## Methods to analyze MseekFT objects
#' @include Functions_FeatureTable_analysis.R Functions_Labelfinder.R
#' @title analyzeFT
#' @aliases analyzeFT
#' @rdname analyzeFT
#' @description \code{analyzeFT()}: wrapper function for the methods described here.
#' Analyze MseekFT objects, recording a processing history .
#' Will use intensity columns and grouping information from the MseekFT object
#' if available. See \code{\link{analyzeTable}} for the old version of this.
#' @param object an MseekFT or data.frame object.
#' @param MSData,rawdata list of xcmsRaw objects
#' @param param a \code{\link{FTAnalysisParam}} object
#' @param intensityCols a vector of column names which contain intensity values
#' to use for a calculation step. If not defined, will use the columns defined
#' in the object as \code{$intensities}.
#' @param grouping named list of character vectors, defining column
#' names for different sample groups.
#' @return an object of the same class as \code{object}, with analyses performed
#' and recorded in the \code{processHistory}
#' @rdname analyzeFT
#' @export
signature(object = "MseekFT",
MSData = "listOrNULL",
param = "FTAnalysisParam"),
function(object, MSData, param){
param@intensities <- object$intensities
param@groups <- object$anagroupnames
object <- removeNAs(object,
replacement = param@replaceNAs)
# if(param@normalize
# || (param@useNormalized
# && !identical(grep("__norm",colnames(object$df), value = T),
# paste0(object$intensities,"__norm")))){
object <- FTNormalize(object,
normalize = param@normalize,
logNormalized = param@logNormalized,
zeroReplacement = param@zeroReplacement,
normalizationFactors = param@normalizationFactors
# }
param@intensities <- paste0(object$intensities,"__norm")
param@groups <- lapply(object$anagroupnames, paste0, "__norm")
if("Calculate M" %in% param@analyze){
object <- FTcalculateM(object,
intensityCols = NULL, #always use non-normalized values here
maxInvalid = length(object$intensities)/10, #10% missing values allowed
if("Basic analysis" %in% param@analyze){
object <- FTBasicAnalysis(object,
intensityCols = param@intensities,
grouping = param@groups,
controlGroup = param@controlGroup)
if("Peak shapes" %in% param@analyze){
object <- FTOldPeakShapes(object,
rawdata = MSData,
ppm = param@ppm,
workers = param@workers)
if("Fast peak shapes" %in% param@analyze){
object <- FTPeakShapes(object,
rawdata = MSData,
ppm = param@ppm,
workers = param@workers)
if("mzMatch" %in% param@analyze){
object <- FTMzMatch(object,
db = param@mzMatchParam$db,
ppm = param@mzMatchParam$ppm,
mzdiff = param@mzMatchParam$mzdiff
if("t-test" %in% param@analyze){
object <- FTT.test(object,
intensityCols = param@intensities,
grouping = param@groups,
adjmethod = param@p.adjust.method,
controlGroup = param@controlGroup
if("anova" %in% param@analyze){
object <- FTAnova(object,
intensityCols = param@intensities,
adjmethod = param@p.adjust.method,
grouping = param@groups)
if("clara_cluster" %in% param@analyze){
object <- FTCluster(object,
intensityCols = param@intensities,
numClusters = param@numClusters)
if("PCA features" %in% param@analyze){
object <- FTPCA(object,
intensityCols = param@intensities,
featureMode = TRUE)
if("PCA samples" %in% param@analyze){
object <- FTPCA(object,
intensityCols = param@intensities,
featureMode = FALSE)
#' @aliases removeNAs
#' @description \code{removeNAs}: remove NA values from a range of columns and replace them with another value
#' @param replacement value to put in place of NA values
#' @rdname analyzeFT
#' @export
setMethod("removeNAs", "MseekFT",
function(object, intensityCols = NULL, replacement = 0){
beforeHash <- MseekHash(object)
p1 <- proc.time()
err <- list()
if(missing(intensityCols) || is.null(intensityCols)){
intensityCols <- object$intensities
stop("no intensityCols defined")
if(!all(intensityCols %in% colnames(object$df))){
stop("Some expected intensityCols are not in the dataframe")
ints <- object$df[,intensityCols]
ints[is.na(ints)] <- replacement
object$df <- updateDF(ints, object$df)
error = function(e){
#this assigns to object err in function environment,
#but err has to exist in the environment, otherwise
#will move through scopes up to global environment..
err$removeNAs <<- paste(e)
finally = {
p1 <- (proc.time() - p1)["elapsed"]
afterHash <- MseekHash(object)
object <- addProcessHistory(object, FTProcessHistory(changes = afterHash != beforeHash,
inputHash = beforeHash,
outputHash = afterHash,
error = err,
processingTime = p1,
sessionInfo = NULL,
info = "Replaced NA values in df by 0.",
param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::removeNAs",
args = list(
intensityCols = intensityCols,
replacement = replacement
#' @aliases FTcalculateM
#' @description \code{FTcalculateM}: Calculates M value as detailed by Vandesompele et al. (2002)
#' @param maxInvalid maximum number of invalid values (0 or NA) allowed in rows that are used for M value calculation
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{bplapply()}
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Vandesompele J. et al (2002) Accurate normalization of real-time quantitative RT-PCR data by geometric averaging of multiple internal control genes. Genome Biol. 3(7):research0034.1, doi: \href{https://dx.doi.org/10.1186%2Fgb-2002-3-7-research0034}{10.1186/gb-2002-3-7-research0034}
#' }
#' @rdname analyzeFT
#' @export
setMethod("FTcalculateM", "MseekFT",
function(object, intensityCols = NULL, maxInvalid = 0, ...){
beforeHash <- MseekHash(object)
p1 <- proc.time()
err <- list()
if(missing(intensityCols) || is.null(intensityCols)){
intensityCols <- object$intensities
stop("no intensityCols defined")
if(!all(intensityCols %in% colnames(object$df))){
stop("Some expected intensityCols are not in the dataframe")
ints <- as.matrix(object$df[,intensityCols])
invalidCounts <- apply(ints, 1, function(r){sum(is.na(r) | r == 0)})
res <- data.frame("M_Value" = rep(NA_real_,nrow(ints)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#input some low, random values
ints[is.na(ints) | ints == 0] <- runif(sum(is.na(ints) | ints == 0),
min = min(ints[!is.na(ints) & ints != 0])/4,
max = min(ints[!is.na(ints) & ints != 0])/2)
ints <- log2(ints)
res$M_Value[invalidCounts <= maxInvalid] <- .calculateM(ints[invalidCounts <= maxInvalid,], na.rm = FALSE, ...)
object <- updateFeatureTable(object, res)
error = function(e){
#this assigns to object err in function environment,
#but err has to exist in the environment, otherwise
#will move through scopes up to global environment..
err$FTcalculateM <<- paste(e)
finally = {
p1 <- (proc.time() - p1)["elapsed"]
afterHash <- MseekHash(object)
object <- addProcessHistory(object, FTProcessHistory(changes = afterHash != beforeHash,
inputHash = beforeHash,
outputHash = afterHash,
error = err,
processingTime = p1,
sessionInfo = sessionInfo(),
info = "Calculated M values.",
param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::FTcalculateM",
args = c(list(
intensityCols = intensityCols,
invalidCounts = invalidCounts),
#' @aliases FTNormalize
#' @description \code{FTNormalize}: Replaces zeroes by the globally smallest
#' non-zero intensity value, then normalizes a feature table such that the mean
#' values of all intensity columns will be equal. See also
#' \code{\link{featureTableNormalize}()}
#' @param logNormalized if TRUE, applies log10 to intensity values after normalization
#' @param normalize if TRUE, run normalization
#' @param normalizationFactors normalizationFactors vector with factors to apply to each column for normalization.
