
Defines functions getSiriusTree getSirius runSirius writeMS

Documented in getSirius getSiriusTree runSirius writeMS

#' writeMS
#' write an .ms file containing a spectrum to be exported to SIRIUS.
#' will append additional spectrum to file if filename is that of an existing file.
#' @return Returns nothing, but writes a SIRIUS \code{.ms} file.
#' @param filename path of file to write to
#' @param ms2 a matrix with columns mz and intensity, or a list of ms2 spectra 
#' in the same format
#' @param ms1 a matrix with columns mz and intensity for a single MS1 spectrum
#' @param parentmz numeric: parent ion m/z value
#' @param comments character: comments
#' @param rt numeric: retention time in seconds
#' @param ion ion type (e.g. \eqn{[M+H]+})
#' @param charge charge (positive or negative integer)
#' @param hashtag hash tag of the ms2 spectrum
#' @param scanindices which scans were averaged into this ms2 spectrum
#' @importFrom digest digest
#' @importFrom data.table fwrite
writeMS <- function(filename,
                    ms1 = NULL,
                    comments = "",
                    rt = "",
                    ion = NULL,
                    charge = 1,
                    hashtag = NULL,
                    scanindices = NULL){
  if(is.null(hashtag)){hashtag <-  digest(ms2, algo = "xxhash64")}
  appending <- file.exists(filename)
    if(appending){"\n"}else{paste0('# Generated with MOSAiC version ',
                                   packageVersion("Metaboseek"),', timestamp: ',
    paste0(">compound ", hashtag),
    paste0(">parentmass ", parentmz),
    if(!is.null(ion)){paste0(">ion ", ion)}else{paste0(">charge ", charge)},
    if(!is.null(scanindices)){paste0(">scans ", scanindices)}else{""},
    paste0(">hash ", hashtag),
    paste0("# Comments: ", comments),
    paste0(">rt ", rt),
    sep =  "\n"),
    file = filename,
    append = appending
      file = filename,
      append = T
  fwrite(data.table(ms1), filename, append = T, sep = "\t",
         row.names = F, col.names = F, quote = T, eol = "\n")
    if(!is.list(ms2)){ms2 <- list(ms2)}
    lapply(seq(length(ms2)), function(n){
      #expect collision energy to be in names, resulting in ">collision20", etc.
      file = filename,
      append = T
  fwrite(data.table(ms2[[n]]), filename, append = T, sep = "\t", 
         row.names = F, col.names = F, quote = T, eol = "\n")

#' runSirius
#' run SIRIUS externally for a list of ms2 spectra
#' @param outfolder output folder for the SIRIUS results
#' @param ms1 if not NULL, a list of MS1 spectra
#' @param ms2 a list (or list of lists) of ms2 spectra 
#' (matrices with columns mz and intensity), see \code{Details}
#' @param parentmz numeric: parent ion m/z value
#' @param comments character: comments
#' @param rt numeric: retention time in seconds
#' @param fingerid if TRUE, will try to predict structures with CSI:FingerID
#' @param ion ion type (e.g. \eqn{[M+H]+})
#' @param charge charge (positive or negative integer)
#' @param scanindices which scans were averaged into this ms2 spectrum
#' @param sirpath path to SIRIUS executable
#' @param moreOpts character with additional options to be passed to SIRIUS
#' @param force force calculation, even if same results should exist according to indexfile
#' @param config list containing sirius configuration
#' @return Will cause SIRIUS to run a job and save its results in
#'  a timestamped subfolder of  \code{outfolder}, and will register the job in
#'  the \code{index.csv} file in \code{outfolder}.
#' @details
#' \describe{
#'    \item{ms2}{can be a list of matrices, or a list of list of matrices. 
#'    In the latter case, the (optional) names of the nested list items are 
#'    expected to be in the format "collisionXX", where XX denotes an integer 
#'    collision energy.}
#' }
#' @importFrom data.table fread fwrite data.table
#' @importFrom digest digest
# ms1 = list(matrix(c(285.253723144531,	3128961.25, 286.256988525391,	469789.125),
#              dimnames = list(rows = NULL,
#                              cols = c('mz','intensity')),
#              ncol = 2,
#              byrow = TRUE))
# ms2 = list(list(collision30 = matrix(c(84.0183,114.09156, 143.117874,443266,165303,516731),
#                        dimnames = list(rows = NULL,
#                                        cols = c('mz','intensity')),
#                        ncol = 2)))
# runSirius(                       sirpath = "C:/Runspace/sirius-4.8.2-win64/sirius-gui/sirius",
#                                  ms2 = ms2,
#                                  parentmz = 285.253723144531,
#                                  outfolder = "C:/Runspace/sirius-4.8.2-win64/sirius-gui/Metaboseek",
#                                  ms1 = ms1,
#                                  ion = "[M+?]+",
#                                  comments = "",
#                                  rt = "",
#                                  charge= 1,
#                                  fingerid = T,
#                                  scanindices = 111111,
#                                  moreOpts = "",
#                                  config = list(IsotopeSettings.filter = TRUE,
#                                                FormulaSearchDB = c('BIO'),
#                                                Timeout.secondsPerTree = 0,
#                                                FormulaSettings.enforced = "HCNOP[5]S",
#                                                Timeout.secondsPerInstance = 0,
#                                                AdductSettings.detectable = ",",
#                                                UseHeuristic.mzToUseHeuristicOnly = 650,
#                                                AlgorithmProfile = list("orbitrap"), #qtof
#                                                IsotopeMs2Settings = "IGNORE",
#                                                MS2MassDeviation.allowedMassDeviation = '5.0ppm',
#                                                NumberOfCandidatesPerIon = 5,
#                                                UseHeuristic.mzToUseHeuristic = 300,
#                                                FormulaSettings.detectable = ",",
#                                                NumberOfCandidates = 10,
#                                                StructureSearchDB = c('BIO'),
#                                                AdductSettings.fallback = ",",
#                                                RecomputeResults = TRUE),
#                                  force = T)

