
Defines functions remakeMF makeMF consolidateMF reformatMFstring

Documented in consolidateMF makeMF reformatMFstring remakeMF

#' Reformats a molecula formula string so that it has a count for each element, even if the count is 1.
#' @param s Molecula formula string
#' @export
reformatMFstring <- function(s){
  s <- gsub(" ", "",s)
  #finds adjacent element names
  foundLL <- regexpr("[A-z][A-Z]|[A-z]$",s)
  sel <- foundLL != -1
    s[sel] <- paste0(substr(s[sel],1,foundLL[sel]),"1", substr(s[sel],foundLL[sel]+1,nchar(s[sel])))
    foundLL[sel] <- regexpr("[A-z][A-Z]|[A-z]$",s[sel])
    sel <- foundLL != -1

#' consolidateMF
#' Merges duplicates in an element count vector
#' @param x element count vector
#' @export
consolidateMF <- function(x){
  target <- getOption("MassTools.elements")
 # x <- unclass(x)
  matched <- match(names(x),names(target))
    target[matched] <- x
  for(i in unique(matched)){
    target[i] <- sum(x[matched == i])
  class(target) <- "MFobject"

#' makeMF
#' construct an MFobject from a molecula formula string
#' @param s Molecula formula string
#' @param forcelist if \code{TRUE}, will always return a list, even when s is of length 1.
#' @export
makeMF <- function(s, forcelist = F){
  s <- reformatMFstring(s)
  elnums <- strsplit(s, "[A-Z]|[A-Z][a-z]")
  elnums <- lapply(elnums,function(el){as.integer(el[-1])})
  elnames <- strsplit(s, "-[0-9]+|[0-9]+")
  elnums <- mapply(function(enu,ena){names(enu) <- ena
  return(enu)}, enu = elnums, ena = elnames, SIMPLIFY = F)
  consolidated <- lapply(elnums,consolidateMF)
  if(!forcelist && length(consolidated) ==1){

#' remakeMF
#' Converts an element count vector back into a molecula formula string
#' @param x Molecula formula string
#' @export
remakeMF <- function(x){

  return(paste(names(x[x!=0]), gsub("^1$","",x[x!=0]), collapse = "", sep = ""))
mjhelf/MassTools documentation built on Nov. 19, 2021, 2:38 a.m.