#' @param zeroReplacement value to replace zeros with
#' @rdname analyzeFT
#' @export
setMethod("FTNormalize", "MseekFT",
normalize = TRUE,
intensityCols = NULL,
normalizationFactors = NULL,
logNormalized = FALSE,
zeroReplacement = NULL){
beforeHash <- MseekHash(object)
p1 <- proc.time()
err <- list()
|| is.null(intensityCols)){
intensityCols <- intensityCols(object)
stop("no intensityCols defined")
if(!all(intensityCols %in% colnames(object$df))){
stop("Some expected intensityCols are not in the dataframe")
#normalize data and save it in matrix
mx <- as.matrix(object$df[,intensityCols])
mx <- featureTableNormalize(mx,
raiseZeros = if(!is.numeric(zeroReplacement)){min(mx[which(!mx==0, arr.ind=T)])}else{zeroReplacement}
mx <- featureTableNormalize(mx,
normalize = normalize,
normalizationFactors = normalizationFactors)
if(!is.null(logNormalized) && logNormalized){
mx <- featureTableNormalize(mx, log = "log10")
#make copy of normalized intensities in active table df
mx <- as.data.frame(mx)
colnames(mx) <- paste0(colnames(mx),"__norm")
object <- updateFeatureTable(object,mx)
error = function(e){
#this assigns to object err in function environment,
#but err has to exist in the environment, otherwise
#will move through scopes up to global environment..
err$getMseekIntensities <<- paste(e)
finally = {
p1 <- (proc.time() - p1)["elapsed"]
afterHash <- MseekHash(object)
object <- addProcessHistory(object,
FTProcessHistory(changes = afterHash != beforeHash,
inputHash = beforeHash,
outputHash = afterHash,
fileNames = character(),
error = err,
sessionInfo = NULL,
processingTime = p1,
info = "Normalized intensity columns.",
param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::FTNormalize",
args = list(intensityColumns = object$intensities,
logNormalized = logNormalized,
normalize = normalize,
normalizationFactors = normalizationFactors),
longArgs = list())
#' @aliases FTNormalizationFactors
#' @description \code{FTNormalizationFactors}: Calculates normalization factors.
#' See also \code{\link{featureTableNormalize}()}
#' @param normalizeFrom can be an MseekFT object with normalization features or NULL (in which case object itself acts as base for calculation)
#' @param normalizationMethod function to apply to normalization feature intensities
#' @param transformation function to transform normalized intensity values, e.g. 'log10'
#' @rdname analyzeFT
#' @export
setMethod("FTNormalizationFactors", "MseekFT",
normalizeFrom = NULL,
normalizationMethod = c("mean", "gm_mean", "no normalization"),
transformation = NULL,
zeroReplacement = NULL
beforeHash <- MseekHash(object)
p1 <- proc.time()
err <- list()
normalizationSources <- "Undefined, likely an error occurred"
intensityCols <- intensityCols(object)
stop("no intensityCols defined")
if(!all(intensityCols %in% colnames(object$df))){
stop("Some expected intensityCols are not in the dataframe")
if(normalizationMethod[1] == "no normalization"){
normalizationSources <- list(Source = "No Normalization")
object$normalizationFactors <- rep(1, length(intensityCols))
fl <- list()
class(fl) <- c("FilterList", class(fl))
normalizationSources <- normalizationSources <- list(Source = "Entire Feature Table",
Filters = fl)
intens <- object$df[,intensityCols]
if("FilterList" %in% class(normalizeFrom)){
normalizationSubset <- FTFilter(object,
filters = normalizeFrom)
normalizationSources <- list(Source = "Subset of Feature Table",
Filters = rbindlist(lapply(normalizeFrom, data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE), idcol = "Filter", fill = TRUE),
Features = normalizationSubset$df[,c("mz", "rt", "comments")])
intens <- normalizationSubset$df[,intensityCols]
}else if(is.MseekFT(normalizeFrom)){
if(length(intensityCols) != length(intensityCols(normalizeFrom))
|| !all(intensityCols == intensityCols(normalizeFrom))){
stop("Normalization Source Table must have the same intensity column names as the currently active Feature Table!")}
normalizationSources <- list(Source = "Another Feature Table",
Name = normalizeFrom$tablename,
Features = normalizeFrom$df[,c("mz", "rt", "comments")])
intens <- normalizeFrom$df[,intensityCols]
stop("normalizeFrom must be either of length 0, a FilterList or an MseekFT object.")
raiseZeros = if(!is.numeric(zeroReplacement)){min(unlist(intens)[unlist(intens) != 0])}else{zeroReplacement}
intens <- data.frame(lapply(intens, function(d){
d[d == 0] <- raiseZeros
intens <- data.frame(lapply(intens, get(transformation)))
object$normalizationFactors <- sapply(lapply(intens, na.omit), #####################Throwing out NAs; TODO potentially reconsider this
object$normalizationFactors <- 1/(object$normalizationFactors/mean(object$normalizationFactors))
error = function(e){
#this assigns to object err in function environment,
#but err has to exist in the environment, otherwise
#will move through scopes up to global environment..
err$FTNormalizationFactors <<- paste(e)
finally = {
p1 <- (proc.time() - p1)["elapsed"]
afterHash <- MseekHash(object)
object <- addProcessHistory(object,
FTProcessHistory(changes = afterHash != beforeHash,
inputHash = beforeHash,
outputHash = afterHash,
fileNames = character(),
error = err,
sessionInfo = NULL,
processingTime = p1,
info = "Updated normalization factors.",
param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::FTNormalizationFactors",
args = list(normalizationMethod = normalizationMethod[1],
zeroReplacement = zeroReplacement,
transformation = transformation),
longArgs = list(normalizeFrom = normalizationSources))
#' @aliases FTBasicAnalysis
#' @description \code{FTBasicAnalysis}: calculate fold changes between groups of samples. See also
#' \code{\link{foldChange}()} and \code{\link{featureCalcs}()}for a description of the resulting columns
#' @param controlGroup character() defining which sample group serves as control
#' (will calculate foldChanges over control if not NULL)
#' @rdname analyzeFT
#' @export
setMethod("FTBasicAnalysis", "MseekFT",
function(object, intensityCols = NULL, grouping = NULL, controlGroup = NULL){
beforeHash <- MseekHash(object)
p1 <- proc.time()
err <- list()
if(missing(intensityCols) || is.null(intensityCols)){
intensityCols <- object$intensities
if(missing(grouping) || is.null(grouping)){
grouping <- object$anagroupnames
object <- updateFeatureTable(object,
object <- updateFeatureTable(object,
groups = grouping, ctrl = controlGroup))
error = function(e){
#this assigns to object err in function environment,
#but err has to exist in the environment, otherwise
#will move through scopes up to global environment..