#' @export
runSirius <- function(                       sirpath = file.path(.MseekOptions$siriusFolder, "sirius"),
                      outfolder = getwd(),
                      ms1 = NULL,
                       ion = "[M+?]+",
                      comments = "",
                       rt = "",
                       charge= 1,
                       fingerid = T,
                       scanindices = "",
                       moreOpts = "",
                      config = list(IsotopeSettings.filter = TRUE,
                                    FormulaSearchDB = c('ALL_BUT_INSILICO','ALL','BIO',
                                    Timeout.secondsPerTree = 0, 
                                    FormulaSettings.enforced = "HCNOP[5]S", 
                                    Timeout.secondsPerInstance = 0, 
                                    AdductSettings.detectable = "[[M+K]+,[M+H3N+H]+,[M+Na]+,[M-H4O2+H]+,[M-H2O+H]+,[M+H]+]", 
                                    UseHeuristic.mzToUseHeuristicOnly = 650, 
                                    AlgorithmProfile = "orbitrap", #qtof 
                                    IsotopeMs2Settings = "IGNORE", 
                                    MS2MassDeviation.allowedMassDeviation = '5.0ppm', 
                                    NumberOfCandidatesPerIon = 1, 
                                    UseHeuristic.mzToUseHeuristic = 300, 
                                    FormulaSettings.detectable = ",", 
                                    NumberOfCandidates = 10, 
                                    StructureSearchDB = c('ALL_BUT_INSILICO','ALL','BIO',
                                    AdductSettings.fallback = "[[M+K]+,[M+Na]+,[M+H]+]", 
                                    RecomputeResults = TRUE),
                      force = T){

  #write the MS2 data so sirius can read it
  dir.create(outfolder, showWarnings = F)
  #hashtag <- lapply(ms2, gethash)
  hashtag <- lapply(ms2, digest, algo = "xxhash64")
  ts <- strftime(Sys.time(),"%y%m%d_%H%M%S")
  #make a data.frame with information on what will be analyzed here
   newjobs <- data.frame(mz = parentmz,
                         stringsAsFactors = F)
   newjobs$rt = rt
   newjobs$hash = unlist(hashtag)
   newjobs$timestamp = ts
   newjobs$ion = ion
   newjobs$ms1hash = sapply(ms1, function(x){if(is.null(x)){""}else{digest(x,algo = "xxhash64")}})
   newjobs$charge = charge
   newjobs$fingerid = fingerid
   newjobs$moreOpts = paste0(moreOpts)
   newjobs$Metaboseek_version = as.character(packageVersion("Metaboseek"))
   newjobs$Metaboseek_sirius_revision = 3
   newjobs <- cbind(newjobs, as.data.frame(lapply(config,function(x){if(length(x) >1){paste(x, collapse = ",")}else{x}}), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
   newjobs$settingsHash <- apply(newjobs[,c("ion", "ms1hash", "charge",
                                            "fingerid", "moreOpts",
                                         drop = F], 1, digest,
                                 algo = "xxhash64")
   indexfile <- file.path(outfolder, "index.csv")
  if(file.exists(indexfile) && !force){
    jobindex <- as.data.frame(data.table::fread(indexfile, na.strings = NULL))
    # for all columns that are of type logical and only contain NAs, assume they are mutilated empty character strings
    # and a victim of type.convert - make them character vectors again
    charCols <- sapply(jobindex,typeof) == "logical" & sapply(lapply(jobindex,is.na),all)
      jobindex[,charCols] <- character(nrow(jobindex))
    checkme <- as.data.frame(rbindlist(list(old = jobindex, 
                                            new = newjobs),
                                       fill = T))[,c("mz", "hash",
    #To avoid problems with m/z digits possibly not retained when 
    #exporting and reimporting of siriusIndex to/from index.csv
    checkme$mz <- round(checkme$mz, 4)
    dups <- duplicated.data.frame(checkme)[seq(nrow(jobindex)+1,nrow(checkme))]
    newjobs <- newjobs[!dups,]

