#' constructFeatureTable
#' Constructor function for "MseekFT" object from a feature table data.frame.
#' uses and retains the original data frame plus names of columns containing
#' relevant data.
#' NOTE: currently, only the default values for column names are supported.
#' @param df feature table as data.frame, with retention time (rt), mz and
#' (optionally) intensity values.
#' @param mzcol column in df with mz values (columnname), defaults to "mz"
#' @param rtcol column in df with rt values (columnname), defaults to "rt"
#' @param commentcol column in df with comments (columnname), defaults to "comments"
#' @param fragmentcol column in df with fragmentation information (columnname),
#' defaults to "fragments"
#' @param rtFormat Are retention times given in seconds ("sec") or minutes ("min")
#' @param anagrouptable Analysis grouping table: a data.frame with columns
#' "Column" (containing column names from df with intensity values) and "Group"
#' (defining a group for each entry in "Column")
#' @param tablename Name of the table as displayed by Mseek
#' @param editable allow editing of this table in the Mseek app? if FALSE, only
#' comments column can be edited. editable tables are also not paginated.
#' @param processHistory a list of \code{\link[xcms]{processHistory}} objects
#' @return an \code{MseekFT} object containing a feature table and metadata
#' @export
constructFeatureTable <- function(df= data.frame(mz=numeric(3), rt = numeric(3)),# data frame
mzcol= "mz", #
rtcol= "rt", #column in df with mz values (columnname)
commentcol = "comments",
fragmentcol = "fragments",
rtFormat = "sec", # "sec" or "min"
anagrouptable = NULL,
tablename = "Custom Table",
editable = T,
processHistory = list()){ #T: free editing (add rows), but always see all columns in viewer, F: only comments can be edited directly, no adding of columns
#make columns if they don't exist:
if (class(try(df[,mzcol], silent = T))=="try-error"){ df[,mzcol] <- numeric(nrow(df)) }
if (class(try(df[,rtcol], silent = T))=="try-error"){ df[,rtcol] <- numeric(nrow(df)) }
if (class(try(df[,commentcol], silent = T))=="try-error"){ df[,commentcol] <- character(nrow(df)) }
if (class(try(df[,fragmentcol], silent = T))=="try-error"){ df[,fragmentcol] <- character(nrow(df)) }
FT = list()
#save the entire dataframe
FT$df = df
if(!"rt_minutes" %in% colnames(FT$df)){
if(rtFormat == "sec"){
FT$df$rt_minutes <- df[,rtcol]/60
FT$df$rt_minutes <- df[,rtcol]
df[,rtcol] <- df[,rtcol]*60
FT$tablename = tablename
FT$editable = editable
FT$core = c(mzcol,rtcol)
FT$mz = mzcol
FT$rt = rtcol
FT$comments = commentcol
FT$fragments = fragmentcol
#default analysis result columns
FT$summaryStats = unname(unlist(sapply(c("topgroup","maxfold", "maxfoldover"),
value = T)))
#make intensity value matrix
FT <- updateFTgrouping(FT,anagrouptable)
FT$others = colnames(FT$df)[which(!colnames(FT$df) %in% c(unlist(FT$gProps), unlist(FT$sProps),
FT$intensities, FT$intensities_norm,
FT$summaryStats, FT$commentcol,
FT$fragmentcol, FT$core))]
#selection and filtering for this object (these interact with selectize UI objects)
FT$sele = nrow(df)
FT$sortBy = mzcol
FT$sortByDecreasing = F
FT$order = nrow(df)
FT$filters = list( page = 1,
inpage = 1,
filters = list(Filter1 = list(selected = 1:nrow(df),
column = colnames(df)[1],
minSel = if(is.numeric(df[,colnames(df)[1]])){min(df[,colnames(df)[1]])}else{NULL},
maxSel = if(is.numeric(df[,colnames(df)[1]])){max(df[,colnames(df)[1]])}else{NULL},
modeSel = NULL,
txtSel = "",
active = F
sele= 1:nrow(df),
sortBy = "mz",
sortByDecreasing = F,
order = 1:nrow(df)
FT$selectedCols = list(core = FT$core,
comments = FT$comments,
gProps = FT$gProps[[FT$gNames[1]]],
sProps = FT$sProps[[FT$gNames[1]]],
intensities = FT$anagroupnames[[FT$gNames[1]]],
others = FT$summaryStats)
FT$selectedGroup = FT$gNames[1]
FT$ctrlGroups = NULL
FT$useNorm = F
FT$.processHistory <- c(processHistory)
class(FT) <- "MseekFT"
#' updateDF
#' Update dataframe b with data from dataframe a; must have equal number of rows
#' Existing data in b will be overridden if columns by the same name exist in a,
#' and retained otherwise.