err$FTBasicAnalysis <<- paste(e)
finally = {
p1 <- (proc.time() - p1)["elapsed"]
afterHash <- MseekHash(object)
object <- addProcessHistory(object,
FTProcessHistory(changes = afterHash != beforeHash,
inputHash = beforeHash,
outputHash = afterHash,
fileNames = character(),
error = err,
sessionInfo = NULL,
processingTime = p1,
info = "Basic fold-change analysis.",
param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::FTBasicAnalysis",
args = list(intensityCols = intensityCols,
grouping = grouping,
controlGroup = controlGroup),
longArgs = list())
#' @aliases getMseekIntensities
#' @param adjustedRT use adjusted RTs for all samples for which it is available
#' @param rtrange if TRUE, will use \code{rtw} starting out from the \code{rtmin}
#' and \code{rtmax} values instead of \code{rt}
#' @param rtw retention time window to get the intensity from, +/- in seconds
#' @param areaMode if TRUE, will calculate peak areas rather than mean intensities
#' @param BPPARAM Parallel processing settings, see
#' \code{\link[BiocParallel]{BiocParallelParam-class}}and
#' \code{\link[BiocParallel]{bpparam}}
#' @param columnSuffix suffix for new intensity columns generated by this function
#' @inheritParams exIntensities
#' @description \code{getMseekIntensities}: get EIC-based intensities for each
#' molecular feature in the MseekFT object for each file in \code{rawdata}.
#' if another MseekFT object is supplied as \code{importFrom}, will try to transfer MseekIntensities from there if
#' all settings, features and MS data files are equivalent. See also \code{\link{exIntensities}}
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SerialParam bpparam bplapply
#' @rdname analyzeFT
#' @export
setMethod("getMseekIntensities", signature(object = "MseekFT",
rawdata = "listOrNULL",
importFrom = "missing"),
function(object, rawdata, adjustedRT = TRUE, ppm = 5,
rtrange = TRUE, rtw = 5,
areaMode = FALSE,
BPPARAM = SerialParam(),
baselineSubtract = TRUE,
columnSuffix = "__XIC"
beforeHash <- MseekHash(object)
p1 <- proc.time()
err <- list()
stop("Peak shapes analysis was not performed because no MS data is loaded.")
rta <- rtadjust(object$RTcorr, object$df[,c("rt","rtmin","rtmax")])
rta <- NULL
###Get Mseek Intensities
intens <- bplapply(seq_len(length(rawdata)), function(i){
indx <- which(names(rta) == basename(names(rawdata))[i])
stop(paste0("No rt correction information available for file ",
"! Try rerunning with adjustedRT = FALSE!"))
indx <- character()
rtwin <- data.frame(rtmin = rta[[i]]$rtmin-rtw,
rtmax = rta[[i]]$rtmax+rtw)
rtwin[rtwin < 0]<-0
rtwin <- data.frame(rtmin = rta[[i]]$rt-rtw,
rtmax = rta[[i]]$rt+rtw)
rtwin[rtwin < 0]<-0
rtwin <- data.frame(rtmin = object$df$rtmin-rtw,
rtmax = object$df$rtmax+rtw)
rtwin[rtwin < 0]<-0
rtwin <- data.frame(rtmin = object$df$rt-rtw,
rtmax = object$df$rt+rtw)
rtwin[rtwin < 0]<-0
#need ::: for bpparam, at least if SnowParam
Metaboseek:::exIntensities(rawfile= rawdata[[i]],
mz = object$df$mz,
ppm= ppm,
rtw= rtwin,
areaMode = areaMode,
baselineSubtract = baselineSubtract,
SN = SN)
names(intens) <- paste0(basename(names(rawdata)), columnSuffix)
object <- updateFeatureTable(object, as.data.frame(intens,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
object$MseekIntensities <- unique(c(object$MseekIntensities,
error = function(e){
#this assigns to object err in function environment,
#but err has to exist in the environment, otherwise
#will move through scopes up to global environment..
err$getMseekIntensities <<- paste(e)
finally = {
p1 <- (proc.time() - p1)["elapsed"]
afterHash <- MseekHash(object)
object <- addProcessHistory(object,
FTProcessHistory(changes = afterHash != beforeHash,
inputHash = beforeHash,
outputHash = afterHash,
fileNames = names(rawdata),
error = err,
sessionInfo = NULL,
processingTime = p1,
info = "Added Mseek intensities.",
param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::getMseekIntensities",
args = list(adjustedRT = adjustedRT,
ppm = ppm,
rtrange = rtrange,
rtw = rtw,
areaMode = areaMode,
baselineSubtract = baselineSubtract,
SN = SN,
columnSuffix = columnSuffix),
longArgs = list(rawdata = summary(rawdata),
BPPARAM = capture.output(BPPARAM)))
#' @rdname analyzeFT
#' @param importFrom a \code{MseekFT} object to use as source for Mseek intensities.
#' @export
setMethod("getMseekIntensities", signature(object = "MseekFT",
rawdata = "listOrNULL",
importFrom = "MseekFTOrNULL"),
function(object, rawdata, importFrom,
adjustedRT = TRUE, ppm = 5, rtrange = TRUE, rtw = 5,
areaMode = FALSE,
BPPARAM = SerialParam(),
baselineSubtract = TRUE,
columnSuffix = "__XIC"){
beforeHash <- MseekHash(object)
p1 <- proc.time()
if(missing(importFrom) || is.null(importFrom)){
stop("no importFrom object")
this.FunParam <- FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::getMseekIntensities",
args = list(adjustedRT = adjustedRT,
ppm = ppm,
rtrange = rtrange,
rtw = rtw,
areaMode = areaMode,
baselineSubtract = baselineSubtract,
SN = SN,
columnSuffix = columnSuffix
longArgs = list(rawdata = summary(rawdata),
BPPARAM = capture.output(BPPARAM)))
oldParams <- searchFunParam(importFrom, "Metaboseek::getMseekIntensities")
stop("no previous results")
oldParams <- oldParams[!sapply(oldParams, hasError)]
stop("no previous results")
oldParams <- oldParams[[length(oldParams)]]
stop("used different settings before")
if(!identical(importFrom$MseekIntensities, paste0(basename(names(rawdata)), "__XIC"))){
stop("importFrom has additional MseekIntensities")
if(!identical(object$df[,c("rt","rtmin", "rtmax", "mz")], importFrom$df[,c("rt", "rtmin", "rtmax", "mz")])){
stop("data frames are different")
if(!identical(object$RTcorr, importFrom$RTcorr)){
stop("RT correction information differs")
object <- updateFeatureTable(object, importFrom$df[,importFrom$MseekIntensities])
object$MseekIntensities <- unique(c(object$MseekIntensities,
p1 <- (proc.time() - p1)["elapsed"]
afterHash <- MseekHash(object)
object <- addProcessHistory(object,
FTProcessHistory(changes = afterHash != beforeHash,
inputHash = beforeHash,
outputHash = afterHash,
fileNames = names(rawdata),
error = list(),
sessionInfo = NULL,
processingTime = p1,
info = paste0("Added Mseek intensities, safely transferred from ", importFrom$tablename),
param = this.FunParam
error = function(e){
message(paste("skipped import:",e,"\ntrying to calculate MseekIntensities from scratch now..."))
