#' @title hyperparameter.update
#' @description Update hyperparameters Update shape (alpha) and scale (beta) parameters of the inverse gamma distribution.
#' @param dat A probes x samples matrix (probeset).
#' @param alpha Shape parameter of inverse gamma density for the probe variances.
#' @param beta Scale parameter of inverse gamma density for the probe variances.
#' @param th Convergence threshold.
#' @details Shape update: alpha <- alpha + T/2; Scale update: beta <- alpha * s2 where s2 is the updated variance for each probe (the mode of variances is given by beta/alpha). The variances (s2) are updated by EM type algorithm, see s2.update.
#'@return A list with elements alpha, beta (corresponding to the shape and scale parameters of inverse gamma distribution, respectively).
#' @seealso s2.update, rpa.online
#' @references See citation("RPA")
#' @author Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@@iki.fi}
#' @examples #
#'## Generate and fit toydata, learn hyperparameters
#'#P <- 11 # number of probes
#'#N <- 5000 # number of arrays
#'#real <- sample.probeset(P = P, n = N, shape = 3, scale = 1, mu.real = 4)
#'#dat <- real$dat # probes x samples#
#'## Set priors
#'#alpha <- 1e-2
#'#beta <- rep(1e-2, P)
#'## Operate in batches
#'#step <- 1000
#'#for (ni in seq(1, N, step)) {
#'# batch <- ni:(ni+step-1)
#'# hp <- hyperparameter.update(dat[,batch], alpha, beta, th = 1e-2)
#'# alpha <- hp$alpha
#'# beta <- hp$beta
#'## Final variance estimate
#'#s2 <- beta/alpha
#'## Compare real and estimated variances
#'#plot(sqrt(real$tau2), sqrt(s2), main = cor(sqrt(real$tau2), sqrt(s2))); abline(0,1)
#' @export
#' @keywords utilities
hyperparameter.update <- function (dat, alpha, beta, th = 1e-2) {
# dat: probes x samples matrix
# Estimate s2 with EM-type procedure
s2 <- s2.update(dat, alpha, beta, s2.init = beta/alpha, th = th)
# Update hyperparams:
alpha <- update.alpha(ncol(dat), alpha)
#beta <- alpha * s2 # from the mode of s2, i.e. beta/alpha
# return updated hyperparameters
list(alpha = alpha, beta = alpha * s2)
update.alpha <- function (T, alpha) { alpha + T/2 }
update.beta <- function (R, beta, mode = "robust") {
# FIXME: mode = "approx" into default if considerable speedups without remarkable compromises
if (mode == "approx") {
# ML estimate, see for instance Bishop p. 100, eqs. 2.150-2.151
# of variance ((sum(x-x.mean)^2)/n)
# Note R already assumed to be zero-mean (S = d + N(0, s2))
# This is same as apply(R, 2, var) except we use 1/n while var uses 1/(n-1)
# Note: this approximation ignores marginalization over the reference sample
beta + colSums(R^2)/2
} else if (mode == "robust") {
# update beta with posterior mean
# assuming alpha, beta(hat) are given
betahat.f(beta, R)
betahat.f <- function (beta, R) {
r.colsums <- colSums(R)
r2.colsums <- colSums(R^2)
beta + 0.5*(r2.colsums - r.colsums^2 / (nrow(R) + 1))
# NOTE: by definition, r.colsums ~ 0 by expectation
# since R = S - d etc. Therefore we have approximation
# beta + r2.colsums/2
# beta + (N/2)*(r2.colsums/N)
# beta + (N/2)* variance(R)
# vrt. (N/2)*var = 0.5*(N * var) = 0.5 * sum(s^2)
s2.update <- function (dat, alpha = 1e-2, beta = 1e-2, s2.init = NULL, th = 1e-2, maxloop = 1e6) {
if (is.null(s2.init)) { s2.init <- rep(1, length(beta)) }
s2 <- s2.init
epsilon <- Inf
n <- ncol(dat)
ndot <- n-1
#n.sqrt <- sqrt(n)
loopcnt <- 0
while (epsilon > th && loopcnt < maxloop) {
s2.old <- s2
# Generalized EM; should be sufficient to improve by using the
# mode of d (mu.hat) instead of sampling from d (d is a long
# vector anyway, giving sufficiently many instances); updating with
# the mode here as complete sampling would slow down computation
# considerably, probably without much gain in performance in this
# case.
d <- d.update.fast(dat, s2)
s2hat <- s2hat(s2)
# optimize s2; regularize observed variance by adding small
# constant on observed variances; use here s2hat as an adaptive
# lower bound (s2hat is variance of the mean). The regularization
# is needed as with the current implementation (which uses mode of
# d instead of full sampling over d space) optimization gets
# sometimes stuck to local optima, collapsing s2 -> 0 for one of
# the probes (about 1e-4~1e-5 occurrence frequency); the prior
# does not seem to prevent this here.
s2.obs <- s2obs(dat, d, ndot) + s2hat
k <- ndot / s2.obs
s2 <- abs(optim(s2, fn = s2.neglogp, ndot = ndot, alpha = alpha, beta.inv = 1/beta, k = k, method = "BFGS")$par)
# FIXME: check if 'optimize' would be faster?
epsilon <- max(abs(s2 - s2.old))
loopcnt <- loopcnt + 1
s2hat <- function (s2) { 1 / sum(1 / s2) }
s2.neglogp <- function (s2, ndot, alpha, beta.inv, k) {
# Remove sign; s2 always >0
s2 <- abs(s2)
# mode of s2 ((N-1) * s2 / s2.obs ~ chisq_(N-1) and mode is df - 2, here df = N-1)
log.likelihood <- dchisq(s2 * k, df = ndot, log = TRUE)
log.prior <- dgamma(1/s2, shape = alpha, scale = beta.inv, log = TRUE) # beta.inv <- 1/beta
# minimize -logP; separately for each probe likelihood + prior
-(sum(log.likelihood + log.prior))
s2obs <- function (dat, d, ndot) {
# Center the probes to obtain approximation:
# x = d + mu.abs + mu.affinity + epsilon.reference + epsilon.samples
# by centering we remove mu.abs + mu.affinity + epsilon.reference
# with large sample size it is safe to assume that epsilon.reference = 0
# so this does not affect the results, compared to the exact solution
# where the variance in epsilon is estimated also including epsilon.reference ie.
# x = d + epsilon.reference + epsilon.samples
# which would just shift x little but as it is marginalized in the treatment the
# result will converge to estimating variance from
# x = d + epsilon.samples when N -> Inf. Therefore, we use:
# datc <- t(centerData(t(dat)))
datc <- centerData(t(dat) - d)
# avoid getting stuck to local optima with d (occurs sometimes ~
# 1e-4) by adding small constant on observed variance (which should
# never be 0 in real data) seems that the prior term does not always
# prevent such collapse with the current implementation; can
# probably be improved so that regularization is cpompletely handled
# by the prior (FIXME)
#s2 + 1e-3
# Provide compiled version of approximate beta update
beta.fast <- function (beta, R) {
beta + colSums(R^2)/2
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