#' Additional columns in a will be transferred to b.
#' @param a source data.frame
#' @param b target data.frame
#' @return Returns the updated data.frame b
#' @export
updateDF <- function(a, b){
for (i in colnames(a)){
b[,i] <- a[,i, drop = FALSE]} #drop = FALSE added to avoid issues with list columns
#' .getFTFormat
#' Tries to identify the format of a feature table input data frame
#' @param df data.frame
#' @return Returns the format of the df object. Can be either of these:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "xcms PeakTable with Metaboseek Intensities"
#' \item "xcms Peak Table"
#' \item "mzMINE Aligned Peak List"
#' \item "unknown"
#' }
.getFTFormat <- function(df){
if(all(c("rt", "mz") %in% colnames(df))
& any(grepl("\\.[Cc][Dd][Ff]__XIC$|\\.[Nn][Cc]__XIC$|\\.([Mm][Zz])?[Xx][Mm][Ll]__XIC$|\\.[Mm][Zz][Dd][Aa][Tt][Aa]__XIC$|\\.[Mm][Zz][Mm][Ll]__XIC$",
return("xcms PeakTable with Metaboseek Intensities")
}, silent = TRUE)
if(all(c("rt", "mz") %in% colnames(df))
& any(grepl("\\.[Cc][Dd][Ff]$|\\.[Nn][Cc]$|\\.([Mm][Zz])?[Xx][Mm][Ll]$|\\.[Mm][Zz][Dd][Aa][Tt][Aa]$|\\.[Mm][Zz][Mm][Ll]$",
return("xcms Peak Table")
}, silent = TRUE)
if(all(c("row m/z", "row retention time") %in% colnames(df))
& any(grepl("Peak area$",
return("mzMINE Aligned Peak List")
}, silent = TRUE)
if(all(c("Sample") %in% colnames(df))
&& all(is.character(unlist(df[1,])) | is.factor(unlist(df[1,])))
&& all(grepl("\\/",
&& all(sapply(df[-1,which(!is.na(unlist(df[1,])))[-1]], function(x){is.numeric(type.convert(x))}))
return("MetaboAnalyst Peak Intensity Table")
}, silent = TRUE)
if(c("Alignment ID") %in% df[,1]
&& c("Average Rt(min)") %in% df[,2]
&& c("Average Mz") %in% df[,3]
&& ("Class" %in% unlist(df[1,]) || "Class" %in% colnames(df))
&& all(is.character(unlist(df[1,])) | is.factor(unlist(df[1,])))
return("MS-DIAL Alignment Result")
}, silent = TRUE)
#' .reformatFeatureTable
#' Tries to identify the format of a feature table input data frame and
#' reformats it for compatibility with \code{constructFeatureTable}
#' @param df data.frame
#' @param from input format. If auto, will run \code{.getFTFormat} to determine
#' the format.
