#' @title Summarize probedata
#' @description Summarize phylogenetic microarray probe-level data from given input folder.
#' @param data.dir Data folder.
#' @param probedata probe-level data matrix in absolute domain
#' @param taxonomy probe taxonomy
#' @param level Summarization level
#' @param method Summarization method
#' @param probe.parameters Precalculater probe parameters. Optional.
#' @return data matrix (taxa x samples)
#' @export
#' @importFrom phyloseq tax_table
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #library(microbiome)
#' #data.directory <- system.file("extdata", package = "microbiome")
#' # Read oligo-level data (here: simulated example data)
#' #probedata <- read_hitchip(data.directory, method = "frpa")$probedata
#' # Read phylogeny map
#' # NOTE: use phylogeny.filtered for species/L1/L2 summarization
#' # Load taxonomy from output directory
#' #taxonomy <- GetPhylogeny("HITChip", "filtered")
#' # Summarize oligos into higher level phylotypes
#' #dat <- summarize_probedata(
#' # probedata = probedata,
#' # taxonomy = taxonomy,
#' # method = "rpa",
#' # level = "species")
#' #}
#' @references See citation('microbiome')
#' @author Contact: Leo Lahti \email{microbiome-admin@@googlegroups.com}
#' @keywords utilities
summarize_probedata <- function(data.dir = NULL, probedata = NULL, taxonomy = NULL, level, method, probe.parameters = NULL) {
# message(paste("Reading Chip data from", data.dir))
# If the data is not given as input, read it from the data directory
if (method == "frpa" && is.null(probe.parameters)) {
message("Loading pre-calculated RPA preprocessing parameters")
probes <- unique(taxonomy[, "oligoID"])
rpa.hitchip.species.probe.parameters <- list()
load(system.file("extdata/probe.parameters.rda", package = "HITChipDB"))
probe.parameters <- rpa.hitchip.species.probe.parameters
# Ensure we use only those parameters that are in the filtered phylogeny
for (bac in names(probe.parameters)) {
probe.parameters[[bac]] <- probe.parameters[[bac]][intersect(names(probe.parameters[[bac]]), probes)]
# Read probe-level data
if (is.null(probedata)) {
f <- paste(data.dir, "/oligoprofile.tab", sep = "")
tab <- read.csv(f, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", row.names = 1, as.is = TRUE)
colnames(tab) <- unlist(strsplit(readLines(f, 1), "\t"))[-1]
probedata <- tab
# Read taxonomy table
if (is.null(taxonomy)) {
f <- paste(data.dir, "/taxonomy.tab", sep = "")
tab <- read.csv(f, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", as.is = TRUE)
# Convert into phyloseq taxonomyTable format
taxonomy <- tax_table(as.matrix(tab))
# Summarize probes through species level
if (method %in% c("rpa", "frpa")) {
# RPA at species or L6 level only
if ("species" %in% names(taxonomy)) {low <- "species"}
if ("L6" %in% names(taxonomy)) {low <- "L6"}
otu <- summarize.rpa(taxonomy, level = low, probedata, verbose = TRUE, probe.parameters = probe.parameters)$abundance.table
otu.orig <- otu
# Then sum up to the higher level
higher <- levelmap(rownames(otu), from = low, to = level, taxonomy)
otu <- t(sapply(split(otu, higher), function (x) {colSums(matrix(x, ncol = ncol(otu)))}))
colnames(otu) <- colnames(otu.orig)
} else if (method == "sum") {
otu <- summarize.sum(taxonomy, level, probedata, verbose = TRUE, downweight.ambiguous.probes = TRUE)$abundance.table
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