object <<- getMseekIntensities(object = object, rawdata = rawdata,
adjustedRT = adjustedRT, ppm = ppm,
rtrange = rtrange, rtw = rtw,
areaMode = areaMode,
baselineSubtract = baselineSubtract,
SN = SN,
columnSuffix = columnSuffix,
warning = function(w){print(w)})
#' @aliases FTOldPeakShapes
#' @description \code{FTOldPeakShapes}: calculate score for peak shapes. This method is kept
#' for backwards reproducibility and not recommended, because \code{FTPeakShapes()}
#' is much faster. See also \code{\link{bestgauss}()}
#' @param workers number of worker processes
#' @rdname analyzeFT
#' @export
setMethod("FTOldPeakShapes", c("MseekFT", "listOrNULL"),
function(object, rawdata, ppm = 5, workers = 1){
beforeHash <- MseekHash(object)
p1 <- proc.time()
err <- list()
stop("Peak shapes analysis was not performed because no MS data is loaded.")
if (!"mz" %in% colnames(object$df) || !"rt" %in% colnames(object$df)){
stop("Peak shapes analysis was not performed because table does not contain 'rt' and 'mz' columns.")
inp <- bestgauss(
rawdata= rawdata,
mz = data.frame(mzmin = object$df$mz-ppm*1e-6*object$df$mz,
rt = data.frame(rtmin = object$df$rt-10,
workers = workers,
rnames = row.names(object$df)
object <- updateFeatureTable(object, inp)
error = function(e){
#this assigns to object err in function environment,
#but err has to exist in the environment, otherwise
#will move through scopes up to global environment..
err$FTOldPeakShapes <<- paste(e)
finally = {
p1 <- (proc.time() - p1)["elapsed"]
afterHash <- MseekHash(object)
object <- addProcessHistory(object,
FTProcessHistory(changes = afterHash != beforeHash,
inputHash = beforeHash,
outputHash = afterHash,
fileNames = character(),
error = err,
sessionInfo = NULL,
processingTime = p1,
info = "Scored peak shapes with old peak shape analysis.",
param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::FTOldPeakShapes",
args = list(ppm = ppm,
workers = workers),
longArgs = list(rawdata = summary(rawdata)))
#' @aliases FTPeakShapes
#' @description \code{FTPeakShapes}: calculate score for peak shapes. Adds a
#' \code{Fast_Peak_Quality} column to the data.frame in the MseekFT object. See
#' also \code{\link{fastPeakShapes}()}
#' @rdname analyzeFT
#' @export
setMethod("FTPeakShapes", c("MseekFT", "listOrNULL"),
function(object, rawdata, ppm = 5, workers = 1){
beforeHash <- MseekHash(object)
p1 <- proc.time()
err <- list()
stop("Peak shapes analysis was not performed because no MS data is loaded.")
if (!"mz" %in% colnames(object$df) || !"rt" %in% colnames(object$df)){
stop("Peak shapes analysis was not performed because table does not contain 'rt' and 'mz' columns.")
inp <- data.frame("Fast_Peak_Quality" = fastPeakShapes(
rawdata= rawdata,
mz = object$df$mz,
ppm = ppm,
rtw = data.frame(rtmin = object$df$rt-10, rtmax= object$df$rt+10),
workers = workers
object <- updateFeatureTable(object, inp)
error = function(e){
#this assigns to object err in function environment,
#but err has to exist in the environment, otherwise
#will move through scopes up to global environment..
err$FTPeakShapes <<- paste(e)
finally = {
p1 <- (proc.time() - p1)["elapsed"]
afterHash <- MseekHash(object)
object <- addProcessHistory(object,
FTProcessHistory(changes = afterHash != beforeHash,
inputHash = beforeHash,
outputHash = afterHash,
fileNames = character(),
error = err,
sessionInfo = NULL,
processingTime = p1,
info = "Scored peak shapes with fast peak shape analysis.",
param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::FTPeakShapes",
args = list(ppm = ppm,
workers = workers),
longArgs = list(rawdata = summary(rawdata)))
#' @aliases FTMzMatch
#' @description \code{FTMzMatch}: Match mz values in this MseekFT with mz values from a data base.
#' See also \code{\link{mzMatch}()}
#' @param db data base to search, either a vector of file paths .csv files
#' or a data.frame, see \code{\link{mzMatch}()}
#' @param ppm ppm mz tolerance
#' @param mzdiff maximum mz difference. NOTE: either ppm OR mzdiff
#' condition has to be met
#' @rdname analyzeFT
#' @export
setMethod("FTMzMatch", c("MseekFT"),
function(object, db, ppm = 5, mzdiff = 0.001){
beforeHash <- MseekHash(object)
p1 <- proc.time()
err <- list()
if(missing(db) || is.null(db)){
stop("mzMatch db is missing")
#remove previous mzMatch results
remcols <- grepl("mzMatch_", colnames(object$df)) | colnames(object$df) %in% c("mzMatches", "mzMatchError")
object$df <- object$df[,!remcols,drop = F]
inp <- mzMatch(object$df, db = db,
ppm = ppm, mzdiff = mzdiff)
object <- updateFeatureTable(object, inp)
error = function(e){
#this assigns to object err in function environment,
#but err has to exist in the environment, otherwise
#will move through scopes up to global environment..
err$FTMzMatch <<- paste(e)
finally = {
p1 <- (proc.time() - p1)["elapsed"]
afterHash <- MseekHash(object)
object <- addProcessHistory(object,
FTProcessHistory(changes = afterHash != beforeHash,
inputHash = beforeHash,
outputHash = afterHash,
fileNames = character(),
error = err,
sessionInfo = NULL,
processingTime = p1,
info = "Matched mz values with a database.",
param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::FTMzMatch",
args = list(ppm = ppm,
mzdiff = mzdiff),
longArgs = list(db = if(is.character(db)){db}else{summary(db)}))
#' @aliases FTT.test
#' @description \code{FTT.test}: calculate t-test between samples. Works only if there are
#' two groups in \code{grouping} with multiple members. See also \code{\link{multittest}()}
#' @param adjmethod method to use for p-value adjustment, see \code{\link[stats]{p.adjust}()}
#' @rdname analyzeFT
#' @export
setMethod("FTT.test", c("MseekFT"),
function(object, intensityCols = NULL,
grouping = NULL,
adjmethod = "bonferroni",
controlGroup = NULL){
beforeHash <- MseekHash(object)
p1 <- proc.time()
err <- list()
if(missing(intensityCols) || is.null(intensityCols)){
intensityCols <- object$intensities
if(missing(grouping) || is.null(grouping)){
grouping <- object$anagroupnames
inp <- multittest(df = object$df[,intensityCols],
groups = grouping,
ttest = T,
adjmethod = adjmethod,
controlGroup = controlGroup)
object <- updateFeatureTable(object, inp)
error = function(e){
#this assigns to object err in function environment,
#but err has to exist in the environment, otherwise
#will move through scopes up to global environment..