#' @return a list
#' \itemize{
#' \item df: reformatted input data.frame
#' \item grouping: anagrouptable format (if grouping information can be
#' extracted from input) or NULL
#' \item from: which input format was used
#' }
.reformatFeatureTable <- function(df,
from = c("auto",
"mzMINE Aligned Peak List",
"MetaboAnalyst Peak Intensity Table",
"MS-DIAL Alignment Result")){
from <- from[1]
if(from == "auto"){from <- .getFTFormat(df)}
res <- list(df = df,
grouping = NULL,
from = from)
rm(df) # to save memory
"unknown" = {},
"mzMINE Aligned Peak List" = {
res$grouping = data.frame(Column = grep("Peak area$",
value = TRUE),
Group = "G1",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
res$df$mz <- res$df[["row m/z"]]
res$df$rt <- res$df[["row retention time"]]*60
#moving all intensity columns to the end
res$df <- res$df[,c(colnames(res$df)[!grepl("Peak area$",
colnames(res$df)[grepl("Peak area$",
"MetaboAnalyst Peak Intensity Table" = {
res$grouping = data.frame(Column = colnames(res$df)[-1],
Group = unlist(res$df[1,])[-1],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
res$df <- data.frame(lapply(res$df[-1,], type.convert, as.is = TRUE),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
check.names = FALSE)
sp <- strsplit(as.character(res$df[,1]), split = '\\/')
res$df$mz <- as.numeric(sapply(sp,'[',1))
res$df$rt <- as.numeric(sapply(sp,'[',2))
"MS-DIAL Alignment Result" = {
if("Class" %in% unlist(res$df[1,])){
groups <- unlist(res$df[1, unlist(res$df[1,]) != ""])[-1]
groups <- colnames(res$df)[seq(which(colnames(res$df) == 'Class') + 1, ncol(res$df))]
colnames(res$df) <- unlist(res$df[which(res$df[[1]] == "Alignment ID"),])
res$df <- res$df[-seq_len(which(res$df[[1]] == "Alignment ID")+1),]
res$df <- data.frame(lapply(res$df, type.convert, as.is = TRUE),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
check.names = FALSE)
res$grouping = data.frame(Column = colnames(res$df)[seq(ncol(res$df) - length(groups) + 1, ncol(res$df))],
Group = groups,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
res$df[['mz']] <- res$df$`Average Mz`
res$df[['rt']] <- res$df$`Average Rt(min)`*60
#' updateFeatureTable
#' update an existing MseekFT with new data.frame columns (leaving intensitiy
#' column names and constants in effect, but updating information on which
#' "other" columns are present)
#' @param FT MseekFT object
#' @param df source data.frame
#' @return An updated \code{MseekFT} object
#' @export
updateFeatureTable <- function(FT, df){
FT$df = updateDF(df,FT$df)
FT <- updateFTgrouping(FT,FT$anagrouptable)
# }
FT$summaryStats = unname(unlist(sapply(c("topgroup","maxfold", "maxfoldover"),
value = T)))
FT$others = colnames(FT$df)[which(!colnames(FT$df) %in% c(unlist(FT$gProps), unlist(FT$sProps),
FT$intensities, FT$intensities_norm,
FT$summaryStats, FT$commentcol,
FT$fragmentcol, FT$core))]
FT$selectedCols = list(core = FT$core,
comments = FT$comments,
gProps = FT$gProps[[FT$gNames[1]]],
sProps = FT$sProps[[FT$gNames[1]]],
intensities = FT$anagroupnames[[FT$gNames[1]]],
others = FT$summaryStats)
FT$selectedGroup = FT$gNames[1]
#' updateFTgrouping
#' update or construct grouping information of a MseekFT object
#' @param FT MseekFT object
#' @param anagrouptable Analysis grouping table: a data.frame with columns
#' "Column" (containing column names from df with intensity values) and
#' "Group" (defining a group for each entry in "Column")
#' @return An updated \code{MseekFT} object
#' @export
updateFTgrouping <- function(FT,anagrouptable){
FT$anagrouptable = anagrouptable
if(!is.null(FT$anagrouptable) && nrow(FT$anagrouptable) >0 ){
newgrouping <- tableGrouping(FT$df,FT$anagrouptable)
FT$anagroupnames = newgrouping$anagroupnames
