fs <- list.files("~/Rpackages/RPA/RPA/R/", full.names = TRUE, pattern = ".R$")
for (f in fs) {source(f)}
#cels <- sample(list.celfiles("~/data/RPA/LukkAtlas/", full.names = T), 300)
#emat.rpa <- exprs(rpa(cel.files = cels))
#colnames(emat.rpa) <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(emat.rpa), "/"), function (x) {x[[2]]})
#colnames(emat.rpa) <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(emat.rpa), "\\."), function (x) {x[[1]]})
load(emat.files[["rma"]]) # emat.rma
emat.rpa <- emat.rpa.online.storage
N <- 10
classif.method <- "random.forest"
accs <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = 2)
colnames(accs) <- c("rma", "rpa")
for (cvn in 1:N) {
# Split training/test data
train.samples <- sample(colnames(emat.rpa), floor(ncol(emat.rpa)*0.8))
test.samples <- setdiff(colnames(emat.rpa), train.samples)
for (method in c("rpa", "rma")) {
# Pick data for the selected method
if (method == "rpa") { emat <- emat.rpa} # version used in the other experiments
if (method == "rma") { emat <- emat.rma[, colnames(emat.rpa)]}
# Select random subset of genes to speed up
all.sets <- removeAFFX(rownames(emat))
gene.subset <- sample(all.sets, round(0.1*length(all.sets)))
#gene.subset <- sample(all.sets, 1000)
# Random forest
# Training data
train.data <- data.frame(cbind(t(emat[gene.subset, train.samples])))
train.data$classInfo <- factor(cl[train.samples])
# Test data
test.data <- t(emat[gene.subset, test.samples])
colnames(test.data) <- paste("X", colnames(test.data), sep = "")
# Fit the model
rf <- randomForest(classInfo ~ ., data = train.data, importance = FALSE, proximity = FALSE, ntree = 500)
# Test prediction on test data
pred <- predict(rf, test.data)
acc <- mean(pred == cl[test.samples])
accs[cvn, method] <- acc
print(paste(cvn, method, acc))
#save(accs, class.minsize, file = "accs.minsize5.RData")
o <- order(apply(accs, 2, mean))
accs <- accs[,o]
df <- data.frame(accs); df$fold <- 1:10
df <- melt(df, id = c("fold"))
df$method <- df$variable
ggplot(df) + aes(x = method, y = value, group = method, fill = method) + geom_boxplot()
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