err$FTT.test <<- paste(e)
finally = {
p1 <- (proc.time() - p1)["elapsed"]
afterHash <- MseekHash(object)
object <- addProcessHistory(object,
FTProcessHistory(changes = afterHash != beforeHash,
inputHash = beforeHash,
outputHash = afterHash,
fileNames = character(),
error = err,
sessionInfo = NULL,
processingTime = p1,
info = "Calculated t-test.",
param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::FTT.test",
args = list(grouping = grouping,
intensityCols = intensityCols,
adjmethod = adjmethod),
longArgs = list())
#' @aliases FTAnova
#' @description \code{FTAnova}: calculate two-way ANOVA between multiple sample groups.
#' See also \code{\link{MseekAnova}()}
#' @rdname analyzeFT
#' @export
setMethod("FTAnova", c("MseekFT"),
function(object, intensityCols = NULL,
grouping = NULL,
adjmethod = 'bonferroni'){
beforeHash <- MseekHash(object)
p1 <- proc.time()
err <- list()
if(missing(intensityCols) || is.null(intensityCols)){
intensityCols <- object$intensities
if(missing(grouping) || is.null(grouping)){
grouping <- object$anagroupnames
inp <- MseekAnova(df = object$df[,intensityCols],
groups = grouping,
adjmethod = adjmethod)
object <- updateFeatureTable(object, inp)
error = function(e){
#this assigns to object err in function environment,
#but err has to exist in the environment, otherwise
#will move through scopes up to global environment..
err$FTAnova <<- paste(e)
finally = {
p1 <- (proc.time() - p1)["elapsed"]
afterHash <- MseekHash(object)
object <- addProcessHistory(object,
FTProcessHistory(changes = afterHash != beforeHash,
inputHash = beforeHash,
outputHash = afterHash,
fileNames = character(),
error = err,
sessionInfo = NULL,
processingTime = p1,
info = "Calculated ANOVA.",
param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::FTAnova",
args = list(grouping = grouping,
intensityCols = intensityCols),
longArgs = list())
#' @aliases FTCluster
#' @description \code{FTCluster}: cluster the feature table with cluster::clara()
#' See also \code{\link{MosCluster}()}
#' @param numClusters number of clusters to group the features in. Will
#' automatically be set to be at most number of features - 1.
#' @rdname analyzeFT
#' @export
setMethod("FTCluster", c("MseekFT"),
function(object, intensityCols = NULL,
numClusters = 100L){
beforeHash <- MseekHash(object)
p1 <- proc.time()
err <- list()
if(missing(intensityCols) || is.null(intensityCols)){
intensityCols <- object$intensities
if(numClusters >= nrow(object$df)){
numClusters <- nrow(object$df)-1
if(length(intensityCols) <2 ){
stop("Clara cluster analysis was not performed because there is only one sample.")
#using sqrt here to condense data values which may contain 0s (hence no log)
mx <- sqrt(as.matrix(object$df[,intensityCols]))
inp <- MosCluster(x = mx / rowMeans(mx),
k = numClusters,
samples = 100)
object <- updateFeatureTable(object, inp)
error = function(e){
#this assigns to object err in function environment,
#but err has to exist in the environment, otherwise
#will move through scopes up to global environment..
err$FTCluster <<- paste(e)
finally = {
p1 <- (proc.time() - p1)["elapsed"]
afterHash <- MseekHash(object)
object <- addProcessHistory(object,
FTProcessHistory(changes = afterHash != beforeHash,
inputHash = beforeHash,
outputHash = afterHash,
fileNames = character(),
error = err,
sessionInfo = NULL,
processingTime = p1,
info = "Clustered features by intensity values.",
param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::FTCluster",
args = list(numClusters = numClusters,
intensityCols = intensityCols),
longArgs = list())
#' @aliases FTPCA
#' @rdname analyzeFT
#' @description \code{FTPCA}: Calculate Principal Component Analysis to cluster either features or samples
#' @param featureMode if TRUE, will cluster molecular features by intensities
#' across samples. If FALSE, will cluster samples by intensities across features
#' @export
setMethod("FTPCA", c("MseekFT"),
intensityCols = NULL,
featureMode = FALSE){
beforeHash <- MseekHash(object)
p1 <- proc.time()
err <- list()
if(missing(intensityCols) || is.null(intensityCols)){
intensityCols <- object$intensities
if(length(intensityCols) < 2){
stop("PCA was not performed because there are less than two samples.")
#using sqrt here to condense data values which may contain 0s (hence no log)
pcamemx <- as.matrix(object$df[,intensityCols])
pcamemx <- t(as.matrix(object$df[,intensityCols]))
pcamemx <- scale(pcamemx, center = T, scale = T)
#PCA to separate features
prin_comp <- prcomp(pcamemx)
f <- function(x){sqrt(sum(x^2))}
dists <- apply(prin_comp$x,1,f)
#keep up to 15 PCs
prin_comp <- as.data.frame(prin_comp$x[,1:min(ncol(prin_comp$x),15)])
prin_comp$vlength <- dists
colnames(prin_comp) <- paste0("PCA__", colnames(prin_comp))
object <- updateFeatureTable(object, prin_comp)
metaDF <- data.frame(Column = row.names(prin_comp),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = row.names(prin_comp))
#add grouing information for visualization purposes:
getgroups <- match(gsub("__norm$","",metaDF$Column),
metaDF$Group <- groupingTable(object)$Group[getgroups]
object$PCA_samples <- cbind(metaDF,
error = function(e){
#this assigns to object err in function environment,
#but err has to exist in the environment, otherwise
#will move through scopes up to global environment..
err$FTPCA <<- paste(e)
finally = {
p1 <- (proc.time() - p1)["elapsed"]
afterHash <- MseekHash(object)
object <- addProcessHistory(object,
FTProcessHistory(changes = afterHash != beforeHash,
inputHash = beforeHash,
outputHash = afterHash,
fileNames = character(),
error = err,
sessionInfo = NULL,
processingTime = p1,
info = "Performed PCA.",
param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::FTPCA",
args = list(featureMode = featureMode,
intensityCols = intensityCols),
longArgs = list())
#' @aliases FTMS2scans
#' @description \code{FTMS2scans}: find MS2 scans across files and save their file and scan numbers in
#' the MseekFT object as a text column.
