#' Generate random efficiency matrix
#' Generate random efficiency matrix for consumer resource model from Dirichlet
#' distribution, where positive efficiencies indicate the consumption of resources,
#' whilst negatives indicate that the species would produce the resource.
#' @template man_spe
#' @template man_res
#' @param mean_consumption \code{Numeric scalar}. Specifies the mean number
#' of resources consumed by each species drawn from a poisson distribution
#' (Default: \code{n_resources/4})
#' @param mean_production \code{Numeric scalar}. Specifies the mean number
#' of resources produced by each species drawn from a poisson distribution
#' (Default: \code{n_resources/6})
#' @param maintenance \code{Numeric scalar}. Specifies the proportion of
#' resources that cannot be converted into products between 0~1 the
#' proportion of resources used to maintain the living of microorganisms.
#' 0 means all the resources will be used for the reproduction of
#' microorganisms, and 1 means all the resources would be used to maintain
#' the living of organisms and no resources would be left for their
#' growth(reproduction). (Default: \code{0.5})
#' @param trophic_levels \code{Integer scalar}. Indicates the number of
#' species in microbial trophic levels. If NULL, by default, microbial
#' trophic levels would not be considered. (Default: \code{NULL})
#' @param trophic_preferences \code{List}. Indicates the preferred resources
#' and productions of each trophic level. Positive values indicate the
#' consumption of resources, whilst negatives indicate that the species
#' would produce the resource. (Default: \code{NULL})
#' @param exact \code{Logical scalar}. Whether to set the number of
#' consumption/production to be exact as mean_consumption/mean_production
#' or to set them using a Poisson distribution. (Default: \code{FALSE})
#' If `length(trophic_preferences)` is smaller than `length(trophic_levels)`,
#' then NULL values would be appended to lower trophic levels.
#' If NULL, by default, the consumption preference will be defined randomly.
#' (Default: \code{trophic_preferences = NULL})
#' @examples
#' # example with minimum parameters
#' ExampleEfficiencyMatrix <- randomE(n_species = 5, n_resources = 12)
#' # examples with specific parameters
#' ExampleEfficiencyMatrix <- randomE(
#' n_species = 3, n_resources = 6,
#' names_species = letters[1:3],
#' names_resources = paste0("res", LETTERS[1:6]),
#' mean_consumption = 3, mean_production = 1
#' )
#' ExampleEfficiencyMatrix <- randomE(
#' n_species = 3, n_resources = 6,
#' maintenance = 0.4
#' )
#' ExampleEfficiencyMatrix <- randomE(
#' n_species = 3, n_resources = 6,
#' mean_consumption = 3, mean_production = 1, maintenance = 0.4
#' )
#' # examples with microbial trophic levels
#' ExampleEfficiencyMatrix <- randomE(
#' n_species = 10, n_resources = 15,
#' trophic_levels = c(6, 3, 1),
#' trophic_preferences = list(
#' c(rep(1, 5), rep(-1, 5), rep(0, 5)),
#' c(rep(0, 5), rep(1, 5), rep(-1, 5)),
#' c(rep(0, 10), rep(1, 5))
#' )
#' )
#' ExampleEfficiencyMatrix <- randomE(
#' n_species = 10, n_resources = 15,
#' trophic_levels = c(6, 3, 1),
#' trophic_preferences = list(c(rep(1, 5), rep(-1, 5), rep(0, 5)), NULL, NULL)
#' )
#' ExampleEfficiencyMatrix <- randomE(
#' n_species = 10, n_resources = 15,
#' trophic_levels = c(6, 3, 1)
#' )
#' @return
#' \code{randomE} returns a matrix E with dimensions (n_species x n_resources),
#' and each row represents a species.
#' @importFrom stats rpois
#' @export
randomE <- function(n_species,
names_species = NULL,
names_resources = NULL,
mean_consumption = n_resources / 4,
mean_production = n_resources / 6,
maintenance = 0.5,
trophic_levels = NULL,
trophic_preferences = NULL,
exact = FALSE) {
if (!all(vapply(
list(n_species, n_resources), .isPosInt,
))) {
stop("n_species and/or n_resources must be integer.")
