan(xcmsRawobject[[as.numeric(meta$fileIdx)]],
which(xcmsRawobject[[as.numeric(meta$fileIdx)]]@acquisitionNum == meta$acquisitionNum))
MSnbase:::Spectrum1(peaksCount = length(spec[,1]), rt = meta$retentionTime,
acquisitionNum = meta$acquisitionNum, scanIndex = meta$spIdx,
tic = meta$totIonCurrent, mz = spec[,1], intensity = spec[,2],
fromFile = meta$fileIdx, centroided = meta$centroided,
smoothed = meta$smoothed,
polarity = meta$polarity)
spec <- xcms::getMsnScan(xcmsRawobject[[as.numeric(meta$fileIdx)]],
which(xcmsRawobject[[as.numeric(meta$fileIdx)]]@msnAcquisitionNum == meta$acquisitionNum))
MSnbase:::Spectrum2(msLevel = meta$msLevel, peaksCount = length(spec[,1]), rt = meta$retentionTime,
acquisitionNum = meta$acquisitionNum, scanIndex = meta$spIdx,
tic = meta$totIonCurrent, mz = spec[,1], intensity = spec[,2],
fromFile = meta$fileIdx, centroided = meta$centroided,
smoothed = meta$smoothed,
polarity = meta$polarity,
merged = meta$mergedScan,
precScanNum = meta$precursorScanNum,
precursorMz = meta$precursorMZ, precursorIntensity = meta$precursorIntensity,
precursorCharge = meta$precursorCharge,
collisionEnergy = meta$collisionEnergy)
names(res) <- row.names(data@featureData@data[index,])
#' findMSnScans
#' Get a list of MS scans based on parent m/z and retention time
#' Will return all scans with parentMZ within mz +/- ppm OR mzwid,
#' AND retentionTime within rt +/- rtwid.
#' @return a subset of the \code{data@@featureData@@data} data.frame matching
#' the search criteria, with an additional \code{filename} column
#' @param data an OnDiskMSnExp or MseekValues (reactivevalues) object
#' @param mz parentMZ value to search for. mz and rt can be vectors,
#' but need to be of equal length
#' @param rt retention time to search for. mz and rt can be vectors,
#' but need to be of equal length
#' @param ppm mz tolerance in ppm
#' @param mzwid mz tolerance in absolute mz values
#' @param rtwid rt tolerance in seconds
#' @param MSlevel which mz level to
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{findMSnScans.OnDiskMSnExp}
#' @rdname findMSnScans
#' @export
findMSnScans <- function(data, ...){
UseMethod('findMSnScans', data)
#' @rdname findMSnScans
#' @export
findMSnScans.reactivevalues <- function(data, ...){
findMSnScans(data$MSData$MSnExp, ...)
#' @rdname findMSnScans
#' @export
findMSnScans.OnDiskMSnExp <- function(data, mz, rt,
ppm = 5, mzwid = 0,
rtwid = 30, MSlevel = 2){
if(length(mz) > 1 && length(mz) == length(rt)){
presel <- data@featureData@data$msLevel == MSlevel & data@featureData@data$retentionTime
allmzdiffs <- abs(outer(mz, data@featureData@data$precursorMZ[presel], "-"))
sel <- unique(which(allmzdiffs/mz <= ppm*1e-6 | allmzdiffs <= mzwid, arr.ind = T)[,2])
rtsel <- unique(which(abs(outer(rt, data@featureData@data$retentionTime[presel][sel], "-")) <= rtwid, arr.ind = T)[,2])
res <- data@featureData@data[presel,][sel,][rtsel,]
if(length(mz) != length(rt)){warning("mz and rt were not of equal length in call to Metaboseek::findMSnScans")}
sel <- (data@featureData@data$msLevel == MSlevel
& (abs(data@featureData@data$precursorMZ - mz[1])/mz[1] <= ppm*1e-6 | abs(data@featureData@data$precursorMZ - mz[1]) <= mzwid )
& abs(data@featureData@data$retentionTime - rt[1]) <= rtwid)
res <- data@featureData@data[sel,]
res$filename <- as.character(data@phenoData@data$sampleNames)[res$fileIdx]
#' getScanInfo
#' get metadata for a scan or multiple scans
#' @return a subset of the \code{data@@featureData@@data} data.frame matching
#' the search criteria, with an additional \code{filename} column
#' @param file character vector of MS data file basenames.
#' Files must be loaded in data.
#' @param number scan for which to get metadata. Can be an acquisition
#' number or an index of an ms1 or ms2 scan
#' @param data an MSnExp or OnDiskMSnExp object. NYI: If NULL, will assume
#' that values$MSData$MSnExp is defined in parent environment
#' @param type specify what the scan number represents, either
#' "acquisition", "ms1" or "ms2".
#' @export
getScanInfo <- function(file, number, data, type = c("acquisition", "ms1", "ms2")){
# if(is.null(data)){data <- get("values")$MSData$MSnExp}
if(is.null(data) || length(file) != length(number)){
simpleError("No MS data loaded or lengths of file names and scan numbers differ.")
findex <- match(file, as.character(data@phenoData@data$sampleNames))
simpleError("None of the requested files are loaded")
warning("Some of these files are not loaded")
acquisition = {res <- data@featureData@data[unlist(lapply(which(!is.na(findex)),
function(n){which(data@featureData@data$fileIdx == findex[n]
& data@featureData@data$acquisitionNum == number[n])})),]},
ms1 = {res <- data@featureData@data[unlist(lapply(which(!is.na(findex)),
function(n){which(data@featureData@data$fileIdx == findex[n]
& data@featureData@data$msLevel == 1)[number[n]]})),]},
ms2 = {res <- data@featureData@data[unlist(lapply(which(!is.na(findex)),
function(n){which(data@featureData@data$fileIdx == findex[n]
& data@featureData@data$msLevel == 2)[number[n]]})),]}
res$filename <- as.character(data@phenoData@data$sampleNames)[res$fileIdx]
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