   if(nrow(newjobs) > 0){
  filename <- file.path(outfolder,paste0(ts,".ms"))

  np <- mapply(writeMS,
               filename = filename,
               ms1 = ms1,
               ms2 = ms2,
               parentmz = parentmz,
               scanindices = scanindices,
               comments = comments,
               rt = rt,
               hashtag = hashtag,
               ion = ion,
               charge = charge)
  outfolder <- file.path(outfolder,ts)
 ### config --IsotopeSettings.filter true --FormulaSearchDB --Timeout.secondsPerTree 0 --FormulaSettings.enforced HCNOP[5]S --Timeout.secondsPerInstance 0 --AdductSettings.detectable [[M + K]+, [M + H3N + H]+, [M + Na]+, [M - H4O2 + H]+, [M - H2O + H]+, [M + H]+] --UseHeuristic.mzToUseHeuristicOnly 650 --AlgorithmProfile orbitrap --IsotopeMs2Settings IGNORE --MS2MassDeviation.allowedMassDeviation 5.0ppm --NumberOfCandidatesPerIon 1 --UseHeuristic.mzToUseHeuristic 300 --FormulaSettings.detectable , --NumberOfCandidates 10 --AdductSettings.fallback [[M + K]+, [M + H3N + H]+, [M + Na]+, [M - H4O2 + H]+, [M - H2O + H]+, [M + H]+] --RecomputeResults true formula
  ## --StructureSearchDB BIO
  ## --StructureSearchDB PUBCHEM
  finger <- if(fingerid){"fingerid"}else{""}
  configstring <- sapply(names(config),function(n){
    x <- config[[n]]
     x <- tolower(as.character(x))
    if(length(x) > 1){
      x <- paste(x, collapse = ",")

    paste0("--", n, " ", x)
  configstring <- paste0("config ", paste(configstring, collapse = " "))
  cmd <- paste0(
    ' -i "',
    " -o ",
    '" ',
    " tree ",
  cmd2 <-  paste(paste0(sirpath,
                  ' -i "',
                  '" ftree-export --all --dot --output ',
                  file.path(outfolder,paste0(seq_len(length(hashtag))-1,"_",ts,"_",unlist(hashtag)), "trees")),
                 collapse = "\n")
  commandfile <- file.path(dirname(outfolder),paste0(ts,".sh"))
    if(Sys.info()['sysname'] == "Windows"){
      commandfile <- gsub("\\.sh$",".cmd",commandfile)

  if(Sys.info()['sysname'] == "Windows"){
   # commandfile <- paste0("cmd /c ",'"', commandfile,'"')
    commandfile <- paste0("powershell start ",'"', commandfile,'"')#,'" -NoNewWindow')
    #using powershell because otherwise bat/cmd file won't run if wait = FALSE
    # in system()
    intern = FALSE,
    wait = FALSE)
  # system2("cmd", args = commandfile,
  #        wait = FALSE)
  # shell(commandfile,
  #        intern = FALSE,
  #        wait = FALSE,
  #       translate = FALSE)
  jobindex <- as.data.frame(data.table::fread(indexfile, na.strings = NULL))
  #not appending so that if new columns are in newjobs, there are no problems
  fwrite(rbindlist(list(data.table::fread(indexfile, na.strings = NULL),
                   fill = TRUE),
         append = F, sep = ",", row.names = F,
         col.names = T, quote = T, eol = "\n")
           append = F, sep = ",", row.names = F,
           col.names = T, quote = T, eol = "\n")