#' @param uniqueMatch if TRUE, assign MS2 scans only to the matching feature with the closest rt
#' @rdname analyzeFT
#' @export
setMethod("FTMS2scans", c("MseekFT", "listOrNULL"),
function(object, rawdata, ppm = 5, rtw = 10, uniqueMatch = FALSE){
beforeHash <- MseekHash(object)
p1 <- proc.time()
err <- list()
stop("Analysis was not performed because no MS data is loaded.")
inp <- data.frame(MS2scans = listMS2scans(mz = object$df$mz,
rt = object$df$rt,
ppm = ppm,
rtw = rtw,
MSData = rawdata,
rtMatch = uniqueMatch),
stringsAsFactors = F)
object <- updateFeatureTable(object, inp)
error = function(e){
#this assigns to object err in function environment,
#but err has to exist in the environment, otherwise
#will move through scopes up to global environment..
err$FTPeakShapes <<- paste(e)
finally = {
p1 <- (proc.time() - p1)["elapsed"]
afterHash <- MseekHash(object)
msg <- paste("Found MS2 scans for", sum(object$df$MS2scans != ""), "Features")
msg <- "Failed to find MS2 scans"
object <- addProcessHistory(object,
FTProcessHistory(changes = afterHash != beforeHash,
inputHash = beforeHash,
outputHash = afterHash,
fileNames = character(),
error = err,
sessionInfo = NULL,
processingTime = p1,
info = msg,
param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::FTMS2scans",
args = list(ppm = ppm,
rtw = rtw,
uniqueMatch = uniqueMatch),
longArgs = list(rawdata = summary(rawdata)))
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom MassTools mergeMS
setMethod("getSpecList", c("data.frame","list"),
function(object, rawdata, merge = TRUE,
noiselevel = 0, ppm = 5, mzdiff = 0.0005) {
res <- lapply(makeScanlist2(object$MS2scans), getAllScans, rawdata, removeNoise = noiselevel)
res <- lapply(res, mergeMS, ppm = ppm, mzdiff = mzdiff, noiselevel = noiselevel)
#' @rdname analyzeFT
#' @description \code{getSpecList}: generate a list of MS2 spectra inside the object
#' from MS2 spectra that were identified with the \code{FTMS2scans()} method.
#' @param mzThreshold if not NULL, will remove all peaks with an mz below this value from the spectra.
#' @param merge if TRUE, will merge spectra for each molecular feature
#' @param noiselevel noise level to remove as a portion of largest peak in a spectrum
#' @export
setMethod("getSpecList", c("MseekFT","listOrNULL"),
function(object, rawdata, merge = TRUE, noiselevel = 0, ppm = 5, mzdiff = 0.0005, mzThreshold = NULL){
beforeHash <- MseekHash(object)
p1 <- proc.time()
err <- list()
if(missing(rawdata) || is.null(rawdata)){
stop("No MS data available")
stop("No MS2scans defined yet. Run FTMS2scans() first")
inp <- data.frame(specList = I(getSpecList(object$df, rawdata,
merge = merge,
noiselevel = noiselevel,
ppm = ppm,
mzdiff = mzdiff)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
inp$specList <- lapply(inp$specList,
return(x[x[,1]>mzThreshold,,drop = FALSE]) }else{
object <- updateFeatureTable(object, inp)
error = function(e){
#this assigns to object err in function environment,
#but err has to exist in the environment, otherwise
#will move through scopes up to global environment..
err$getSpecList <<- paste(e)
finally =
p1 <- (proc.time() - p1)["elapsed"]
afterHash <- MseekHash(object)
object <- addProcessHistory(object,
FTProcessHistory(changes = afterHash != beforeHash,
inputHash = beforeHash,
outputHash = afterHash,
fileNames = names(rawdata),
error = err,
sessionInfo = NULL,
processingTime = p1,
info = paste0("Extracted MS2 spectra into specList column"),
param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::getSpecList",
args = list(merge = merge,
noiselevel = noiselevel,
ppm = ppm,
mzdiff = mzdiff),
longArgs = list(rawdata = summary(rawdata)))
#' @rdname analyzeFT
#' @description \code{FTedges}: wrapper for the
#' \code{MassTools::\link[MassTools]{makeEdges}()} function, matching a list of
#' MS2 spectra available inside the object and generating similarity scores.
#' @param useParentMZs if TRUE, will also match neutral losses between spectra
#' @param minpeaks minimum number of peaks that have to match between two spectra
#' to allow calculation of a score
#' @param mzdiff mz tolerance in fragment ion matching
#' @param method method for similarity calculation, passed to
#' \code{MassTools::\link[MassTools]{makeEdges}()}
#' @export
setMethod("FTedges", c("MseekFT"),
function(object, useParentMZs = TRUE,
minpeaks = 6,
mzdiff = 0.0005,
method = 'cosine'){
beforeHash <- MseekHash(object)
p1 <- proc.time()
err <- list()
stop("No MS2scans defined yet. Run getSpecList() first")
#this will be in sync with the edge indices and is used by the NetworkingModule for node ID
object <- updateFeatureTable(object,data.frame(fixed__id = seq(nrow(object$df))))
setProgress(value = 0, message = 'Generating Network...')
object$edges <- MassTools::makeEdges(speclist = object$df$specList,
parentmasses = if(useParentMZs){object$df$mz}else{NULL},
minpeaks = minpeaks,
mztol = mzdiff)
message = function(m){ if(isRunning() & any(grepl('done', m$message))){incProgress(amount = 0.05, detail = m$message)} })
object$edges <- object$edges[object$edges$cosine > 0.001,, drop = FALSE]
error = function(e){
#this assigns to object err in function environment,
#but err has to exist in the environment, otherwise
#will move through scopes up to global environment..
err$getSpecList <<- paste(e)
finally = {
p1 <- (proc.time() - p1)["elapsed"]
afterHash <- MseekHash(object)
object <- addProcessHistory(object,
FTProcessHistory(changes = afterHash != beforeHash,
inputHash = beforeHash,
outputHash = afterHash,
error = err,
sessionInfo = NULL,
processingTime = p1,
info = paste0("Generated networking edges"),
param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::FTedges",
args = list(useParentMZs = useParentMZs,
minpeaks = minpeaks,
mzdiff = mzdiff),
longArgs = list())
#' @noRd
setMethod("matchReference", c("data.frame","data.frame"),
function(object, query , parent_mztol = 0.001, parent_ppm = 5,
rttol = 5, getCosine = TRUE, cosineThreshold = NULL,
singleHits = TRUE, queryPrefix = "query__",
returnMapping = FALSE,
...) {
|| !length(object$specList))
&& getCosine){
stop("Need specList to getCosine. Add specLists to both objects or run with getCosine = FALSE")
#prepare to take up information about which ref matches each query item
hitlist <- lapply(!logical(nrow(query)), rep, nrow(object))
&& length(object$rt)
&& length(rttol)){
hitlist <- lapply(seq_len(length(hitlist)),function(n){(hitlist[[n]]
& abs(query$rt[n] - object$rt) < rttol)})
&& length(object$mz)
&& length(parent_mztol)
&& length(parent_ppm)){
hitlist <- lapply(seq_len(length(hitlist)),function(n){(hitlist[[n]]
& (abs(query$mz[n] - object$mz) < parent_mztol
| abs(query$mz[n] - object$mz)/query$mz[n] < parent_ppm*1e-6))})
#make edges... from, to, cosine...