FT$intensities = unname(unlist(FT$anagroupnames))
FT$anagroupnums = newgrouping$anagroupnums
FT$anagroupnames_norm = relist(paste0(unlist(FT$anagroupnames),
FT$intensities_norm = unname(unlist(FT$anagroupnames_norm))
#Group names
FT$gNames <- unique(anagrouptable$Group)
#Sample names, grouped
FT$sNames <- list()
for(i in names(FT$anagroupnames)){
#remove everything after double underscore (new default notation)
FT$sNames[[i]] <- gsub("__(.*)","",FT$anagroupnames[[i]])
#remove the XIC tag if it has only one underscore (old notation)
FT$sNames[[i]] <- gsub("_XIC","",FT$sNames[[i]])
#remove trailing underscores if any
FT$sNames[[i]] <- gsub("_$","",FT$sNames[[i]])
FT$gProps = list()
#detect and group property columns (group name + doubleunderscore)
for(i in FT$gNames){
#list all columns containing group names followed by double underscore
selCols <- grep(paste0(i,"__"),colnames(FT$df), value =T)
FT$gProps[[i]] <- selCols}
#detect and group sample property columns (sample name + doubleunderscore)
FT$sProps = list()
for(i in names(FT$gNames)){
#list all columns containing sample names from group i followed by double underscore which are not in the intensities table
selCols <- unlist(sapply(paste0(FT$sNames[[i]],"__"),
colnames(FT$df)[which(!colnames(FT$df) %in% c(FT$intensities,FT$intensities_norm))], value = T))
FT$sProps[[i]] <- sort(selCols)}
FT$anagroupnames = NULL
FT$intensities = NULL
FT$anagroupnums = NULL
FT$anagroupnames_norm = NULL
FT$intensities_norm = NULL
FT$gNames = NULL
FT$sNames = NULL
FT$gProps = NULL
FT$sProps = NULL
#' updateFTgrouping
#' update the FT index of the Mseek App (needed because this index is a named
#' list - extracts tablename entry from each MseekFT object in list)
#' @param tables named list of MseekFT objects
#' @return named list of MseekFT tablenames
updateFTIndex <- function(tables){
out <- names(tables)
names(out) <- unname(sapply(tables, "[[", "tablename"))
#' tableGrouping
#' Groups a anagrouptable into a named list. Helper function to
#' reformat Table analysis grouping tables
#' @param df feature table as data.frame, with intensity values.
#' @param anagrouptable Analysis grouping table: a data.frame with columns
#' \code{Column} (containing column names from df with intensity values) and
#' \code{Group} (defining a group for each entry in "Column")
#' @return A named list, see \code{details}
#' @details
#' Will return a named list with two list items
#' \itemize{
#' \item\code{anagroupnames} named list of intensity column names
#' \item\code{anagroupnums} named list of intensity column numbers
#' }
tableGrouping <- function(df=NULL, anagrouptable){
## Make list object of grouped column names
ColumnNames <- gsub("-",".",paste0(basename(anagrouptable$File),"__XIC"))
ColumnNames[which(substring(ColumnNames,1,1) %in% as.character(0:9))] <- paste0("X",ColumnNames[which(substring(ColumnNames,1,1) %in% as.character(0:9))])
anagrouptable$Column <- ColumnNames
colme <- list()
for (l in unique(anagrouptable$Group)){
colme[[l]] <- as.character(anagrouptable$Column[which(anagrouptable$Group==l)])
anagroupnames <- colme
### Get column numbers from column names
colnu <- integer(0)
for (i in anagrouptable$Column){
colnu<- c(colnu,which(colnames(df) == i))
## Make list object of grouped column numbers
colme <- list()
for (l in unique(anagrouptable$Group)){
colme[[l]] <- as.integer(colnu[which(anagrouptable$Group==l)])
anagroupnums <- colme
return(list(anagroupnames = anagroupnames,anagroupnums = anagroupnums))}
return(list(anagroupnames = anagroupnames,anagroupnums = NULL))
#' tableWriter
#' Writes a feature table to a file in a given format.
#' @param df feature table as data.frame, with mz and rt columns.