# set the default values
if (is.null(names_species)) {
names_species <- paste0("sp", seq_len(n_species))
if (is.null(names_resources)) {
names_resources <- paste0("res", seq_len(n_resources))
if (is.null(trophic_levels)) {
trophic_levels <- n_species
if (sum(trophic_levels) != n_species) {
stop("Sum of 'trophic_levels' should equal to 'n_species'.")
if (!is.null(trophic_preferences)) {
if (!is.list(trophic_preferences) && length(trophic_preferences) == n_resources) {
trophic_preferences <- list(trophic_preferences)
while (length(trophic_preferences) < length(trophic_levels)) {
warning("Autofilling 'trophic_preferences' with NULL")
trophic_preferences <- c(trophic_preferences, list(NULL))
efficiency_matrix <- matrix(0,
nrow = n_species, ncol = n_resources,
dimnames = list(names_species, names_resources)
list_auto_trophic_preference <- list(NULL)
for (j in seq_len(length(trophic_levels))) {
n_species_this_level <- trophic_levels[j]
for (i in seq(n_species_this_level)) {
irow <- efficiency_matrix[i + sum(trophic_levels[0:(j - 1)]), ]
consumption <- irow
production <- irow
# calculate consumption
consumption_pref <- trophic_preferences[[j]] * (trophic_preferences[[j]] > 0)
if (length(consumption_pref) == 0 && is.null(list_auto_trophic_preference[[j]])) {
# no consumption preference nor auto_trophic_preference
# consumption_pref <- NULL
consumption_pref <- rep(1, n_resources)
if (exact) {
index_consumption <- sample(seq(n_resources),
size = min(max(1, round(mean_consumption)), n_resources)
} else {
index_consumption <- sample(seq(n_resources),
size = min(max(1, rpois(1, mean_consumption)), n_resources)
} else {
# with consumption preference
if (length(consumption_pref) == 0) {
consumption_pref <- list_auto_trophic_preference[[j]]
if (exact) {
index_consumption <- sample(seq(n_resources),
size = min(
sum(consumption_pref > 0),
max(1, round(mean_consumption))
replace = FALSE,
prob = consumption_pref
} else {
index_consumption <- sample(seq(n_resources),
size = min(
sum(consumption_pref > 0),
max(1, rpois(1, mean_consumption))
replace = FALSE,
prob = consumption_pref
consumption[index_consumption] <- 1
irow <- rdirichlet(1, consumption * consumption_pref * 100)
# calculate production
production_pref <- trophic_preferences[[j]] * (trophic_preferences[[j]] < 0)
if (sum(production_pref) == 0) { # no production preference
production_pref <- NULL
setprod <- setdiff(seq(n_resources), index_consumption)
if (length(setprod) > 0) {
if (exact) {
index_production <- unique(
size = round(mean_production),
replace = TRUE
} else {
index_production <- unique(
size = rpois(1, mean_production),
replace = TRUE
index_production <- setdiff(index_production, index_consumption)
} else {
index_production <- c()
} else { # with production preference
if (exact) {
index_production <- sample(seq(n_resources),
size = min(
sum(production_pref < 0),
replace = FALSE,
prob = abs(production_pref)
} else {
index_production <- sample(seq(n_resources),
size = min(
sum(production_pref < 0),
rpois(1, mean_production)
replace = FALSE,
prob = abs(production_pref)
production[index_production] <- 1
prod <- (-1) * (1 - maintenance) * rdirichlet(1, production)
irow[index_production] <- prod[index_production]
efficiency_matrix[i + sum(trophic_levels[0:(j - 1)]), ] <- irow
# automatically generate consumption of next level according to
# the production of this level
if (j < length(trophic_levels)) {
if (j + 1 > length(list_auto_trophic_preference) || is.null(trophic_preferences[[j + 1]])) {
eff_mat <- efficiency_matrix[seq_len(n_species_this_level) + sum(trophic_levels[seq(0, j - 1, 1)]), ]
eff_mat[eff_mat > 0] <- 0
eff_mat <- -eff_mat
list_auto_trophic_preference[[j + 1]] <- colSums(eff_mat)
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