mapping <- do.call(rbind,lapply(seq_len(length(hitlist)),function(n){
from <- rep(n, sum(hitlist[[n]]))
to <- which(hitlist[[n]])
cosine <- sapply(object$specList[hitlist[[n]]],MassTools::network1, query$specList[[n]], ...)
matrix(c(from,to,cosine), ncol = 3, dimnames = list(rownames = NULL,
colnames = c('query', 'ref', 'cosine')), byrow = FALSE)}))
mapping <- do.call(rbind,lapply(seq_len(length(hitlist)),function(n){
from <- rep(n, sum(hitlist[[n]]))
to <- which(hitlist[[n]])
matrix(c(from,to), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(rownames = NULL,
colnames = c('query', 'ref')), byrow = FALSE)}))
if(getCosine && length(cosineThreshold)){
mapping <- mapping[which(mapping[,'cosine'] > cosineThreshold),,drop = FALSE] #which gets rid of NAs
mapping <- mapping[order(mapping[,'cosine'], decreasing = TRUE),,drop = FALSE]
mapping <- mapping[!duplicated(mapping[,'ref']),,drop = FALSE]
addref <- seq_len(nrow(object))[!seq_len(nrow(object)) %in% mapping[,2]]
#fill mapping for object entries that don't have a match
filler <- matrix(c(rep(NA_real_, length(addref)),
rep(NA_real_, length(addref))),
ncol = 3, dimnames = list(rownames = NULL,
colnames = c('query', 'ref', 'cosine')), byrow = FALSE)
filler <- matrix(c(rep(NA_real_, length(addref)),
ncol = 2, dimnames = list(rownames = NULL,
colnames = c('query', 'ref')), byrow = FALSE)
mapping <- rbind(mapping, filler)
mapping <- mapping[order(mapping[,2],decreasing = FALSE),,drop = FALSE]
colnames(query) <- paste0(queryPrefix, colnames(query))
matched <- cbind(object[mapping[,2],], query[mapping[,1],])
if(ncol(mapping) >2){
matched[[paste0(queryPrefix,"matchscore")]] <- mapping[,3]
#' @rdname analyzeFT
#' @param merge if TRUE, will merge spectra for each molecular feature
#' @param query an object that contains molecular features that will be matched to
#' \code{object}, by a customizable combination of retention time, m/z and MS2 similarity matching
#' @param parent_mztol parent m/z matching tolerance (absolute); matches have to differ
#' by less than either \code{parent_mztol} or \code{parent_ppm}. If NULL, will ignore m/z for matching.
#' @param parent_ppm parent m/z matching tolerance in ppm; matches have to differ
#' by less than either \code{parent_mztol} or \code{parent_ppm}.
#' @param rttol retention time tolerance in seconds. If NULL, will ignore rt for matching
#' @param getCosine if TRUE, will calculate MS2 scan similarity for features that
#' match by rt and m/z (or between all features if rttol and parent_mztol are not set)
#' @param cosineThreshold minimum cosine value between features for them to be considered matches.
#' will not filter for MS2 similarity score if NULL.
#' @param singleHits allow only one query hit for each reference molecular feature
#' (will pick the one with best MS2 similarity)
#' @param queryPrefix prefix for columns transferred from the matched query object
#' @param returnMapping if true, returns a matrix defining the indices of matched features between object and query
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to internal methods (e. g. \code{\link[MassTools]{network1}()})
#' @description \code{matchReference}: Match molecular features between a
#' \code{MseekGraph} or \code{MseekFT} object and another \code{MseekFT} object
#' by a customizable combination of retention time, m/z and MS2 similarity
#' matching
#' @export
setMethod("matchReference", c("MseekFT","MseekFT"),
function(object, query , parent_mztol = 0.001, parent_ppm = 5,
rttol = 5, getCosine = TRUE, cosineThreshold = NULL,
singleHits = TRUE, queryPrefix = "query__",
returnMapping = FALSE,
...) {
beforeHash <- MseekHash(object)
p1 <- proc.time()
err <- list()
&& (!is.list(object$df$specList)
|| !is.list(query$df$specList))){
stop("No specList found in query and/or object. Run getSpecList() first or set cosineThreshold to NULL to match only based on rt and mz values.")
inp <- matchReference(object$df,
parent_mztol = parent_mztol,
parent_ppm = parent_ppm,
rttol = rttol,
getCosine = getCosine,
cosineThreshold = cosineThreshold,
singleHits = singleHits,
queryPrefix = queryPrefix,
returnMapping = returnMapping,
object <- updateFeatureTable(object, inp)
error = function(e){
#this assigns to object err in function environment,
#but err has to exist in the environment, otherwise
#will move through scopes up to global environment..
err$matchReference <<- paste(e)
finally =
p1 <- (proc.time() - p1)["elapsed"]
afterHash <- MseekHash(object)
object <- addProcessHistory(object,
FTProcessHistory(changes = afterHash != beforeHash,
inputHash = beforeHash,
outputHash = afterHash,
# fileNames = names(rawdata),
error = err,
sessionInfo = NULL,
processingTime = p1,
info = paste0("Matched query MseekFT object ", MseekHash(query), " to this reference object"),
param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::matchReference",
args = c(list(...),
list(parent_mztol = parent_mztol,
parent_ppm = parent_ppm,
rttol = rttol,
getCosine = getCosine,
cosineThreshold = cosineThreshold,
singleHits = singleHits,
queryPrefix = queryPrefix,
returnMapping = returnMapping)),
longArgs = list(queryHistory = processHistory(query)))
#' @rdname analyzeFT
#' @param merge if TRUE, will merge spectra for each molecular feature
#' @export
setMethod("matchReference", c("MseekGraph","MseekFT"),
function(object, query , parent_mztol = 0.001, parent_ppm = 5,
rttol = 5, getCosine = TRUE, cosineThreshold = NULL,
singleHits = TRUE, queryPrefix = "query__",
returnMapping = FALSE,
...) {
beforeHash <- MseekHash(object)
p1 <- proc.time()
err <- list()
&& (!is.list(V(object$graph)$specList)
|| !is.list(query$df$specList))){
stop("No specList found in query and/or object. Run getSpecList() first or set cosineThreshold to NULL to match only based on rt and mz values.")
for (rem in vertex_attr_names(object$graph)[grepl(paste0("^",queryPrefix), vertex_attr_names(object$graph))]){
object$graph <- delete_vertex_attr(object$graph, rem)
inp <- matchReference(type.convert(as_data_frame(object$graph, "vertices"), as.is = T),
parent_mztol = parent_mztol,
parent_ppm = parent_ppm,
rttol = rttol,
getCosine = getCosine,
cosineThreshold = cosineThreshold,
singleHits = singleHits,
queryPrefix = queryPrefix,
returnMapping = returnMapping,
for (add in colnames(inp)[grepl(paste0("^",queryPrefix), colnames(inp))]){
vertex_attr(object$graph, add) <- inp[[add]]
#vertex_attr(object$graph) <- as.list(inp[,grepl(paste0("^",queryPrefix), colnames(inp)), drop = FALSE])
error = function(e){
#this assigns to object err in function environment,
#but err has to exist in the environment, otherwise
#will move through scopes up to global environment..