#' @param fname file name
#' @param format output format
#' @param moreArgs named list of additional arguments to be
#' passed to \code{\link{asInclusionlist}} or \code{\link{asMetaboAnalyst}}
#' @importFrom data.table fwrite
#' @return Returns nothing, but writes a file to disk
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' MseekExamplePreload(data = FALSE, tables = TRUE)
#' tableWriter(tab1$df, "test_MA.csv", format = "MetaboAnalyst", moreArgs = list(groups = tab1$anagrouptable))
#' }
#' @export
tableWriter <-function(df, fname, format = c("csv", "tsv",
moreArgs = list()){
if(!length(format) || is.na(format[1])){
warning("File format selected was empty. Could not export data to file")
if(format[1] %in% c("csv","tsv")){
csv = {sep <- ","},
tsv = {sep <- "\t"})
#don't save complex columns
sep = sep,
quote = T,
row.names = F
if(format[1] %in% c("instrumentList")){
moreArgs <- moreArgs[names(moreArgs) %in% c("rtwin", "polarity","instrument", "listType", "restrictRT")]
df <- do.call(asInclusionlist, c(list(parenttable = df[,sapply(df,is.atomic)]),
sep = "\t",
quote = F,
row.names = F
if(format[1] %in% c("MetaboAnalyst")){
ma <- do.call(asMetaboAnalyst, c(list(df = df),
sep = ",",
quote = TRUE,
row.names = FALSE
append = TRUE, #this also means colnames/header will not be written again
sep = ",",
quote = TRUE,
row.names = FALSE
warning("Invalid file format selected. Could not export data to file")
error = function(e){
warning(paste0("An error occured while exporting a table: ", e))
#' asInclusionlist
#' Reformats a feature table into a format that can be imported
#' into MS instruments as inclusion or exclusion lists.
#' @param parenttable feature table as data.frame, with mz and rt columns.
#' @param rtwin retention time window (+/- df$rt) in seconds
#' @param polarity "Positive" or "Negative"
#' @param instrument which instrument is this table for?
#' @param listType "inclusion" or "exclusion"
#' @param restrictRT use retention time column from parenttable and rtwin to
#' restrict retention time in inclusion/exclusion list
#' @return A data.frame that, when written to a file, has the expected format for a given instrument
#' @export
asInclusionlist <- function(parenttable,
polarity = "Positive",
instrument = c("QExactive", "QExactive-HF"),
listType = "inclusion",
restrictRT = F){
if(listType == "exclusion"){
out <- data.frame("Mass [m/z]" = parenttable$mz,
"Formula [M]" = character(length(parenttable$mz)),
"Formula type" = character(length(parenttable$mz)),
Species = character(length(parenttable$mz)),
"CS [z]" = character(length(parenttable$mz)),
Polarity = as.character(rep(polarity,
"Start [min]" = if(!restrictRT){
"End [min]" = if(!restrictRT){
Comment = as.character(parenttable$comments),
stringsAsFactors = F)
colnames(out) <- c("Mass [m/z]","Formula [M]", "Formula type", "Species",
"CS [z]", "Polarity", "Start [min]",
"End [min]", "Comment")
out <- data.frame("Mass [m/z]" = parenttable$mz,
"Formula [M]" = character(length(parenttable$mz)),
"Formula type" = character(length(parenttable$mz)),
Species = character(length(parenttable$mz)),
"CS [z]" = character(length(parenttable$mz)),
Polarity = as.character(rep(polarity,
"Start [min]" = if(!restrictRT){
"End [min]" = if(!restrictRT){
"(N)CE" = character(length(parenttable$mz)),
"(N)CE type" = character(length(parenttable$mz)),
"MSX ID" = character(length(parenttable$mz)),
Comment = as.character(parenttable$comments),
stringsAsFactors = F)
colnames(out) <- c("Mass [m/z]","Formula [M]", "Formula type",
"Species", "CS [z]", "Polarity",
"Start [min]", "End [min]", "(N)CE", "(N)CE type",
"MSX ID", "Comment")
#' asMetaboAnalyst
#' Reformat a data.frame to MetaboAnalyst csv format
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' MseekExamplePreload(data = FALSE, tables = TRUE)
#' asMetaboAnalyst(tab1$df, groups = tab1$anagrouptable)
#' }
#' @param df data.frame with intensity values and rt and mz columns
#' @param groups a data.frame with grouping information (Sample names in first column, groups in additional columns)
#' @return A list with header and body of the MetaboAnalyst formatted table
asMetaboAnalyst <- function(df, groups){
body <- data.frame(Sample = paste0(df$mz,"/",df$rt),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
header <- as.data.frame(t(groups), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(header) <- groups[,1]
header <- cbind(data.frame(Sample = colnames(groups[-1])),
list(header = header,
body = body)
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