#' getSirius
#' get SIRIUS results for a given spectrum
#' @param outfolder folder with SIRIUS results
#' @param hash hash tag to look for
#' @param ts timestamp to look for
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @return Returns a list with information for a completed SIRIUS job
#' that matches \code{hash} and \code{ts} in \code{outfolder}
#' @details Finds a result folder matching the search terms and reads 
#' its contents.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{hash} copy of \code{hash}
#' \item \code{timestamp} copy of \code{ts}
#' \item \code{allfiles} character vector with all files in \code{outfolder}
#' \item \code{summary} path of the \code{summary_sirius.csv} file
#' \item \code{summary_expanded} data.frame read in from the 
#' \code{summary_sirius.csv} file
#' \item \code{annotations} list of all files in the \code{spectra} 
#' subfolder of the result folder
#' \item \code{trees_dot} list of all fragmentation tree \code{.dot} files
#' \item \code{trees_json} list of all fragmentation tree \code{.json} files
#' \item \code{summary_fingerid} path of the \code{summary_csi_fingerid.csv} 
#' file
#' \item \code{summary_fingerid_expanded} data.frame read in from the 
#' \code{summary_csi_fingerid.csv} file
#' \item \code{fingerids} list of all files in the \code{csi_fingerid} 
#' subfolder of the result folder
#' \item \code{fingerprints} list of all files in the \code{fingerprints} 
#' subfolder of the result folder
#' }
#' @export
getSirius <- function(outfolder, hash, ts){
  res <- list()
  res[["hash"]] <- hash
  res[["timestamp"]] <- ts
  targetfolder <- grep(paste0(hash),
                                                full.names = T, 
                                                recursive = F),
                                      value = T), 
                                 full.names = T,
                                 recursive = F),
                       value = T)
  res[["allfiles"]] <- list.files(targetfolder, full.names = T, recursive = T)
  res[["summary"]] <-  grep(paste0("formula_candidates.tsv"),
                            value = T)
  res[["summary_expanded"]] <-  as.data.frame(fread(res[["summary"]],
                                           stringsAsFactors = F),
                                           stringsAsFactors = F)
  res[["annotations"]] <-  list.files(file.path(dirname(res[["summary"]]),
                                      full.names = T, recursive = T)
  res[["trees_dot"]] <-  grep(".dot$",
                                         full.names = T, recursive = T),
                              value = T)
  res[["trees_json"]] <-  grep(".json$",
                                          full.names = T, recursive = T),
                               value = T)
                      res[["allfiles"]],value = T))){
  res[["summary_fingerid"]] <-  grep(paste0("structure_candidates.tsv"),
                                     res[["allfiles"]],value = T)
  res[["summary_fingerid_expanded"]] <-  as.data.frame(fread(res[["summary_fingerid"]],
                                                    stringsAsFactors = F), 
                                                    stringsAsFactors = F)
  res[["fingerids"]] <-  list.files(file.path(dirname(res[["summary"]]),
                                    full.names = T, recursive = T)
  res[["fingerprints"]] <-  list.files(file.path(dirname(res[["summary"]]),
                                       full.names = T, recursive = T)

#' getSiriusTree
#' get additional SIRIUS results (fragmentation trees) for a spectrum
#' @param paths list generated by \code{\link{getSirius}()}
#' @param formula molecular formula prediction to get details for
#' @return Returns a named list with fragmentation tree objects for plotting,
#'  see |code{Details}
#' @details
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{annotations} the matching file from \code{spectra} subfolder 
#' as data.frame
#' \item \code{trees_dot} the matching \code{.dot} tree file, read in by 
#' \code{DiagrammeR::grViz}
#' \item \code{trees_json} the matching \code{.json} tree file, read in by 
#' \code{jsonlite::read_json}
#' }
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @importFrom jsonlite read_json
getSiriusTree <- function(paths, formula){
  res <- list()
  res[["annotations"]] <-  as.data.frame(fread(grep(paste0("",formula,"_"),
                                           value = T), stringsAsFactors = F),
                                         stringsAsFactors = F)
  res[["trees_dot"]] <- DiagrammeR::grViz(grep(paste0("_",formula,"_"),
                                               value = T))
  res[["trees_json"]] <-   jsonlite::read_json(grep(paste0("",formula,"_"),
                                          value = T))
mjhelf/Metaboseek documentation built on April 23, 2022, 12:09 p.m.