err$matchReference <<- paste(e)
finally =
p1 <- (proc.time() - p1)["elapsed"]
afterHash <- MseekHash(object)
object <- addProcessHistory(object,
FTProcessHistory(changes = afterHash != beforeHash,
inputHash = beforeHash,
outputHash = afterHash,
# fileNames = names(rawdata),
error = err,
sessionInfo = NULL,
processingTime = p1,
info = paste0("Matched query MseekFT object ", MseekHash(query), " to this reference MseekGraph object"),
param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::matchReference",
args = c(list(...),
list(parent_mztol = parent_mztol,
parent_ppm = parent_ppm,
rttol = rttol,
getCosine = getCosine,
cosineThreshold = cosineThreshold,
singleHits = singleHits,
queryPrefix = queryPrefix,
returnMapping = returnMapping)),
longArgs = list(queryHistory = processHistory(query)))
#' @aliases LabelFinder
#' @description \code{LabelFinder}: Find labeled features, see \code{\link{findLabels}()}
#' @param newName name for the LabelFinder result object
#' @param object2 Feature Table to compare to (with targets expected to carry a label)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' MseekExamplePreload(data = TRUE, tables = TRUE)
#' LabelFinderResults <- LabelFinder(object = tab2, #remove intensity columns to have them replaced with new ones from rawdata
#' object2 = tab2,
#' newName = "Test",
#' MSData = MSD$data,
#' ref_intensityCols = tab2$intensities[1:3],
#' comp_intensityCols = tab2$intensities[4:7],
#' labelmz = 2*1.00335,
#' ifoldS1 = 10,
#' ifoldS2 = 10000)
#' }
#' @rdname analyzeFT
#' @export
setMethod("LabelFinder", signature(object = "MseekFamily"),
function(object, object2, MSData, newName,
beforeHash <- MseekHash(object)
p1 <- proc.time()
err <- list()
object$df <- object$df[,colnames(object$df) %in% c("rt", "mz", "rtmin","rtmax", "comments")]
object2$df <- object2$df[,colnames(object2$df) %in% c("rt", "mz", "rtmin","rtmax", "comments")]
setProgress(value = 0, message = 'Finding Labeled Features...')
labres <- findLabels(reflist = object$df,
complist = object2$df,
rawdata = MSData,
ref_intensityCols = ref_intensityCols,
comp_intensityCols = comp_intensityCols,
message = function(m){ if(isRunning() & any(grepl('extracted', m$message))){
incProgress(amount = 0.5/(2*(length(ref_intensityCols)+length(comp_intensityCols))), detail = m$message)
}else if(isRunning() && !is.na(as.numeric(m$message)) && as.numeric(m$message) > 1 ){ #avoiding the '1' messages from exIntensities
incProgress(amount = 0.5/(nrow(object$df)/500), detail = paste('Comparing features...', m$message, "/", nrow(object$df)))
object <- buildMseekFT(labres,
processHistory = object$.processHistory,
tablename = newName,
editable = FALSE)
error = function(e){
#this assigns to object err in function environment,
#but err has to exist in the environment, otherwise
#will move through scopes up to global environment..
err$LabelFinder <<- paste(e)
finally = {
p1 <- (proc.time() - p1)["elapsed"]
afterHash <- MseekHash(object)
object <- addProcessHistory(object, FTProcessHistory(changes = afterHash != beforeHash,
inputHash = beforeHash,
outputHash = afterHash,
error = err,
processingTime = p1,
sessionInfo = NULL,
info = "Tried to find labels",
param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::LabelFinder",
args = c(list(...),
newName = newName,
ref_intensityCols = ref_intensityCols,
comp_intensityCols = comp_intensityCols
longArgs = list(object2 = MseekHash(object2),
MSData = summary(MSData)))
#' @aliases PatternFinder
#' @description \code{PatternFinder}: Find Pattern in Spectra
#' @param peaks names list of mz values (like output from \code{parsePatterns()}) to look for in spectra
#' @param losses names list of mz values (like output from \code{parsePatterns()}) to look for in spectra (as neutral losses)
#' @param noise remove peaks below this relative intensity when merging spectra (relative to highest peak, not percent)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' MseekExamplePreload(data = TRUE, tables = TRUE)
#' tab1 <- FTMS2scans(tab1, MSD$data)
#' LabelFinderResults <- PatternFinder(object = tab1, #needs to have an MS2
#' MSData = MSD$data,
#' peaks = list(testpeak = 85.02895),
#' losses = list(testloss = 18.010788))
#' LabelFinderResults$df$matched_losses
#' LabelFinderResults$df$matched_patterns
#' }
#' @rdname analyzeFT
#' @export
setMethod("PatternFinder", signature(object = "MseekFamily"),
function(object, MSData,
peaks, losses,
ppm = 5, mzdiff = 0.002,
noise = 0.02){
beforeHash <- MseekHash(object)
p1 <- proc.time()
err <- list()
stop('Run the "Find MS2 scans" process (FTMS2scans method) before searching patterns in these scans!')
AllSpecLists <- lapply(makeScanlist2(object$df$MS2scans),
getAllScans, MSData,
removeNoise = NULL)#input$noise*0.01)
MergedSpecs <- lapply(AllSpecLists, mergeMS, ppm = ppm, mzdiff = 0, noiselevel = noise)
matchedPatterns <- data.frame(matched_patterns = matchedToCharacter(findPatterns(MergedSpecs,
ppm = ppm,
mzdiff = mzdiff)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
object <- updateFeatureTable(object,matchedPatterns)
MergedSpecs[lengths(MergedSpecs) > 0] <- mapply(function(x,y){
x[,1] <- y - x[,1]
x <- x[rev(seq_len(nrow(x))),, drop = FALSE] #because input is increasing, this will make output increasing (maybe faster than order()?)
return(x[x[,1] > 0,, drop = FALSE]) #remove negative mz values
x = MergedSpecs[lengths(MergedSpecs) > 0],
y = object$df$mz[lengths(MergedSpecs) > 0],
matchedPatterns <- data.frame(matched_losses = matchedToCharacter(findPatterns(MergedSpecs,
ppm = ppm,
mzdiff = mzdiff)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
object <- updateFeatureTable(object,matchedPatterns)
error = function(e){
#this assigns to object err in function environment,
#but err has to exist in the environment, otherwise
#will move through scopes up to global environment..
err$PatternFinder <<- paste(e)
finally = {
p1 <- (proc.time() - p1)["elapsed"]
afterHash <- MseekHash(object)
object <- addProcessHistory(object, FTProcessHistory(changes = afterHash != beforeHash,
inputHash = beforeHash,
outputHash = afterHash,
error = err,
processingTime = p1,
sessionInfo = NULL,
info = "Found Patterns in MS2 data",
param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::PatternFinder",
args = c(#list(...),
peaks = peaks,
losses = losses,
ppm = ppm,
mzdiff = mzdiff
longArgs = list(MSData = summary(MSData)))
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